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Thai cabinet appoints new PM: minister


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The Constitution! You mean that thing that pad/pdrc/dems have been sabotaging so they can steal power by creating a political vacuum..

THE CC just said yesterday that the remaining caretaker cabnet can carry on, and thats what they are going to do.. you can interpret these gray areas of the constitution all you want but the rest of society is sick of this, i said this 2 min agi, even if the NaCC tries something creative at this point, the caretaker govt + CAPO will reject it and the military will not come to the aid of the pdrc/dems

its checkmate and it's over, the dems only options now are run in the election and get creamed, or boycott , either way they will never be in power, their attempt to seize power undemocratically is a bust, its reality time.

OK Tat, your wrong, it's over and this new guy is now the PT PM, if he gets sacked there is another 24 people in line, the notion that the senate can apoint a PM is non-sense, senators are not MPs, cabnet ministers are MPs ok take a deep breathe now and deal with reality

Correct me if I am wrong, but when Parliament was dissolved, the MP's all resigned, therefore they are not "MP's" any longer.

If that is the case, how can they appoint a new PM? The PM MUST be an MP according to the Constitution. The only people who can appoint a new PM in this case then is the Senate . . .

Have you actually read any of the current Constitution that details HOW things should be done legally as opposed to the way Thaksin and the incredible PT legal team think or want things to be done?

Answer me this . . .

Are Yingluck and any of the 9 members of the cabinet who were removed from office currently MP's?

Are ANY of the current caretaker Govt currently MP's?

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The Constitution! You mean that thing that pad/pdrc/dems have been sabotaging so they can steal power by creating a political vacuum..

THE CC just said yesterday that the remaining caretaker cabnet can carry on, and thats what they are going to do.. you can interpret these gray areas of the constitution all you want but the rest of society is sick of this, i said this 2 min agi, even if the NaCC tries something creative at this point, the caretaker govt + CAPO will reject it and the military will not come to the aid of the pdrc/dems

its checkmate and it's over, the dems only options now are run in the election and get creamed, or boycott , either way they will never be in power, their attempt to seize power undemocratically is a bust, its reality time.

OK Tat, your wrong, it's over and this new guy is now the PT PM, if he gets sacked there is another 24 people in line, the notion that the senate can apoint a PM is non-sense, senators are not MPs, cabnet ministers are MPs ok take a deep breathe now and deal with reality

Correct me if I am wrong, but when Parliament was dissolved, the MP's all resigned, therefore they are not "MP's" any longer.

If that is the case, how can they appoint a new PM? The PM MUST be an MP according to the Constitution. The only people who can appoint a new PM in this case then is the Senate . . .

Have you actually read any of the current Constitution that details HOW things should be done legally as opposed to the way Thaksin and the incredible PT legal team think or want things to be done?

Answer me this . . .

Are Yingluck and any of the 9 members of the cabinet who were removed from office currently MP's?

Are ANY of the current caretaker Govt currently MP's?

Ah, so it's OK for Thaksin/PT/UDD etc to ignore the Constitution when it suits them, but when the people who actually are empowered by law to interpret and apply the constitution this is somehow wrong?

What about answering my questions? Or does answering them truthfully then expose the basic fact that you and PT are wrong?

Edited by Tatsujin
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Well the constitution is supposed to enshrine elections, when the dems and their pdrc friends boycotted and sabotaged the elections, creating a mess with a prolonged 'caretaker' admin(which is only supposed to last for 2 months so the constitution gets murky when it is prolonged AND THEN 'independent agency's' start firing caretakers, AND THEN the dems are going to point to the constitution to say we can get caretakers fired and then we can goto the senate..this is a breakdown in how the constitution is supposed to work where we enter these grey areas. It seems the dems are the ones that ignor the law when it suits them.

There is such a thing as political capital and the force of law. The courts political capital is diminished, CAPO is then the force of law.

and another ? you asked, yes the cabnet ministers 'were' MPs, they are from that part of the house, the constitution says that the previous cabnet carries on in caretaker role until a new elections create a new govt.. technically yingluck should only be removed from the next election, not caretaker role

Edited by pkspeaker
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Continued continuity of the Interim Prime Minister will give the EC no excuse to delay finalizing the election decree. And should the NACC find Yingluck criminal in the government rice program, it will have zero impact on scheduling the next election other than Yingluck will be banned from running - another zero impact politically. So unfortunately for the EC, it will still have to carrying out its duty to assure elections proceed according to the Constitution, albeit kicking and yelling it isn't ready yet.

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So he wasn't reinstated in 2012 because the government didn't realise that transferring a Civil Servant would be viewed as "unconstitutional" especially as the previous government had done the exact same thing with no penalty. The Cabinet agreed to the reinstatement of Thawil on March 25th - within the 45 days stipulated.

Now do you get the point?

Did you read the verdict of the C.C? It's not just a 'transfer' of a civil servant.

What you seem to do is try to ignore all the reasons given by the C.C and ebven suggest a previous government did the same, the 'transfer' of a civil servant.

So, inactive post, relative promoted, conflict of interest anyone?

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The Constitution! You mean that thing that pad/pdrc/dems have been sabotaging so they can steal power by creating a political vacuum..

THE CC just said yesterday that the remaining caretaker cabnet can carry on, and thats what they are going to do.. you can interpret these gray areas of the constitution all you want but the rest of society is sick of this, i said this 2 min agi, even if the NaCC tries something creative at this point, the caretaker govt + CAPO will reject it and the military will not come to the aid of the pdrc/dems

its checkmate and it's over, the dems only options now are run in the election and get creamed, or boycott , either way they will never be in power, their attempt to seize power undemocratically is a bust, its reality time.

OK Tat, your wrong, it's over and this new guy is now the PT PM, if he gets sacked there is another 24 people in line, the notion that the senate can apoint a PM is non-sense, senators are not MPs, cabnet ministers are MPs ok take a deep breathe now and deal with reality

Correct me if I am wrong, but when Parliament was dissolved, the MP's all resigned, therefore they are not "MP's" any longer.

If that is the case, how can they appoint a new PM? The PM MUST be an MP according to the Constitution. The only people who can appoint a new PM in this case then is the Senate . . .

Have you actually read any of the current Constitution that details HOW things should be done legally as opposed to the way Thaksin and the incredible PT legal team think or want things to be done?

Answer me this . . .

Are Yingluck and any of the 9 members of the cabinet who were removed from office currently MP's?

Are ANY of the current caretaker Govt currently MP's?

If PTP /CAPO were to refuse to go in that situation I think it would be stalemate not checkmate.

There can be no elections without EC actions and a Royal Decree - if the independent bodies were to make rulings that PTP were no longer the Caretaker government would the EC comply with the election request - would a Royal Decree be forthcoming?

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Continued continuity of the Interim Prime Minister will give the EC no excuse to delay finalizing the election decree. And should the NACC find Yingluck criminal in the government rice program, it will have zero impact on scheduling the next election other than Yingluck will be banned from running - another zero impact politically. So unfortunately for the EC, it will still have to carrying out its duty to assure elections proceed according to the Constitution, albeit kicking and yelling it isn't ready yet.

First step for the E.C. would be to ask the C.C if this new interim PM is legal, I guessrolleyes.gif

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...it will finally dawn on the Suthepistas that it is business as usual...

Sorry to burst your bubble

How can it be business as usual ?

If this is true, at least this one has some experience in running something

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Pretty damn rediculouse, removing a PM like that..one swift kick in the balls for democracy . In Thailand

Give me one good example of true democracy practiced anywhere...

As a single example:

United States of America. Over 230 years of continued democracy without any military coups, without any interim governments, with peaceful succession of political power from one administration to another, with effective congressional and government oversight of political abuses and conflicts of interests, with effective Supreme Court that evolves with the maturity of a democractic society. Albeit the country has had its shortcomings to completely eradicate political cheating, influence peddling, inequality, and redistribution of wealth.

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Defiance in the face of disaster. Cling to power with all your might. Meanwhile let your red militia do damage to judges and hospitals. The night of the long knives. . They dont care if they destroy this beautiful country in the process. Ah well hope the judges for the rice scheme are brave people.

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No work permits needed in the red army. they need all they can muster now, and also we have Thursday to see what happens re--rice job.

Didn't she do well overseeing this, also ???

What are you on about now? Did it all make sense when it was in your brain and then it all went terribly wrong when you typed it out?

I am on about, what is reality NOW, The other poster was correct about you living the past, you are not facing today's reality, so my nasty little quip was for your info, as you are blindly red colour only. Topic re cabinet--corruption and appointment. come on today reality.

No, your nasty little quip, your words, still doesn't make any sense.

Red Army work permits? - How does this relate to the cabinet or your version of "todays reality"?

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...it will finally dawn on the Suthepistas that it is business as usual...

Thank you Mr. wind up for this post, no way will this be business as usual, for now every politician will be SH####ing bricks ---look before you tread guys---most who are not convicted will be wearing brown underpants,

For you --you would have been happy for no action ????----sorry your disappointed with democracy.

No, it's fundamentally undemocratic and that's my problem with it. An elected PM dismissed by a stacked court, for the most trivial of reasons ( in any other country it would have been a censure at most), initaited by an APPOINTED Senator. Anyway, the govt continues in office and that's the main game.

Just really interested in then why a Premier in Australia had to leave his office over a $3,000 bottle of wine, he still can not remember getting

or leaving his position in South Korea because of a ferry accident

Edited by tezzainoz
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Continued continuity of the Interim Prime Minister will give the EC no excuse to delay finalizing the election decree. And should the NACC find Yingluck criminal in the government rice program, it will have zero impact on scheduling the next election other than Yingluck will be banned from running - another zero impact politically. So unfortunately for the EC, it will still have to carrying out its duty to assure elections proceed according to the Constitution, albeit kicking and yelling it isn't ready yet.

First step for the E.C. would be to ask the C.C if this new interim PM is legal, I guessrolleyes.gif

Oh don't worry, I'm sure abhisits legal team are on the case, either that or a bought and paid for appointed senator will be all over it like a cheap suit

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...it will finally dawn on the Suthepistas that it is business as usual...

Thank you Mr. wind up for this post, no way will this be business as usual, for now every politician will be SH####ing bricks ---look before you tread guys---most who are not convicted will be wearing brown underpants,

For you --you would have been happy for no action ????----sorry your disappointed with democracy.

No, it's fundamentally undemocratic and that's my problem with it. An elected PM dismissed by a stacked court, for the most trivial of reasons ( in any other country it would have been a censure at most), initaited by an APPOINTED Senator. Anyway, the govt continues in office and that's the main game.

Just really interested in then why a Premier in Australia had to leave his office over a $3,000 bottle of wine, he still can not remember getting

or leaving his position in South Korea because of a ferry accident

Does the Government of Australia have an appointed senate? According to the Constitution Part ii Section 7, No.

In which case your interest in an Australian Premier and a bottle of wine is not only off topic, but pointless.

As is the case of a PM in South Korea falling on his sword on behalf of the President, again, off topic, irrelevant and pointless.

Edited by fab4
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OK Tat, your wrong, it's over and this new guy is now the PT PM, if he gets sacked there is another 24 people in line, the notion that the senate can apoint a PM is non-sense, senators are not MPs, cabnet ministers are MPs ok take a deep breathe now and deal with reality

Correct me if I am wrong, but when Parliament was dissolved, the MP's all resigned, therefore they are not "MP's" any longer.

If that is the case, how can they appoint a new PM? The PM MUST be an MP according to the Constitution. The only people who can appoint a new PM in this case then is the Senate . . .

Have you actually read any of the current Constitution that details HOW things should be done legally as opposed to the way Thaksin and the incredible PT legal team think or want things to be done?

Answer me this . . .

Are Yingluck and any of the 9 members of the cabinet who were removed from office currently MP's?

Are ANY of the current caretaker Govt currently MP's?

It's funny how PDRC supporters still refer to the constitution when trying to attack PTP. The PDRC and Privy Council have been using the constitution as toilet paper since 1932.

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No work permits needed in the red army. they need all they can muster now, and also we have Thursday to see what happens re--rice job.

Didn't she do well overseeing this, also ???

What are you on about now? Did it all make sense when it was in your brain and then it all went terribly wrong when you typed it out?

I am on about, what is reality NOW, The other poster was correct about you living the past, you are not facing today's reality, so my nasty little quip was for your info, as you are blindly red colour only. Topic re cabinet--corruption and appointment. come on today reality.

No, your nasty little quip, your words, still doesn't make any sense.

Red Army work permits? - How does this relate to the cabinet or your version of "todays reality"?

It makes sense when all of your posts are in denial--making you a real red shirt follower, so if you get my drift, you would be better off among those you love--does that sink in. You are the one that promotes the reds --so it is an admission--there is my answer to you---sorry but you belch out every day mostly replies on gov matters, rather than topics in general.

Wish you could recognize wrongs on both sides rather than one.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Pretty damn rediculouse, removing a PM like that..one swift kick in the balls for democracy . In Thailand

Give me one good example of true democracy practiced anywhere...

As a single example:

United States of America. Over 230 years of continued democracy without any military coups, without any interim governments, with peaceful succession of political power from one administration to another, with effective congressional and government oversight of political abuses and conflicts of interests, with effective Supreme Court that evolves with the maturity of a democractic society. Albeit the country has had its shortcomings to completely eradicate political cheating, influence peddling, inequality, and redistribution of wealth.

Are you serious? cheesy.gif America is the perfect model of how a democracy becomes undermined by vested interests.

For a historical perspective, you could start here: How Democratic Is the American Constitution?


For an up to date analysis, published online by Princeton although the journal publication is not due till this autumn, read:

Testing Theories of American Politics:

Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens

https://www.princeton.edu/~mgilens/Gilens%20homepage%20materials/Gilens%20and%20Page/Gilens%20and%20Page%202014-Testing%20Theories%203-7-14.pdf [pdf]

Here is the concluding paragraph from the research abstract:

"Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism."

The short version, as quoted on many other sites, is that the USA is an oligarchy and not a true democracy, except for show.


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OK Tat, your wrong, it's over and this new guy is now the PT PM, if he gets sacked there is another 24 people in line, the notion that the senate can apoint a PM is non-sense, senators are not MPs, cabnet ministers are MPs ok take a deep breathe now and deal with reality

Correct me if I am wrong, but when Parliament was dissolved, the MP's all resigned, therefore they are not "MP's" any longer.

If that is the case, how can they appoint a new PM? The PM MUST be an MP according to the Constitution. The only people who can appoint a new PM in this case then is the Senate . . .

Have you actually read any of the current Constitution that details HOW things should be done legally as opposed to the way Thaksin and the incredible PT legal team think or want things to be done?

Answer me this . . .

Are Yingluck and any of the 9 members of the cabinet who were removed from office currently MP's?

Are ANY of the current caretaker Govt currently MP's?

It's funny how PDRC supporters still refer to the constitution when trying to attack PTP. The PDRC and Privy Council have been using the constitution as toilet paper since 1932.

Well, both sides use the law and the constitution to benefit themselves, that's politics ... but only 1 side seems (mostly) to actually follow them.

If the laws and constitution are so bad, then how about ... oh, I don't know ... perhaps some reforms before elections, with the "public" being involved at all stages?

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He seems to be not that bad but also very closely linked to Shin Corp. The Democrats hoped that the whole cabinet will be fired, thanks Buddha this didn't happened.

Congratulation Khun Niwattumrong.

well done, this will annoy suthep even more

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Correct me if I am wrong, but when Parliament was dissolved, the MP's all resigned, therefore they are not "MP's" any longer.

If that is the case, how can they appoint a new PM? The PM MUST be an MP according to the Constitution. The only people who can appoint a new PM in this case then is the Senate . . .

Thats the way I see it also

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3 duly elected Prime Ministers sacked by an incestuous unelected elite appointed judiciary.

The final time of reckoning is upon Thailand.

Who owns the country?

The masses or the elites?

The choices are stark.

One road leads to a free and open society with a flourishing economy and equality for all.

And the other?

Aparthied, dictatorship, oppression, censorship, injustice, international pariah status, economic doom and national misery.

It's clear to see why this only ends one way and the victors can only be the Reds.

The same Red's that won't even allow charity music concerts by alleged PDRC musicians in Red areas (and even non red areas.. rama2 Bangkok for example)

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Continued continuity of the Interim Prime Minister will give the EC no excuse to delay finalizing the election decree. And should the NACC find Yingluck criminal in the government rice program, it will have zero impact on scheduling the next election other than Yingluck will be banned from running - another zero impact politically. So unfortunately for the EC, it will still have to carrying out its duty to assure elections proceed according to the Constitution, albeit kicking and yelling it isn't ready yet.

First step for the E.C. would be to ask the C.C if this new interim PM is legal, I guessrolleyes.gif

Oh don't worry, I'm sure abhisits legal team are on the case, either that or a bought and paid for appointed senator will be all over it like a cheap suit

Don't forget the former MP and Senator Rung something or another. The one who frequently asked a court or commission to look into things.

Edited by rubl
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3 duly elected Prime Ministers sacked by an incestuous unelected elite appointed judiciary.

The final time of reckoning is upon Thailand.

Who owns the country?

The masses or the elites?

The choices are stark.

One road leads to a free and open society with a flourishing economy and equality for all.

And the other?

Aparthied, dictatorship, oppression, censorship, injustice, international pariah status, economic doom and national misery.

It's clear to see why this only ends one way and the victors can only be the Reds.

The same Red's that won't even allow charity music concerts by alleged PDRC musicians in Red areas (and even non red areas.. rama2 Bangkok for example)

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So they shouldn't.

We are in the middle of a hotly contested political battle.

Niceties come after the contest has been settled and the winners declared.

(At least they don't tie them up, brutalise them and then throw them to their deaths in a river).

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3 duly elected Prime Ministers sacked by an incestuous unelected elite appointed judiciary.

The final time of reckoning is upon Thailand.

Who owns the country?

The masses or the elites?

The choices are stark.

One road leads to a free and open society with a flourishing economy and equality for all.

And the other?

Aparthied, dictatorship, oppression, censorship, injustice, international pariah status, economic doom and national misery.

It's clear to see why this only ends one way and the victors can only be the Reds.

The same Red's that won't even allow charity music concerts by alleged PDRC musicians in Red areas (and even non red areas.. rama2 Bangkok for example)

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If we're really lucky they'll take over the set of Thailand's got Talent as well coffee1.gif

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Does it now mean, Suthep's mob in Lumpini Park will now go home???

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

NO! They will stay i am sure. They wanted YL to be gone but changed and want now reform before elections. So their fight is not over.

Funny thing though. The UDD knew that another PTP member would be given the CTPM job once YL was ousted which is why they cancelled their rally outside the CC today.

So this guy is just another PTP dupe. Also, YL charter was not called to take blame today but it may still happen. The PTP charter has had all this planned. I also thought it was up to the Senate and Senate speaker and not the charter to choose the next caretaker PM.?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Taxi spoke,good time to go sis,your on the nose,next.You watch them gloss over the prevoius 4 years.The rice scandle will get them in the end.

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