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Ousted PM Yingluck on vacation in Chiang Mai


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I find it difficult to understand where all the poisonous bile towards Yingluck comes from on this website. I mean, most of the Yellow Einsteins who contribute here must come from (judging by the low level of English) places like the UK and USA, where the standard of education has plunged over recent decades.

So, why are people from countries like that, people who have NO SAY in the voting for governments in Thailand, why are they so violent in their opinions? They reduce politics to schoolyard shouting. Or to the kind of Pavlovian response to slogans you get in Orwell's


Yellows Good, Reds Bad. One Suthep good, two Sutheps double plus good. One Yingluck double plus ungood.

So, why the fuss over business that is not yours, brothers and sisters in mud-slinging?

You should read up on the latest education standard ratings before making incorrect remarks. Easy to research. The latest ratings from Pearson's are very informative and contradicts your emotive attempts at belittling the nationals from the 2 countries that have done more to protect democracy than any others.

Perhaps the latter fact explains their nationals disregard for someone who was acting in very non democratic ways, like allowing a non elected fugitive criminal to dictate government policy.

The level of English language proficiency is not the only indicator of an education; and an education is not always a guarantee of intelligence. Reading carefully through you own post, slowly, should help you understand. As should researching country educational standards ratings and history as to the nations who made considerable sacrifices in the name of democracy and freedom.

Baerboxer, I am probably diametrically opposed to you in my views on politics in Thailand.

I completely agree with your points on educational standards, and the defence of democracy.

I'm off for a beer. I will raise a glass to you.

Edited by JAG
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\It would seem that the abbot of Wat Doi Suthep will hold a ceremony on Tuesday to wipe away the bad fortune for Yingluck Shinawatra.

Hopefully this means she will not break a leg while on holiday in ChiangMai.

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Why are people still laying in the boots? She is no longer involved in politics and has gone home to be with family, is there something so wrong with this that it makes peoples anger grow and they have to come out with all guns blazing. She has paid the price in court for her wrong doings so let the woman get on with her life.

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Why are people still laying in the boots? She is no longer involved in politics and has gone home to be with family, is there something so wrong with this that it makes peoples anger grow and they have to come out with all guns blazing. She has paid the price in court for her wrong doings so let the woman get on with her life.

Wait, what? I thought the Reds were saying she's still Defense Minister...

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I find it difficult to understand where all the poisonous bile towards Yingluck comes from on this website. I mean, most of the Yellow Einsteins who contribute here must come from (judging by the low level of English) places like the UK and USA, where the standard of education has plunged over recent decades.

So, why are people from countries like that, people who have NO SAY in the voting for governments in Thailand, why are they so violent in their opinions? They reduce politics to schoolyard shouting. Or to the kind of Pavlovian response to slogans you get in Orwell's


Yellows Good, Reds Bad. One Suthep good, two Sutheps double plus good. One Yingluck double plus ungood.

So, why the fuss over business that is not yours, brothers and sisters in mud-slinging?

Please don't throw us Americans in with the fascists on this site. I assure you that most of us are as appalled by the moronic vitriol against her as anyone else.

As for why the posters here act as they do? Some might be involved with the PRDC like I theorize our resident spambot Scamper is, others might just like the feudal system in the country because they feel it gives them power and a feeling of authority they failed to achieve back in the west.

Have you considered the possibility that some people don't like to see the country they live on and have some degree or another of investment in ruled by a band of self serving corrupt crooks? In particular a band of self serving corrupt crooks that seem to be quite content having followers keen on committing acts of terrorism for the "cause".

The Thais care little for your investments!, you cannot do anything about it but continually gob off on this forum, along with other intellectually challenged half wits,. Solution - pack bags/ leave.

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Why are people still laying in the boots? She is no longer involved in politics and has gone home to be with family, is there something so wrong with this that it makes peoples anger grow and they have to come out with all guns blazing. She has paid the price in court for her wrong doings so let the woman get on with her life.

Wait, what? I thought the Reds were saying she's still Defense Minister...

You really do believe everything you hear, from every side, don't you.

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She never looked happier than when making her farewell speech. The relief was evident on her face.

Finally out of the quagmire, I don't think thst she will be sending a postcard to big bro whilst on holliday.

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It is possible that conversation with Boonsong will include contingency plans for evacuation abroad. He will almost certainly face corruption charges in the Supreme Court for Political Office Holders over his alleged role in approving low price sales of rice to facilitate the exports to the Chinese provincial state enterprises that didn't happen. Yingluck has a slightly lesser risk of prosecution over the rice but will probably be prosecuted for it nonetheless.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Your 8 year old grandson Is only 8 wow must be a first!

Your honour I rest my case!

Same as --My 8 year old dog barks but he is only 8. We know he is 8 your grandson so why print it again

You could have put ---my 8 year old grandson loves smileys but he is 10 ???cheesy.gif

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She goes for a break goes to lunch with the family and the yellows turn the thread into this.

I notice on the chiang rai earthquake thread posters brought up politics in spite of what people are going through.

Very sad and pathetic!

Maybe with being elected (placed) 3 years ago, with this esteemed job she would have a brain to do it.

Now her extended holiday in CM, she would have time to draft out an alternative reform program -alongside Abhisits, combine the 2 and work on that.

BUT NO, she is shopping with a.n.other.

She has no brain to draft anything that is a reason we are in this mess, amnesty bill for Thaksin, she did not understand, she followed orders and what happened---rice chairperson same---name anything that she played an important role in ???

See sense you pro gov posters. honesty is the key.

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No she was having lunch with her family.

Abhisit actually grew some nads for awhile until the peoples medium tore him a new one so there was never going to be any negotiations .

She's having a break and if needed she will be in bkk in one hour.

Meantime back the ranch the people have more to worry about with the fake monk and suteps thugs running amok,

But that's for another thread.

Enjoy your break yingy!

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I find it difficult to understand where all the poisonous bile towards Yingluck comes from on this website. I mean, most of the Yellow Einsteins who contribute here must come from (judging by the low level of English) places like the UK and USA, where the standard of education has plunged over recent decades.

So, why are people from countries like that, people who have NO SAY in the voting for governments in Thailand, why are they so violent in their opinions? They reduce politics to schoolyard shouting. Or to the kind of Pavlovian response to slogans you get in Orwell's


Yellows Good, Reds Bad. One Suthep good, two Sutheps double plus good. One Yingluck double plus ungood.

So, why the fuss over business that is not yours, brothers and sisters in mud-slinging?

Please don't throw us Americans in with the fascists on this site. I assure you that most of us are as appalled by the moronic vitriol against her as anyone else.

As for why the posters here act as they do? Some might be involved with the PRDC like I theorize our resident spambot Scamper is, others might just like the feudal system in the country because they feel it gives them power and a feeling of authority they failed to achieve back in the west.

Have you considered the possibility that some people don't like to see the country they live on and have some degree or another of investment in ruled by a band of self serving corrupt crooks? In particular a band of self serving corrupt crooks that seem to be quite content having followers keen on committing acts of terrorism for the "cause".

A laughable claim considering the consistent terrorism your side has committed against Thailand over the past decade, both through the PAD and now the PDRC regularly murdering and attacking innocent people who disagree with them. Both sides are committing violence.

Pray tell, which is "my" side?

If both sides are doing the same acts of terrorism, go on and cite all the instances of Red Shirt protest being bombed and shot at indiscriminately and with impunity as it has been happening with the anti-government ones.

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I find it difficult to understand where all the poisonous bile towards Yingluck comes from on this website. I mean, most of the Yellow Einsteins who contribute here must come from (judging by the low level of English) places like the UK and USA, where the standard of education has plunged over recent decades.

So, why are people from countries like that, people who have NO SAY in the voting for governments in Thailand, why are they so violent in their opinions? They reduce politics to schoolyard shouting. Or to the kind of Pavlovian response to slogans you get in Orwell's


Yellows Good, Reds Bad. One Suthep good, two Sutheps double plus good. One Yingluck double plus ungood.

So, why the fuss over business that is not yours, brothers and sisters in mud-slinging?

Please don't throw us Americans in with the fascists on this site. I assure you that most of us are as appalled by the moronic vitriol against her as anyone else.

As for why the posters here act as they do? Some might be involved with the PRDC like I theorize our resident spambot Scamper is, others might just like the feudal system in the country because they feel it gives them power and a feeling of authority they failed to achieve back in the west.

Have you considered the possibility that some people don't like to see the country they live on and have some degree or another of investment in ruled by a band of self serving corrupt crooks? In particular a band of self serving corrupt crooks that seem to be quite content having followers keen on committing acts of terrorism for the "cause".

The Thais care little for your investments!, you cannot do anything about it but continually gob off on this forum, along with other intellectually challenged half wits,. Solution - pack bags/ leave.

Oh, now I'm a half wit, and you base that assesment on what, exactly?

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No she was having lunch with her family.

Abhisit actually grew some nads for awhile until the peoples medium tore him a new one so there was never going to be any negotiations .

She's having a break and if needed she will be in bkk in one hour.

Meantime back the ranch the people have more to worry about with the fake monk and suteps thugs running amok,

But that's for another thread.

Enjoy your break yingy!

A hell of a long lunch---budgiethumbsup.gif But before that had she put pen to paper for reforms---NO sorry mate she has not got it in her, or we would be in a better situ now. The good PM would have stopped any wrong by the PTP, therefore IN CONTROL.

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No she was having lunch with her family.

Abhisit actually grew some nads for awhile until the peoples medium tore him a new one so there was never going to be any negotiations .

She's having a break and if needed she will be in bkk in one hour.

Meantime back the ranch the people have more to worry about with the fake monk and suteps thugs running amok,

But that's for another thread.

Enjoy your break yingy!

You, fab4, Moonao Still did not answer #31 on the NACC thread. ---or #103 on this thread. with honesty, covering the whole of the short post.

Edited by ginjag
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No she was having lunch with her family.

Abhisit actually grew some nads for awhile until the peoples medium tore him a new one so there was never going to be any negotiations .

She's having a break and if needed she will be in bkk in one hour.

Perhaps you missed the news this morning, but the Senate is discussing Abhisit's reform framework.

Nice to know Yingluck can be back in an hour, but the CC already said her services are no longer required.

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Unlike her brother, I think she just possibly might have more potential, and be able to do more good for Thailand, as an ex-PM and goodwill ambassador than she ever would have as PM. That's if she can just extricate herself from Big Brother's incessant scheming & manipulation, and come clean about his role & involvement all along, and then distance herself from it going forward. If she fails to do that and remains political however, I think she might have a rough row to hoe, and many trials (literally & figuratively) ahead of her.

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Unlike her brother, I think she just possibly might have more potential, and be able to do more good for Thailand, as an ex-PM and goodwill ambassador than she ever would have as PM. That's if she can just extricate herself from Big Brother's incessant scheming & manipulation, and come clean about his role & involvement all along, and then distance herself from it going forward. If she fails to do that and remains political however, I think she might have a rough row to hoe, and many trials (literally & figuratively) ahead of her.

come clean about his role & involvement all along

Fat chance of that! If she would come clean on all the things she has been involved during her time as (proxy) PM she would, in all probability, looking at a lengthy prison sentence at the very least.

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Unlike her brother, I think she just possibly might have more potential, and be able to do more good for Thailand, as an ex-PM and goodwill ambassador than she ever would have as PM. That's if she can just extricate herself from Big Brother's incessant scheming & manipulation, and come clean about his role & involvement all along, and then distance herself from it going forward. If she fails to do that and remains political however, I think she might have a rough row to hoe, and many trials (literally & figuratively) ahead of her.

Goodwill to who exactly........ the muslims, the Rohinghya, the rice farmers, elephants...?

The best thing she can do is to quietly retire from the political scene and maybe take up charity work. She can use her popularity in the north to good effect there but I think you can forget about her dobbing in her brother. Blood is thicker than even the most expensive toilet water.

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