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Solitary black crow - what do Thai people believe?


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My wife just tells me it is an ominous sign and if it walks in front of you can attract pii. Of course if you kill it that could also attract bad luck so you are in a bit of a Thai dilemma - time to call in the ghostbusting monks .

In the Tales Of Power series of books Carlos Castaneda states that black crows flying across your path from the left heralds only a change of life's positions

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Screw superstition. Crows and ravens are fantastic animals. Have always liked them (unlike the annoying vermin we call pigeons). Here's a cool video of a raven doing a bit of ice fishing: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/ravens/video-raven-intelligence/1549/ I once came across a crow with a damaged wing near my old house in Singapore. Every day I'd toss some bread over to him. Very quickly he came to recognise me from a good distance. His strength improved and he was able to fly short distances. So when he'd see me, he knew food was on the way and he'd fly from tree to tree to meet me. I somehow a pigeon would ever figure that one out. Anyway, I'd consider it good luck if I were you...

Anyway, you may find this link interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_depictions_of_ravens Note, in particular, the legend of the ravens at the Tower of London. You may want to keep this fellow around.

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Screw superstition. Crows and ravens are fantastic animals. Have always liked them (unlike the annoying vermin we call pigeons). Here's a cool video of a raven doing a bit of ice fishing: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/ravens/video-raven-intelligence/1549/ I once came across a crow with a damaged wing near my old house in Singapore. Every day I'd toss some bread over to him. Very quickly he came to recognise me from a good distance. His strength improved and he was able to fly short distances. So when he'd see me, he knew food was on the way and he'd fly from tree to tree to meet me. I somehow a pigeon would ever figure that one out. Anyway, I'd consider it good luck if I were you...

Anyway, you may find this link interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_depictions_of_ravens Note, in particular, the legend of the ravens at the Tower of London. You may want to keep this fellow around.

the pigeons you call vermin,,

do you know in the war, pigeons got 10 dicken medals and saved thousands of lives,

they arnt all vermin,,

what i would call vermin would be magpies/jays and the like that raid song bird nests and eat the eggs or chicks they find there,,,,,


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I'd like to seriously recommend that you slowly bow to this crow 100 times and with each bow mean it more. Please bow with your heart. At the end, I think you'll feel differently about this fellow being. He may even have something to say to you. And you should feel strangely happier....

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Screw superstition. Crows and ravens are fantastic animals. Have always liked them (unlike the annoying vermin we call pigeons). Here's a cool video of a raven doing a bit of ice fishing: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/ravens/video-raven-intelligence/1549/ I once came across a crow with a damaged wing near my old house in Singapore. Every day I'd toss some bread over to him. Very quickly he came to recognise me from a good distance. His strength improved and he was able to fly short distances. So when he'd see me, he knew food was on the way and he'd fly from tree to tree to meet me. I somehow a pigeon would ever figure that one out. Anyway, I'd consider it good luck if I were you...

Anyway, you may find this link interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_depictions_of_ravens Note, in particular, the legend of the ravens at the Tower of London. You may want to keep this fellow around.

the pigeons you call vermin,,

do you know in the war, pigeons got 10 dicken medals and saved thousands of lives,

they arnt all vermin,,

what i would call vermin would be magpies/jays and the like that raid song bird nests and eat the eggs or chicks they find there,,,,,


OK, Pigeonjake, I concede your point. I just have a personal distaste for the critters because of a year spent in an apartment where they'd constantly foul up my balcony and their incessant cooing/gurgling (or whatever that noise is called) never let me rest. You're right -- they clearly have/had their uses. But I'm much more fond of crows for their intelligence and because they have never bothered me. I know that they're considered a pest by others (farmers, Scandinavian ice fishermen, etc.).

Then again, I also like rats... (had a pet rat in grad school). :-)

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I agree with the crow lovers,try feeding it, it will become freindly,also pigeons don't like them as they steal their eggs,so it should help keep the pigeons away,which is a good thing as they tend to poo everywhere and can transmit some nasty diseases from their droppings,as for any superstition well we had one around our place last year and as far as i am aware no one was bothered by it,and it eventually scared the pigeons away from the area.

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So the general opinion seems to be doom, death, bad luck etc.... :)

Actually, by the size of the beast, I'd say it was a raven. I used to strangle crows back in the UK on my farmland (Larsen trap), and they were much smaller than this bird.

The presence of this bird could be good luck for me, since if I mention it to the ex, she and family are likely to avoid entering my little resort, out of fear of death...

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Beautiful Thailand 99.. great video.! I thought cats were funny..this bird is...


Sent from my GT-P3113 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

crows , ravens , rooks all nok dams - and all probably up to no good . Thanks to the good burghers of Thai Visa Forum we are all up to speed with the implications of seeing these critters in Thailand.

Farang woman strangely don't have any such hangups......thank Buddha !


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