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I am looking for dental implant service in BKK and I would like any recomendations both good or bad as it is very difficult to find competent implant dentist at good price. Anyone on this forum have any experience in having dental implants in Bangkok. Please share with me.

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Hi Mikemellow, I got one made in Thantakit. Very professional, competitive price and good result. The only thing you have to be careful with is the size of the artificial tooth/crown which will be placed on the implant. The tendency is to make it too small, smaller than necessary. It, of course has its advantages for the dentist: immediate fit... I have heard this from other persons who got implants made in Bkk (in other clinics as well). I wish I would have known it earlier so I could have asked the dentist for proper sizing. However, the functionality is not impaired...


There are many dentists offering dental implants. But the question is do they really use the proper titanium base? If they don't the implants wont last long. The base is made in the US and alone costs a lot. I would say a proper implant would cost at least Bt100,000 per tooth. I paid Bt120,000 in Australia done by a dentist friend of mine , Suggest you try a large private hospital like Bumrungrad who won't cheat you. .


I recommend that you avoid Thantikit. I had some work done there several years ago and the bridge and caps made by the dental technician didn't fit very well. They were too bulky and the dentist had to grind on them quite a bit to get them to fit. They still felt too large in my mouth and my dentist in Japan had to grind them down further until they felt comfortable in my mouth. The cost was quite high too. Why not try Bumrungrad?


For sure get a few quotes.

The dental clinic in Param 9 hospital is ecellent and I would suggest much cheaper than your first choice.


Bangkok International Dental Hospital has the implantologyst' who are also professors at university that teach most Dr. who do implants here . Researched this for many years before I started mine and learned much . So many other places are actually dangerous . Get cone 3D scan and take to many places and do homework and see if you too not find Bangkok International Dental hospital unmatched .

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I have a friend who had a horrible experience with getting implants in Bangkok International Dental Clinic.

However, better to get recommendations for dentists rather than for clinics or hospitals. There are good doctors and bad doctors in all facilities.



If your story is accurate please give details or have the person who experienced this post . I find it hard to believe and there can be complications is people getting implants that do not follow Dr's specific instructions or is a smoker . Many variables and dentist doing implants are not as skilled as oral surgeons who specialize in impantology like the ones at BIDC ( some doing implants almost 20 years and thousands with a failure rate less than 5% like Dr. I have researched and had experience with . If your friend got hurt or had bad experience please share so we can all learn because stories get spread at times that are not so accurate and then opportunity is lost for many . Thanks for your post and look forward to some solid details thanks ?

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Looking forward to the details about the experience that was mentioned here at Bangkok International Dental Center from the member who posted earlier or anyone for that matter ? Place I felt was a major find for me after interviewing so many different facilities in Bangkok I felt but learn I know almost nothing at times and want to investigate things as much as possible , thanks !

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I have a friend who had a horrible experience with getting implants in Bangkok International Dental Clinic.

However, better to get recommendations for dentists rather than for clinics or hospitals. There are good doctors and bad doctors in all facilities.

What was the experience? What are the details? This post has little value to me without more details. Can your friend reply? Thanks


For sure get a few quotes.

The dental clinic in Param 9 hospital is ecellent and I would suggest much cheaper than your first choice.

PARAM 9 is only cheaper if you are Thai. If you are a foreigner they want to price expensive almost the same as the price is to do implants in the USA. Pricing higher for a foreigner is not a good way to bring in foreign business.


I have a friend who had a horrible experience with getting implants in Bangkok International Dental Clinic.

However, better to get recommendations for dentists rather than for clinics or hospitals. There are good doctors and bad doctors in all facilities.

What was the experience? What are the details? This post has little value to me without more details. Can your friend reply? Thanks

interested to hear what happened, Shakun. As for myself i have used Bangkok Smile Dental for years and would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone looking for extensive dental work.


Hi Lumbini, I am glad to post more but without mentioning any names. It is up to you what you make out of it...

My friend underwent procedures for an implant for 2 teeth and 1 'inbetween' (sorry, if I am using the incorrect term) plus a root canal in one session. She was in the chair for 7 consecutive hours. The doctor was one of the seniors.The implant procedure resulted in a dislocated jaw which made itself felt by persistent headache and latent pain in the jaw. When she consulted a dentist in her home country she had to undergo a lengthy treatment of several months to rectify the consequences of the dislocated jaw and the resulting "wrong" bite. On top of that, the crowns (on the implant) were far too small. All in all, a disaster. At home the crowns were removed and she had to wear a device in her mouth for quite some time, then everything done again. She now has her health back. The horrendous cost she had to bear are her least concern.

The learning for me is: Don't let yourself be talked into doing everything in "one go". Get an impression of the bedside manner and the skills of a doctor by going for a minor procedure first. Do your homework before you venture into complicated procedures.



Shakun , thanks for the reply ! I will make a special trip to the BIDC and investigate ASAP ( this week ) , if you could get name of person who did the implant it would be helpful or have the person this happened to write something with Dr.'s name and details so it can be uncovered. If this was the fault of Dr. it could have happened before and every time someone stays quiet it leaves a chance for another to get hurt . When I ask the main manager there it will be interesting to see if they tell me anything and if I have timeframe this happened and Dr.'s name then all can be looked into with both parties getting to tell their account . Implants are great and a real and healthy alternative to dentures and bone loss but it's still new with many Dr.'s and dentist learning on patients at times . The professor / oral surgeon who I found there is well known but there can never be enough questions and real investigation when one is dealing with drilling into the bone around heard and major nerves . I will report

back after I go there and ask with kindness but also no fear as I am going to spend close to or over 1 million doing 8 implants ( bone restoration ) and crowns on all remaining teeth . I have investigated with so much effort and there are many at this facility and I think I found the best place and Dr's and dentist but will investigate even further and see if you can get name of Dr. who did the work and even have your friend post or send you something that you can copy and paste with details . Thank you for your reply .

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Hi Mikemellow, I got one made in Thantakit. Very professional, competitive price and good result. The only thing you have to be careful with is the size of the artificial tooth/crown which will be placed on the implant. The tendency is to make it too small, smaller than necessary. It, of course has its advantages for the dentist: immediate fit... I have heard this from other persons who got implants made in Bkk (in other clinics as well). I wish I would have known it earlier so I could have asked the dentist for proper sizing. However, the functionality is not impaired...

My "implantologist" did this to me as well.

The work was good but Thais will generally make their part of any deal as easy for themselves as they can so if you're not vigilant you can end up with a small molar.

The clinic also pushed unnecessary procedures but backed off when I questioned them.

When they started in with high pressure sales techniques I just laughed at the woman and said, "Hey, I am not going to lie to you and say that I can't pay for all the work you are proposing. I live here. I am just not in a big rush. Let's just see how these two implants go.

And this one here, let's do a root canal instead of an extraction, okay ? Will that have you stepping on anybody's toes here ? You go ahead and book that. I'll deal with Dr. Implant.

Then there was a little bossypants Chula-trained shrew who was out to make a name for herself as giving no-nonsense lectures about who decides which treatment and why. She a beginner but like a lot of Thais in a hierarchy was just playing into the power structure.

All in all the root canal was ok (over-filled but okay) the implants were okay. Two fillings were actually cheaper and the deep-scaling was cheaper and more thorough than my regular dentist.

Not every patient was happy apparently.

On the morning of my implant installation a few months later somebody had heaved a couple of rocks at the place and smashed the doors and a window. Police were investigating. Repair crew was measuring.

Could have just been vandals but the boss was there to monitor.

There were some pretty big Aussies and American Marine types in there as well.

Remember, there are food and accommodation expenses and airfare in addition to any dental work. And, in the case of implants you have to make a second trip. (Better job than the overnight version)

Just for laughs I'm going to try my regular dentist's implantologist associate for my next molar implant.

Really doesn't look all that difficult as long as there's no bone grafting.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


For sure get a few quotes.

The dental clinic in Param 9 hospital is ecellent and I would suggest much cheaper than your first choice.

PARAM 9 is only cheaper if you are Thai. If you are a foreigner they want to price expensive almost the same as the price is to do implants in the USA. Pricing higher for a foreigner is not a good way to bring in foreign business.

I've not found that to be the case at all, for dental or general medical work. My Thai wife is genearally with me so perhaps that makes a difference.

A few friends use Param 9 and they don't find any double pricing.


Shakun , thanks for the reply ! I will make a special trip to the BIDC and investigate ASAP ( this week ) , if you could get name of person who did the implant it would be helpful or have the person this happened to write something with Dr.'s name and details so it can be uncovered. If this was the fault of Dr. it could have happened before and every time someone stays quiet it leaves a chance for another to get hurt . When I ask the main manager there it will be interesting to see if they tell me anything and if I have timeframe this happened and Dr.'s name then all can be looked into with both parties getting to tell their account . Implants are great and a real and healthy alternative to dentures and bone loss but it's still new with many Dr.'s and dentist learning on patients at times . The professor / oral surgeon who I found there is well known but there can never be enough questions and real investigation when one is dealing with drilling into the bone around heard and major nerves . I will report

back after I go there and ask with kindness but also no fear as I am going to spend close to or over 1 million doing 8 implants ( bone restoration ) and crowns on all remaining teeth . I have investigated with so much effort and there are many at this facility and I think I found the best place and Dr's and dentist but will investigate even further and see if you can get name of Dr. who did the work and even have your friend post or send you something that you can copy and paste with details . Thank you for your reply .

What we think we become ...


In spite of all the smoke and mirrors and three-card-monte action to the contrary . . . . . . this is indeed Thailand.

So really anyone on this site who does as you ask and connects a Thai doctor by name to shitty work or unfair pricing can be tracked down sued or much MUCH worse. So first, why would anyone follow the advice of an former patient who would be stoopid enough to do expose himself to that ;-?

So (cough) the question arises (as clearly as do your grammatical "tells" which haven't quite disappeared in spite of years of overseas schooling) . . . . . . . the, um, (cough) question arises as to why you'd encourage someone to expose themselves to the capricious lunacy of the Thai legal system by fingering a dodgy dentist.

(*cough* . . . . . . . damn, gotta do something about that tickle ;-)

Here's the thing: Anybody wedged up enough to afford these implants is likely smart enough to be fully aware of this.

But I have a strange feeling that you know all about that already.

But, thanks again to the poster who mentioned minuscule molar installation.

Along with high pressure marketing and the "package deal" approach pushed by some clinics the small molar issue is a fact.

They always get their money first.

In your pre-OP chats with your implantologist make sure he understands that you want a molar that's the same size as the ones fore and aft of the installation. As well, make sure that there is no major work needed on the neighbouring molars.

If he tries to convince you that "it's Thai culture" to get dinky molars, cut your loses and head for the door and if you can, cancel the Visa charge.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


I will do what I can Donnie to help myself and others to avoid getting hurt needlessly with all the effort I can and if someone was hurt then possibly they will not be afraid to share the experience and Dr's name but that is up to them . If someone honestly gets hurt and does not share experience and Dr.'s name then they leave door open for others to get hurt as they did possibly . Thanks for your post but I chose to encourage honest and carrying openness when it comes to Dr's and the work they do or not do and let go of fear . Thanks again for all the posts .

What we think we become ...


Thanks, Donnie Brasco, for your sensible posts. So the small molar thing is indeed something to warn others about (you are the 3rd person to confirm this). As for the other issue which is far more grave - you are right as well. To confront the doctor in question with the botched up case including name and address of the patient where the info comes from can backfire.

Lumbini, I can ask my friend whether she is ready to share the name of the doctor. But do you really think anyone in BIDC will admit having made mistakes? Dream on...

On another note you can write me in a PM the name of your prospective dentist. With 8 implants lined up I would be careful. Don't rush it.



I will do what I can Donnie to help myself and others to avoid getting hurt needlessly with all the effort I can and if someone was hurt then possibly they will not be afraid to share the experience and Dr's name but that is up to them . If someone honestly gets hurt and does not share experience and Dr.'s name then they leave door open for others to get hurt as they did possibly . Thanks for your post but I chose to encourage honest and carrying openness when it comes to Dr's and the work they do or not do and let go of fear . Thanks again for all the posts .

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A foreigner does not want to get dragged into a lawsuit in this country.

Everybody's business is down these days.

The second most reprehensible Thai business trait is to blame others, especially foreigners for their own failures, shortfalls and decrpitudes. If one were to name and shame a dental clinic here in this forum, not only does one risk being on the wrong end of a libel action here, one might find oneself in a far more serious "dental emergency" than one had bargained for.

Dentists are owed lots of favours.

Ya feel me ;-?

Hurt ? That's up to you, Doc ;-$

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


Shakun thanks for the post I will PM you with the details . I and going Tuesday to find out if manager of facility will share with me what exactly happened and give you details and my implantlogist's name . Spent long time investigating these Dr. / Implantologist and feel they are more capable than those in the states as they have done many more cases for well over 10 years . Experience is really key the Dr. I am I using there has done well over 6000 implants and taught for a decade with only a 5% failure rate mainly from patients smoking and not having proper dental hygiene in the critical healing period when infection can hurt chances of success . Much of the success lies in the patient and preparing bone with graphs if needed and having 3d cones scans that are current ( less than 6 months or redu day of implants ) . Have learned so much and the range of skill in any country is wide as many dentist are starting to preform the surgery ( oral surgeons who specialize really the best way to go as they do so many whole dentist attempt to do it all ) some even without 3d scans with many patients trying to save $ missing much potential with the newer implants and thread designs that are almost twice as much .

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6) Do not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel. Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.

Be very cautious on naming and shaming in Thailand


Very valuable video ( over an hour below

Dental implants are artificial tooth replacements that are used to counter tooth loss. Arun Sharma, BDS, explores new technologies that will improve this procedure. Series: UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public

The link will not copy ( must be some restriction on Thai Visa ? ) you can go to You Tube and search for the UCSF video by imputing title below

Dental Implants : Teeth with Titanium

What we think we become ...


I have a friend who had a horrible experience with getting implants in Bangkok International Dental Clinic.

However, better to get recommendations for dentists rather than for clinics or hospitals. There are good doctors and bad doctors in all facilities.

Please expand on your friends horrible experience. I had two implants done there several years ago. Far less invasive than a root canal.


Just saw this on internet and see Thailand really pushing dental tourism so they would possibly want things to be as safe as possibly so business stays healthy and nothing has medical tourist concerned ?


Anybody’s list cataloguing the reasons to visit Thailand would be a long one indeed. It would include things like “unbelievably delicious food,” “incredible beaches,” “warm, welcoming people,” and “extraordinary nightlife.” Adverbs and adjectives would get a serious workout.

And depending on one’s station in life, their likes and dislikes, and what they want from a vacation, one person’s list could have a completely different look and feel than another’s. For instance, suppose you were someone from a Western country who needed their teeth worked on, but simply couldn’t afford the costs without selling your first-born or taking out a second mortgage? In this case, “affordable dental implants” or something similar might top your list of Thailand’s vacation virtues.

What makes Thailand’s high quality dental clinics so list-worthy and makes the country such a hotspot for dental tourism is much more than just dental implants, of course. Everything your smile could need is on offer at exceptionally low costs – in world-class facilities offering expert treatments which include everything from fillings, bridges, and veneers to orthodontics, periodontal procedures, and complete smile makeovers; and they’ve helped make Thailand one of the most popular places in the world for a dental holiday.

And about those low costs: imagine savings on certain procedures that approach 85%; savings you can parlay into an unbelievable, incredible, warm, welcoming, and extraordinary holiday that extends far beyond the dentist’s chair. Here’s a glimpse of some of the savings you can enjoy from Thailand’s wide array of dental treatments:

A dental crown used for capping a decayed or decaying tooth runs about US$1,200 in Australia, but in Thailand just US$350.

A dental bridge – a common procedure that fills unsightly gaps between healthy teeth – can cost upwards of US$1,400 in the UK, but as low as US$200 in Thailand.

A smile makeover can give your grin a complete overhaul, and in Thailand the repairing, replacing, whitening, straightening, and contouring that goes into the process comes with enormous savings over this popular procedure that can set you back US$25,000 in leading clinics in the West.

And even with a simple root canal, Thailand’s professional dentists ensure that you feel no pain in your mouth, or wallet, with costs that can save you 80% off the US$1,000 you’ll pay per tooth in America.

Keep in mind too that it’s not just the dental care that makes the “list” in Thailand. The country is actually the world’s #1 overall medical tourism destination, well known for its superiority and affordability in things like cosmetic/plastic surgery, anti-aging care, medical & wellness spas, dermatology, holistic & alternative medicine, and so much more.

Amazing Thailand: where the beautiful beaches, the Buddhist temples, the Bangkok nightlife, and even a trip to the dentist seem like paradise with quality and savings that leave you smiling ear-to-ear.

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