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Snake in driveway tonight


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I have three dogs. One is too stupid to stay away from snakes and one (a Thai dog) insists on hunting them. The third one doesn't care, so that's the only one that's safe.

I don't like killing anything. I'm a vegetarian and except for mosquitoes and roaches, I pretty much leave everything else alone.

If it comes to choosing between my dogs and the snake, however, the snake will go. I can't rely on the two dogs being smart enough to avoid getting bit. So it's up to me to keep them safe. I give the snake time to leave on its own if that's possible, but if that's not working, then I'm calling the security guard to take care of it.

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I can understand the people that have kids or pets,wanting to kill snakes,BUT a little

knowledge ,just google Thai snakes,to recognize what are harmless snakes,that would

not attack anything and actually do good by keeping the vermin population in check,

I have seen far too many pictures on ThaiVisa of harmless snakes,heads chopped off

and the killers seemingly taking pride in their actions,I have even read posts of where

people want to rid their homes of house Geckos !!

regards Worgeordie

You know every time I have a snake in my garden and each time I read a snake thread I google the thai snakes websites.

I have still never convinced myself which snake it is as there are always two or three that are similar.

And its obvious other have the same doubts also because they then post a photo on here to get the opinion from maybe a handful of people with knowledge.

As westerners we can recognise maybe 100 different dog breeds as general knowledge but to identify a snake from our knowledge of say 5 is unreliable.

Until we are all educated in snake i.d. Then its strike first and google after.

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I had a friend, raised in the country/marsh where I grew up that said there were only 2 kinds of snakes, rattlesnakes and cottonmouths, he killed all snakes and let god sort 'em out. I could ID in the states, only took out the bad ones, mostly cottonmouths, here no and take my word for it, I'm not taking time to check DuckDuckGo (I don't use goggle or bing). If I cannot be assured it is harmless, I'll kill it, or like I did with the spitting cobra on my back wall, shove it over into the neighbors yard that has the half dozen yapping/howling poddlemutts that bark at every living thing, imaginary things etc. except the bad guy, day and night. Unfortunately the snake didn't get them, but for once they were quiet for 2 days, little monsters.

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I have children.

I teach my kids to respect wildlife and protect it.

To many people out there killing everythkng......each to their own......but don't you wonder why the animal population is in decline?

At our house in lsst 3 years, we have had circa 10 green pit vipers, 1 mammoth burmese python, a massive cobra, a krait, several raindows, 3 keelbacks, 1 cannot remember name, 2 golden trees, 2 smaller pythons cannot recall name.........and all either left aloneor removed elsewhere..

Kids still alive.

Upcoming floods and earthquakes causes a huge migration of animals.

Edited by Thorgal
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You just killed a Banded Krait ,yes can be fatal to humans,but a very docile

snake,not prone to attack,its main diet is other snakes,so only yourself to

blame if you get over run with Cobras.

Just don't understand why people have just got to kill anything that comes into

their space,,anything that moves,is dispatched without knowing what it actually

is,a little knowledge about what kind of animals are around would be a great help

to a lot of people ,and to the species thats habitat is our gardens,at this rate there

will be nothing left.

Regards Worgeordie

Cobras also eat other snakes

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I can understand the people that have kids or pets,wanting to kill snakes,BUT a little

knowledge ,just google Thai snakes,to recognize what are harmless snakes,that would

not attack anything and actually do good by keeping the vermin population in check,

I have seen far too many pictures on ThaiVisa of harmless snakes,heads chopped off

and the killers seemingly taking pride in their actions,I have even read posts of where

people want to rid their homes of house Geckos !!

regards Worgeordie

I rid my house of gexkos n jing joks inside and out, crapping everywhere, I dont have any mosquitos as the house is well sealed

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You just killed a Banded Krait ,yes can be fatal to humans,but a very docile

snake,not prone to attack,its main diet is other snakes,so only yourself to

blame if you get over run with Cobras.

Just don't understand why people have just got to kill anything that comes into

their space,,anything that moves,is dispatched without knowing what it actually

is,a little knowledge about what kind of animals are around would be a great help

to a lot of people ,and to the species thats habitat is our gardens,at this rate there

will be nothing left.

Regards Worgeordie

Yes, everything will be extinct soon. All animals, or at least the ones that move. All gone. Because of the people who killed the animals they feared. At home. Yes.

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I have three children, the youngest just turned 2 and I educate them about snakes and remove them as previously mentioned if dangerous. I've removed Cobras and a Malaysian Pit Viper, which kills the most ppl. in Thailand, that climbed out of the outdoor shower drain while my GF and baby were showering (the video of me removing it is on Youtube in anyone is interested) in Hua Hin and just last Wendseday we saw a Temple Viper, one of the world's most venomous snakes, in a tree just above all my kids and I in Khao Sok National Park. We took picture and moved along. Here in Chiang Mai my dogs sometimes kill the snakes but they don't know better, we do! So as for kill first and learn later theory I think my "If it doesnt kill you it will only make you stronger" school of parenting when dealing with dangerous snakes makes about as much sense

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I have children.

I teach my kids to respect wildlife and protect it.

To many people out there killing everythkng......each to their own......but don't you wonder why the animal population is in decline?

At our house in lsst 3 years, we have had circa 10 green pit vipers, 1 mammoth burmese python, a massive cobra, a krait, several raindows, 3 keelbacks, 1 cannot remember name, 2 golden trees, 2 smaller pythons cannot recall name.........and all either left aloneor removed elsewhere..

Kids still alive.

animal population declining cause a few less snakes around?

one might think the opposite because more rats / etc not being eaten. wink.png

In general attitude I mean towards all animals by many people....

I understand some people may wish to keep the poisonous ones away, but no need to kill one and all because of a few.....

one day rats may be the only wildlife left.....I'll kill that wildlife

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You just killed a Banded Krait ,yes can be fatal to humans,but a very docile

snake,not prone to attack,its main diet is other snakes,so only yourself to

blame if you get over run with Cobras.

Just don't understand why people have just got to kill anything that comes into

their space,,anything that moves,is dispatched without knowing what it actually

is,a little knowledge about what kind of animals are around would be a great help

to a lot of people ,and to the species thats habitat is our gardens,at this rate there

will be nothing left.

Regards Worgeordie

We have 2 young kids playing in the garden and I like to minimize the risks for them to be bitten.

Every snake I see is chopped and if I'm not home my wife calls the guard to do it.

Snakes and other wild animals belong in jungles and zoos not in gardens with children!

So you kill birds and anything else that moves?

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We have some real 'tree hugger' types on here. Next thing PETA will come out from the toilet. I kill snakes, if I don't know good or bad, I let the gods sort 'em out. I made a living with firearms for many years, killed animals, did it for a living for many years and was damn good at it. Custom bedded, fiberglass stocked Remington 700 in 300 Win. Mag. 3.5X10 Leupold scope. Carried my SKS as a saddle gun in off season, great on coyotes. I killed elk, deer, bear, mountain lions, coyotes, birds, squirrels, caught fish (still do) and if a tree hugger got in my way, well, might just let the gods sort 'em out too. I raised a family on wild game and helped many a hunter find an elk or deer worth killing, and the 2nd shot he never heard was mine, I don't miss and I didn't like tracking wounded elk up and down a mountain. I learned a bit of my talent in a place where 2 legged animals tried to kill you. And BTW I was also a protector of wild game, a certified/commissioned law enforcement officer. If I caught you poaching you went to jail and somebody that needed the food got the meat. Spent many a night working with airplane to spot the spot lighters. If I perceive danger to myself or my family, I will do what ever is necessary to defend and that includes killing a snake. Oh and rattlesnake is pretty good eating fried, never liked stew, just have to be careful around the musk gland when cleaning, same, same with the fat on alligator, tail is the best.

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I have three children, the youngest just turned 2 and I educate them about snakes and remove them as previously mentioned if dangerous. I've removed Cobras and a Malaysian Pit Viper, which kills the most ppl. in Thailand, that climbed out of the outdoor shower drain while my GF and baby were showering (the video of me removing it is on Youtube in anyone is interested) in Hua Hin and just last Wendseday we saw a Temple Viper, one of the world's most venomous snakes, in a tree just above all my kids and I in Khao Sok National Park. We took picture and moved along. Here in Chiang Mai my dogs sometimes kill the snakes but they don't know better, we do! So as for kill first and learn later theory I think my "If it doesnt kill you it will only make you stronger" school of parenting when dealing with dangerous snakes makes about as much sense

Youtube link?

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Yellow Banded Kraits like to curl up in shoes, inside pipes, and under appliances so if you have one, keep your eyes open for more. We kill a couple every year right up against the house and friends have had them come up through the shower drains so they can navigate wet pipes.

Even the small young ones can be fatal so you really don't want them breeding in a populated area. It is a very common snake in the forests and rice fields around Chiang Mai.

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The banded krait and the many banded krait are very common throughout

SEA. One of the best defenses for all types of snake is to lay a line of

sulfur, available at most hardware stores (kamathan), around your house;

encircling your dwelling completely. Snakes can't stand the stuff....even

when the sulfur looks like it has been washed away by rain...or a garden

hose..the "scent" is still there and snakes will avoid it. Another item worthy

of interest is that the ashes of burnt alamander do the same...however...

be aware that inhaling the smoke of burning alamander can and usually

is, fatal to human and animal alike...along with alamander sap or the

flower (quite pretty) if somehow ingested.

Sulfur in Thai... ธาตุ กำมะถัน

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I see good snakes everyday I wouldn't think of hurting them . Every good snake I see has tired tracks across its back in the middle of the road . Sorry good snake dead snake .......

Hero alert....

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We have some real 'tree hugger' types on here. Next thing PETA will come out from the toilet. I kill snakes, if I don't know good or bad, I let the gods sort 'em out. I made a living with firearms for many years, killed animals, did it for a living for many years and was damn good at it. Custom bedded, fiberglass stocked Remington 700 in 300 Win. Mag. 3.5X10 Leupold scope. Carried my SKS as a saddle gun in off season, great on coyotes. I killed elk, deer, bear, mountain lions, coyotes, birds, squirrels, caught fish (still do) and if a tree hugger got in my way, well, might just let the gods sort 'em out too. I raised a family on wild game and helped many a hunter find an elk or deer worth killing, and the 2nd shot he never heard was mine, I don't miss and I didn't like tracking wounded elk up and down a mountain. I learned a bit of my talent in a place where 2 legged animals tried to kill you. And BTW I was also a protector of wild game, a certified/commissioned law enforcement officer. If I caught you poaching you went to jail and somebody that needed the food got the meat. Spent many a night working with airplane to spot the spot lighters. If I perceive danger to myself or my family, I will do what ever is necessary to defend and that includes killing a snake. Oh and rattlesnake is pretty good eating fried, never liked stew, just have to be careful around the musk gland when cleaning, same, same with the fat on alligator, tail is the best.

Do you feel better now that you got that out of your system? Always find it amusing when "tree hugger" is used as an insult.

They use it to disguise their own inadequacies... the he-man type, protecting his manly image to hunt n kill n chop shIt down n stuff like that.

Edited by Showbags
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Yep, chopped down stuff too. Marked mature trees for harvesting, cut many for firewood, it was cold up in the mountains, below freezing for 4/5 months. Yes tree hugger is meant as an insult, make no doubt about it. Little cry babies that know nothing about nothing and wouldn't survive a night in the mountains, much less a month. May the snakes bless and keep you. You have no idea how I fought against over harvesting timber, destroying habitat. I care about the habitat and respect the animals that keep me alive, would always thank them for the food they gave me. Some of my ancestors were hunted by 2 legged animals for their territory, still no territory and no thanks given. No "he-man" just an ordinary guy doing ordinary things that managed to survive some hard times, but I have no crawdad in me. I sure do like to eat them though. Do you tree huggers have anything new to say, besides inadequacies, manly image, you forgot penis envy, jesus h. cristus that is old stuff. Get a life little boys, grow up. There is a real world out here and it will kill you. Now back to snakes, can anybody recommend a good source for ID of the snakes of Thailand, ah I already got acquainted with a bamboo viper over in VN in a century long ago and a world far, far away, he died. From what I have read/seen pictures just don't always do justice and cobras in particular seem come in many colorations.

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I have three children, the youngest just turned 2 and I educate them about snakes and remove them as previously mentioned if dangerous. I've removed Cobras and a Malaysian Pit Viper, which kills the most ppl. in Thailand, that climbed out of the outdoor shower drain while my GF and baby were showering (the video of me removing it is on Youtube in anyone is interested) in Hua Hin and just last Wendseday we saw a Temple Viper, one of the world's most venomous snakes, in a tree just above all my kids and I in Khao Sok National Park. We took picture and moved along. Here in Chiang Mai my dogs sometimes kill the snakes but they don't know better, we do! So as for kill first and learn later theory I think my "If it doesnt kill you it will only make you stronger" school of parenting when dealing with dangerous snakes makes about as much sense

Youtube link?

10 second youtube search to find it. Nice yard Junglechef.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yep, chopped down stuff too. Marked mature trees for harvesting, cut many for firewood, it was cold up in the mountains, below freezing for 4/5 months. Yes tree hugger is meant as an insult, make no doubt about it. Little cry babies that know nothing about nothing and wouldn't survive a night in the mountains, much less a month. May the snakes bless and keep you. You have no idea how I fought against over harvesting timber, destroying habitat. I care about the habitat and respect the animals that keep me alive, would always thank them for the food they gave me. Some of my ancestors were hunted by 2 legged animals for their territory, still no territory and no thanks given. No "he-man" just an ordinary guy doing ordinary things that managed to survive some hard times, but I have no crawdad in me. I sure do like to eat them though. Do you tree huggers have anything new to say, besides inadequacies, manly image, you forgot penis envy, jesus h. cristus that is old stuff. Get a life little boys, grow up. There is a real world out here and it will kill you. Now back to snakes, can anybody recommend a good source for ID of the snakes of Thailand, ah I already got acquainted with a bamboo viper over in VN in a century long ago and a world far, far away, he died. From what I have read/seen pictures just don't always do justice and cobras in particular seem come in many colorations.

oh...Nam....that explains it.

Mountain man alert...shouldn't he be in the gay forum ?

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This snake was just outside my gate when I first saw it. When it came inside the gate, it started toward my front door, which was open. At that point, I killed it with a mop handle. I knew what type of snake this was as I had one at the last house I lived in. I have 3 dogs, a large soi dog, and 2 small poodle mid breed type. These dogs are my children, and it is up to me to care for them. One of my cats went missing a few days back. She liked to hunt at night and I feel that she came into contact with a snake, maybe this one. This snake was about 5 feet long, not a small baby. For the record, as a small child my older brother would catch all kinds of snakes and at one point he put a small garden snake into my bed one night. I did not get bitten, but scared the sh!t out of me. After that my mom and dad curtailed his keeping of snakes. There was one time he chased me with a live copperhead, yes he had some severe mental problems. I to this day, at 63 years old, I hate and fear snakes.

Some people on here have said, I am a veggie and do not kill anything, except for mozzies. Another guy says he only kills mozzies and roaches. For me there is no difference between a mozzzie or roach and a snake. They all can cause some sort of a problem for us humans. It matters not to me who came first, this is my territory and you are not welcome. I would love to have my Browning 12 ga shotgun, would have useful last night.

SGTSABAI, these assh0les will never understand.

Edited by BillyBobThai
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I had a friend, raised in the country/marsh where I grew up that said there were only 2 kinds of snakes, rattlesnakes and cottonmouths, he killed all snakes and let god sort 'em out. I could ID in the states, only took out the bad ones, mostly cottonmouths, here no and take my word for it, I'm not taking time to check DuckDuckGo (I don't use goggle or bing). If I cannot be assured it is harmless, I'll kill it, or like I did with the spitting cobra on my back wall, shove it over into the neighbors yard that has the half dozen yapping/howling poddlemutts that bark at every living thing, imaginary things etc. except the bad guy, day and night. Unfortunately the snake didn't get them, but for once they were quiet for 2 days, little monsters.

Hey neighbor! I had to keep my precious darlings inside for two days until I found the snake and threw it back in your yard! It was spittin' mad.

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Yep, chopped down stuff too. Marked mature trees for harvesting, cut many for firewood, it was cold up in the mountains, below freezing for 4/5 months. Yes tree hugger is meant as an insult, make no doubt about it. Little cry babies that know nothing about nothing and wouldn't survive a night in the mountains, much less a month. May the snakes bless and keep you. You have no idea how I fought against over harvesting timber, destroying habitat. I care about the habitat and respect the animals that keep me alive, would always thank them for the food they gave me. Some of my ancestors were hunted by 2 legged animals for their territory, still no territory and no thanks given. No "he-man" just an ordinary guy doing ordinary things that managed to survive some hard times, but I have no crawdad in me. I sure do like to eat them though. Do you tree huggers have anything new to say, besides inadequacies, manly image, you forgot penis envy, jesus h. cristus that is old stuff. Get a life little boys, grow up. There is a real world out here and it will kill you. Now back to snakes, can anybody recommend a good source for ID of the snakes of Thailand, ah I already got acquainted with a bamboo viper over in VN in a century long ago and a world far, far away, he died. From what I have read/seen pictures just don't always do justice and cobras in particular seem come in many colorations.

There's a great website where they just put a free downloadable Thailand snake ID guide called Thailand Snakes . com

As for needing to kill snake in your garden for survival that sounds a bit over the top. I've been in the jungles of Burma, Laos etc for weeks at a time and have occasionally eaten snake as well as other species including a deer we killed and ate raw right out of the carcass as it was the only food available, no problem and pretty tasty but I wasn't down the road from a 7/11.

I hope you get a chance to enjoy the link and perhaps learn some more about the wonderful creatures we share this earth with (how's that for tree huggers stuff thumbsup.gif )

To quote one of the great minds of these times "Why can't we all just get along" (TV posters w/snakes and each other!)

Edited by junglechef
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junglechef, on 13 May 2014 - 10:11, said:
sgtsabai, on 12 May 2014 - 22:28, said:

Yep, chopped down stuff too. Marked mature trees for harvesting, cut many for firewood, it was cold up in the mountains, below freezing for 4/5 months. Yes tree hugger is meant as an insult, make no doubt about it. Little cry babies that know nothing about nothing and wouldn't survive a night in the mountains, much less a month. May the snakes bless and keep you. You have no idea how I fought against over harvesting timber, destroying habitat. I care about the habitat and respect the animals that keep me alive, would always thank them for the food they gave me. Some of my ancestors were hunted by 2 legged animals for their territory, still no territory and no thanks given. No "he-man" just an ordinary guy doing ordinary things that managed to survive some hard times, but I have no crawdad in me. I sure do like to eat them though. Do you tree huggers have anything new to say, besides inadequacies, manly image, you forgot penis envy, jesus h. cristus that is old stuff. Get a life little boys, grow up. There is a real world out here and it will kill you. Now back to snakes, can anybody recommend a good source for ID of the snakes of Thailand, ah I already got acquainted with a bamboo viper over in VN in a century long ago and a world far, far away, he died. From what I have read/seen pictures just don't always do justice and cobras in particular seem come in many colorations.

There's a great website where they just put a free downloadable Thailand snake ID guide called Thailand Snakes . com

As for needing to kill snake in your garden for survival that sounds a bit over the top. I've been in the jungles of Burma, Laos etc for weeks at a time and have occasionally eaten snake as well as other species including a deer we killed and ate raw right out of the carcass as it was the only food available, no problem and pretty tasty but I wasn't down the road from a 7/11.

I hope you get a chance to enjoy the link and perhaps learn some more about the wonderful creatures we share this earth with (how's that for tree huggers stuff thumbsup.gif )

To quote one of the great minds of these times "Why can't we all just get along" (TV posters w/snakes and each other!)

So, you did kill the snake to eat it, are you saying you deliberately set out to kill and eat, or were you so stupid as not to take supplies. Either way, killing it to eat, or killing it to protect your family makes no difference to the snake.

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