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US experts join hunt for abducted Nigerian schoolgirls


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US experts join hunt for abducted Nigerian schoolgirls

(BBC) A team of US experts has been sent to Nigeria to help find more than 200 schoolgirls abducted last month by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram.

US President Barack Obama said the team comprised personnel from military, law enforcement and other agencies.

He said he hoped the kidnapping might galvanise the international community to take action against Boko Haram.

Earlier, it emerged that eight more girls had been abducted in north-eastern Nigeria by suspected militants.

The latest kidnapping happened on Sunday night in the village of Warabe in Borno state. The girls taken were aged between 12 and 15.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-27304441

-- BBC 2014-05-07

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Boko Haram need to be destroyed as vermin along with the likes of Somalia's Al Shabab. Hopefullly the locals will turn against these grubs and lynch the lot of them in the not too distant future.

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This happened a couple of weeks ago. It's not exactly a rapid response... Boko Haram are just a bunch of evil scum hiding behind religion because they know that will give them a pretty much free ride because the west is so scared of being politically incorrect.

I don't know about 'hiding behind', rather quoting chapter and verse, which Boko Haram have indeed done to justify their actions. The following link may be upsetting to those who persist in denying the nature of the evil the world is facing.


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I say good for the US for stepping up to the plate. May God Bless the efforts of those headed into harms way. This guy is a fricken terrorist pure and simple. It also has been going on for years and its about flippen time "someone" stepped up to attempt to do something. . NIgeria is beyond corrupt and has done next to nothing to stop him. I pray that the US can. I also would lobby that this is a clear case of "dammed if we do, dammed if we do not". Meaning we will take the piss no matter what the outcome is.

Not that I give a tinkers dam, just hope and pray that these girls get back to their homes and this guy gets a bullet in the head very soon.........................................................

Who is "This guy" you are refering too?

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This tragedy is an international disgrace...no parents should have to endure this kind of heartache...hope the girls have not been abused...and their captors...get their just and due punishment...

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The "leader" of Boko Haram made a crucial mistake with that video.

Nigerians bombing each other, the West turns a blind eye, even abducting the children in the first place triggered no response.

It was only when this grinning mountebank announced his intention of selling the girls that the West decided it had to do something.

The "leader" has signed his death warrant with that video, and few will mourn him. Too late for the girls though, I fear.

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Off-topic posts deleted. There is a difference between Islam and these groups. Anti-Islamic posts will be deleted.

Please stay on topic and exercise care in your remarks.

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I say good for the US for stepping up to the plate. May God Bless the efforts of those headed into harms way. This guy is a fricken terrorist pure and simple. It also has been going on for years and its about flippen time "someone" stepped up to attempt to do something. . NIgeria is beyond corrupt and has done next to nothing to stop him. I pray that the US can. I also would lobby that this is a clear case of "dammed if we do, dammed if we do not". Meaning we will take the piss no matter what the outcome is.

Not that I give a tinkers dam, just hope and pray that these girls get back to their homes and this guy gets a bullet in the head very soon.........................................................

Before you start waving the flag too much dear boy...


Obama said the US was doing its utmost to help resolve the "terrible situation" but stopped short of offering to send troops – in contrast to Britain, which is prepared to send special forces and intelligence gathering aircraft.

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Didn't the US criticize the Nigerian government for being too harsh against these rebel/terror groups? Now, they want the Nigerians to do more? Just. Stay. Out. Of. It. Let the British go into Nigeria. It used to be their colony. They understand. We Americans do not. We'll just make the situation worse.

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Whatever it takes needs to be done asap, hopefully they can bring all these young girls back home to safety, is disgraceful that the world sits by and does nothing. US/UK again step up to plate, where are all the other nations, and why are there no Muslim leaders lambasting these acts of barbarism? Whether these were Christian. Muslim or what ever faith they purport to be, all civilized nations should assist in their eradication!!

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The situation is complicated by what exactly the expectations are. If it is to free the kidnapped girl, then it is more or less a police action and requires police-trained personnel. If it is am action to bring down a terrorist group, then it's a military action. In one the goal would be to save the girls. In the other they could end up as collateral damage.

I hope they are brought back safely.

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The US should assist with drones and satellites observations, and perhaps weapons and advisers. But boots on the ground, no way. If US troops went in there, it would be quicksand and possible hostages - trouble wall to wall.

Whenever problems crop up, people worldwide look to the US. They never look to China (the world's 1st or 2nd biggest economy, with 1/5th the world's population) because they know the Chinese only care about getting raw materials. Indeed, once a region is made moderately safe by the US or their friends (Aussie/NZ, Europeans) the Chinese are among the first on the scene. Before the smoke has cleared, the Chinese corporation agents are there with smiles, handshakes, and contracts to be signed.

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This reconfirms my belief that these guys and all like them who do things like this in the name of religion do because it is the only why that they can have a woman. They could not get laid in a whorehouse with a pocket full of money. I think all of these actions from 9/11 to this are driven for this same reason.... Woman !

Either too ugly, too stupid or just down right nasty for any free woman to have anything to do with them.

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This reconfirms my belief that these guys and all like them who do things like this in the name of religion do because it is the only why that they can have a woman. They could not get laid in a whorehouse with a pocket full of money. I think all of these actions from 9/11 to this are driven for this same reason.... Woman !

Either too ugly, too stupid or just down right nasty for any free woman to have anything to do with them.

A few other reasons the boys become Q'ran thumping bad boys :

>> they got no job and no prospects in the real world

>> They have no real shot at being a husband and raising a family. Without a job and having no money, ....no chick is going to want to try and start a family.

>> They're at that young age when they're drawn to religion and easily influenced by hot heads.

>> They get a chance to carry a big gun and go around bullying people. It's a turn on for testosterone riven young men.

Killing them won't be easy. They can easily hide in the bush, or among regular people. They can even dress as women (to evade capture or to do a suicide bomb mission), as their Muslim brethren up north.

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Currently, nearly every major trouble spot on the planet, involves radical Muslims.

What does that tell you about their belief system?

The question is, what does the word radical actually mean in this context? Many will cite verses from the Quran in order to claim the 'radicals' are acting in a way contrary to their religion, whereas the radicals will also cite the Quran in order to justify their actions. The radicals may have a minority view, which loathsome though it may be it still has a coherent basis in scripture. I surmise that 'radical' in the context used means the application of Islam in a manner secular civilizations find abhorrent.

P.S The kidnapped girls were Christian, in case that is not obvious from the media.


Gradually but explosively, what Boko Haram, the Islamist terror group, has been doing in North East Nigeria has penetrated the mainstream from the social media. On 14 April Boko Haram (meaning ‘Western Education is Forbidden’) abducted more than 230 girls from a boarding school. Most are still missing. Abubaka Shekau, Boko Haram’s leader, obligingly gave a videoed explanation: ‘I abducted your girls; there is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell – he commands me to sell.’

I await the main schools of Islamic jurisprudence informing Abubaka Shekau of his misunderstanding forthwith.

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Currently, nearly every major trouble spot on the planet, involves radical Muslims.

What does that tell you about their belief system?

The question is, what does the word radical actually mean in this context? Many will cite verses from the Quran in order to claim the 'radicals' are acting in a way contrary to their religion, whereas the radicals will also cite the Quran in order to justify their actions. The radicals may have a minority view, which loathsome though it may be it still has a coherent basis in scripture. I surmise that 'radical' in the context used means the application of Islam in a manner secular civilizations find abhorrent.

P.S The kidnapped girls were Christian, in case that is not obvious from the media.


Gradually but explosively, what Boko Haram, the Islamist terror group, has been doing in North East Nigeria has penetrated the mainstream from the social media. On 14 April Boko Haram (meaning ‘Western Education is Forbidden’) abducted more than 230 girls from a boarding school. Most are still missing. Abubaka Shekau, Boko Haram’s leader, obligingly gave a videoed explanation: ‘I abducted your girls; there is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell – he commands me to sell.’

I await the main schools of Islamic jurisprudence informing Abubaka Shekau of his misunderstanding forthwith.


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