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Could this be the most spectacular house in Bangkok?

Jonathan Fairfield

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Funny how people like to criticize something they can't afford.

I drool over something I can't afford. But have no problems with people who can afford them.

Hate dodgy salesmen however....

This isn't anywhere near the most spectacular house in Bangkok. There is one down my street much much better than I can think of for starters.

Edited by samran
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I imagine the glass roof will be difficult ot keep clean. The swimming pool water will leave a smell of chlorine in the air, while leaving it untreated will leave a bad water smell. I think the design is by an architect with little thought as to what could be done usefully with the space, e.g. large pillars (structural?) throughout the living space , living room taken over by swimming pool which is likely to be used once a day, twice max. Could do so much with that space that would be useful, asw for cctv, well done most neighbourhoods have them now adays.

Is there a property expert here who can translate the title, I used to know what it means most spectacular is translated as spacious? or similar

for the record: what you refer as swimming pool is an ornamental pond. there is a picture of the actual pool which is located outside the home. secondly, your knowledge of pool water treatment lacks. there are a dozen ways to treat the water of a pool (whether inside or outside) or in this case the pond without any smells and without any chlorine.

we have an inside pool, use the pool area quite often as an alternative living room and the only smell i get is when i had too much of a spicy and delicious Indian lamb/bean curry the day before.

as far as wasted space is concerned... to each his own. some people like to waste space, others are happy in shoebox.

spectacular? as already mentioned... to each his own coffee1.gif

Edited by Naam
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This imposing building built by a highly respected architect

Two questions:

  • Since when do architects build houses?
  • Is this architect so highly respected that his/ her name can not be revealed?
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