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Sometimes We Just Want To Have A Meal By Ourselves...


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May I take this opportunity to suggest your wife learns a little more English. It will give her a much greater understanding of the world in general as well as broaden her communication abilities with your farang friends who feel uncomfortable.

May I take this opportunity to suggest you speak to your friend's girl-friend in Thai if she is uncomfortable and you speak Thai and are in thai.

How fluent are you in Thai?

Can you speak the royal language?

I was out with a farang who thinks he can speak Thai but couldn't understand a word of what my wife and I were talking about to do with King. They teach this at elementary school.

Don't you know that opposites attract - maybe why you like intelligent women :o

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No need to get so defensive. My point, which YOU missed the boat on, is why you would marry someone you cant have an intelligent conversation with (your words). I couldnt imagine marrying someone who couldnt hold an intelligent, let alone a fluent conversation with me, but then I guess we all have different marriage agendas. High on mine would be the ability to speak to my wife fluently. If you can get away by subsitiuting with communication with third partys then fine. I just find that a little hard to understand. No need to be so defensive or nasty. Mai pen rai?

I am getting defensive because you are basically calling our wives stupid. I never said I could not have an intelligent convo with my wife. What I said was I need to be able to talk to other people to have intelligent convos about certain things that she has no particular knowledge of, like sports. If there is something within our marriage we need to discuss, I have no problems talking to her about it. No matter how much they study, they will never be as fluent as we are.

Edited by TRIPxCORE
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I am a chef and both of us(wife&me) like cooking at home.

It's allways a lot of fun when preparing and cooking our dishes. 99% of all food I am cooking even Thaifood, my wife is a very bad cook. So her part is the preparation and I do the actual cooking for us.

We change nearly daily: Farang food, Thaifood and many times fusion.

Of course we are sitting together and talk when having our food.


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> Um, like the human species? > Um, like the human species? What

> does that make your wife then? Or is she the human?

Ha, well I met them both they're both wonderful people, however one of them enjoys talking about rugby more and the other enjoys talk about babies, and food. For rugby talk I can't blame TP for seeking gratification outside of matrimony. :o

> May I take this opportunity to suggest your wife learns a little more English.

She speaks excellent English. Lot easier to understand frankly than a bloke from Liverpool I met the other day watching the world cup.



I was refering to the chap who's wife spoke less than elementary english, but thats for yuor input as always.

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May I take this opportunity to suggest your wife learns a little more English. It will give her a much greater understanding of the world in general as well as broaden her communication abilities with your farang friends who feel uncomfortable.

May I take this opportunity to suggest you speak to your friend's girl-friend in Thai if she is uncomfortable and you speak Thai and are in thai.

How fluent are you in Thai?

Can you speak the royal language?

I was out with a farang who thinks he can speak Thai but couldn't understand a word of what my wife and I were talking about to do with King. They teach this at elementary school.

Don't you know that opposites attract - maybe why you like intelligent women :o

May I take this opportunity to suggest you speak to your friend's girl-friend in Thai if she is uncomfortable and you speak Thai and are in thai.

She's from Mongolia, however I will heed your suggestion and speak to her in Thai. I may get some strange looks but I'm sure you know best.

How fluent am I in Thai? Umm, test me if its really that important. Otherwise I am obviously going to say fluent enough to have an intelligent conversation without having to find other people to talk to.

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No need to get so defensive. My point, which YOU missed the boat on, is why you would marry someone you cant have an intelligent conversation with (your words). I couldnt imagine marrying someone who couldnt hold an intelligent, let alone a fluent conversation with me, but then I guess we all have different marriage agendas. High on mine would be the ability to speak to my wife fluently. If you can get away by subsitiuting with communication with third partys then fine. I just find that a little hard to understand. No need to be so defensive or nasty. Mai pen rai?

I am getting defensive because you are basically calling our wives stupid. I never said I could not have an intelligent convo with my wife. What I said was I need to be able to talk to other people to have intelligent convos about certain things that she has no particular knowledge of, like sports. If there is something within our marriage we need to discuss, I have no problems talking to her about it. No matter how much they study, they will never be as fluent as we are.

You said this exactly - I have to concur with TP here. If I want to have an intelligent conversation, I must talk to others. No mention of certain things or sports. You clearly said that for intelligent conversations you need to talk to others. It's no wonder that I thought that your wife was stupid when you failed to expand on the types of conversations you both cant hold down together.

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Short of getting into the budding flaming war of who speaks Thai best .....

or who can use the Royal Vocabulary (not language!)

It is important even amongst us assimilationists to have "boy talk"/"girl talk" moments ... My partner is FLUENT in English ... far surpassing my level in Thai ... doesn't matter ... I still have "boy's night out with friends" as does he with Thai friends ...

Yes our social circles DO mix .. but they are different experiences.

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You said this exactly - I have to concur with TP here. If I want to have an intelligent conversation, I must talk to others. No mention of certain things or sports. You clearly said that for intelligent conversations you need to talk to others. It's no wonder that I thought that your wife was stupid when you failed to expand on the types of conversations you both cant hold down together.

Walking a fine line indeed.

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You said this exactly - I have to concur with TP here. If I want to have an intelligent conversation, I must talk to others. No mention of certain things or sports. You clearly said that for intelligent conversations you need to talk to others. It's no wonder that I thought that your wife was stupid when you failed to expand on the types of conversations you both cant hold down together.

Walking a fine line indeed.

FYI, silly threats on a message board do nothing except highlight your inability to respond with something constructive. Rather dissapointing, but in this case not unexpected.

At the end of the day if you are going to tell the general public that you can't talk to your wife if you want an intelligent conversation or agree with someone who says they have to turn to their mates if they want intillectual stimulation you are going to come in for some questioning. If you can't take it and have to resort to a 'walking a fine line indeed' comment then fine, I'll leave you alone but you have to admit it is pretty pathetic.

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I often eat on my own, purely because the wife isnt a great fan of farang food. If i want English food i cook it myself, if i want anything else the wife cooks it for me. She is a trianed chef so i am spoilt, not only does she cook some of the best Thai food i have ever eaten, but she is trained in Italian cooking so she cooks great Italian food, which is one of my favourite types of food :o

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Me and the wife will eat together. Mostly Thai food. But now and again i cook up some farang food. I have never cooked a meal that she hasnt enjoyed. I also can have a intelligent conversation with the wife. But now and again its good to sit with the boys and eat and talk. Same as its good for the wife to eat and talk with her freinds. Take for example after we play football and go back to the pub. I will usually order something like pie chips and beans. So will usually my mates. The boys will sit, eat and drink. While the wives and girlfriends will sit talk and eat what they want.

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when at home in Suphan, the wife just cooks for herself and her family...I get the kids to chop up veges for when I want to cook, specially peeling tatties either for salad or for mash...

about half the stuff that I wanna eat is stuff that they wanna eat so cool, roast pork, marinated ribs, roast chicken and the occasional monster mash...so thing work out OK...

I'm always asked if I want some kwietiew or khao pat before the kids go to bed...

I always make sure that I got the cupboard full of baked beans, chilli beans and Hormel tamales (mmmm, good)...also always can do a tuna samwich or sum mama noodles...

kinda drag when your selected stompin' ground ain't got nothin' but fast food...

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You said this exactly - I have to concur with TP here. If I want to have an intelligent conversation, I must talk to others. No mention of certain things or sports. You clearly said that for intelligent conversations you need to talk to others. It's no wonder that I thought that your wife was stupid when you failed to expand on the types of conversations you both cant hold down together.

Walking a fine line indeed.

FYI, silly threats on a message board do nothing except highlight your inability to respond with something constructive. Rather dissapointing, but in this case not unexpected.

At the end of the day if you are going to tell the general public that you can't talk to your wife if you want an intelligent conversation or agree with someone who says they have to turn to their mates if they want intillectual stimulation you are going to come in for some questioning. If you can't take it and have to resort to a 'walking a fine line indeed' comment then fine, I'll leave you alone but you have to admit it is pretty pathetic.

I wasn't threatening you. My apologies if you took it that way. What I meant by walking a fine line was how my interpretation of what I had said earlier was different than your interpretation, albeit just slightly. Hence, the fine line. That is what I meant. No worries man!

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You said this exactly - I have to concur with TP here. If I want to have an intelligent conversation, I must talk to others. No mention of certain things or sports. You clearly said that for intelligent conversations you need to talk to others. It's no wonder that I thought that your wife was stupid when you failed to expand on the types of conversations you both cant hold down together.

Walking a fine line indeed.

FYI, silly threats on a message board do nothing except highlight your inability to respond with something constructive. Rather dissapointing, but in this case not unexpected.

At the end of the day if you are going to tell the general public that you can't talk to your wife if you want an intelligent conversation or agree with someone who says they have to turn to their mates if they want intillectual stimulation you are going to come in for some questioning. If you can't take it and have to resort to a 'walking a fine line indeed' comment then fine, I'll leave you alone but you have to admit it is pretty pathetic.

I wasn't threatening you. My apologies if you took it that way. What I meant by walking a fine line was how my interpretation of what I had said earlier was different than your interpretation, albeit just slightly. Hence, the fine line. That is what I meant. No worries man!

Thanks dude

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I have never made a meal in over 10 years. My wife takes it as a personal insult. I've also got friends with the same 'problem'. It is not the man's job.

Yeah, and all the world's top chefs are not men either right?

Official troll reply rating 1/10.

You will have to do better than that sonny.

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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2006-06-14 11:29:37) *

I have never made a meal in over 10 years. My wife takes it as a personal insult. I've also got friends with the same 'problem'. It is not the man's job.

Yeah, and all the world's top chefs are not men either right?

Official troll reply rating 1/10.

You will have to do better than that sonny.

"Sonny"? Are you asking for trouble?

Don't know what you are talking about trolling.

I'm not talking about the rest of the world, I'm talking about Thailand.

Maybe you do the cooking in you're household - bloody pansy. :o

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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2006-06-14 11:29:37) *

I have never made a meal in over 10 years. My wife takes it as a personal insult. I've also got friends with the same 'problem'. It is not the man's job.

Yeah, and all the world's top chefs are not men either right?

Official troll reply rating 1/10.

You will have to do better than that sonny.

"Sonny"? Are you asking for trouble?

Don't know what you are talking about trolling.

I'm not talking about the rest of the world, I'm talking about Thailand.

Maybe you do the cooking in you're household - bloody pansy. :o

Yes, I often cook at home for sure. Especially when we entertain friends. My wife also can't cook western food as well as me and I am more than happy to help out in the kitchen.

Whats a 'bloody pansy' mean?

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I must say, I do pity the majority of you who chose wives who don't know how to cook. If you need to cook yourseld, why did you marry her in the first place?

To be able to let the wife take care of all food has to be the most important part of any marriage. I couldn't imagine not getting all my meals made. I have a friend who's girlfriend can't cook and you can tell she feels less than a woman. Elementary cooking is taught in most Thai households. get yourself a woman who has been educated by her mother.

I'm sorry if I am coming across a little harsh but to marry someone but still need to make your dinner is a little sad. :o

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I must say, I do pity the majority of you who chose wives who don't know how to cook. If you need to cook yourseld, why did you marry her in the first place?

To be able to let the wife take care of all food has to be the most important part of any marriage. I couldn't imagine not getting all my meals made. I have a friend who's girlfriend can't cook and you can tell she feels less than a woman. Elementary cooking is taught in most Thai households. get yourself a woman who has been educated by her mother.

I'm sorry if I am coming across a little harsh but to marry someone but still need to make your dinner is a little sad. :o

I'm sorry, I don't quite follow this irrelivant childish outburst. Who's wife can't cook?

Oh, and what does 'bloody pansy' mean?

Edited by Kananga
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I must say, I do pity the majority of you who chose wives who don't know how to cook. If you need to cook yourseld, why did you marry her in the first place?

To be able to let the wife take care of all food has to be the most important part of any marriage. I couldn't imagine not getting all my meals made. I have a friend who's girlfriend can't cook and you can tell she feels less than a woman. Elementary cooking is taught in most Thai households. get yourself a woman who has been educated by her mother.

I'm sorry if I am coming across a little harsh but to marry someone but still need to make your dinner is a little sad. :D

You've done it now Neernam.. the women on this board are gonna be gunning for you...

Personally.. I think that if you are shallow enough to have to give your future wife a cooking exam to decide whether or not to marry her.. then you must be a sad muppet.. :D

totster :o

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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2006-06-14 12:30:33) *

I must say, I do pity the majority of you who chose wives who don't know how to cook. If you need to cook yourseld, why did you marry her in the first place?

To be able to let the wife take care of all food has to be the most important part of any marriage. I couldn't imagine not getting all my meals made. I have a friend who's girlfriend can't cook and you can tell she feels less than a woman. Elementary cooking is taught in most Thai households. get yourself a woman who has been educated by her mother.

I'm sorry if I am coming across a little harsh but to marry someone but still need to make your dinner is a little sad. laugh.gif

You've done it now Neernam.. the women on this board are gonna be gunning for you...

Personally.. I think that if you are shallow enough to have to give your future wife a cooking exam to decide whether or not to marry her.. then you must be a sad muppet.. blink.gif

Only funning, not serious. Re the below post - cooking(eating) is as important, if not more, than being able to write. :o

I must say, I do pity the majority of you who chose illiterate or unintelligent wives. If you need to seek out other people to have a conversation why did you marry her in the first place?

To be able to communicate deeply with your partner has to be the most important part of any marriage. I couldn't imagine not being able to discuss politics, football or even James Bond movies with my wife or be able to go out with friends where we can all interact on the same level. I have a friend who's girlfriend speaks elimentary school english and you can tell she feels uncomfortable.

I'm sorry if I am coming across a little harsh but to marry someone but still need to find friends to have a conversation is a little sad.

Edited by Neeranam
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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2006-06-14 12:30:33) *

I must say, I do pity the majority of you who chose wives who don't know how to cook. If you need to cook yourseld, why did you marry her in the first place?

To be able to let the wife take care of all food has to be the most important part of any marriage. I couldn't imagine not getting all my meals made. I have a friend who's girlfriend can't cook and you can tell she feels less than a woman. Elementary cooking is taught in most Thai households. get yourself a woman who has been educated by her mother.

I'm sorry if I am coming across a little harsh but to marry someone but still need to make your dinner is a little sad. laugh.gif

You've done it now Neernam.. the women on this board are gonna be gunning for you...

Personally.. I think that if you are shallow enough to have to give your future wife a cooking exam to decide whether or not to marry her.. then you must be a sad muppet.. blink.gif

Only funning, not serious. Re the below post - cooking(eating) is as important, if not more, than being able to write. :o

I must say, I do pity the majority of you who chose illiterate or unintelligent wives. If you need to seek out other people to have a conversation why did you marry her in the first place?

To be able to communicate deeply with your partner has to be the most important part of any marriage. I couldn't imagine not being able to discuss politics, football or even James Bond movies with my wife or be able to go out with friends where we can all interact on the same level. I have a friend who's girlfriend speaks elimentary school english and you can tell she feels uncomfortable.

I'm sorry if I am coming across a little harsh but to marry someone but still need to find friends to have a conversation is a little sad.

I didn't realise both partners being able to cook was as important as both partners being able to have an intelligent conversation. Crap analagy. Anyway as my wife can both cook and talk I can only assume that others will take offence with your 'funning'

What's a 'bloody pansy'? I am begining to get the impression you are avoiding the question.

Edited by Kananga
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If you need to cook yourseld, why did you marry her in the first place?

To be able to let the wife take care of all food has to be the most important part of any marriage.


Cripes, I do believe he is serious...! :D

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I married a beautiful White woman who was obviously a lousy cook and very bad at housekeeping. But she had a great body and we could talk, talk, talk. We still can (even about our boyfriends!!).

Now I have a Thai partner who can cook Thai food (northern style), 99% of which is impossible for me to eat. He cooks food for me "Chinese style" without chiles. We go out a lot to eat Western food, and he's developed a taste for Sizzler, American Ribs (Texas BBQ), and other dishes (or, he'll order moderately spicy Thai food when he can).

Conversation? We're getting better at it, every year. Thai is almost impossible for me, and his English continues to improve. We can talk about a lot of things, including the abstract issues. I finally learned that every waking moment of my life does not need to be filled with mindless conversation.

We each have a circle of friends like us. As I write this, he's taking one of his closest friends (who is also united with a falang) out for a Thai tourist attraction; they haven't seen much of each other lately. When we get back to Chiang Mai, we'll each have separate nights out, as we wish, to be with our friends. But we can converse with the other man's friends, too.

No need to argue about this, in my personal opinion. In my marriage, we talked too much, and didn't do all the right things. Now we talk a little, and get more done. In a sense, we're like the older, loving couple that Paul Simon wrote about: "You with your Dickinson, me with my Frost; dangling conversations."

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What's a 'bloody pansy'? I am begining to get the impression you are avoiding the question.

Neeranam would never try to avoid a question :o

BTW, you really don't want to know :D

Yes I do. So he has a habit of avoiding questions? I'm not surprised.

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