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I saw the other thread about True H going back to a time extension based on how much is loaded on there, or hopefully adding that method.

My question is, does the 60 day extension after adding baht or using baht still work?

I'm trying to keep a sim active until I go back, but can not add baht to it via their online top up. Just doesn't work. So I sent a text message yesterday (20 hours ago) and the balance reduced by the 11 baht, but the expiration date has not changed.

I'm going to wait until Monday in Thailand to contact them, but was just wondering if activity does not add 60 days anymore. Wouldn't ordinarily care, but I specifically put 50 or 100 baht on there the last day so that I could send a text every two months to keep it active.



As of 18 March 2014 TrueMove H changed to a cumulative top-up scheme whereby each top-up adds 30 days up to a maximum of 365 days.

You can use free-standing top-up machines, which allow for top-ups of as little as 10 baht (with the 2 baht fee, 12 baht each, or 144 baht for 1 year), while other top-up channels might require more substantial individual top-ups (30 or 50 baht minimum?).

I did 12 top-ups for a friend, for 144 baht, he now has validity to ~ 360 days.



As of 18 March 2014 TrueMove H changed to a cumulative top-up scheme whereby each top-up adds 30 days up to a maximum of 365 days.

You can use free-standing top-up machines, which allow for top-ups of as little as 10 baht (with the 2 baht fee, 12 baht each, or 144 baht for 1 year), while other top-up channels might require more substantial individual top-ups (30 or 50 baht minimum?).

I did 12 top-ups for a friend, for 144 baht, he now has validity to ~ 360 days.

Thanks. I saw that thread and was hoping it was an additional method and not the only method. So I'm hosed having put a few recharges on it, and gotten no additional time for it at that point. And I can't get the 60 days through usage.


I'm guessing you are not in Thailand?

Can you ask someone in Thailand to add value to your number?

Yes to both. Though I'd rather just be able to keep it alive, without having someone there do it.

I actually think the current method is the better method, it is just the timing went against me. Actually, more time for more baht seems to make more sense, but I'm not going to fret over that. So loading 400 baht for a data plan in one shot should get at least 6 months instead of 1 month. But up to them.


AFAIK, any/every top-up. regardless of amount, gives 30 days accumulated validity up to a maximum of 365 days.

No. 500-999B gets you 50 days. 1000B gets you 150 days.

And 144B (12 x 12B) gets you 360 days. Go figure.


AFAIK, any/every top-up. regardless of amount, gives 30 days accumulated validity up to a maximum of 365 days.

No. 500-999B gets you 50 days. 1000B gets you 150 days.

And 144B (12 x 12B) gets you 360 days. Go figure.

Possibly, but these may old top-up charts, no longer in effect after 18 March?


And there may be other promotional top-up schemes available as well?


Possibly, but these may old top-up charts, no longer in effect after 18 March?

The information given here http://truemoveh.truecorp.co.th/3g/topup/channel/entry/2942 could indeed be wrong, but as far as I know it's all we have to go on. The prices don't seem to have changed.

The final answer is always to try it and see, which is what I did to confirm that multiple 12B top-ups gets you 30 days per top-up, but I don't fancy giving them another 1000B to see whether I get 150 days or not! At the rate I make calls 1000B would last me about 10 years, by which time their licence will probably have expired again and they will have become TrueH2, with an accompanying new cock-up with validity and credits.

Even if I did want to top-up for 1000B, I would still do it as multiple top-ups of less value purely to get the full 360 days validity. But that's just me.


AFAIK, any/every top-up. regardless of amount, gives 30 days accumulated validity up to a maximum of 365 days.

No. 500-999B gets you 50 days. 1000B gets you 150 days.

And 144B (12 x 12B) gets you 360 days. Go figure.

Possibly, but these may old top-up charts, no longer in effect after 18 March?


And there may be other promotional top-up schemes available as well?

Back when they had the 60 day activity method, they had the "old" top up schedules on the website, and these are way different. So I think this schedule is new. The old one showed 60 days for something like 300 baht, 90 for 500, something along those lines. Definitely not this schedule with just 3 tiers. It was more like 5 or 6 tiers. 1-49, 50 to 99, 100 to 299, 300-499, etc. I think less than 50 baht gave 15 days. 50 baht gave 30.

There were actually 2 schedules if I recall, one for I guess not True H, and one for True H. However, it was not in effect, and they mentioned the 60 day also on the website at the same time.


There are so many TrueMove H pre-paid SIMs, and each might have had a unique top-up scheme before March 18, or even after.

I know that my particular TrueMove H SIM/promotion/plan gave 60 days (in total, maximum, non-accumulated) based on any top-up amount (although I rarely added more than 800 baht at a time), or completed out-going call.

Now this SIM, at least according to the service message which seems to imply that any top-up amount yields 30 days, cumulative. I haven't tried the higher-tiered options recently so cannot vouch for their applicability.



Had my friend top my card up. 10 baht at a time probably through a machine. She said they only have 50 baht (probably 7-11) so I said to try a machine and it will cost 12 baht for 10 baht credit and she knew what I meant. The 7-11 near her has one of those machines and I always wondered what it was for since it is right in front of 7-11, so I assumed it wouldn't be for topping up phones.

Of course they sent the topup email, followed by that message about 30 days validity for each top up. Actually it says "..at least 30 days.." which implies there might be more days possible for a top up.

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