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Some Unbiased Advice.


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I am English and gave up years ago expecting anything off the UK government. If you do the right thing and go to work, pay your taxes and stay out of trouble then government think you are fair game. The stasi council will hassle you for Council Tax if you are a day late. If your self-assessment is late you get fined. If you drive a car then parking, driving is a nightmare with constant fines, charges etc. CCTV follows your every move. On the other hand if you do the wrong thing by staying in bed all day not working, decide not to pay any bills and milk the system then there are a whole army of social workers, benefits workers and do-gooders who will ensure you have an easy path in life. Not the rantings of a bitter man but the truth as I see it. The paperwork and regulations required just to use the banking system or try to access any sort of service is an endless task. For these reasons I very rarely work in the UK and spend as little time as possible there. As for expecting any sort of compassion from my government I'd much rather make my own destiny in life without having to ask for any help from them.

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I can get to Honolulu, get paperwork sorted out and get early social security. I will be homeless like millions of other people.

Don't feel too badly about this. I know a lot of homeless people, and about to become one.

It helps get your priorities right. Be here now. Watch for the signs.

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Where is she filing for divorce? In many U.S. states half her assets would be yours and you may be able to ask for alimony (now called spousal support).

I agree, the midwest is pretty awful compared to beautiful Hawaii. Best wishes!

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What's wrong with Michigan? They've got good jobs there. If you're not going to go where the work is, you don't seem to be helping your situation much.

It's not worth it to go to a place he dislikes that much. There are other places with jobs, too. I understand not wanting your surroundings to cause you misery. It's sort of hard to pull yourself up by your bootstraps if you hate the place you're living, following a wife who has said "meh, take it or leave it." I certainly couldn't pursue any degree of happiness in that environment.

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are you full American as your written english is very poor?

"very poor" .....<deleted>....it is absolutely ridiculous.....did you say retired government employee?? No wonder the US govt is so f'ed. What's wrong with Michigan? You can't be too spoiled to live in just about any state....although if you were a govt employee......yeah, I can understand your fickleness.

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something about Kauai makes you luckier than if you can spell perfectly - he is a local boy - jezzis christ. Kauai is the place - magical place on earth. When you arrive there take a breath - nothing like it.

for a few years I managed the radio shack store their ( 17+ years ago ) - Kukio Grove shopping center. I'm sure i may have meet him. I also photographed some 3000 weddings there.

Sugar Industry virtually gone - years ago. He is a local boy. Salt of the earth.

Learn about the Aloha spirit - just to get started.

My guess he is mixed - like Filipino, hawaiian , Japanese , and more - don't know.

Definitely his culture is Aloha - google Aloha - and get an idea about his culture.

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About social security - at 62 your fine - don't wait. You probably can't get early benefits unless your disabled and have work history over the past 7 years. It's not 50 % at 62 - depends on how long you live. initially less 25 %.or so.

Hawaii has the best food program. Hawaii can afford it due to tourist dollars.

I love Kauai.

Welcome home - have some fun in Honolulu too. Make a ride on a small wave for me.


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are you full American as your written english is very poor?

"very poor" .....<deleted>....it is absolutely ridiculous.....did you say retired government employee?? No wonder the US govt is so f'ed. What's wrong with Michigan? You can't be too spoiled to live in just about any state....although if you were a govt employee......yeah, I can understand your fickleness.

The way we grew up is a bit different. Learn some Aloha along the way.

&lt;deleted&gt; does "full american mean. - maybe native american ?

No one that's American describes as such - full american. No such term in the language.

This guy is Hawaiian - as are my kids ( and half thai ). Born in Hawaii.

Get a grip - who could move to some weird place.

There are jobs in Hawaii too. - Kauai has jobs - check craigslist.

Where is the Aloha in Michigan - just sayen.


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Why are people on this forum if not to advice or assist others?

They should go to some other site if they just want to be negative.

I Thought this was A negative site, unless you know every thing about Thailand.

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As to addressing the comments about my english,forget it.

The other comment was hopeful though.

Yes I can get to BKK without much difficulty.

But if I can get the money sent to CM, then I can leave from there. The US consulate should help me or loan the funds for a ticket.

You are dreaming if you think the U.S. Consulate will loan you money for a ticket.

First of all your credit is no good. Secondly, your case is a self-inflicted problem.

Also, if you're looking for unbiased advice you definitely came to the wrong place.

I don't know the policies but I do know somebody who approached the US embassy (in Malaysia I think it was) and because they were indigent, the embassy bought them a ticket home. As I remember, it was considered a loan and they had to pay the money back. This was several years ago but it would make sense that there would be emergency options for people who are stranded.

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Why are people on this forum if not to advice or assist others?

They should go to some other site if they just want to be negative.

I think the ability to mock posters and their problems is a major reason there are so many TV members--that's the fun of it, and you may get some helpful info. Take it a bit more light-heartedly, poking fun at the misfortunes of others is a psychological quirk which affects--or which is enjoyed by--most people. It makes your own problems seem less traumatic, especially if you find someone worse off than you.

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Right you are.

People say to me where you come from? I say Hawaii and they say America. I say no Hawaii is not part of America. Yes part of the United States and stolen by them but america no way. Michigan is in America and I want no part of the mainland. Those who know understand, the others stay in the mainland please.

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I have been in this area for 18 years, with some time spent working in states.Before that I worked in sugar cane industry and before that served my country honorably.

I speak musir, thai and english, Hawaiian too.

I have a good reputation with hill tribe and country thai's that are nearby.

I helped on too many community projects to remember.

I have taught english to children in primary school.

I support a young girl to go to secondary school all costs paid in advance.

I have or tried to help my own son to have a better life.

I have worked growing food on hillsides and made friends.

With my own hard earn money I built two friends houses of their own.

I have not sat around the bars with the women all around me. Never.

True I have not worked in the office place in BKK,nor would I want.

I have learned and taught thai massage from an amazing teacher.

Yes I overstayed my visa but I have given back to this beautiful country not taken from it.

I have not worked at jobs here that people who have jumped through all the hoops to do honestly.

What happens to thai's in USA that have taken away jobs from wanting to work americans. They are just not allowed to return. No fines.

I love this country and the people and have been respectful of its customs.

How many people here can honestly say that? If you can I commend you.

When I do get back to Hawaii any government benifits I get I am entitled to. I paid my fair share of taxes . That includes Social Security if there is any left after Obama is through.

My money is gone now because I did use it help people. I could stay and grow food and survive without taking jobs from others.Do other things with not a worry about overstay.

The only reason I put myself through what may happen is I want to get my retirement funds early if possible and it is not something I can do on the Internet.


If you can make a career of bad choices and poor decisions and still be proud... more power to you.

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are you full American as your written english is very poor?

Maybe he's been used to Tinglish for so long that it's natural for him to miss the odd word here and there. No big deal.

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Right you are.

People say to me where you come from? I say Hawaii and they say America. I say no Hawaii is not part of America. Yes part of the United States and stolen by them but america no way. Michigan is in America and I want no part of the mainland. Those who know understand, the others stay in the mainland please.

That is a bit of semantics. Similarly, Canadians, Mexicans, Central and South Americans, often refer to themselves as Americans. They are. They are part of the American continents. However, none of the aforementioned nations have "America" as part of their name--which us why citizens of the United States of American refer to themselves as Americans and dislike other nations' citizens saying they are too.

Hawaii is not part of the American Continents, but it is part of the United States of America. Therefore, Hawaiians are Americans. So, perhaps you are wrong denying you are from America, when you are from Hawaii. Country name or continental name? That should be clarified.

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are you full American as your written english is very poor?

I actually find that most Americans have poor English, especially their spelling...

...like "labor"... cheesy.gif

And you spell it how....???

You consider throwing superfluous vowels around better spelling. Please.

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