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PM Yingluck is confident that there will be no political vacuum

Lite Beer

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she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

I love clever sarcasm,please tell me you are being sarcastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

I love clever sarcasm,please tell me you are being sarcastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These were words spoken by him as he was drifting under anesthetic - having just finished the book Alice in wonderland giggle.gif

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she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

The strength with which she bursts into tears tells you how much stress she has been under. Remarkable job. I doubt that a real prime minister could keep going under the same conditions.

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she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

Sorry binjalin she is already taken by Anusorn.

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PM Yingluck is confident that there will be no political vacuum

WHY? Because it’s all in her head.

She also said that there are several high profile figures who are ready to take her position

If so, it makes wonder that the job wasn’t given to one of them in the first place.

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she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

OD'ed from the red pills? Try the blue ones. Never considered to change medication?

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she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

I love clever sarcasm,please tell me you are being sarcastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not at all. Thailand's first Female Premier and she has reason to be proud - she's not a 'great' leader, of course not, but deserves much credit

I'd rather her than some sniveling Abhist who has no ethics and my neighbor's 12 year old shows more leadership than he

would I prefer a better leader? yes of course... but right now there isn't one. The Thai people will never accept their votes being hijacked by the PDRC/Dems - we need a third way - but where is it? not linked to the Ammart or the Shins - corrupt free

but for now she deserves credit where credit is due and all the backbiting and snarling by TVF forum 'experts' will matter naught

Your first line is absolutely ridiculous.

Your second line no matter who's side your on is, your spending too much time learning with your neighbours son.

Your third line is--you don't know of one. but you said we need a third way-"not linked to the Shins" corrupt free I agree with this.

Your fourth line, credit for what ??? come on be truthful what has she done in 3 years ??? This is why TVF "experts" are snarling.

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she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

well said. , my respect for her has only increased over the last few months.

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she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

OD'ed from the red pills? Try the blue ones. Never considered to change medication?

got a questions for you, why are yellow shirt supporters so intolerant and bully like against those with different political options ? seems to be a pattern, on the streets with sutheps thugish "guards", on the political field, and on the internet . feeling proud of yourselves ?

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she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

well said. , my respect for her has only increased over the last few months.

How can you top that ??cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

OD'ed from the red pills? Try the blue ones. Never considered to change medication?

got a questions for you, why are yellow shirt supporters so intolerant and bully like against those with different political options ? seems to be a pattern, on the streets with sutheps thugish "guards", on the political field, and on the internet . feeling proud of yourselves ?

I think it's time for you to read back some of your own postings.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

well said. , my respect for her has only increased over the last few months.

Why? What has she actually done over the last few months? Hide away, appear when instructed and repeat what she was told to say. Some good acting, with tears and sad faces true enough. Milking the bad ankle for sympathy was a bit farcical - need a better continuity person.

Absolutely no leadership, political debate or attempt to robustly defend herself against the charges she faces. Everything just delegated to someone else.

She is a very very wealthy woman, who enjoys a lifestyle most on this planet could only ever dream of. She doesn't have a care in the world - she knows nothing bad will happen to her. The worst - she may get banned from politics for 5 years - just like lots of family members in the past. So what.

She is no more interested in democracy than any NK leader ever has been. Simply does has she's told by big brother. And with the mega increase in family fortune over the last couple of years she must be very happy to do so.

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She also said that there are several high profile figures who are ready to take her position should she step down, stressing that there would not be a political vacuum as the individual assuming her role would be guaranteed to be competent in administering national affairs.

So that lets out any members of the PTP then.

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she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

OD'ed from the red pills? Try the blue ones. Never considered to change medication?

got a questions for you, why are yellow shirt supporters so intolerant and bully like against those with different political options ? seems to be a pattern, on the streets with sutheps thugish "guards", on the political field, and on the internet . feeling proud of yourselves ?

Just to point out ,there are few yellow shirts around, your a bit dated.

It is not other peoples different political options, we all have our opinions, it is the denial you all have about the way the country has been managed.

I have no denial problems like you. I see it all as black or white, you either condone the corrupt government , or you slam it as being that.

Maybe you can understand that, if not-- sorry. Not forget we are not all yellow. Many look at the situation and assess it as viable or not. your view seems to be you think the PM is brill and the PTP are good government.

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my view is that the will of the electorate should be respected, instead of hissy fits on the streets and bullying by minority groups that support the worst, most pathetic opposition parties in thailands history

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my view is that the will of the electorate should be respected, instead of hissy fits on the streets and bullying by minority groups that support the worst, most pathetic opposition parties in thailands history

Was that your view in 2010?

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my view is that the will of the electorate should be respected, instead of hissy fits on the streets and bullying by minority groups that support the worst, most pathetic opposition parties in thailands history

My view is the same ---IN NORMAL circumstances. At times it has to take these minorities to bring forth the behind the scenes activities by the elected government, that are bringing the country to it's knees.

The other point is the opposition, pathetic/ worst/ why ??? because they didn't form a coalition to be in government--cause that's all PTP did. It is not how bad the opposition is --it is how bad the government WAS.

Had they governed cleanly-transparent- and had good policies making the Thai people happy look where they wood be now. In for a second turn, little opposition to bother about.

GOT GREEDY DIDN'T THEY. had too much power.

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Another mature, calm, and collected statement by the PM, never allowing herself to be dragged down by the hate mongers.. why these pad/pdrc creeps hate her so much is beyond a reasonable persons comprehension.

I see your point but what concerns me is the final sentence.

"She also said that there are several high profile figures who are ready to take her position should she step down, stressing that there would not be a political vacuum as the individual assuming her role would be guaranteed to be competent in administering national affairs."

I think it's been proven that is a lie.

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my view is that the will of the electorate should be respected, instead of hissy fits on the streets and bullying by minority groups that support the worst, most pathetic opposition parties in thailands history

My view is the same ---IN NORMAL circumstances. At times it has to take these minorities to bring forth the behind the scenes activities by the elected government, that are bringing it to it's knees.

The other point is the opposition, pathetic/ worst/ why ??? because they didn't form a coalition to be in government--cause that's all PTP did. It is not how bad the opposition is --it is how bad the government WAS.

"The other point is the opposition, pathetic/ worst/ why ??? because they didn't form a coalition to be in government--cause that's all PTP did"

The PTP didn't form a coalition to be in government. They had enough seats to form a government on their own. The coalition came after.

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my view is that the will of the electorate should be respected, instead of hissy fits on the streets and bullying by minority groups that support the worst, most pathetic opposition parties in thailands history

My view is the same ---IN NORMAL circumstances. At times it has to take these minorities to bring forth the behind the scenes activities by the elected government, that are bringing it to it's knees.

The other point is the opposition, pathetic/ worst/ why ??? because they didn't form a coalition to be in government--cause that's all PTP did. It is not how bad the opposition is --it is how bad the government WAS.

"The other point is the opposition, pathetic/ worst/ why ??? because they didn't form a coalition to be in government--cause that's all PTP did"

The PTP didn't form a coalition to be in government. They had enough seats to form a government on their own. The coalition came after.

Ha and did what with that number, they formed a government --if that is what you called it. LOOK at IT so with this power and strength I asked again what did they do in the last 3 years to be labeled a good government---list the goodies please--never an answer---pathetic argument from some posters that feel denial a clever gift.

What % of the vote did the PTP get ?????

Edited by ginjag
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