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Buddha Issara defends guards' brutality


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Khaosod .... It's totally amazing that so many believe anything this newspaper prints.. I have an American friend who is close to LP Buddha-Issara... I'll try and get what the monk really said out of him and report back to you... OK?

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As I explain in an other post, it seems the main reason of the guards violence is their excessive consumption of alcohol.


Now that a monk tries to excuse violence, I don't know much about buddhism but this religion seems to be very far from the romantic view we have of it in the west.

Thanks. It's good to know that it has nothing to do with the frequent grenade and bomb attacks.

Well according to one frequent poster on here the grenade rain (not my words) makes them jumpy, also it's made them militarised, so anybody messes with their cones it stands to reason they're going stab, beat up or shoot someone, sometimes both. whistling.gif (emoticon for the benefit of those who might have thought that I come up with this ridiculous excuse)

Edited by fab4
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Khaosod .... It's totally amazing that so many believe anything this newspaper prints.. I have an American friend who is close to LP Buddha-Issara... I'll try and get what the monk really said out of him and report back to you... OK?

Perhaps you could get your friend to ask him how his defamation suit is going against Khaosod and Matichon - he was going to sue them for 100 million baht. Oh wait a minute,

Nevertheless, it is understood that Buddha Issara has not taken any formal steps in filing the libel lawsuit, and his appearance at the court today was merely symbolic


Perhaps this time he'll sue them for real if he's been misquoted?

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Whatever one might claim as a motivation or excuse for violence brought on the public by Phra Issara's radical militia, the existence of such unabated and accountable violence is a sad downside of a State-sponsored religion. It's not that the State lacks the means to prevent and punish Issara's exercise of brutality, it lacks the cultural incentive to do so.

To counter Issara's militia with violence by the State is to inflict upon the State itself of such violence in a psychological manner. That was the underlying conflict for the police that led them to apologize to Issara for their use of violence against him at Chaeng Wattana police headquarters. Issara's subsequent charges against the State is a logical extension of the Thailand culture on how Buddhaism is interwoven into the operation of the State. In some ways Thailand is not different from those Islamic countries having no separation of Church from State; it's just a different religion.

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hopefully prison time is looming for him

Unfortunately, he and others of his ilk will not serve time - the judiciary benches are stacked.

Nevertheless, karma awaits, if not in this lifetime then in the next. From what little I know of that faith, re-incarnation as something G awful.

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All of you people feel free to leave my country. Please leave if our political way isn't up to your satisfactions.

No one ask you to stay. whistling.gif

Surely the topic (Brutality) is not a "political way" .... unless you feel that beating up people is an acceptable part of Thailand's political process.

My opinion applies to all sides of the spectrum, from wherever violence emanates. So when the Reds beat you up, I will also deplore their actions.

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Khaosod .... It's totally amazing that so many believe anything this newspaper prints.. I have an American friend who is close to LP Buddha-Issara... I'll try and get what the monk really said out of him and report back to you... OK?

Oh, that will be enlightening. This monk is going down.

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Do you think the real Buddha would praise this crazy monk or approve of his actions? I think not ... Heck you don't need to be the Dalai Lama to see this guy is violent, corrupt and self serving. Real monks would not even dream of doing the things this guy does. He has broken so many even basic rules of being a monk I simply can't believe people still try to defend him .... total blindness.

Im even more stunned that these folks blame the police because a mad fake monks hired goons beat up innocent people in front of their pregnant wives ... when the police do try to do their job the same mad fake monk claims they're trying to murder him ... or any other excuse he can find to stop them doing their job ... you people should listen to your own hypocrisy ...

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You know, this mad fake monk likes to demand apologies if anything apparently wrong is done to him, yet I don't see him demanding this article's writer make an apology .... that tells me he is unable to defend this extremely violent action by his guards ... Let's see if he is decent enough to take responsibility for this and hand himself over to authorities instead of just trying to throw money at the poor victims and hope it all goes away .... it won't ... the buck must stop with him for this type of brutality ...

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Those guards are completely out of control, another reason why the protest sites should be closed because obviously the leadership is unable to restrain them.

Those camps are not serving any purpose, except as fortresses for the leaders to avoid arrest.

The Thai Police needs to do its job! Can't be hard to identify these guards and bring them for interrogation and prosecution. How many of all the almost daily M79 attacks have they solved?

Your correct. If the Thai police DID their job.. there would be no need for guards.. Red or Yellow!

I think it was Chooka who said when he was with Thai police in Chiang Mai they drove past a crime IN PROGRESS (Chooka is Australian police. I believe)

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There's a market near Yaowarat road with stalls selling pornography, once I saw one selling child pornography and for a second thought of calling the police... before I saw a couple policeman just walk right in front of the stall without even flinching, then I realized it would had been a waste of time; I may had even got in trouble for nosing around their business.

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What a pathetic statement from the mad monk,in other words he is saying,we don't give a rat's arse about what you people think', before these latest incidents i thought their cause had some merit,but now i am totally against them,they need to be cleared from the streets and arrested.

Does the same go for those caring sharing red shirts?

Yes i don't support either of them,the Redshirts have been guilty too of violence,but the article here is with regards to the monk and that is what i was commenting on.

Marko you surely realise by now that ANYTHING you say or quote that is remotely against the Suthep fans will immediately elicit a reaction regarding "red shirts" or lead you to be accused of being a Thaksin croney. These people don't like to hear the truth when it's concerning the protesters and their thug guards

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Sorry but this is really pathetic.

The yellow shirts are so blinded by their faith in sutep and the fake monk that they just can't bring themselves to the truth .

Now here's a bloke stabbed nearly to death in front of his pregnant wife with no ties to either party for accidentally hitting a yellow camps road cone which was reported by kaosod .

Straight away the yellows say it's false yet when it's pointed out by other posters that it's reported elsewhere they shut up.

So now we hear it again same same yet this time we've got the story from direct sources!

Oh that's right you can't reveal your sources!

Defending the indefensible !

I assume you also chastise like that those that claim the regular bombings and shootings against anti-government protestors are fake or self inflicted, do you?

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With all the problems Thailand is experiencing you would hope that Buddhist monks would be a beacon of hope, but this person dressed in the apparel of a Buddhist monk, has dashed those hopes for me.

It is akin to the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury running around with AK47's shooting up the neighbourhood and pleading some just cause

I guess when his thugs beat up the innocent they consider that they are 'making merit' rather like Islamic suicide bombers believe that blowing up innocent men women and children is the quickest way to Paradise

What a sick, sick World we live in, and I haven't even mentioned Nigeria

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Hey...a little brutality...or savage attacks on innocent bystanders never harmed anyone...or should I say...anyone of importance according to the Buddha Issara...so much for non-violence...may be taking a queue from the Myanmar monks...attacking, killing, destroy the homes of innocent Muslims...

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Do you think the real Buddha would praise this crazy monk or approve of his actions? I think not ... Heck you don't need to be the Dalai Lama to see this guy is violent, corrupt and self serving. Real monks would not even dream of doing the things this guy does. He has broken so many even basic rules of being a monk I simply can't believe people still try to defend him .... total blindness.

Im even more stunned that these folks blame the police because a mad fake monks hired goons beat up innocent people in front of their pregnant wives ... when the police do try to do their job the same mad fake monk claims they're trying to murder him ... or any other excuse he can find to stop them doing their job ... you people should listen to your own hypocrisy ...

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Total blindness = ALL religions

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Khaosod again!

How can you believe anything reported by a newspaper belonging to the Thaksin family???

All one has to do is to interview the people that have been hurt and or killed by his thugs and read the quotes from him. I guess you think he is a God saver to Thailand when he actually is a piece of trash that needs to off the streets and defroked.

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I think the Buddhist s should strip this bloke from being allowed to call himself a monk. He`s a disgrace to his uniform.

and the other 99% arent?

That's right. Do you hear any of the other monks condoning brutality?????????????????????? Be honest now, if you can.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Surely this monk must answer to an Abbot in a temple somewhere in Thailand? I would like to hear how that Abbot can allow this monk to condone these violent acts.

I am sure Buddha Siddhartha Gautama will be so proud of Buddha Issara’s teachings from a true holy-man might be better if he spent a little more time meditating rather than preaching his excuses and support of violence.

At the end of that day he is defending the use of violence. He is quoted as excusing violence when it comes to defending traffic cones?!

The monks should stay well clear of politics, especially current Thai politics. He should have resisted the call on his ego to go front man.

If people follow the Buddha, they would never break the law, commit violence or excuse it.

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Twisted words by Khaosod!. He was not defending brutality but asking for understanding about the closure of the Don-Muang express-way by the guards last Friday.

ps: he did not order the guards to close the road; he ordered to "take care of the road" to avoid attacks from the height while they were at the Police, but the guards did close the road and it took 2 hours until Luang Pu knew about that (he was busy with the tear-gas and water) and then he ordered to immediately open the road.

A fool to his Defence.

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