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Where to take a date for dinner and drinks in Bangkok?


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ah i see it now, all these peripheral consorting places for buffalo farang are, along with thai airways going bankrupt, because the farang he aint a coming, and they think that advertising on here will make a difference.

Edited by Cow San Load
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Thank you to everyone for their suggestions. Some really good ideas. I'll definitely be going to some of the places on future dates.

I did ask her where she wanted to go but I got the usual "up to you". In the end I have decided to just meet here at the Mall Bangkapi and go to MK, BBQ or somewhere similar. After that we will head to RCA for a few drinks. She seems really happy with this. It's close to home for her and well within her comfort zone. She's brining a friend along which I half expected.

I'll let you know how it goes. The date isn't until Saturday.

Thank you TV members. You never disappoint!

Good plan. Just let me point out that "She's bringing just one friend..." usually doesn't happen. Wait until you get to RCA and all her friends start ringing. You will have a full table in no time. I have fallen for that in the past. That's why I avoid night clubs with dates. Group of YOUR friends.. no problem.

Personally I would have canceled the date at the first mention of bringing a friend. I suspect you are being set up as the ATM card..bring a friend?... go back to RCA? Any successful date I have had usually was one-on-one. All the "bring friend" girls just wanted a free night out with her friends. I prefer the educated girls with good jobs. But, up to you :)

Edited by scoutman360
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Thank you to everyone for their suggestions. Some really good ideas. I'll definitely be going to some of the places on future dates.

I did ask her where she wanted to go but I got the usual "up to you". In the end I have decided to just meet here at the Mall Bangkapi and go to MK, BBQ or somewhere similar. After that we will head to RCA for a few drinks. She seems really happy with this. It's close to home for her and well within her comfort zone. She's brining a friend along which I half expected.

I'll let you know how it goes. The date isn't until Saturday.

Thank you TV members. You never disappoint!

Good plan. Just let me point out that "She's bringing just one friend..." usually doesn't happen. Wait until you get to RCA and all her friends start ringing. You will have a full table in no time. I have fallen for that in the past. That's why I avoid night clubs with dates. Group of YOUR friends.. no problem.

Personally I would have canceled the date at the first mention of bringing a friend. I suspect you are being set up as the ATM card..bring a friend?... go back to RCA? Any successful date I have had usually was one-on-one. All the "bring friend" girls just wanted a free night out with her friends. I prefer the educated girls with good jobs. But, up to you smile.png

Hi Scoutman360,

I haven't done much dating in Thailand (more just waking up hungover with random girls next to me) but the one date I had where she brought a friend along actually turned out well and we ended up going out for a while. However, we just went to a restaurant on this date. Thanks for the advice though. I'll keep an eye out and if I get the feeling that more of her friends are going to be joining us at RCA then I'll just finish my drink, make my excuses and get out of there. It'll be interesting to see. I'll post a reply after the date to give feedback smile.png

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I'll keep an eye out and if I get the feeling that more of her friends are going to be joining us at RCA then I'll just finish my drink, make my excuses and get out of there. It'll be interesting to see. I'll post a reply after the date to give feedback smile.png

You've got the right good attitude. Good luck.

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I guess play that aspect of it by ear. I am not a fan of nightclubby type places on a date either as the 'date' aspect can get a bit lost later on in the night, especially if others are there

I don't know how you met her (hanging out in the pub, etc) but I'd watch the 'I can sink a few drinks' thing

I am the same just just be wary of you being on your 3rd Singha before the starters have arrived and some people may take that as a dodgy sign even if you're perfectly fine and it's normal for you

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OK so I thought I would give you all feedback on my date (sorry it's a little late). We met at the mall Bangkapi, ate at MK then went for some drinks at a local entertainment venue called Container Tawanna. The venue is pretty cool. Just lots of bars and a band playing. The date went very well and all in all I spent around 2000 baht. We didn't sleep together that night but the evening after she came round to my apartment and stayed the night. The morning after I found her very annoying and that put an end to that. Oh well. Good couple of days though :-)

Well done Grasshopper. Your common sense kept control. Next time don't spend so much before you learn, or take a few more "nights at your place" before ending it to amortize your investment. I have never been to Container Tawanna, but it sounds like a great place, especially if it is popular with the Thais. Look forward to your next updates.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Check Inn for me every time. Get one of the little balcony tables and eat good food whilst watching the unique Philipino cabaret.

Not an arm and a leg, but not cheap-skate either.

Good food, good draught beer and very good entertainment.

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