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Abhisit worries the political situation could escalate into a coup

Lite Beer

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Give us a break whats with the good cop bad cop BS, we all know that both Suthep and Abhisit answer to the same masters!

As you seem to know something that my self an many other members do not know

we all are eager to see the proof you have that this is a fact, not just your opinion

Now you would not be making this up would you

Its called follow the money and common sense, it always amazes me how many can acknowledge that YL and many of the reds are just puppets, (including myself) but at the same time they think the other side are as pure as the driven white snow with nothing but good intensions and totaly backed by there own means.

Here are some sipply facts for you:

80% of the top 40 wealthiest Thais are Thai Chinese

80% of the Thai stock market is controled by the Thai Chinese

These same people control the courts, military, police.

The list was made public a couple of months ago when the list of donors was made, which should give a good reference as to whom some of them are. Now not saying that all Thai Chinese are corrupt and want control, but this battle has always been about which elite side has control and can reap the benifits!

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"Abhisit worries the political situation could escalate into a coup"

Isn't a bit late in the game to start wringing your hands and crying that the sky is falling?

It's never too late to take a positive step.

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Tezza the higher up they answer to question has been linked many a time.

However it's against the forum rules to say why everything is going the way it is and one only needs to read between the lines and not openly talk about what really is going on and why.

Reading these threads, I suspect, few know the real reason and cause behind the attempted power grab.

Edited by Mr Yim
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Give us a break whats with the good cop bad cop BS, we all know that both Suthep and Abhisit answer to the same masters!

As you seem to know something that my self an many other members do not know

we all are eager to see the proof you have that this is a fact, not just your opinion

Now you would not be making this up would you

Its called follow the money and common sense, it always amazes me how many can acknowledge that YL and many of the reds are just puppets, (including myself) but at the same time they think the other side are as pure as the driven white snow with nothing but good intensions and totaly backed by there own means.

Here are some sipply facts for you:

80% of the top 40 wealthiest Thais are Thai Chinese

80% of the Thai stock market is controled by the Thai Chinese

These same people control the courts, military, police.

The list was made public a couple of months ago when the list of donors was made, which should give a good reference as to whom some of them are. Now not saying that all Thai Chinese are corrupt and want control, but this battle has always been about which elite side has control and can reap the benifits!

So, your point is what? The Shinawatra clan is Thai-Chinese and is part of the elite. I think your point is this political conflict has nothing to do with most thai people, just a battle between the Shinawatra's and other elites. Correct?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Give us a break whats with the good cop bad cop BS, we all know that both Suthep and Abhisit answer to the same masters!

As you seem to know something that my self an many other members do not know

we all are eager to see the proof you have that this is a fact, not just your opinion

Now you would not be making this up would you

Its called follow the money and common sense, it always amazes me how many can acknowledge that YL and many of the reds are just puppets, (including myself) but at the same time they think the other side are as pure as the driven white snow with nothing but good intensions and totaly backed by there own means.

Here are some sipply facts for you:

80% of the top 40 wealthiest Thais are Thai Chinese

80% of the Thai stock market is controled by the Thai Chinese

These same people control the courts, military, police.

The list was made public a couple of months ago when the list of donors was made, which should give a good reference as to whom some of them are. Now not saying that all Thai Chinese are corrupt and want control, but this battle has always been about which elite side has control and can reap the benifits!

Please give the link to when this was "made public". Thanks.

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I love that the Suthep and the Dems have been able to control the discourse in all of the media. REFORM they shout. It's all about REFORM. Even the world press has picked up this mantra.

Reform my ass!

Wait, that doesn't sound right.....facepalm.gif

Edited by ricklev
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Abhisit is one of the most transparent, back-handed liars on the world stage today.

Well.....the competition is hard.....Whenever you think Abhisit looks bad, look at Surapong and Chalerm.....

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Give us a break whats with the good cop bad cop BS, we all know that both Suthep and Abhisit answer to the same masters!

As you seem to know something that my self an many other members do not know

we all are eager to see the proof you have that this is a fact, not just your opinion

Now you would not be making this up would you

Its called follow the money and common sense, it always amazes me how many can acknowledge that YL and many of the reds are just puppets, (including myself) but at the same time they think the other side are as pure as the driven white snow with nothing but good intensions and totaly backed by there own means.

Here are some sipply facts for you:

80% of the top 40 wealthiest Thais are Thai Chinese

80% of the Thai stock market is controled by the Thai Chinese

These same people control the courts, military, police.

The list was made public a couple of months ago when the list of donors was made, which should give a good reference as to whom some of them are. Now not saying that all Thai Chinese are corrupt and want control, but this battle has always been about which elite side has control and can reap the benifits!

so you admit its thaksin then because he controls the police does he not...i acknowledge that fact too...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Give us a break whats with the good cop bad cop BS, we all know that both Suthep and Abhisit answer to the same masters!

As you seem to know something that my self an many other members do not know

we all are eager to see the proof you have that this is a fact, not just your opinion

Now you would not be making this up would you

Its called follow the money and common sense, it always amazes me how many can acknowledge that YL and many of the reds are just puppets, (including myself) but at the same time they think the other side are as pure as the driven white snow with nothing but good intensions and totaly backed by there own means.

Here are some sipply facts for you:

80% of the top 40 wealthiest Thais are Thai Chinese

80% of the Thai stock market is controled by the Thai Chinese

These same people control the courts, military, police.

The list was made public a couple of months ago when the list of donors was made, which should give a good reference as to whom some of them are. Now not saying that all Thai Chinese are corrupt and want control, but this battle has always been about which elite side has control and can reap the benifits!

so you admit its thaksin then because he controls the police does he not...i acknowledge that fact too...

Thaksin is the only exception to that rule.

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It is already a coup, just that i was not done by the militry. The title should be change to he is hoping for a militry coup to finish off everything....since the court couldn't finish off ptp.

Sent from my GT-I9200 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Trying hard to stay relevant by popping once in while with absolutely 'nothing to offer' statement. As days dragged on, he is moving further and further away to being relevant to any political solution. Soon he will remember in history as a divisive and controversial ex-PM that brought the country through a dark period by being weak and subservient to the powerful establishment.

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Worries or hopes?

Because if Suthep prevails, he isn't going to be required for quite a while.

worries as Suthep told pretty clear that Abhisit isn't needed and the Democrats can't reform the country (ergo are corrupt themself and the man knows what he speaks about).

So Abhisit is also off the feeding trough......he doesn't like that.....

Is there an echo.in here?

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Another change of attitude from this imposter!

Sutep must have torn him a new one after he dared try and isolate the dems from this fascist yellow rabble!

Arrest sutep and the fake monk and call for elections on the 20th of July .

I know the yellows don't want one because they will lose but it's better than blood in the streets!

Is it?

Thailand will never amount to more that a banana republic unless there are serious and significant reforms.

The 'reds' don't want reforms as they have done very nicely under the old structure where corruption, stealing and plundering the country's assets, self interest "the list is infinite" are the rule of the day.

Abhisit and Suthep are not perfect but they are a thousand times better that the other murdering scum.

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Hold an election, no matter who wins = violence & blood in the streets.

Don't hold and election = violence & blood in the streets.

Appoint a "neutral" PM & cabinet = violence & blood in the streets.

Have a coup by the military = violence & blood in the street.

All roads lead to the same point.

All the options mentioned involve unilateral actions.

Maybe if the sides would try using their words (rather than slinging them at each other), things could be solved without (too much) bloodshed. Both seem unwilling, though, and still hold on to the delusion that they can "win".

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Thailand has already exercised a judicial coup. The empty suit knows this but still postures his empty "secret" proposal.

Please explain how the removal of politicians from office who broke the law whilst acting in self interested nepotism is a "judicial coup"? The Supreme Administrative court and two lower level courts all found the act illegal. The Constitution Court made a decision that the illegal act was based on benefiting a family member, which it was, and for self benefit i.e putting one of the "family" in a key position. The defense case was pathetic.

Or are you one of those posters who believe Thaksin and all his clan are above and beyond the law and can do just as they please?

Note the court only removed those involved from office. Not those appointed afterwards or the party itself.

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Another change of attitude from this imposter!

Sutep must have torn him a new one after he dared try and isolate the dems from this fascist yellow rabble!

Arrest sutep and the fake monk and call for elections on the 20th of July .

I know the yellows don't want one because they will lose but it's better than blood in the streets!

Is it?

Thailand will never amount to more that a banana republic unless there are serious and significant reforms.

The 'reds' don't want reforms as they have done very nicely under the old structure where corruption, stealing and plundering the country's assets, self interest "the list is infinite" are the rule of the day.

Abhisit and Suthep are not perfect but they are a thousand times better that the other murdering scum.

You think the reforms will be to all aspects the legal and political.system or just aspects of it that helped Thaksin?

I see populist policies is in the firing line. Define populist.

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Hold an election, no matter who wins = violence & blood in the streets.

Don't hold and election = violence & blood in the streets.

Appoint a "neutral" PM & cabinet = violence & blood in the streets.

Have a coup by the military = violence & blood in the street.

All roads lead to the same point.

what about civil war? its not a republic but they have bananas

Edited by jeanpierre
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Have to basically agree with Abhist here, though politically I will never be aligned to the Democrat party as I am very anti elitist right wing (as the Democrat policies show they are) and incidentally not pro left either. The PTP without the Shinawatra corruptions and that of their cronies, would be the right political centre left psyche for me and I believe for the good of the majority of the Thai people who have been terribly downtrodden and exploited by the elite ruling class for way too long, Yes Thaksin is also IMHO one of those offending elite ruling class for sure as he seems to use people for his own ends and thus why he has become a greedy and selfish multi billionaire who seems to most open minded folk to care only for himself.

I would differ with Abhist's current view when considering the current political impasse and with Thailand currently only having an ineffectual caretaker Government, I would feel far happier under a military Government for the time being. No not form a violent coup but with hopefully and sensibly the majority of the peoples' consent. The constitutional reforms obviously needed can then be put in place with mutual cooperation and put to the Thai people for their final approval. Then and only then could we have fair and monitored non vote buying elections in Thailand and encourage people to vote with their own hearts not simply following the will of their village chiefs as his interests and agendas are not always the same of what the people really want, but that seems to very stupidly happen here so much.

Personally after proper constitutional changes agreed by the people I would guess that the PTP, without the apparent Shinawatra style corruptions, would have a landslide victory with the ordinary Thai peoples' full support. After that then they must work for the people and not for corrupt personal agendas or bowing to the Shinawatra style bullying and corruptions that have appeared to be going on. After that then all sides must respect and accept the hopefully then true democratic will of the people and let the so elected Government serve their term. Makes sense to me, but heck I am only a guest here but sincerely with the interest of the true Thai people in my heart.

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Thailand has already exercised a judicial coup. The empty suit knows this but still postures his empty "secret" proposal.

Please explain how the removal of politicians from office who broke the law whilst acting in self interested nepotism is a "judicial coup"? The Supreme Administrative court and two lower level courts all found the act illegal. The Constitution Court made a decision that the illegal act was based on benefiting a family member, which it was, and for self benefit i.e putting one of the "family" in a key position. The defense case was pathetic.

Or are you one of those posters who believe Thaksin and all his clan are above and beyond the law and can do just as they please?

Note the court only removed those involved from office. Not those appointed afterwards or the party itself.

The way most 'legal' systems would look at this situation would be:

1. How was Thawil harmed? He was transferred to another position most likely without any loss of pay and benefits.

2. Does Thawil have legal avenues in which to contest his transfer? Yes, and he did. As a result of availing himself to the legal processes, he was reinstated to his prior position. In most countries, this would be the end of it.

3. Is nepotism such a serious breach of ethics that it warrants a person's removal from office? Not in my opinion and I would welcome other examples in democratic countries where a PM has been removed for 'nepotism'. And to remove nine more cabinet members is even more ludicrous.

One can compare this to the CC's court finding that those MPs who voted for a Constitutional Amendment to change the Senate to a fully elected body should be removed from office. How can a good faith effort to amend the Constitution be regarded as a crime? The court ruled that it was unconstitutional -- end of story. With the new coup initiated Constitution, there is no semblance of rational thought left.

Edited by pookiki
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Give us a break whats with the good cop bad cop BS, we all know that both Suthep and Abhisit answer to the same masters!

As you seem to know something that my self an many other members do not know

we all are eager to see the proof you have that this is a fact, not just your opinion

Now you would not be making this up would you

Its called follow the money and common sense, it always amazes me how many can acknowledge that YL and many of the reds are just puppets, (including myself) but at the same time they think the other side are as pure as the driven white snow with nothing but good intensions and totaly backed by there own means.

Here are some sipply facts for you:

80% of the top 40 wealthiest Thais are Thai Chinese

80% of the Thai stock market is controled by the Thai Chinese

These same people control the courts, military, police.

The list was made public a couple of months ago when the list of donors was made, which should give a good reference as to whom some of them are. Now not saying that all Thai Chinese are corrupt and want control, but this battle has always been about which elite side has control and can reap the benifits!

So, your point is what? The Shinawatra clan is Thai-Chinese and is part of the elite. I think your point is this political conflict has nothing to do with most thai people, just a battle between the Shinawatra's and other elites. Correct?


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Give us a break whats with the good cop bad cop BS, we all know that both Suthep and Abhisit answer to the same masters!

As you seem to know something that my self an many other members do not know

we all are eager to see the proof you have that this is a fact, not just your opinion

Now you would not be making this up would you

Its called follow the money and common sense, it always amazes me how many can acknowledge that YL and many of the reds are just puppets, (including myself) but at the same time they think the other side are as pure as the driven white snow with nothing but good intensions and totaly backed by there own means.

Here are some sipply facts for you:

80% of the top 40 wealthiest Thais are Thai Chinese

80% of the Thai stock market is controled by the Thai Chinese

These same people control the courts, military, police.

The list was made public a couple of months ago when the list of donors was made, which should give a good reference as to whom some of them are. Now not saying that all Thai Chinese are corrupt and want control, but this battle has always been about which elite side has control and can reap the benifits!

so you admit its thaksin then because he controls the police does he not...i acknowledge that fact too...

Correct, never have been a Thaksin fan, to me he is just the lesser of 2 evils!

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