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How would you act in this situaton?


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Hi, im 22 years old now and have had same job 2years now... I get good money here, but i need something different and im not interesting to work in this company all my life.

I dont have loan, girlfriend or anything that should be me there.

Its look like i have 14000 euro in my pocket by the autumn. My plan is going to se asia for 1 year with 14k wallet (And then maybe visit Australia with WH Visa or find job here europe).Btw i live in northern europe. Im also interesting to do work in se-asia but i think thats not very potential. So maybe some volunteering would be worth of it. I like xtremesports, motorbiking, Diving And things like these. Im not very interesting bars and alcohol, only thing for visiting bars is other peoples and girls. My parents dont have any interesting advices for my future. I know there is many experienced people who can give good advices for me.

Sorry for my bad English and lot of thanks for answers.

(I have been visit Thailand 3 times and Cambodia one time)

So i ask how would you do in my situation? This age,14k etc...

Edited by Somayaa
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Sorry, euros.

You could get by on 14000 Euros for a year if you live very cheaply which is possible in South East Asia. It would be about £1000 a month,so in Thailand something like 50,000+ baht at current exchange rates.You can rent a room for 2-3000 baht a month,food is cheap off the street and being as you do not drink or go with the girls you will have plenty left over for travelling around. Good luck.

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14000 Euros may seem a lot but for one year travelling it really wont go that far..

If you live cheap and eat street food you could probably last for 1 year.

14000 Euros would give you about 44000thb a month. if you rented an apartment\condo for 10,000Thb a month leaves you with 7,000thb a week to live on.
You have to consider you'd need flights, insurance visa and other essentials.. these costs can add up to a lot..

If you were careful with planning and allowed yourself to live cheaply most days you could do it.

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Given your age and interests, I wouldn't expect 14k (620,000 baht) to last all that long, especially if you need money to move on to Aust. In your position, I would forget about Aust on this trip. Have a ball tearing time in SE Asia, then return home for a year of hard core saving and then kick on to Aust. More sensible that way, especially given your youth. Have a great time on your travels.

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Given your age and interests, I wouldn't expect 14k (620,000 baht) to last all that long, especially if you need money to move on to Aust. In your position, I would forget about Aust on this trip. Have a ball tearing time in SE Asia, then return home for a year of hard core saving and then kick on to Aust. More sensible that way, especially given your youth. Have a great time on your travels.

As said, he'd be working in Australia.

If I was him, I'd put 10k of that on a deposit for a small flat or something and make an investment. Spend the other 4k on a ticket to OZ and just work your way around enjoying as you go, if you do a bit of fruit picking at the end of your first year you can extend the working visa for a second year. Ideally put bits aside and you should have enough money to do asia for 3 or 4 months on the way home.

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If I may offer a different view...

Forget Thailand, you been here already anyway.

Go straight to Australia, work some there, travel some there....if you do good enough with work, you can come out flat on the stay there, practice your English, what would benefit you later...

And if anything/enough left from your money, then on the way back home spend some time in Thailand or SE Asia.

This way even if you spend your money, you win on the improved English, a credible work experience in your CV back home, and still see part of the world you havent yet! :)

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Buying property would be very wise. But i scared im not enough patient to stay and work here anymore. And i believe i can start working for property after travelling around.

put a deposit down, then rent it out....while you travel. Have someone else pay your mortgage.

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Do not goto Australia ...... Expensive boring place and women are harder to get plus uglier . why would you work wanna work with that much money anyway why not just chillout around Indochina . hot chicks cheap moto rental cheap everything and not so thrashed tourist wise like thailand. Just have sex for free with Asian Girls and eat cheap food and work for food and hotel in snookyville islands you won't spend more than 10 bucks a day.

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your english writing profeciancy seems to be more advanced compared to the reading abilty of some respondees here.you clearly stated 14 ooo euros!anyway if you like extreme things and motor bikes you will have fun here all year long ....

you are young do it i've done the same but even slightly younger and never regret it stil have some nice memories.

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You will need more than 14000, if you want to visit Australia for any length of time .Good luck in your decision making.

I went round India then Thailand and Australis, Philipines, Laos, Nepal for 2000 pounds. This was in 1992. Was in India most the timw and it was very very cheap. EVen with inflation, 14k is more than enough for a years fun.

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I have done little investments whose pay me back later, but buying property will wait future. I have been waiting this possibility ever since i started in this company and i go now, no have patience to stay. Now just working and waiting autumn and then plane to Bangkok! Yeah!

Warm weather, nice peoples, mind blowing sex, motorbiking, good tasty food, exciting hobbies, motorbiking and many other great things.

Alone but i hope with some good luck :)

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I believe in enjoying life. Take your 14 K and travel for as long as it lasts and enjoy every single day.

You do not need to stay in 5 star hotels, but why punish yourself and stay in 2000-3000 baht shit holes.

Have fun and see how long it lasts.

Once money is thin, go back home, earn more and travel again.

You will only be 22 once

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Given your age and interests, I wouldn't expect 14k (620,000 baht) to last all that long, especially if you need money to move on to Aust. In your position, I would forget about Aust on this trip. Have a ball tearing time in SE Asia, then return home for a year of hard core saving and then kick on to Aust. More sensible that way, especially given your youth. Have a great time on your travels.

Especially if he catches up with me and we go to the pub.

I'd plan 6 months Thailand and live like a king. Then go home, save more and find a potential Aussie employer that could perhaps job sponsor you. Don't know your skills but they are always looking for fruit pickers in nice country towns. Pay is average but you get to see Australia. Lots of young travellers try this path.

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14000 what?

Thb or $ or Euros or £

The OP clearly states Euros in his OP. Do people not even read through a post before posting ?

Around 630,000 baht is easily done if on a budget for thailand but would need to work in Oz for sure.

Go for it. you only live once and are a long time dead thumbsup.gif

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I have done little investments whose pay me back later, but buying property will wait future. I have been waiting this possibility ever since i started in this company and i go now, no have patience to stay. Now just working and waiting autumn and then plane to Bangkok! Yeah!

Warm weather, nice peoples, mind blowing sex, motorbiking, good tasty food, exciting hobbies, motorbiking and many other great things.

Alone but i hope with some good luck smile.png

At your age, I would chose to do something/somewhere, where you might actually learn some valuable things/have more valuable experiences!

Warm weather can be had in half the world ...nice people? Asia ...really? Fake nice people superficially yes, in some places. Really we call that "deference." Mind blowing sex?? Really, is this the only place that can be had, at your age? Aren't you the main issue here ...if you know what it is, mind blowing sex, can't you do it with other partners all over the world? Do you plan on using hookers at your young age? That seems pretty sad. Okay, don't go to India for that, but I think that can be had in Western countries, where you could learn/experience many more valuable things which will serve your whole life and your career and probably your social/dating life as well. As in you will be a more interesting person.

Volunteer work is a total waste of your time here in SE Asia ...certainly in Thailand! For so many reasons.

Motorbiking ...do you look forward to a young death? You can do that in other countries and see beautiful things without so much risk to your health and life. Go on a trip around New Zealand ...take diving lessons, learn a skill for life, or do a lot of other adventure things as well in a place with some safety. Improve your English since you already have a great start, make it perfect.

Do volunteer work, where you can actually learn something ....like with wildlife, diving, the environment ,social things ,legal aide whatever, but in a place, where the people around you will have good educations, have something to teach you, and where most people actually CARE about those things, and that will mostly not be in Asia and surely not in SE Asia. Australia or NZ would be good options for that though. Follow an interest you have in this area, and maybe later decide to further you education in marine biology, the law, social work, or learn a skill like flying, diving, art, pottery, fund-raising, become a vet or a doctor ...these things can lead to a whole new life! SE Asia and Thailand, can lead to learning things you mostly don't need to know, won't add to your CV, won't make you very much more interesting, etc.

I mean, WOW, you could do so many interesting things with your time and money!! So, so many!!! Please don't waste it drinking and whoring around SE Asia. Save that for your old man days at the very least! You might THINK there is a lot to learn here, but there really isn't. Go almost anywhere, but here! You worked hard to save this money and the for the free time, use it WELL!!

Lastly, "exciting hobbies" HERE? What would those be? Many of us expats have lived here for years and decades and are so desperate for interesting things to do. Please re-think this, and look around you ...many, many countries in the world to visit and learn from! Even a place like Mexico, go to Mexico City, at least they have museums, and an interesting culture, and a language that isn't impossible to learn, and can serve you later, maybe ...cheap girls and sex too, good food, warm weather, beautiful places nearby, classes you could take, etc. Charities with educated people within them, go work with whales in gulf ...do sport fishing, do any adventure thing there, it is many, many times more interesting than Thailand or Cambodia.

Okay, well I wish you luck and a great experience, and hope you will use this limited time and money in the greatest way possible! How lucky you could be if you make good decisions with this!

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I have done little investments whose pay me back later, but buying property will wait future. I have been waiting this possibility ever since i started in this company and i go now, no have patience to stay. Now just working and waiting autumn and then plane to Bangkok! Yeah!

Warm weather, nice peoples, mind blowing sex, motorbiking, good tasty food, exciting hobbies, motorbiking and many other great things.

Alone but i hope with some good luck smile.png

At your age, I would chose to do something/somewhere, where you might actually learn some valuable things/have more valuable experiences!

Warm weather can be had in half the world ...nice people? Asia ...really? Fake nice people superficially yes, in some places. Really we call that "deference." Mind blowing sex?? Really, is this the only place that can be had, at your age? Aren't you the main issue here ...if you know what it is, mind blowing sex, can't you do it with other partners all over the world? Do you plan on using hookers at your young age? That seems pretty sad. Okay, don't go to India for that, but I think that can be had in Western countries, where you could learn/experience many more valuable things which will serve your whole life and your career and probably your social/dating life as well. As in you will be a more interesting person.

Volunteer work is a total waste of your time here in SE Asia ...certainly in Thailand! For so many reasons.

Motorbiking ...do you look forward to a young death? You can do that in other countries and see beautiful things without so much risk to your health and life. Go on a trip around New Zealand ...take diving lessons, learn a skill for life, or do a lot of other adventure things as well in a place with some safety. Improve your English since you already have a great start, make it perfect.

Do volunteer work, where you can actually learn something ....like with wildlife, diving, the environment ,social things ,legal aide whatever, but in a place, where the people around you will have good educations, have something to teach you, and where most people actually CARE about those things, and that will mostly not be in Asia and surely not in SE Asia. Australia or NZ would be good options for that though. Follow an interest you have in this area, and maybe later decide to further you education in marine biology, the law, social work, or learn a skill like flying, diving, art, pottery, fund-raising, become a vet or a doctor ...these things can lead to a whole new life! SE Asia and Thailand, can lead to learning things you mostly don't need to know, won't add to your CV, won't make you very much more interesting, etc.

I mean, WOW, you could do so many interesting things with your time and money!! So, so many!!! Please don't waste it drinking and whoring around SE Asia. Save that for your old man days at the very least! You might THINK there is a lot to learn here, but there really isn't. Go almost anywhere, but here! You worked hard to save this money and the for the free time, use it WELL!!

Lastly, "exciting hobbies" HERE? What would those be? Many of us expats have lived here for years and decades and are so desperate for interesting things to do. Please re-think this, and look around you ...many, many countries in the world to visit and learn from! Even a place like Mexico, go to Mexico City, at least they have museums, and an interesting culture, and a language that isn't impossible to learn, and can serve you later, maybe ...cheap girls and sex too, good food, warm weather, beautiful places nearby, classes you could take, etc. Charities with educated people within them, go work with whales in gulf ...do sport fishing, do any adventure thing there, it is many, many times more interesting than Thailand or Cambodia.

Okay, well I wish you luck and a great experience, and hope you will use this limited time and money in the greatest way possible! How lucky you could be if you make good decisions with this!

Good to read that you are still around.

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