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Opening an account on a tourist visa


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I have had success while on tourist visas as follows:

Bangkok Bank Chang Klan Road--yes, using just the address of where I was staying for my one month visit at the time

Bangkok Bank Nimmanhaemin-- yes (speak to the manager, Ariporn, lovely lady and speaks English). They go out of their way to advise me of higher interest rate promos on time deposits.

Kasikorn Bank Nimmanhaemin-- literally didn't even give me an opportunity to sit down when I said I wanted to open an account. Returned to same branch a few months later on another visit, with my husband (who wanted an account there) and a Thai friend who had an account there, and no problem! Now when we go there they all know us and greet us happily and give my daughter goodies. Go figure.

Regarding "evidence"; they required only my passport, an address I gave them verbally (no proof of address was requested), my phone number and email.....and of course, cash. I even opened one at Kasikorn for my daughter who is a minor and her only documentation was a passport and a valid tourist visa.

My point is, as with most things in Thailand, sometimes you must ask repeatedly (and in this case in different locations) to get the answer you desire. As in most places, good manners, a smile, decent hygiene and not showing up in the wrinkled clothes you slept in, also makes people more amenable to helping you when rules need bending. Best of luck!

don't know what "rules you needed bending" or what country you come from, but very soon it will close to impossible for Americans to open an account in Thailand (unless you follow the rules and sign a U.S. tax form of which the banks already have stocks of).

The rule that seems to need bending is the need for a visa other than a tourist visa. I am not sure if it needs bending or if it is not a rule at all, but it has been often cited online (perhaps anecdotally) as a reason why people are turned away. Perhaps you overlooked that the OP seems to be from the UK, but for the record my husband is a US citizen and just opened his accounts a couple of months ago, both at Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn. No tax forms have been presented as yet, nor have accounts been closed, but if something adverse happens we will deal with it then.

Irrespective of our background, these issues seemingly do not apply to the OP, so your remarks are best reserved for and appreciated on the myriad threads concerning the issue of Americans opening accounts abroad....for this poster they are irrelevant.

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Each bank has it's own policy on opening an account on a tourist visa. If you know someone that lives here, have them go with you to their branch and open an account in your own name. They will verify to the bank that they know you. Simple and straight forward!!!!

More like each branch has its own policy,

If one says no, go to another.

Branches in tourists zones, do not care much at all and will open account for anyone

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