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Thais ranked as fourth heaviest drinkers in the world


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This is not accurate. Number one is Moldova. They do drink. In the country people make tons of wine just for one family of 4 to 10. No nation can over drink them.


According to the link Thailand is ranked as number 77, but not near to 4. Bad report indeed. Ukraine is classed as number 4!

You are right, Thunder.

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This is not accurate. Number one is Moldova. They do drink. In the country people make tons of wine just for one family of 4 to 10. No nation can over drink them.


According to the link Thailand is ranked as number 77, but not near to 4. Bad report indeed. Ukraine is classed as number 4!

According to that list, Australia is #44, US #57 and China #96. Yes China at number 96.

Those figures are questionable at best. There is an "unrecorded consumption" column based on empirical evidence and expert judgement(!). BS by WHO.

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Like whisky to the Red Indians, they just wanted to fight, and i presume if they'd had motorbikes ride off into the sunset and kill themselves . They just could'nt handle it , but they could ride a horse extremely well, intoxicated. ! lol

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I don't really agree with those figures, I had the opportunity to travel around the world for the last 20 years and on what I reed on this topic is absolutely untrue...please follow the link below and you can see that Thailand is number 77 in the world...all the Europeans, USA and Australians are well above the consumption rank.


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I wouldnt put too much thought into anything Euromonitor produces to be fair, made up most of it.

In a proper table half of Eastern Europe would rank above Thailand.

And some Western Europe as well....I am sure Austria tops Thailand.

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Those statistic values are worth nothing. All over Europe or the Americas men and women drink alcohol. I estimate, that in Thailand maybe only 50 per cent of the women drink alcohol. Not to mention all these serious amounts of jadong being produced and consumed in Thailand.

A serious statistic would take in account the percentage of women drinking and the amount of jadaong or Charlies moonshine is being consumed. Everything else is just bullshit from Texas.

In Thailand I would say only 25% of the women drink and only 50 % of the men.

A lot of the middle age conservative middle class men, just don't drink. Or just for special celebrations. While in many countries say 80% of the population drinks every day some alcohol, but they also have the same amount of heavy drinkers as the Thais.

So yes it is just bs

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This must be a ranking of spirits drunk per capita. The category of "spirits" excludes whiskey, vodka, beer, etc.

That's why Korea is ranked number 1, soju is a national drink. C'mon, does anyone actually think people in Thailand drink more than people in eastern Europe? More than in Ireland? This is talking about a specific kind of alcohol, not about total alcohol consumption. There was a very similar new story to this a few months back on thaivisa. Are the reporters recycling stories here?


And not that we should believe everything in Wikipedia, but there Thailand is ranked #77 for total alcohol consumption.

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This is misleading. While they may get in more dodgy liquor per capita, I bet no Asian country makes it up on any list where consumption of beer is concerned. Any pleb can knock back a shot of medicine (especially when accompanied by 10x as much soda), but it takes serious skill and stamina to do 12-15 pints of Guinness wink.png

And a rather large belly no doubt?

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Thais were found to be the fourth hardest drinkers at 4.5 shots per week, closely trailing behind South Korea, Russia, and the Philippines.

Russians don't drink more than Thais. 100% bullshit.

Because you have many Thai male friends and many Russian friends and know both worlds intimately?

So many experts here on international drinking. Go figure!

coz I'm russian and I see the difference.

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Not sure how this study is compiled. Liquor sales in Thailand would include ex-pats and tourists on holiday who are

always heave drinkers. But a lot of country Thais drink moonshine. So no official sales/taxes. rolleyes.gif

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One wonders what the criteria were for this ' study ' . It is absurd; whilst i could accept the S Korea could make out a case, alcohol consumption is easily highest per capita in Europe in general and Eastern Europe in particular, based on many studies. As incomes rise in Thailand so will alcohol consumption but it would take years for this to happen. Given the culture here where so many people do not drink at all, even socially, this is not likely. A far, far greater cause for health concern as incomes and living standards rise is the likelihood that Thailand and other parts of Asia will suffer a fast food/ processed food fuelled obesity epidemic that will begin to mirror the disasters now being realised in the West. The overfeeding of children with inappropriate food and drinks is already rampant among the emerging middle class in Thailand and worryingly the very great majority see no problem with this, in fact the complete opposite. Alcohol could be a problem but food will be the ultimate killer.

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Explanations for every one:

The studies was about "shot of liquor" that is to say "strong alcohol in one shot" not general consumption of other alcohols at all !

not beer for instance or wine, easy to understand when reading this sentences: Despite Britain's international reputation for heavy drinking, the UK was only the 20th heaviest drinking nation when it came to shots. However, while the South Koreans are the heaviest drinkers when it comes to hard liquor, they are 13th heaviest drinkers overall, according to the World Health Organisation.


So the journalists are incapable to read an article properly here is the link to alcohol consumption per countries of course Thailand is not number 4, or yes, but only for "shots" in this survey.


If no one gives a link to the study its for the simple reason that it is not free, one have to buy it!

Edited by Tchooptip
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Not sure how this study is compiled.

they did a lab test with some mice dressed in various national flags, and left them in the room with a big bowel of whisky for a week, then tested their blood

i'm not 100% sure they actually did it like this, but whatever they did, the results weren't any more accurate

Edited by brit1984
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Brits are way more drunk that thais.

hey... are you posting at me?... do you know who i am?... i like your hat... are you michael jackson?... can you sing something for me?.... dangerous dangerous... what did you say?... hey hey

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Not sure how this study is compiled. Liquor sales in Thailand would include ex-pats and tourists on holiday who are

always heave drinkers. But a lot of country Thais drink moonshine. So no official sales/taxes. rolleyes.gif

i too was once a heave drinker,after a night on mekong whisky i heaved the whole of the next day.

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Brits are way more drunk that thais.

Don't think so fella,, the no smoking law is killing the pub culture in the UK. Things are not what they used to be with Friday and Saturday night binge drinking.

I see far more Thais drinking during the day then in the UK, and at night it's every night of the week I see drunk Thai's, not so much in the UK.

The Brits have had a bad reputation for irresponsible behavior after drinking, I am ashamed to say it was well deserved but its not like that so much anymore. Maybe 10 or 20 years ago I would have agreed with you but there are far heavier drinking nations nowadays, including Thailand.

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The reasons people drink is often down to boredom. When I return to my second home in Isaan drinking is my only pastime even though I am not by nature a drinker. Haven't got drunk for 50 years following playing rugby.

If you lead a busy life drinking takes a back seat, but how do I keep busy living with my out-laws and speaking little Thai?

Can't agree with an earlier comment that Thai women drink very moderately. All the women that form my extended family can and do drink me under the table every evening

Fortunately it doesn't seem to make them aggressive only more sexually playful having lost their innate inhibitions

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