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What Do You Miss Most?


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Wondering what do you guys miss most from your home country now that you reside in LOS. I've been to TH many times and think that would miss good quality Rib Eye steaks I can get at the local supermartket for $6.00/pound about 240bt/500gms that I can grill myself; great variety of mircobrew Ales; and of course going skiing in the winter. What is it for you?

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With regards to food...

When I'm in Thailand.. I miss nothing...well.. maybe I miss a nice roast dinner sometimes, but I can get one of them in a certain fine establishment in Surin.. :o

When I'm in UK I miss the street food.. so easy.. so tasty ..and so cheap

totster tcwozereeng.gif

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I want to clarify that this post is in no way a LOS bashing post. I love LOS and is moving here for the many reasons which make LOS great but I am sure there are little things from home that I'll miss. If you don't miss anything about your homeland, then all the better for you in LOS.

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- Complete silence for ten minutes a day :D

- Real Italian food - wine - icecream - patisserie - cheese - beef tomatoes etc etc etc :D

- My Ducati :D

- The medieval buildings in my city


Going back in 7 days for a 3 months holyday :D , Mamma already told me the menu for my welcome back party , I nearly fainted :D:D . I expect to gain 15 Kgs in 3 months minimum :o

Edited by KhunMarco
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Crisps(pickled onion, Worcester sauce flavours), beetroot. Tattie scones. Quite a few things. But i wouldn't change my location just for food.

Why don't you try making tattie scones - they are dead easy to make - as long as you have access to a stove. They will also taste better than the shop ones cos the shop wones are alway old.

Edited by The Dan Sai Kid
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nothing, but then I'm not American and maybe i can live overseas without going on about lack of beer choice or steak :D

I don't see any Americans whining about not having Marmite, Vegemite, or spotted dick. :o

I doubt you see wnyone whining about not having spotted dick :D

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Online shopping, e.g. Amazon.com (which I used to buy a lot of stuff besides books). They don't ship to Thailand -- at least the couple times I tried to order through them since I moved here. When I absolutely had to get something through them that I gave up trying to find in Thailand (regular sweatpants) I had to have them shipped to a friend who then forwarded the package to me. This was both a pain and imposition I hope to avoid repeating.

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When I lived in Thailand, the thing I missed most was having any form of status or rights.

No access to credit; having to report to immigration all the time, if I wasn't on a work permit, even though I was married to a Thai; being treated as second-class by my Thai colleagues "Teachers aren't supposed to use this (service) elevator, it's only for staff".

I also missed having a circle of friends/aquaintances who I could more or less trust; police and medical services which provided some form of service without wanting to empty my wallet; a respectable earning potential and, finally, being able to walk down the street without being accosted by hookers, beggers, hawkers, taxi drivers or mangey dogs.

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When I lived in Thailand, the thing I missed most was having any form of status or rights.

No access to credit; having to report to immigration all the time, if I wasn't on a work permit, even though I was married to a Thai; being treated as second-class by my Thai colleagues "Teachers aren't supposed to use this (service) elevator, it's only for staff".

I also missed having a circle of friends/aquaintances who I could more or less trust; police and medical services which provided some form of service without wanting to empty my wallet; a respectable earning potential and, finally, being able to walk down the street without being accosted by hookers, beggers, hawkers, taxi drivers or mangey dogs.

Mostly, I miss family, friends and rights - TRUE rights (like those described above) - am tired of being taken advantage of, both from the Thai system and 'fellow' farang cowboys who use people up and spit them out (waiting for the next "sucker" to arrive in LOS) - putting up with sub-standard 'conditions' for the experience of working in SE Asia. Ain't all it's cracked up to be unless savvy enough to pull off an expat contract (few and far between in my industry).

A couple of years here - is more than enough, me is thinking!

Oh, and I still miss "imported" food at a reasonable price - I find it outrageous to pay 3 times the price compared to what I paid for products from (imported into) my home country.


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I still miss "imported" food at a reasonable price - I find it outrageous to pay 3 times the price compared to what I paid for products from (imported into) my home country.
This is an irritation that I'm always reminded of every time I go grocery shopping. If you stick to essentially local Thai products two people can eat quite well shopping at Foodland on 700 baht a week. And certainly if you went to the local Thai markets (which for me aren't as convenient nor have the selection) you could do a fair bit better. But the moment your eyes glance away to any imported product whether it be ice cream or Worcestershire sauce the price shoots up multi-fold. It's just backwards and absurd and something Thailand will have to wean itself off of if it eventually wants to become fully competitive.
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Well, I just came back from a 5 week stint visiting the family back home and can list the things I miss:

Normal traffic, people who (generally) follow the rules of the road

Being a nobody (after living here for so long it is really nice to blend into the crowd)

My family (mom and dad are aging and it is getting harder and harder for me to leave them)

Bagels and cream cheese (no such thing as bagels where i live) :o

There are more (the lack of rights is quite a big issue for me here, I just can't come to terms with the fact that after living here for 17 years I still don't count) but they aren't really things I miss, but rather things I dislike about here.

I won't bother to list the things I like about here because that isn't what this thread is about, besides, if I hated it I would hardly still be here after all this time, would I?

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being able to walk down the street without being accosted by hookers, beggers, hawkers, taxi drivers or mangey dogs.

They are a lot more bearable that the "homeless" in San Fransisco. At least they don't usually physically threaten you. :o

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nothing, but then I'm not American and maybe i can live overseas without going on about lack of beer choice or steak :D

I don't see any Americans whining about not having Marmite, Vegemite, or spotted dick. :o

I doubt you see wnyone whining about not having spotted dick :D

Well...I miss FAGGOTS and peas, and that will really get the Americans wondering!

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nothing, but then I'm not American and maybe i can live overseas without going on about lack of beer choice or steak :D

I don't see any Americans whining about not having Marmite, Vegemite, or spotted dick. :o

I doubt you see wnyone whining about not having spotted dick :D

Well...I miss FAGGOTS and peas, and that will really get the Americans wondering!

You don`t mean Savoury Ducks do you !!!!!we will have them blowing a gasget with TOAD in THE HOLE from another posting ,Welsh Rarebit , Hot Pot ...Neeps ,Tatties and Haggis , Stoties and barm cakes ... that should keep them going for a while .

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nothing, but then I'm not American and maybe i can live overseas without going on about lack of beer choice or steak :D

I don't see any Americans whining about not having Marmite, Vegemite, or spotted dick. :o

I doubt you see wnyone whining about not having spotted dick :D

Well...I miss FAGGOTS and peas, and that will really get the Americans wondering!

You don`t mean Savoury Ducks do you !!!!!we will have them blowing a gasget with TOAD in THE HOLE from another posting ,Welsh Rarebit , Hot Pot ...Neeps ,Tatties and Haggis , Stoties and barm cakes ... that should keep them going for a while .

Hey...leave the WELSH out of this! What have we ever done to you! And WELSH Rarebit is disgusting, I am ashamed it is my National Dish.

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nothing, but then I'm not American and maybe i can live overseas without going on about lack of beer choice or steak :D

I don't see any Americans whining about not having Marmite, Vegemite, or spotted dick. :o

I doubt you see wnyone whining about not having spotted dick :D

Well...I miss FAGGOTS and peas, and that will really get the Americans wondering!

You don`t mean Savoury Ducks do you !!!!!we will have them blowing a gasget with TOAD in THE HOLE from another posting ,Welsh Rarebit , Hot Pot ...Neeps ,Tatties and Haggis , Stoties and barm cakes ... that should keep them going for a while .

Hey...leave the WELSH out of this! What have we ever done to you! And WELSH Rarebit is disgusting, I am ashamed it is my National Dish.

Actually I thought it was the only good thing to come from Taffy land ,( apart from the Severn Bridge !!!! Yaky da Boyo and all that .


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I actually miss a good lemonade to make a decent shandy ...or a ""pint touch ""..has anyone found a decend lemonade to achieve this ...come to think of it ,a good pint of black and tan has been missing from the drinls menu for some time so I suppose that is another thing I miss along with sleeping under a good duvet with the bedroom windows open to a frosty morning ..and cuddling up to the wife to get extra warm rather than peeling her of because I am about to loose it due to the sweaty excessive heat.

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