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Dear one and all :D

Just a quick question with regard to filling in the Visa Application Form.when me and My Little Lady Wife fill in the Application Form for Her seetlement Visa,which we are going to apply for in August(I really can't wait to get back to Thailand to see her) :o certain questions will be very difficult to answer in English,so can they be written in Thai, i.e My wifes Mothers and Fathers Name,as I am sure that there will be no direct English Translation,or is it acceptable to the Eco's for certain parts of the Form to be filled in,in Thai

I have looked at the Guidance Notes that come with the Application form but can find no mention of this.I am sure that you will be able to answer this one for me.

Kind Regards

Richard :D


I haven't the slightest idea concerning the settlement form (I'm from the US), however I was just thinking that it would be easy for you to merely write down the phonetic spelling of the names of your in-laws. I doubt that the Embassy is going to verify the "spelling".


The form should be completed in English.

As Gumball says, phonetic spelling of Thai names etc. is fine, although if you are providing documents in your evidence that has the names spelt in English then copy from that so they are the same; e.g the English spelling of her name should match that on her passport.

It will not be a problem if you complete the form for her, but if she is asked who completed the form then she should, of course, tell the truth.


As GU22 says, you may complete the application form but your wife has to sign it. She should also be aware of the form's contents as, if interviewed, you wouldn't want her to contradict it.


As GU22 says, you may complete the application form but your wife has to sign it. She should also be aware of the form's contents as, if interviewed, you wouldn't want her to contradict it.


Thanks for the advice,and the prompt replies.I will do as you suggest.When I go back to Thailand in August,Me and My Wfe will fill in the Application Form Together,so that she is Fully Aware of it's contents.

once again this Forum and its learned members,will enable me to sleep again

Kind Regards


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