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Thailand Beer Price Vs Cig Price

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when I was last in Europe (for a couple of weeks april 2005)

you could find a

glass of beer in a pub for about 130 baht.

cigarettes were about 266 baht

in (cheap, countryside) Guatemala

a bottle of beer costs about 70 baht (double in the capital, of course),

A liter about 100thb.

and cigarettes about 50 baht.

(conversions performed using www.xe.com/ucc)

Do you get commission for that plug Kayo? :o

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Bud is awesome beer, Jack

I agree with monochaser that American beer is vastly superior to warm British piss/beer, but not sure that I would choose Bud as out standard bearer.

How about Michelob? :o

Michelob is just fancified Bud in a fancy boddle (another Anhaueser-Busch product)...but I likes it well enough...

to all the yanks here...when dealing with brits be advised that US beer is known as LAGER in the UK...the term 'beer' is reserved for what is known as bitter, involving a completely different brewing process (top fermenting as opposed to bottom fermenting)...and it must be drunk pulled fresh from the cask in a warm and comforting 'english pub' environment...not out of a can while cruisin' up California Highway 1 accompanied by other stimulants and wild american music on the box...

apples for apples, gentlemen...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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to all the yanks here...when dealing with brits be advised that US beer is known as LAGER in the UK...the term 'beer' is reserved for what is known as bitter, involving a completely different brewing process (top fermenting as opposed to bottom fermenting)...and it must be drunk pulled fresh from the cask in a warm and comforting 'english pub' environment...not out of a can while cruisin' up California Highway 1 accompanied by other stimulants and wild american music on the box...

apples for apples, gentlemen...

Well said!


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to all the yanks here...when dealing with brits be advised that US beer is known as LAGER in the UK...the term 'beer' is reserved for what is known as bitter, involving a completely different brewing process (top fermenting as opposed to bottom fermenting)...and it must be drunk pulled fresh from the cask in a warm and comforting 'english pub' environment...not out of a can while cruisin' up California Highway 1 accompanied by other stimulants and wild american music on the box...

apples for apples, gentlemen...

Well said!


well...you know, yorks...ah's a yank too, an' I hate to see my countrymen goin' off half cocked criticising sumpin' they doan't unnerstand...

tutsiwarrior...future Nobel Peace Prize candidate...(previously banned on Thaivisa...)

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To foster expat-to-expat beerunderstanding, I think this is Thailand related. :D

People should realize that the US has had a beer renaissance that started in earnest in the late 1980s---there are now a huge number of "micro-breweries" in every region, producing good beer of all sorts. There is a younger generation who started drinking with these beers and who thinks of the "macro-brewery" horror of Bud as another "3rd class" drink, just like Corona was mentioned earlier. The new 2nd class is the micro-breweries who have grown up to be neither micro nor macro yet, and whose tastes have drifted towards the bland mass market too much, where everything is a themed repackaging of a weak Pilsner.

You can get quite good interpretations of Belgian ales, German wheat beers, English stouts and bitters, barley wines, and several more American styles such as the "steam" beers of the old West and the current trend towards nearly sneeze-inducing hoppy ales. And, most of these are available in grocers across the land, at those great low prices I mentioned before; they are also widely on tap in the better ale houses and pubs.

So, some of us do whine in Thailand because we miss our good cheap beers. Sadly, the rest don't know what they've been missing... :o

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Well, Bill Clinton did jack cig taxes to the moon in the 90s to "save the children". all that did was bring cigs more into focus among the young and encourage more youthful smoking. Clinton's cronies became millionaires off of those taxes

Next time you know the answer, don't bother posting the question, ok? :D

I agree , why ask if you have your own explanation to it????

American Beer is not Beer but yellow water therefor you shoudn't compare the Price...

rcm :o

Actually, you are probably referring to Budweiser, Miller, Coors, and all of their variances. I agree, these are not the best of beers.

However, the US sports more varieties, and better quality of beers that you will ever find in LOS, perhaps even in Europe. That said, I suppose it is up to an individual person to decide what is "real" beer.

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Bud is awesome beer, Jack

I agree with monochaser that American beer is vastly superior to warm British piss/beer, but not sure that I would choose Bud as out standard bearer.

How about Michelob? :o

Michelob is just fancified Bud in a fancy boddle (another Anhaueser-Busch product)...but I likes it well enough...

to all the yanks here...when dealing with brits be advised that US beer is known as LAGER in the UK...the term 'beer' is reserved for what is known as bitter, involving a completely different brewing process (top fermenting as opposed to bottom fermenting)...and it must be drunk pulled fresh from the cask in a warm and comforting 'english pub' environment...not out of a can while cruisin' up California Highway 1 accompanied by other stimulants and wild american music on the box...

apples for apples, gentlemen...

Rubbish!!!! I love being able to practice my "English". :D

There a numerous micro-breweries in the US that most foreigners (including UK ######s) have never heard of, much less tried the beers from these locations. Don't knock something that you know absolutely nothing about. It sends a strong signal that you are naive and uniformed.

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Of thee The Dude sings, ladies and gentleman. We have heard here about the joys of popping and ice cold Rolling Rock cruising the Pac coast highway. We have heard about the joys of the great local American micro brews. The key is the great broad spectrum that one has when strolling into a beer retailer. This is kid-in-a-candy-store stuff for beer lovers indeed. Anchor Steam Beers would go down nice right about now or maybe a New England Brewery stout while cruising the sand dunes of old Cape Cod. How about a trip down to Old Mexico popping a few bottles of Carta Blanca. Then again all we really need are some 16 oz cans of red white and blue Budweiser on the shores of Malibu, La Jolla, Venice, Santa Monica, Newport Beach, Laguna or Venice. We could always take a trip to Narraganset RI and drink their name sake local brew

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I'm here for the same reason everyone else is, Jack, the chicks. there is no other reason to be here. In no way shape or form would I be here otherwise nor would 90% of expats. If McDonalds, Bud and Coke sucked, they would be out of business. If Sing, Chang and Leo had to compete vs international brews at comparable price, they would be out of business. They are kept in biz by huge thai tariffs on imports. these beers have zero sales outside of their thailand protected sales area. If the US did for Bud what Thailand does for thai brews, their sales would be up 100 times. talk about subsidization. Thai breweries would be finished with competition.

Once again you get it wrong and exagerate ""I'm here for the same reason everyone else is, Jack, the chicks. there is no other reason to be here.""""..you are consistant !!!!! very... consistant in fact extremely consistant ...we are not all here for the chicks ..some of us live ,work ,pay taxes and have familiies here ..we choose to be here and enjoy life here as NORMAL people ..with normal drinking habits and have less time to post ill concieved diatribes as the above posting...

The only negative for me is the appalling teaching /education standards in Thailand governmental and private international school establishments so few teachers actually seem capable or dedicated .

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consistent, learn how to spell

You are quite right but I hate to LABOUR (LABOR ) the point and wrongly COLOUR (COLOR) the discussion and then have to METRE (METER) out the punishment etc etc !!!! .

Not to mention getting into the BEER / LAGER discussion

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I'm here for the same reason everyone else is, Jack, the chicks. there is no other reason to be here. In no way shape or form would I be here otherwise nor would 90% of expats.

Once again you get it wrong and exagerate ""I'm here for the same reason everyone else is, Jack, the chicks. there is no other reason to be here.""""..you are consistant !!!!! very... consistant in fact extremely consistant ...we are not all here for the chicks ..some of us live ,work ,pay taxes and have familiies here ..we choose to be here and enjoy life here as NORMAL people ..with normal drinking habits and have less time to post ill concieved diatribes as the above posting...

Suuuure. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You really are a piece of work, arent you monochaser?

It must be so miserable to be in a place you despise, simply so that you can have girls. What's the matter? Can't you find them in your paradise that is your homeland?

I can hardly imagine a sadder, more desperate situation to be in.

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I puked it up over 100 times over a year and a half period of drinking it everyday :D
I'm here for the same reason everyone else is, Jack, the chicks. there is no other reason to be here. In no way shape or form would I be here otherwise

the words lightweight and loser come to mind. :o

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You really are a piece of work, arent you monochaser?

It must be so miserable to be in a place you despise, simply so that you can have girls. What's the matter? Can't you find them in your paradise that is your homeland?

I can hardly imagine a sadder, more desperate situation to be in.

Too bad you are not a big stud rolling in free nookie like all these other fellows who are in Thailand for much more noble reasons.

:o:D :D

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Strange as it might seem, some expats are here to work. We do the usual boring stuff . . work in the daytime, go out 2-3 times a week, go shopping or for trips at the weekend. Some of us also have regular gfs or wives. Hard to imagine, I know.

But there you go . . .

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Strange as it might seem, some expats are here to work. We do the usual boring stuff . . work in the daytime, go out 2-3 times a week, go shopping or for trips at the weekend. Some of us also have regular gfs or wives.

Some of us sneak out for a nice afternoon rub and a tug... :o

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