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Perhaps I should of been more specific, I'm talking Automatic weapons and some semi automatic weapons.

Why? Automatic weapons are not legally owned and pretty well not owned at all by Americans. Almost no American gun owner wants an automatic weapon. Why are you talking about a mythical beast in a discussion about reality?

Have another go, only with facts this time.

It might also be important to point out that nearly all of the recent massacres have taken place in "Gun free" zones.

Since "gun spinners" and "cowboys" are legal gun carriers, they are prone to obey laws...ergo, they are not walking around with their legal weapons in "gun free" zones.

As the old saying goes...When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

My daughter attends university on a campus with concealed carry. No one knows which students, professors and visitors are carrying guns, or if anyone is . She says it is so-o-o-o peaceful.

It is the main campus of quite a large state university by the way, well over 30,000 undergraduates alone, not some little private school.


Wanda , what a coincidence, my great -grand daughter attends the same university. She says its so quiet there because all of students are busy praying to god that nobody ever displays a weapon since they are scared shitless to be caught in all the crossfire of inexperienced shooters ;-)

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Perhaps I should of been more specific, I'm talking Automatic weapons and some semi automatic weapons.

Why? Automatic weapons are not legally owned and pretty well not owned at all by Americans. Almost no American gun owner wants an automatic weapon. Why are you talking about a mythical beast in a discussion about reality?

Have another go, only with facts this time.

It might also be important to point out that nearly all of the recent massacres have taken place in "Gun free" zones.

Since "gun spinners" and "cowboys" are legal gun carriers, they are prone to obey laws...ergo, they are not walking around with their legal weapons in "gun free" zones.

As the old saying goes...When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

My daughter attends university on a campus with concealed carry. No one knows which students, professors and visitors are carrying guns, or if anyone is . She says it is so-o-o-o peaceful.

It is the main campus of quite a large state university by the way, well over 30,000 undergraduates alone, not some little private school.



So you say, yet there is no shortage of semi automatics, some of which can easily be converted.

So why don't you try think outside the box ? ;)

As for your daughters school, you brag around children and young adults packing weapons In a place of education and you think that's a good thing. Bet you'll be the first one whining in the television when it all goes horribly wrong, as it eventually will.

Stupid is as stupid does comes to mind.


Perhaps I should of been more specific, I'm talking Automatic weapons and some semi automatic weapons.

Why? Automatic weapons are not legally owned and pretty well not owned at all by Americans. Almost no American gun owner wants an automatic weapon. Why are you talking about a mythical beast in a discussion about reality?

Have another go, only with facts this time.

It might also be important to point out that nearly all of the recent massacres have taken place in "Gun free" zones.

Since "gun spinners" and "cowboys" are legal gun carriers, they are prone to obey laws...ergo, they are not walking around with their legal weapons in "gun free" zones.

As the old saying goes...When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

My daughter attends university on a campus with concealed carry. No one knows which students, professors and visitors are carrying guns, or if anyone is . She says it is so-o-o-o peaceful.

It is the main campus of quite a large state university by the way, well over 30,000 undergraduates alone, not some little private school.



They have to carry guns to make it peaceful? I know the majority of neighbours in my suburban neighbourhood, which is peaceful, and no one carries guns!

Therefore peace can be obtainable without guns.

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We are beating a dead horse here. Anti-gunners and those that have and want firearms will never agree. My ex-wife is/was a gun owner and a hunter. Many women own and are proficient with firearms, many are instructors. I don't try to change peoples minds, I don't give a damn what they think, unless they step on my toes. If I want to own and shoot a fully automatic weapon I should be able to and if you have a clean record and pay the tax in the US one can. I had a Polytech milled receiver semi-auto AK-47, M-14, 2 M-1's, M-1 carbine, and I carried the SKS I brought back from VN as a saddle gun off season. Quite good for coyotes. I owned several custom rifles, shotguns, many pistols, loaded my own ammo, shot 1,000's of rounds a year and yea, I killed things. You don't like, tough. I hunted professionally and was a certified/commissioned law enforcement officer. I'm no right wing nut, no use for the idiots that claim to be militia. If they were black, brown, American Indian, left leaning the government would not have hesitated to wipe them out. Check out what the government did to Occupy. I'm very, very much to the left. Amerika is a sick country, a sick society with a sick government rapidly descending into a surveillance/police state with the backing of plutocrats, corporations and their bought and sold politicians. It is the 'left', what is left of it, that needs to wake up and smell the crap. This argument can go on forever, I doubt anybody will change their minds.


I read many U.S.A. newspapers every day. Most murders are commited by people with names that are not of American or European origin.The same with the victims. The gangbangers are gun crazy. One night in Detriot makes a hard man humble.

Or how about the southside of Chicago. These are not Americans.

South Side Chicago; 93%, Detroit 83% African Americans.

African Americans are not Americans? Your pointy white hat and burning cross is glaringly obvious. Do you have swastika tattoos and a skinhead too? It's little wonder you are a gun supporter.

In 1960, the richest per capita city in America, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, was Detroit.

Today, Sixty percent (60%) of all of Detroit’s children are living in poverty. Fifty percent of the population has been reported to be functionally illiterate. Thirty-three percent (33%) of Detroit’s 140 square miles is vacant or derelict. Eighteen percent (18%) of the population is unemployed

Interesting and sad, but how does that relate to a white supremacist's view that they are not American's?

It's a good example of democracy at work. Detroit is a free city and they got what they voted for. I was only comparing it with Thailand. Detroit would not have happened in Thailand because the rich people pay the folks with the tanks (biggest guns). Look what happens when you have free elections. sad.png


TLT, please accept my apologies, I gave you the credit of a sense of humor.


You wrote,

"So American men are motivated by that same adolescent insecurity of who has the biggest pecker in the gym locker room. When a guy gets a new gun he displays it for his buds and may let them "handle" it. He spends much time lubricating it (dry lube tho) and meticulously looking for imperfections. He is always looking for the hottest "load"."

And you think American men are supposed to think that funny? What kind of person would think the above horse poop comes from a sense of humor?


We are beating a dead horse here. Anti-gunners and those that have and want firearms will never agree. My ex-wife is/was a gun owner and a hunter. Many women own and are proficient with firearms, many are instructors. I don't try to change peoples minds, I don't give a damn what they think, unless they step on my toes. If I want to own and shoot a fully automatic weapon I should be able to and if you have a clean record and pay the tax in the US one can. I had a Polytech milled receiver semi-auto AK-47, M-14, 2 M-1's, M-1 carbine, and I carried the SKS I brought back from VN as a saddle gun off season. Quite good for coyotes. I owned several custom rifles, shotguns, many pistols, loaded my own ammo, shot 1,000's of rounds a year and yea, I killed things. You don't like, tough. I hunted professionally and was a certified/commissioned law enforcement officer. I'm no right wing nut, no use for the idiots that claim to be militia. If they were black, brown, American Indian, left leaning the government would not have hesitated to wipe them out. Check out what the government did to Occupy. I'm very, very much to the left. Amerika is a sick country, a sick society with a sick government rapidly descending into a surveillance/police state with the backing of plutocrats, corporations and their bought and sold politicians. It is the 'left', what is left of it, that needs to wake up and smell the crap. This argument can go on forever, I doubt anybody will change their minds.

Truely "Whackjob" stuff.


Truely "Whackjob" stuff.

Guns deploymed to Australia, which by 2016 will reach a taskforce of 2,500 U.S. troops, is small compared with the 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea and 50,000 in Japan. I think we should take all of our guns and go home. Ya all don't like American guns. Do your own fighting when China comes. No offense of course. wai2.gif


Truely "Whackjob" stuff.

Guns deploymed to Australia, which by 2016 will reach a taskforce of 2,500 U.S. troops, is small compared with the 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea and 50,000 in Japan. I think we should take all of our guns and go home. Ya all don't like American guns. Do your own fighting when China comes. No offense of course. wai2.gif

No offence taken old mate, but surely you don't think this is about our armies, nothing could be further from the truth, it's got nothing to do with that.

I have no concerns about China.

We also have a small but fairly capable military. This really isn't about us and them it's about all the blood running in your streets......it seems you guys don't need a war to kill ur own. :(

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They have to carry guns to make it peaceful? I know the majority of neighbours in my suburban neighbourhood, which is peaceful, and no one carries guns!

Therefore peace can be obtainable without guns.

That's a good one. And you know that how, because of the American culture that as soon as one gets a CCP she knocks on all the doors on the street to tell everyone, starting at your home?


Look. For all you know, and definitely for all I know, maybe you're right. It's very possible and credible. It's just not possible that you know about it, either way, that's all. When my son takes me out to dinner, *I* don't usually know if he is armed, and I bought him the darned gun! I do know that sometimes he is(n't) because sometimes he has remarked on it.

No one wants you to carry, or not carry. Almost no one cares at all. And I think your little homily at the end there is cute. Spend a bit of time, cut in down just a bit, get it on a T-shirt. Remember how well this worked?


Wanda , what a coincidence, my great -grand daughter attends the same university. She says its so quiet there because all of students are busy praying to god that nobody ever displays a weapon since they are scared shitless to be caught in all the crossfire of inexperienced shooters ;-)

I'm sorry your grandkids turned out to be terrible parents, but maybe they could claim it was in her genes or something. She could maybe get some help from the other students and try to turn her life around to be useful. Blaming "all of the students" for her problem .... it's so Generation Y!



Truely "Whackjob" stuff.

Guns deploymed to Australia, which by 2016 will reach a taskforce of 2,500 U.S. troops, is small compared with the 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea and 50,000 in Japan. I think we should take all of our guns and go home. Ya all don't like American guns. Do your own fighting when China comes. No offense of course. wai2.gif

No offence taken old mate, but surely you don't think this is about our armies, nothing could be further from the truth, it's got nothing to do with that.

I have no concerns about China.

We also have a small but fairly capable military. This really isn't about us and them it's about all the blood running in your streets......it seems you guys don't need a war to kill ur own. sad.png

One of the reasons you don't have the trouble we have is; you have a larger budget to spend on social programs than America does because we have to fly the planes and drive the submarines that protect your country. USA 36% of the worlds total military budget and Australia 1%.

Australia, a military ally of the U.S. in the Asia-Pacific, will increase defense spending under Prime Minister Tony Abbott after it fell to a seven-decade low, the government announced in its budget today.

Abbott is seeking to build out the country’s military capacity at a time of China’s rising assertiveness in the region.



They have to carry guns to make it peaceful? I know the majority of neighbours in my suburban neighbourhood, which is peaceful, and no one carries guns!

Therefore peace can be obtainable without guns.

That's a good one. And you know that how, because of the American culture that as soon as one gets a CCP she knocks on all the doors on the street to tell everyone, starting at your home?


Look. For all you know, and definitely for all I know, maybe you're right. It's very possible and credible. It's just not possible that you know about it, either way, that's all. When my son takes me out to dinner, *I* don't usually know if he is armed, and I bought him the darned gun! I do know that sometimes he is(n't) because sometimes he has remarked on it.

No one wants you to carry, or not carry. Almost no one cares at all. And I think your little homily at the end there is cute. Spend a bit of time, cut in down just a bit, get it on a T-shirt. Remember how well this worked?



It is a "cultural" thing, not a you and I scenario. And what the hell is a CCP?


It was federal land that he and his family had run cattle on since the 1800s. He had paid for grazing rights but stopped paying the federal government when the land came into dispute between the feds and the state of Nevada.

That was the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that attempted the Bundy takeover...and some even consider it a good reason to keep the Second Amendment. By the way, the BLM owns 81.1% of the land mass of Nevada. Can you conjure up any reason why this is the case?

Factually, you are wrong from your 5th word onward, but you are completely off-topic so try to focus.


Be more S-P-E-C-I-F-I-C.

PS: You brought up the Bundy incident. not me.


Truely "Whackjob" stuff.

Guns deploymed to Australia, which by 2016 will reach a taskforce of 2,500 U.S. troops, is small compared with the 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea and 50,000 in Japan. I think we should take all of our guns and go home. Ya all don't like American guns. Do your own fighting when China comes. No offense of course. wai2.gif

No offence taken old mate, but surely you don't think this is about our armies, nothing could be further from the truth, it's got nothing to do with that.

I have no concerns about China.

We also have a small but fairly capable military. This really isn't about us and them it's about all the blood running in your streets......it seems you guys don't need a war to kill ur own. sad.png

One of the reasons you don't have the trouble we have is; you have a larger budget to spend on social programs than America does because we have to fly the planes and drive the submarines that protect your country. USA 36% of the worlds total military budget and Australia 1%.

Australia, a military ally of the U.S. in the Asia-Pacific, will increase defense spending under Prime Minister Tony Abbott after it fell to a seven-decade low, the government announced in its budget today.

Abbott is seeking to build out the countrys military capacity at a time of Chinas rising assertiveness in the region.


Ohhh thanks for that. Priceless.

Guns deploymed to Australia, which by 2016 will reach a taskforce of 2,500 U.S. troops, is small compared with the 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea and 50,000 in Japan. I think we should take all of our guns and go home. Ya all don't like American guns. Do your own fighting when China comes. No offense of course. wai2.gif

No offence taken old mate, but surely you don't think this is about our armies, nothing could be further from the truth, it's got nothing to do with that.

I have no concerns about China.

We also have a small but fairly capable military. This really isn't about us and them it's about all the blood running in your streets......it seems you guys don't need a war to kill ur own. sad.png

One of the reasons you don't have the trouble we have is; you have a larger budget to spend on social programs than America does because we have to fly the planes and drive the submarines that protect your country. USA 36% of the worlds total military budget and Australia 1%.

Australia, a military ally of the U.S. in the Asia-Pacific, will increase defense spending under Prime Minister Tony Abbott after it fell to a seven-decade low, the government announced in its budget today.

Abbott is seeking to build out the countrys military capacity at a time of Chinas rising assertiveness in the region.


Ohhh thanks for that. Priceless.

He’s committed to building new Collins-class submarines at facilities in South Australia state, buying 72 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters and lifting defense spending from its lowest level since 1938 as a share of gross domestic product. I know man. You all are spending less on defense than you did in 1938? Remember what happened in 1941. You all got the guns out then eh?

Seems there was a time when people from Australia talked about Americans with guns they talked about how nice it was that they could shoot straight not how they wanted them not to have guns.

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I read many U.S.A. newspapers every day. Most murders are commited by people with names that are not of American or European origin.The same with the victims. The gangbangers are gun crazy. One night in Detriot makes a hard man humble.

Or how about the southside of Chicago. These are not Americans.

South Side Chicago; 93%, Detroit 83% African Americans.

African Americans are not Americans? Your pointy white hat and burning cross is glaringly obvious. Do you have swastika tattoos and a skinhead too? It's little wonder you are a gun supporter.

It seems like you know very little about what's happining in America. In the big city were I live part time almost all the murders are done by illlegal immigrates or recent immigrates. Hmong,Somali,Mexican gangbangers all in the drug trade. And yes as far as I'm concerned,they are not Americans. My family goes back 150 years. Also I have a full head of hair at 60 yrs. old and a Harley-Davidson tattoo.


Also I have a full head of hair at 60 yrs. old and a Harley-Davidson tattoo.

A full head of hair? Your hormones can be used for growing hair OR other more pleasurable pursuits!

Harley-Davidson, turning petrol into noise for over 100 years!



Nothing like centuries old Constitutions combined with 21st century technology.


The rationale behind the 2nd amendment was to deter foreign occupation. The Brit colonizers wanted to control the American colonists, so they ordered troops to be billeted in American homes and guns be taken away from the colonists.

Giving the people the right to keep and bear arms, as our Constitution does, is a deterrent to military occupation--foreign or domestic.

How many German soldiers would have died in the Warsaw Ghetto, if the Jews were armed? Oh, wait a minute, that just brought us up to the 20th century.

Let's see, can we possibly find an example in the 21st century where if the locals had weapons, the armed militants would not have had it so easy? Hmmm . . . Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, the Ukraine.

Please note, I said foreign or domestic military intervention.


American "exceptionalism" at its best:


Fortunately the one's doing the best job of eliminating themselves seem to be mainly in the "red states."


This is a crock because Mexico, South Africa and Russia are not included, Chile??? Where's Brazil? Just another anti- NRA propaganda stunt. Switzerland gives an M16 to every Swiss head of household in the interests of national security. 15 deaths out of 100,000 is 0.015% far less than the chance you have of slipping in the bathtub or whatever. Whatever the anti gun lobby says, please say it when you have a gun at your head or a knife at your throat.


Where I lived in the states for the last 40 years, I lost the keys to the house-- because I never locked my door. I don't have a gun now and haven't for at least that long. I shot my first hand gun at the age of six, my father was shore patrol in the Navy and we would shoot at man targets in the basement with his Navy issue.. He taught me how to clean and take care of guns. I had my own rifle at the age of 12. My neighbor lives in a fenced in en-closer. He owns many guns and sleeps with a handgun under his bed. I've told him that if I every needed help in the middle of the night, his house would be the last place I would go. I am not anti-gun, but there does seem be be a lot more people with guns that think of them as some kind of badge of manhood or have some delusional fear of the world around them..

As for guns in Thailand, I don't know. I am told by many Thais that there are. But maybe that is just more delusional talk that makes people go out to buy one to protect themselves from the "others".

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I'm sure one of the factors to consider is price. How much would a Glock 22 cost in the US? How much would it be for the exact same gun in Bangkok Chinatown? The pricing here is absolutely ridiculous

Tax is ridiculous in Thailand, but to buy one you have to bite the bullet (excuse the pun)

My wife's 9mm CZ SP-01 Shadow cost nearly 70000 Baht !


I'm sure one of the factors to consider is price. How much would a Glock 22 cost in the US? How much would it be for the exact same gun in Bangkok Chinatown? The pricing here is absolutely ridiculous

Tax is ridiculous in Thailand, but to buy one you have to bite the bullet (excuse the pun)

My wife's 9mm CZ SP-01 Shadow cost nearly 70000 Baht !

Well for something a bit more tasty you're looking close to double 70k. Shotguns are reasonable though. Rem 870 around 35k.


Americans, - Praise God for your Constitution! Australians were also big lovers of guns until they were removed from them after the 1990's "Port Arthur Massacre," which was the biggest con ever pulled on gun owners, the so called perpetrator was retarded and could not even operate an auto-loading rifle! His doctor, Dr. Ernest C-D (British Psychological Warfare Unit), had him on mind altering drugs, while the real highly skilled operatives went about their business. It all looked 99% authentic, but the police video showed a boat in the background, which was not in port that day! This operation has been used as a blueprint for later operations all over the world, as a tool to disarm the public and change their perception of gun owners. When everyone had guns there was virtually no gun related crimes in our state. In retrospect, Thais are not so agressive with guns, due to their Buddhist culture, so westerers should learn this attribute from their Thai hosts...


Americans, - Praise God for your Constitution! Australians were also big lovers of guns until they were removed from them after the 1990's "Port Arthur Massacre," which was the biggest con ever pulled on gun owners, the so called perpetrator was retarded and could not even operate an auto-loading rifle! His doctor, Dr. Ernest C-D (British Psychological Warfare Unit), had him on mind altering drugs, while the real highly skilled operatives went about their business. It all looked 99% authentic, but the police video showed a boat in the background, which was not in port that day! This operation has been used as a blueprint for later operations all over the world, as a tool to disarm the public and change their perception of gun owners. When everyone had guns there was virtually no gun related crimes in our state. In retrospect, Thais are not so agressive with guns, due to their Buddhist culture, so westerers should learn this attribute from their Thai hosts...

You are kidding right?

Thailand has the highest gun murder rate in the World I believe.


The whole Americans & guns act, probably from stupid British people or ignorant (ex-criminal related) Australians. If it wasn't for the British greed to rule the world, America would be a completely different place. But no, England & it's history to conquer & destroy everything.

But given if no English, no Romans...America would be right where it's at now...just a matter of perspective.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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