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Older Americans repatriating to the USA -- where is good?

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I definitely check craigslist. I don't want to live in the sticks or some small town that doesn't have PHO! Like I said, if I move back, I except the typical American experience -- WITH A CAR. When in Rome. We all have priorities and we all make compromises, even very wealthy people can't live more than one life. Of course I'm still open to hearing about reasonable compromise places that might exist where driving isn't required, but not expecting it.

I've come a bit late to this thread and haven't read through it, but are the Russians and baht buses finally driving you out of town.biggrin.png

No. That has nothing to do with it. Baht buses are a PLUS!

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Ever hear of "Octomom" who had 8 kids by artificial insemination when she already had 6 kids, all on welfare and with multiple fathers for the kids? She then had 14 kids with herself and the kids on welfare. LINK

That's not a very good example. Octomom could quite easily be wealthy as the world's only mother of healthy octuplets. She doesn't need social welfare. She's currently under investigation for welfare fraud. She has made plenty of money - even as a porno star LOL

Please focus on U.S.A destinations please ... not inflammatory political stuff about welfare queens.

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Ever hear of "Octomom" who had 8 kids by artificial insemination when she already had 6 kids, all on welfare and with multiple fathers for the kids? She then had 14 kids with herself and the kids on welfare. LINK

That's not a very good example. Octomom could quite easily be wealthy as the world's only mother of healthy octuplets. She doesn't need social welfare. She's currently under investigation for welfare fraud. She has made plenty of money - even as a porno star LOL

Please focus on U.S.A destinations please ... not inflammatory political stuff about welfare queens.

Don't worry, I'm out of here. If I had to choose a place to retire, it would be Las Vegas.

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Don't worry, I'm out of here. If I had to choose a place to retire, it would be Las Vegas.

That wouldn't ever make my list!

Been there 3 times, once stayed a month. I like it - great gyms too. If you enjoy the 24/7 hustle and bustle in Pattaya, it will feel a bit like home.

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JT, I can't help. We're not on the same page. I like rural, probably because I grew up on a wheat and cattle ranch. I just don't like cities.

Charlottesville, VA is one of the last places I'd choose. It's weather sucks with way more rain and snow than I could handle. Taxes are high. It's about 100 miles to Washington DC and the state's border is right across the river from the capital and capitol. Many people who work for the federal govt in DC live in Virginia. They vote with an agenda which means pro government to line their pockets.

I started out in this thread presuming, apparently incorrectly that expats returning to the US would for the most part be on a budget and looking for a relatively cheap way to live. Many don't own cars in Thailand and that's a significant cost to add. Rent will be higher in the US but consumer goods will be much cheaper.

If someone has a budget of 100,000 baht in Thailand he will cruise in the US. If that budget is 50,000 he'll make it but he'll live on the equivalent of minimum wage. He'll have to cut back somewhere and the most obvious ways to do that is to cut back housing costs and perhaps do without a car.

I'm fortunate that I don't have to worry about money, but that doesn't mean I don't understand that many do.

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Well, I agree Charlottesville does not have ideal weather, but apparently milder winters for that region. It's not like blizzards are regular there. Virginia is not a liberal state, it's a mix. The fact that it doesn't have expanded Medicaid (at least yet) should be a big clue ... it's a schizo north/south state but MOSTLY south. I think you're thinking of Maryland. I'm not worried much about taxes because I won't have much to tax. Charlottesville is more expensive than I'd like but it's relative compared to places like Portland and Fort Lauderdale (which I like but I think it's too expensive for me). Also 100 miles is NOT REALLY CLOSE to D.C. You're thinking like ALEXANDRIA which is a liberal area. I probably wouldn't even go to D.C. very much living in Charlottesville except that I've got both friends and relatives there and also for ETHIOPIAN FOOD (it's so good in D.C.). OK, probably also for live theater, if I could afford it (doubtful).

I have to admit the very IDEA of TEXAS kind of freaks me out (other than Austin).

It's not like I've decided on Charlottesville. I'm open to other ideas including Jacksonville (but that place just kind of seems too SPREAD OUT and big). I respect people who like rural or whatever they like, but for me ... NEVER! I'd really rather be dead.

It really is a mix of personal desires and preferences and what is POSSIBLE. So there is no right answer for everyone. Not even close.

From Lonely Planet:

Set in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Charlottesville is regularly ranked as one of the country's best places to live. This culturally rich town of 45,000 is home to the University of Virginia, which attracts Southern aristocracy and artsy lefties in equal proportion. With the UVA grounds and pedestrian downtown area overflowing with students, couples, professors and the occasional celebrity under a blanket of blue skies, 'C-ville' is practically perfect.

Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/usa/virginia/charlottesville#ixzz30mWNNEFR

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You're thinking Maryland as in Baltimore which is N. of DC.

Arlington Virginia can be seen from the Lincoln Memorial at the S. end of the DC Mall just past the Viet Nam Memorial. Walk S. from the Capitol Building down the Mall and across the bridge and you're basically in Arlington (Virginia) Cemetery where the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Iwo Jima memorial are.

What happens in a state like that is the big majority live in the big cities and in this case, most work for the government either by working in DC, or working for a government contractor, or the big military installations that are there. They vote their pocketbooks and the minority in the smaller and more rural areas pay for it.

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NeverSure, I think we've got your politics. Maybe better on a political forum. This thread is really specific. About DESTINATIONS. Sure the politics of an area have an impact on the living experience. That part is relevant. Anything else isn't.

Again, there is no chance this thread survives if it devolves into a U.S. political debate. Read the name of the forum. Anything about politics, Thai or otherwise, in the name of this forum? Nope.

Looking some more into housing costs in Charlottesville, it would probably be a stretch for me. The area didn't seem to have much of a crash compared to a lot of other places. Probably because of it's historic value and elite university town thing.

So still looking for sure.

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NeverSure, I think we've got your politics. Maybe better on a political forum. This thread is really specific. About DESTINATIONS. Sure the politics of an area have an impact on the living experience. That part is relevant. Anything else isn't.

Again, there is no chance this thread survives if it devolves into a U.S. political debate. Read the name of the forum. Anything about politics, Thai or otherwise, in the name of this forum? Nope.

Looking some more into housing costs in Charlottesville, it would probably be a stretch for me. The area didn't seem to have much of a crash compared to a lot of other places. Probably because of it's historic value and elite university town thing.

So still looking for sure.

1. I mentioned politics only because of taxes. I mentioned only people voting their pocketbooks which means for them and against you. Seems relevant.

2 The crash has little to do with rents. In fact many places that had the worst crashes have the highest rents. It seems that when people are reluctant to buy they rent. What you want to do if budget minded is find a place that never boomed and never crashed. Something sleepy and out of the way.

I have long contended that I could live as cheaply in the US as in Thailand if on a budget. Many things are just so danged expensive in Thailand, but not rents. So IMHO a person would have to focus on rent prices. If he's not willing to do that, he'll need 100,000 baht per month because he'll pay half of that in rent and utilities, at a minimum.

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I'm also interested in buying but not spending much so places which have crashed and still are downish have interest. Charlottesville doesn't seem good that way. It does seem that way in the U.S. -- cheap rent and you wouldn't want to live there, but in some places cheap buying sometimes better. I think it's clear the housing (affordability) is the big problem and also health insurance if under 65. I'm getting a clearer picture of the pros and cons now ... I still want to stay in Thailand! But that could change.

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I'm also interested in buying but not spending much so places which have crashed and still are downish have interest. Charlottesville doesn't seem good that way. It does seem that way in the U.S. -- cheap rent and you wouldn't want to live there, but in some places cheap buying sometimes better.


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JT, you might also like Sin City. Its major housing crash is starting to recover, but if you were on the ground I think you could find a condo pretty cheap.

Google "home prices anytown state" and then glance down for Realtor.com. You'll see everything that's in multiple listing, and you can set search parameters such as price, number of beds, baths, etc. and see what comes up. Sort by lowest price first.

That's how I find rentals in places with price crashes and high rents.

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Not to get political, but many of these places are too redneck and the politics of last fifteen years only made issues worse. Living with an Asian wife 15 yrs younger than yourself anywhere is going to raise eyebrows.

Being married changes things up a great deal (mixed, Asian). Not just food issues, but much of the south and rural areas are quite redneck. We have traveled in much of the heart of the west, friendly but I do not know how many friends we would have if we lived there.

College towns are great money dsvers and unlike Florida, everyone is not shuffling around on their last breath.

Especially on the south, the whole Christian thing is very irratating. You can also gind this in the heartland and in eastern WA and OR.

My wife and I will just get a trailer and caravan around the country to all the beauty spots. You guys are all stuck in the here or there thinking mode. Follow the seasons and the beauty!

I would love to have a little farm, but by the time I can pull it off, I will be too old. Wife is Bangkokian, I know more about diy and gardening than her.

No one has mentioned UT and only one mention of MT. Toss in WY. Of course, you'd want to be in FL come winter but they are beautiful.

San Juan Islands

Oregon, coastal not Portland

Vegas (only as RV base and taxes). Vegas will run dry.

New Mexico (upper elevations)

Utah (pretty, but cities unappealing and alcohol high)

Arizona (possibilities but crazy politics)

Texas (doubt..SanAntonio, Austin) hot, ugly lower elevations

Florida (StAugustine and south 75 miles, Naples)

Charleston (southern politics, historic coastal)

DC (too inland, $$. DC, Arlington, not Baltimore!)

MD Chesapeake Bay (Lovely, good weather 9 mos, cheap seafood)

UT, WY and MT are all beautiful although you definately must contend with a real mix of people. Meth is a huge problem in rural US also.

If you can snowbird it, having a cabin in PA, MA, RI or MI might be your ticket. Go to FL for winter. Only trouble is as you get into your 80s, the shuttling thing is too much.

One thing I don't see discussed is taxes. Taxes on ss in many states exempt. Many states exempt other income also.

Your denigration of religion and politics isn't appreciated. To each his own.

Much of your posting simply shows a lack of current knowledge of the US. For instance Montana is bitter cold, has high taxes and is expensive. It's beautiful, though.

"My wife and I will just get a trailer and caravan around the country to all the beauty spots. You guys are all stuck in the here or there thinking mode. Follow the seasons and the beauty!"

Dude, I'm traveling in the Western US right now and have been for a month. I probably won't get home for a couple of more months when I'm due to visit Thailand. I've covered every corner of this country many times and know it like the back of my hand.

You're a dreamer with inaccurate information.

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You address me as a child and no-nothing. I have traveled in 45 states, lived in 6. I have taken my wife for the past three years thru these areas and know all too well the backwardness of the people as well as their clinginess to guns and religion. On a few occassions I overheard comments about us. One two occassions comments made directly to me. Then there were the kooks that wanted to share Jesus with us. This is not to say we did not meet some nice people.

How about the girl in Super Walmart...oh, you folks not from aroound here. No, we are on holiday from Thailand. Blank stare...oh. OK, so where is that? Genius'

We would never move there. I do not need my wife (or my) religiousity (or in my case, lack of belief in a god) questioned by strangers. I am not buying a home in that backward environment, sorry.

This is exactly the attitude I do not want to live anywhere around and why Thailand and Buddhism is so refreshing.

I give you Clive Bundy. Thank you.

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You address me as a child and no-nothing. I have traveled in 45 states, lived in 6. I have taken my wife for the past three years thru these areas and know all too well the backwardness of the people as well as their clinginess to guns and religion. On a few occassions I overheard comments about us. One two occassions comments made directly to me. Then there were the kooks that wanted to share Jesus with us. This is not to say we did not meet some nice people.

How about the girl in Super Walmart...oh, you folks not from aroound here. No, we are on holiday from Thailand. Blank stare...oh. OK, so where is that? Genius'

We would never move there. I do not need my wife (or my) religiousity (or in my case, lack of belief in a god) questioned by strangers. I am not buying a home in that backward environment, sorry.

This is exactly the attitude I do not want to live anywhere around and why Thailand and Buddhism is so refreshing.

I give you Clive Bundy. Thank you.

You're weird. Is there such a thing as religionphobic or gunphobic? I'm tired of your phobias and hates and lack of knowledge so I'm finished with you.

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What about Austin, Texas?

Housing prices much higher than Dallas/Fort Worth. Just enough closer to the coast (Gulf of Mexico) to be more humid. State Capital.

And crappy public transportation system. Bus system coverage is limited and taxis are very expensive. Love the city but doubt that I would move back there.


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All those States..R.V.ing is awesome..Hawaii no can..well with reservations..

Hawaii has many young Filipina, Thai and Other Asian brides..We old guys commented.."where did he get Her.." beautiful Japanese girl..!! It's a common occurrence over here in paradise..O.K. semi-paradise..19 ° N. latitude.. sound familiar..?


Sent from my GT-P3113 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I definitely check craigslist. I don't want to live in the sticks or some small town that doesn't have PHO! Like I said, if I move back, I except the typical American experience -- WITH A CAR. When in Rome. We all have priorities and we all make compromises, even very wealthy people can't live more than one life. Of course I'm still open to hearing about reasonable compromise places that might exist where driving isn't required, but not expecting it.

Just on my radar

Charlotteville, Virginia.

Famous historic university town.

So culture, some liberal people, etc.

Obviously not that far from Washington, D.C. (which I know really really well)

They have pho and seemingly good Chinese food which means there's got to be Asian grocery stores too.

A little north for my ideals.

Some neighborhoods very walkable.

Would probably still need a car really, it's in the USA, but still.

Superficially the rents seem not too high.

Virginia is in the news now as a possible Medicaid expansion state ... the governor wants to do it and might force it on their legislature. Maybe.


Anyone here spent time in that town?

Just remember the tax situation in Virginia, not only do they have property taxes and an income tax, but also personal property tax on cars, boats, etc.

Edited by Langsuan Man
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'I have taken my wife for the past three years thru these areas and know all too well the backwardness of the people as well as their clinginess to guns and religion.
I am not buying a home in that backward environment, sorry.
This is exactly the attitude I do not want to live anywhere around and why Thailand and Buddhism is so refreshing.

Amen, Bro..

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Virginia: metro VA is nice people wise, huge smattering of the world. Coastal VA is cheap but its dead and I mean dead. Richmond is nice as well.

VA does have a rather conservative streak I want no part of but came here to say, taxes. No one save for ex military retire in VA. Taxes rule this state out.

Maryland is not much better incidentally.

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All those States..R.V.ing is awesome..Hawaii no can..well with reservations..

Hawaii has many young Filipina, Thai and Other Asian brides..We old guys commented.."where did he get Her.." beautiful Japanese girl..!! It's a common occurrence over here in paradise..O.K. semi-paradise..19 ° N. latitude.. sound familiar..?


Sent from my GT-P3113 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes, where did you get "that" Oriental? Pretty insulting for someone who has been in Asia half their adult life and together with said Oriental for five years.

Being in a mixed marriage really limits you to metro areas and a few progressive bastions of liberalism. I was teally amazed at the looks we would get on rare occassion (UT, ID, MT). I am sure all of the south and TX can be tossed in there.

Nothing striked me as worth visiting in TX. Sure no reason to retire there. Seems only people that likeit are the white people that have alteady spent years there.

Boulder and Vermont

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Asians..according to the University of Hawai..

Ever heard of the Nippon Village up North Coast..where the Americans took it from them..America the beautiful..

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I definitely check craigslist. I don't want to live in the sticks or some small town that doesn't have PHO! Like I said, if I move back, I except the typical American experience -- WITH A CAR. When in Rome. We all have priorities and we all make compromises, even very wealthy people can't live more than one life. Of course I'm still open to hearing about reasonable compromise places that might exist where driving isn't required, but not expecting it.

Just on my radar

Charlotteville, Virginia.

Famous historic university town.

So culture, some liberal people, etc.

Obviously not that far from Washington, D.C. (which I know really really well)

They have pho and seemingly good Chinese food which means there's got to be Asian grocery stores too.

A little north for my ideals.

Some neighborhoods very walkable.

Would probably still need a car really, it's in the USA, but still.

Superficially the rents seem not too high.

Virginia is in the news now as a possible Medicaid expansion state ... the governor wants to do it and might force it on their legislature. Maybe.


Anyone here spent time in that town?

I used to live in Richmond and spent time in Charlottesville. I would definitely put it on a short list. As you say, not far from DC for a big city getaway and Richmond has some things to offer as well. Its been a while since I was there so I don't know the current situation with prices. A negative would be that they can get quite a bit of snow there. And yes, I would bet on Medicaid expansion.

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Thanks. I looked a little into Richmond too. A bigger city so a wider range of housing options. They also have scary slums. Also now the home of my favorite chef in the world:


I guess the tax situation is something I would need to look into and no, I really don't like snow either.

But I also don't like hurricanes.

You know when choosing a place in Thailand, for me I had easily narrowed it down to the standard choices, Phuket Bangkok Pattaya Chiang Mai.

I think a choice in the USA is harder ... too many choices.

Now I used to have no problem choosing different places to move in the USA because stuff was pulling me to those places (like a job prospect, relationship, etc.) ... but the approach now is more like looking at the USA from the outside in, almost as if it's a foreign country.

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