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Violent Thailand clashes feared in 'final all-out battle' with government


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This has always been the endgame scenario.

Yingluck's deft hand was the only thing that delayed Sutheps bloodlust from eventuating much, much sooner.

Now that she's gone Thailand and Thais are going to suffer a great deal.

How we all will regret the day the silly corrupted and crooked courts were allowed to remove the only stable, level headed voice of reason in the land from the drivers seat.

Good luck to all those brave (or foolish) enough to hit the streets in the coming days and weeks to defend democracy.

Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Yingluck the voice of reason - she cant even put her vote in a box!! Hopw many times do you need to be told DEMOCRACY is not about pilaging a country to bring back a wanted dictator!!! Red apologists!!!!!!!!!!!! WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yingluck kept the coup mad criminal elite establishment at bay for nearly 3 years.

An astonishing accomplishment.

The pillaging of the country took place between 1932 and 2001.

Thailands' enormous disparity in wealth distribution proves this to be true.

TRT, PPP and PTP are righting the wrongs of the past and they will continue to do so as soon as they win the next election.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif dream on and your heroes are the ones new who have kept poor poorer and totally uneducated so much easier to brain wash them

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Please all members should go to Church like I am going tomorrow to pray for peace and unity government.

Pray is the answer Let us all pray

Prayer is not superficial. It is sacred. Prayer will not help the people who do not pray.

There is little evidence to prove that it helps those who do.

May make them feel better themselves, but that's about it.

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cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif dream on and your heroes are the ones new who have kept poor poorer and totally uneducated so much easier to brain wash them

Why is it that the educated critics of the uneducated reds generally seem unable to write grammatical sentences? Could this be a case of pissants against peasants?

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The so called Democrats are actually communists ... that's ok, let them run the

country in to dirt again, than there will be another uprising ...

I'm looking forward getting 46 baht for one dollar again, lol ....


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See the frontline PDRC boys here ( link deleted)

Unreal the entitlement of rich boys.

Please pass it on.

The same pseudo news website where Kotee give is interview and violate article 112 of Criminal code

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This article would be balanced if they printed more than just Pheu Thai/UDD's fantasy that democracy is being threatened by the judicial system. It's a premise that should be challenged and represented in print.

Quite right that premise should be challenged. Because the truth is democracy isn't just being threatened anymore, oh no, that wasn't enough.

Now there's no threat, they've run roughshod right over the idea of democracy - without restraint,

All that's needed is a complimentary set of brown shirts and jack boots for the cherry picked CC to make the picture complete.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Please make sure you are not linking to outside articles that violate the law about discussing the Monarchy in a political context. We will treat it the same as if you posted it here.

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Guess a judicial coup was the only way. Any chance of a military coup was dealt with by the appointment in April of the new Commander of the two army divisions stationed in Bangkok essential to any coup, the 2nd Cavalry and the Royal Guards 1st Army division.There are those whose appointment can not be challenged by any court. Thai politics are nothing if not Byzantine. smile.png

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Don't expect Pheu Thai and the UDD to bring that up any time soon, however. They have never had respect for the courts. Surely foreign publications have picked up on that by this point.


Just as a public service to the farang yellows on here, a taste of how the western press actually percieves Yingluck´s ouster:

*removed link accessible only to paid subscribers*

The New York Times:


"As the antigovernment movement cheered the decision to remove Ms. Yingluck, independent legal experts despaired over what they described as the crusading role of the courts and the damage to the prestige of the judiciary.

The decision to remove Ms. Yingluck is “total nonsense in a democratic society,” said Ekachai Chainuvati, the deputy dean of the law faculty at Siam University in Bangkok.

“This is what I would call a juristocracy — a system of government governed by judges,” Mr. Ekachai said."

The Daily Beast:


"Thailand’s Prime Minister Toppled by ‘The Iron Triangle’"


"The nation’s Constitutional Court rules that Yingluck Shinawatra abused power and must step down, cementing a months-long “rolling judicial coup” that could trigger more violence."

Al Jazeera:


"Analysts said on Wednesday's ruling further sullied the courts' reputation.

"The credibility of the justice system has vaporized," said Thongchain Winichakul, a professor of Southeast Asian history at the University of Wisconsin. ``The royalist conservatives may celebrate this judicial coup. But the world will mourn over the death of another democracy."

The American Interest:


"Royalists Oust Shinawatra in Judicial Coup"


"The opposition essentially wants to establish a non-democratic government because it can’t hope to win an election against the more numerous government supporters.

An election is currently scheduled for July 20, though it’s not clear if it will take place.

The opposition (ironically named the Democrat Party) vowed to disrupt any upcoming elections until the rules were changed to make sure their rivals couldn’t win."

...and so on.

Outside of the little Yellow bubble aroung Bangkok and the south, the world has a pretty good picture of what is actually going on in Thailand.

The Thai courts are being laughed at and mocked in the Australia media also.

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Please all members should go to Church like I am going tomorrow to pray for peace and unity government.

Pray is the answer Let us all pray

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif oh please, praying to imaginary friends is evil. Just look at all the violence, and slaughtering of life around the world in the name of some silly imaginary friend. The world would be a nicer place if people stopped this silly little pastime.

Edited by chooka
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Posters on here would do well to remember that when a fascist government is in place foreigners are usually the first people that are targeted, the PDRC are the worst thing to happen to Thailand since the red shirts.

I am still not sure about the court's ruling, she did abuse her power to help her family so I'm not sure if I agree with all of this death of democracy stuff from the western media or maybe I am just not looking into the situation in enough detail. Actually I would like to read a detailed argument about why the court's ruling was against democracy.

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I find it amusing to read all this blathering about which side is for Democracy and this or that court ruling is "illegal."

All this is is a dispute over which group of privileged elite is going fleece the Thai people and benefit their friends, family, and whoever funded them.

It has always been so and it will continue to be. Even with various window dressing to make it look otherwise.

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Suthep has completely lost the plot and a definite Dictatorship in the making.

Suthep: For people in Ratchaprasong, pls help prevent police from sending cars out of Police headquarters

Suthep Thaugsuban, secretary general of the People's Democratic Reform Committee, Friday asked the PDRC supporters to surround police cars to prevent police from cracking down on protesters.
Suthep now ordering protesters to bring Acting PM, cabinet ministers & DSI chief to meet him at Government House.

Suthep is demanding that every Thai TV channel broadcasts his press conferences & stop any news from the govt

PDRC orders TV stations to show only soap operas, cartoons & entertainment programs. Broadcast of government information must be stopped!

PDRC will seize control of Parliament by about after midnight, Tavorn told Nation TV.

Suthep: and find a way to change the government in 3 days , if unsuccessful, the people will change it by themselves

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Suthep has completely lost the plot and a definite Dictatorship in the making.

Suthep: For people in Ratchaprasong, pls help prevent police from sending cars out of Police headquarters

Suthep Thaugsuban, secretary general of the People's Democratic Reform Committee, Friday asked the PDRC supporters to surround police cars to prevent police from cracking down on protesters.

Suthep now ordering protesters to bring Acting PM, cabinet ministers & DSI chief to meet him at Government House.

Suthep is demanding that every Thai TV channel broadcasts his press conferences & stop any news from the govt

PDRC orders TV stations to show only soap operas, cartoons & entertainment programs. Broadcast of government information must be stopped!

PDRC will seize control of Parliament by about after midnight, Tavorn told Nation TV.

Suthep: and find a way to change the government in 3 days , if unsuccessful, the people will change it by themselves

Nut Case whistling.gif

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Please all members should go to Church like I am going tomorrow to pray for peace and unity government.

Pray is the answer Let us all pray

Prayer is not superficial. It is sacred. Prayer will not help the people who do not pray.

praying is just pure desperation by the week and timid and never served any purpose in the history of the human race...get real people..

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Suthep has completely lost the plot and a definite Dictatorship in the making.

Suthep: For people in Ratchaprasong, pls help prevent police from sending cars out of Police headquarters

Suthep Thaugsuban, secretary general of the People's Democratic Reform Committee, Friday asked the PDRC supporters to surround police cars to prevent police from cracking down on protesters.

Suthep now ordering protesters to bring Acting PM, cabinet ministers & DSI chief to meet him at Government House.

Suthep is demanding that every Thai TV channel broadcasts his press conferences & stop any news from the govt

PDRC orders TV stations to show only soap operas, cartoons & entertainment programs. Broadcast of government information must be stopped!

PDRC will seize control of Parliament by about after midnight, Tavorn told Nation TV.

Suthep: and find a way to change the government in 3 days , if unsuccessful, the people will change it by themselves

I prefer dictator Suthep who prepares for fair and democratic elections in 1 year over the Shinawatra clan ruling Thailand the next decades in a North Korean style.

Yesterday the government showed that it can't be removed by legal means as they just ignore the courts and the police don't do their job as well.

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I knew that getting Yingluck out was not going to be enough for them. They want total control and the ability to ban whoever they wish from politics.

Even if it was not fair to remove YL legally, I believe it is best for the country since so many people are against her personally. Hopefully now we can have an election and get back to something resembling democracy. BTW Suthep's insane ideas and plans are not democratic and with YL gone his insanity is going to find less and less support.

I am sorry to say you are in cloud cuckoo land. This has always been about a power grab and nothing whatsoever to do with ending corruption or making reforms. That was a lie to dupe the Bangkok middle classes who, predictably, fell for it hook, line and sinker. It is all about a group of conservative royalist Bangkok elites wanting to turn the clock back to what they see as the halcyon days. The problem they have is that the genie is out of the bottle and try as they might, they cannot get it back in again.

I agree with you totally. What was it you thought I meant?

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any party that puts the airport out of action for months in the past has to be feared as ruthless criminal thugs without any conscience

"airport out of action for months"

Ten days or so, I'd grant you, but to claim "months" is surely a gross exaggeration & inaccurate ? wink.png

"any party", wasn't that the PAD at the airports, they went on to form the New Politics Party, who've yet to get an MP elected.


3NUMBAS never lets the facts get in the way of a lie if he can help it.

Perhaps I'm wrong, in which case he'll post links to show it (so that I & others will have learned better), or perhaps it was a knee-jerk spur-of-the-moment over-excited comment (quite understandable & human), in which case his integrity will surely prompt an admission that he got-carried-away, and over-stated his case ?

Or perhaps he'll ignore having been caught-out ?

Lies can be defeated by the steady calm repetition of the facts, I hope ! At least it makes me feel better, to have tried ! wai2.gif

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Suthep has completely lost the plot and a definite Dictatorship in the making.

Suthep: For people in Ratchaprasong, pls help prevent police from sending cars out of Police headquarters

Suthep Thaugsuban, secretary general of the People's Democratic Reform Committee, Friday asked the PDRC supporters to surround police cars to prevent police from cracking down on protesters.

Suthep now ordering protesters to bring Acting PM, cabinet ministers & DSI chief to meet him at Government House.

Suthep is demanding that every Thai TV channel broadcasts his press conferences & stop any news from the govt

PDRC orders TV stations to show only soap operas, cartoons & entertainment programs. Broadcast of government information must be stopped!

PDRC will seize control of Parliament by about after midnight, Tavorn told Nation TV.

Suthep: and find a way to change the government in 3 days , if unsuccessful, the people will change it by themselves

I prefer dictator Suthep who prepares for fair and democratic elections in 1 year over the Shinawatra clan ruling Thailand the next decades in a North Korean style.

Yesterday the government showed that it can't be removed by legal means as they just ignore the courts and the police don't do their job as well.

What makes you confident Suthep will step aside?

Even if he does, do you honestly believe he will not meddle and pull strings via family and other cronies? (yes, the same as Thaksin).

I don't know that the PDRC can actually achieve these goals, but even expressing them is uber-bad. They're bound to be pretty desperate to play their hand, or very confident. Sounds like someone either lost the plot or is playing for keeps.

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Suthep has completely lost the plot and a definite Dictatorship in the making.

Suthep: For people in Ratchaprasong, pls help prevent police from sending cars out of Police headquarters

Suthep Thaugsuban, secretary general of the People's Democratic Reform Committee, Friday asked the PDRC supporters to surround police cars to prevent police from cracking down on protesters.

Suthep now ordering protesters to bring Acting PM, cabinet ministers & DSI chief to meet him at Government House.

Suthep is demanding that every Thai TV channel broadcasts his press conferences & stop any news from the govt

PDRC orders TV stations to show only soap operas, cartoons & entertainment programs. Broadcast of government information must be stopped!

PDRC will seize control of Parliament by about after midnight, Tavorn told Nation TV.

Suthep: and find a way to change the government in 3 days , if unsuccessful, the people will change it by themselves

It is not often that I agree with you but here and now I suspect that Suthep has gone a step or two too far and it will rebound on him.

Sadly (or not) he now believes that HE alone is the saviour of Thailand.

Like his equally evil alter ego Thaksin he now seems to believe he is above everybody in Thailand.

If there is somebody sort of controlling or backing him yesterday would have been a good time to give his chain a good hard pull to heel.

If not then I can see very big problems ahead for ALL of the people in Thailand no matter what colour shirt they wear.

That makes me very sad as about 90% of Thais have had enough of all this crap.

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