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Your weirdest first date experience?


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Had a first date just yesterday, the girl turned up with her two-year old daughter as chaperone. We ordered lunch and before dessert she said I could marry her but there was one provisio. I had to wait between 5-10 years because she had to pay back a 500k debt to her parents.

I nearly fell off my chair with laughter at her not so subtle approach. Later checking out her facebook profile, she had posted a pic of her thai bf just 3 days earlier, under which she had written the caption "The person I love the most".

I posted her a facebook message saying that 5-10 years wasperhaps a bit too long for me to wait for her. She hasn't called me back since.

Haha, where on earth did you meet this gem?

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I met another girl from up country..asked her for dinner, she asked if her family could come, I said how big is your family! she answered with, my mama has 11 sisters and my papa has.....I said I wasn't feeling well maybe have a raincheck on the date. I still feel sick thinking about it!

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I don't interact socially with Thai people.

If you can't speak clear English, I won't speak to you socially.

With Thais I am a customer, their social status is irrelevant to any of my transactions.

you should change your username to bitterManToo

Does not wanting to associate socially with non-English speakers really indicate such a change as necessary.

it does sound a little pompus my old chap,,,,,

this is thailand what do you expect the to talk????

ive had some very very good times shagging interacting with thai people


I would not have put it quite so pompously. But I don't date people I can't communicate with in English either. There are enough barriers to communication already.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I had a date with an Islander (Polynesian) girl who brought her aunt as chaperone. The evening went well. Aunty didn't intrude into the conversation, but Girl did address her from time to time. Late into the night, driving them home, Girl wants to use a phone booth to make a call. Sitting in the dark in the car waiting for her, Aunty makes a move, and we did it in the car. Girl comes back, and all is normal......

Was it a long phone call ?

About 2 minutes actually-he "got off" just as she was about to remove her underwear LOL clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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I met a 45 years old woman on the Internet. I am older and fat, but I like beautiful women. On her picture she looked fine, and we set a date for lunch. She asked if she can bring a friend with her ..and I said OK.

She shows up with her friend. I am tall. She was short and ugly. Her friend was in the same age, but very tall, slender, stunning beautiful, and very playful. I only have eyes for her, and kept just talking and given attention to her......

The next day, the ugly woman calls me, asking me for a second date....and asking me why I just ignored her the day before.....

I just responded.....Well..if I have to bring a friend to a first date....I will not bring Antonio Bandeiras with me....Never heard from her again....and I just kept dreaming in meet her friend some day...Never happen.

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I have had a few dates in the other end of the spectrum, where the girl probably thanked her lucky star for getting home alone. After all dating is a two-way street.

A friend of mine had arrived a week ahead of me and was already "dating" a girl when I touched down in Sukhumvit. His girl had an older friend that was very eager to meet this freshly arrived farang. My date was around 30, well dressed, had some kind of day time sales job and a car. A very nice girl, but I just came from the oilfield salt mines in Siberia and was in high gear party mood.

We started out with the mandantory dinner and since she had a car it was the grand plan we should explore some of the bigger discos away from Sukhumvit. But first a few drinks, bar hopping and even more drinks. At some point we were seated at one of the road side tables along Sukhumvit for a midnight dinner. Food and beers had just arrived when my plastic chair gave away and I took the whole table with me down. I was covered in tom-yum-goong, beers, burning charcoal, rice and what not.

The night did go on and we did drive around in her car to a few late night discos, but I can imagine how this first date must have looked from her point of view.

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I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand.

In the OP you said it was the Mother/sister, not the Aunt.

So which one was it?

Get the story straight!

Dear David48,

"mother-sister" is not a real English word.

I am assuming that she meant aunt.

Anyway glad yours went better than mine. Now I think, she did say she was from the northeast somewhere, not Bangkok. Maybe its more normal up there. Personally im impressed that I lasted 15 minutes!

How did you excuse yourself and did you have any communication afterwards?

I blazed through my drink, said I had a yoga class and that it was nice to meet them both. It was obvious it was just an excuse, but I tried to leave as politely as possible.

Actually I got a message from the girl yesterday or the day before, apologizing about it. Said she wasn't confident speaking English and wanted some help, and didn't mean to surprise me.

I'm not sure whether it is true or not, her aunt didn't speak English good at all, but nice that she appreciates it was an odd situation.

Interesting seeing other peoples experiences! I'm glad I haven't had anyone try and pull a 'free meal scam' with their friends, sounds like it would be a tricky one.

Edited by celso
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30 something internet girl (Japanese) Picture looks fine, you know how that is. Agree to meet at a Hotel lobby cafe. She is down "with a friend" and asks if friend can come along. All normal so far. Turns out she is down with her whole family, shows up with Dad, Mum, Big Sis and a German hubby, and two kids. They all appeared to me as average, normal people.

The girl is extremely skinny (think eating disorder) and socially awkward. She has cut her hair by herself and it 'aint pretty at all, not stylish or artistic, just pathetic and weird. Some J-girls have funky teeth, but hers are literally orange, like a california navel from Topps market. I think she may actualy have been retarted. Girl probably has never been with a man, no way.

The conversation consisted only of detailed questioning from parents, of course, they are all very nice. The girl just sitting there smiling with orange teeth. I then agree to take the Mum and her alone in my car to some shopping center. Then we got some time to chat and the girl really wanted me to come meet her when I am in Tokyo, It would have been hard to say no directly. Although I did not respond she sent chaotic keitai mail messages, the old 2G kind that glitter with dozens of tiny icons and smileys, for months and months.. That was the strangest. Then there was the time I picked up this chick and she brought her little dog.

Edited by arunsakda
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30 something internet girl (Japanese) Picture looks fine, you know how that is. Agree to meet at a Hotel lobby cafe. She is down "with a friend" and asks if friend can come along. All normal so far. Turns out she is down with her whole family, shows up with Dad, Mum, Big Sis and a German hubby, and two kids. They all appeared to me as average, normal people.

The girl is extremely skinny (think eating disorder) and socially awkward. She has cut her hair by herself and it 'aint pretty at all, not stylish or artistic, just pathetic and weird. Some J-girls have funky teeth, but hers are literally orange, like a california navel from Topps market. I think she may actualy have been retarted. Girl probably has never been with a man, no way.

The conversation consisted only of detailed questioning from parents, of course, they are all very nice. The girl just sitting there smiling with orange teeth. I then agree to take the Mum and her alone in my car to some shopping center. Then we got some time to chat and the girl really wanted me to come meet her when I am in Tokyo, It would have been hard to say no directly. Although I did not respond she sent chaotic keitai mail messages, the old 2G kind that glitter with dozens of tiny icons and smileys, for months and months.. That was the strangest. Then there was the time I picked up this chick and she brought her little dog.

Next time go out with a JAL air hostess as they are quite charming and decent.

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30 something internet girl (Japanese) Picture looks fine, you know how that is. Agree to meet at a Hotel lobby cafe. She is down "with a friend" and asks if friend can come along. All normal so far. Turns out she is down with her whole family, shows up with Dad, Mum, Big Sis and a German hubby, and two kids. They all appeared to me as average, normal people.

The girl is extremely skinny (think eating disorder) and socially awkward. She has cut her hair by herself and it 'aint pretty at all, not stylish or artistic, just pathetic and weird. Some J-girls have funky teeth, but hers are literally orange, like a california navel from Topps market. I think she may actualy have been retarted. Girl probably has never been with a man, no way.

The conversation consisted only of detailed questioning from parents, of course, they are all very nice. The girl just sitting there smiling with orange teeth. I then agree to take the Mum and her alone in my car to some shopping center. Then we got some time to chat and the girl really wanted me to come meet her when I am in Tokyo, It would have been hard to say no directly. Although I did not respond she sent chaotic keitai mail messages, the old 2G kind that glitter with dozens of tiny icons and smileys, for months and months.. That was the strangest. Then there was the time I picked up this chick and she brought her little dog.

Next time go out with a JAL air hostess as they are quite charming and decent.

Ex wife. I am an airline Captain with experience in this area. I have not given up totally but most Japanese flight attendants in my age range yet unmarried or divorced are psycho, cat/dog ranchers or plain unattractive, IMHO. Edited by arunsakda
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it all depends on the level of society you interact with. seems your experience is limited to the lower echelons

I'm thinking everyone on TV interacts with the same level of Thai society.

Some are honest about it, some aren't.

What makes you say that?

It's very obvious that many people on here mix with poor Thais but that doesn't mean we all do.

Did you mix with the poor in your home country? If not why would you do it here in Thailand?

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it all depends on the level of society you interact with. seems your experience is limited to the lower echelons

I'm thinking everyone on TV interacts with the same level of Thai society.

Some are honest about it, some aren't.

What makes you say that?

It's very obvious that many people on here mix with poor Thais but that doesn't mean we all do.

Did you mix with the poor in your home country? If not why would you do it here in Thailand?

To some people everybody are poor.

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Some people's heads are so far up there own ar@e.

Not mixing with poor people? I mix with decent people....irrelevant of social status.

You completely missed the point of my comment, then again as the whole thread of the comment was missing I can't blame you... it obviously didn't make complete sense.

ggt said - Good or bad...do not apply here...It is just the way many Thais perceive farangs...farangs are meant to be exploited...no qualms about padding a dinner bill or any other purchases...the ATM machine is spitting out money...all aboard...

To which Pokerkid replied - it all depends on the level of society you interact with. seems your experience is limited to the lower echelons

Then BritManToo replied - I'm thinking everyone on TV interacts with the same level of Thai society. Some are honest about it, some aren't.

In order to mix with a type of person you need a reason, I don't mix with poor Thais because what reason would I have to meet them and start trying to make friends with them in the first place? Our paths have no reason to cross.

However If my path did cross with them would I treat them with any less respect or any less decency? of course not. But I'm never going to be great friends with them either.

The insinuation from Britmantoo was that all Farangs in Thailand are busy socialising with the lower levels of Thai society, ie bar girls and their poor families. I was merely pointing out that some of us don't move in those circles at all.

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30 something internet girl (Japanese) Picture looks fine, you know how that is. Agree to meet at a Hotel lobby cafe. She is down "with a friend" and asks if friend can come along. All normal so far. Turns out she is down with her whole family, shows up with Dad, Mum, Big Sis and a German hubby, and two kids. They all appeared to me as average, normal people.

The girl is extremely skinny (think eating disorder) and socially awkward. She has cut her hair by herself and it 'aint pretty at all, not stylish or artistic, just pathetic and weird. Some J-girls have funky teeth, but hers are literally orange, like a california navel from Topps market. I think she may actualy have been retarted. Girl probably has never been with a man, no way.

The conversation consisted only of detailed questioning from parents, of course, they are all very nice. The girl just sitting there smiling with orange teeth. I then agree to take the Mum and her alone in my car to some shopping center. Then we got some time to chat and the girl really wanted me to come meet her when I am in Tokyo, It would have been hard to say no directly. Although I did not respond she sent chaotic keitai mail messages, the old 2G kind that glitter with dozens of tiny icons and smileys, for months and months.. That was the strangest. Then there was the time I picked up this chick and she brought her little dog.

What did the German guy say about all this, he must have thought it was all quite odd him being there?

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my italian mate went to meet a girl who turned up with three friends. all they wanted to do was go to a restaurant - quite an expensive one. then they expected him to pick up the tab for all of them.

as he had not invited or been told about the friends he wasn't going to pay for them but would pay for his date. she kicked off and was bad mannered so he said he wasnt paying for her either.

he had the feeling it was a 'free meal' scam she/they had pulled before.

Bringing friends and family members to a meal with a farang...is very common...you may not be spoken to at all by the girls family and friends...and when you pickup the massive tab...some of them may actually acknowledge your presence...this is Thailand...

An idiot is an idiot in any country .........

If a girl arrived with a massive family and ordered a shitload of food at my expense i would order a beer only

gulp it down and ask for MY bill ...........and LEAVE .........

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Do you think its fair to drive off if you see the friend stood next to her on a date?

most of my dates of the internet are just 1 girl on her own, but last week it was a date with a friend as well - I went along with it and paid up but got no thanks from either girls at the end of dinner / drinks... I understand she might have been a great girl, but I would like to hear that she is bringing a friend first and also a bit of thanks at the end of the meal.

Think I am going to try and find out if she is alone or with friend next time - i'm gonna ask are you coming alone - then if not, i'm going to just drive past them both

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