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What do you eat during the hot season?


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What do you guys eat during the hot season? I've already shed my layer of "winter fat" sort to speak, and don't want to lose any more. I'm hoping my body stops losing though. It's bloody hot though, so alcohol consumption is almost nothing, then it's basically tons of water, juicy fruits (watermelon, oranges, etc.), salads, and things like yogurt. I really don't feel like hanging out in a hot kitchen cooking dinner, proceeded by putting down a plate of steak & potatoes. When it's hot like this, that sounds more agonizing than enjoyable, because clogging your body up like that is no good. If you sit around and eat huge artery clogging dinners all the time, you know you're going to pay for it.

What else is there to eat? Throwing some shrimp, fish, hard boiled eggs or whatever into the salads is always good. Or what do you guys eat during the hot months? Or do you just condemn yourself to 24x7 air-conditioning, and continue eating like you would out West?

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Breakfast tends to be fruit, then lunch more fruit and a ham/cheese omelette with rice, supper/dinner usually Thai food. Neither of us has much of an appetite in this heat...

One drawback at this time of year is that I don't get out walking every day after the missus warned me against it.

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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I'm a chef back home but when I'm here I don't cook...so in the hot season I like the yogurt with fruit and some chopped nuts for breakfast.for the lunch I like a nice cold fruit smoothie or shake of some kind.(very good and cool)...for dinner or late around 6or7 I make a nice sandwitch with whatever I have in the fridge.(chicken,tuna,ham,salami )have some cheese and your set..have that with a salad and drink and good to go.....snack on vegetables a lot...KEEP GRAPES IN FREEZER FOR A FEW HOURS-----FANTASTIC

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same as any other time of the year.

Oats with milk or toast and a coffee for breakfast

Some kind of hot meal at night time last night thai green chicken curry I made myself other stuff I made includes, hummus for snacks with carrots/cucumber, chickpea burgers, thai sweet basil pesto and pasta, indian chicken curry with rice, sausage and mash, horrible 'john dory' fish and chips... anything I can make in 1 pot as no oven.

I have stopped drinking beer, but this is just to try and lose weight, not because of it being too hot.

Edited by nickmanchester2
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Just eat the same as whole year around, I really love Thai food and Thai cooking so I eat mostly 1 time per week western food. With Thai food we make already big variations as me and the missus both love cooking and eating (don't worry 75kg here ;) but I also eat about 4-5 times a day mostly healthy food.

The best thing here is the fruit because with every new season there are new fruits coming in again which is a great thing. Mango's a 30 B for 2 kg's and I even found the first lynchees last week at 50 b a kilo...

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I mix breakfast, will have 2 soft boiled eggs and couple rounds toast and maybe some fruit or bowl corn flakes with low fat milk. The evening a salad and fruit. But the thing is it is so hot your body does not get hungry as much.

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"I've already shed my layer of "winter fat" sort to speak, and don't want to lose any more."

Go on, go on, make me crazy, I'm only gaining "winter fat" here for years! Yesterday my wife made her perfect Wiener Schnitzels again and who knows what today will bring...

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Breakfast tends to be fruit, then lunch more fruit and a ham/cheese omelette with rice, supper/dinner usually Thai food. Neither of us has much of an appetite in this heat...

One drawback at this time of year is that I don't get out walking every day after the missus warned me against it.

One drawback at this time of year is that I don't get out walking every day after the missus warned me against it.


get out the same as any other season, stay in the shade, wear a hat and drink lots of water. exercise,appropriate to the weather, is good for the body and mind. and its cooler in the mornings and evenings.

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