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US confident that the Thai military will not stage another coup


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Here ya go.

Watch all the dummies come out and start bashing the USA for "Not" getting involved. I thought that was what they wanted...but now they are twitching in their panties just to get a negative comment out....in spite of the postive viewpoint the US is taking

Shuddafuqup crybabies.


Just Go back under your rock, crustacean. '_'

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To be frank, has the US solved one single problem on this planet?

And who really is responsble for the majority of this worlds F*** U**

Here ya go.

Watch all the dummies come out and start bashing the USA for "Not" getting involved. I thought that was what they wanted...but now they are twitching in their panties just to get a negative comment out....in spite of the postive viewpoint the US is taking

Shuddafuqup crybabies.

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Just Go back under your rock, crustacean. '_'

Thailand is a national security formal treaty ally so events and developments in Thailand are of a certain interest to Washington, but that's one reason the U.S. is observing the goings on here. Governments and elites of the Indo-Pacific strategic region want the US involved in this part of the world and in Thailand.

Developments in Thailand affect the other security treaty allies here, namely Australia, the Philippines, South Korea, Japan as well as the region as a whole.

Washington anyway doesn't ask you to kiss its arse but I can say what you can do.

The Boyz in Beijing will require it. So will Suthep.

Edited by Publicus
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Does the US government feel that it is somehow adding value by publicly speculating on what the Thai military may or may not do?

It is well known that the military don't want to stage a coup but, given the refusal of both sides to concede even a milimetre, they might have no choice but to intervene ultimately to prevent bloodshed.

I would speculate the CIA is here, and making sure that if there is a fuss, it is quickly finished, so, yes

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Interesting exercise to seek the original source to assess the accuracy of NNT's re-writers. In this case, headline says the US is confident, then the lead in backs off a bit by saying "reasonably confident".

The actual AP source is from CSIS' Thailand discussion on 13 May; panel 1 consisting of staff from Department of Defense & Dept. of State.

There are actually two separate questions and responses. DoD in fact said "reasonably confident", not "confident". State went as far as to say they don't like to make predictions. They chose their words very carefully.

While panel 1 is interesting in its entirely, the relevant Q&A is at 33min 15sec, and only a few minutes in length.

Panel 2 and 3 are on the right side of the YT page as well.

There is a middle segment of the CSIS panel by three speakers that is very interesting.

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The US has been pandering to the existing Thai corrupt establishment system for decades and decades, it's patronage, nepotism, and with full knowledge of its abysmal record in human trafficking for sex and cheap labor as well as its trade in drugs and counterfeit property. Although Thailand's corrupt and abusive pecking order culture existed long before the US started throwing money at the Thai military to stand its ground against communism, in a sense the US created the modern Thai military creature and its abuse of funds for private gain.

The US has never faced the truth about Thailand and has patronized the Thais all along with wishy washy statements and back room meetings to condone the Thai activity. The US now holds a hole card with the Thai military and that is the money bag. The US seems to be using the money bag as its public bargaining chip to evangelize that a Thai military coup would not be welcome. While at the same time, the US knows that Thai military involvement would be the only backstop against civil war. The US also knows that it needs its extensive secret intelligence operations based at the embassy in Bangkok. Could this be a tipping point in the Thai/US relationship?

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The US has been pandering to the existing Thai corrupt establishment system for decades and decades, it's patronage, nepotism, and with full knowledge of its abysmal record in human trafficking for sex and cheap labor as well as its trade in drugs and counterfeit property. Although Thailand's corrupt and abusive pecking order culture existed long before the US started throwing money at the Thai military to stand its ground against communism, in a sense the US created the modern Thai military creature and its abuse of funds for private gain.

The US has never faced the truth about Thailand and has patronized the Thais all along with wishy washy statements and back room meetings to condone the Thai activity. The US now holds a hole card with the Thai military and that is the money bag. The US seems to be using the money bag as its public bargaining chip to evangelize that a Thai military coup would not be welcome. While at the same time, the US knows that Thai military involvement would be the only backstop against civil war. The US also knows that it needs its extensive secret intelligence operations based at the embassy in Bangkok. Could this be a tipping point in the Thai/US relationship?

Tipping point?

what are you joking?

the US holds ALL the cards:

they don't give a rats ass about the Thai people, not one of them,

if they speak out against human trafficking, then they probably provide logistics for it

there are US spies all throughout the region, who travel invisbily, sitting right next to you on airplanes and drinking in pubs


Edited by Scarpolo
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The US has been pandering to the existing Thai corrupt establishment system for decades and decades, it's patronage, nepotism, and with full knowledge of its abysmal record in human trafficking for sex and cheap labor as well as its trade in drugs and counterfeit property. Although Thailand's corrupt and abusive pecking order culture existed long before the US started throwing money at the Thai military to stand its ground against communism, in a sense the US created the modern Thai military creature and its abuse of funds for private gain.

The US has never faced the truth about Thailand and has patronized the Thais all along with wishy washy statements and back room meetings to condone the Thai activity. The US now holds a hole card with the Thai military and that is the money bag. The US seems to be using the money bag as its public bargaining chip to evangelize that a Thai military coup would not be welcome. While at the same time, the US knows that Thai military involvement would be the only backstop against civil war. The US also knows that it needs its extensive secret intelligence operations based at the embassy in Bangkok. Could this be a tipping point in the Thai/US relationship?

Don't think it's a tipping point, the US supports dictatorships when it's is convenient and democracies at other times when it is convenient. The US knows that a coup right now could potentially spark a civil war and that would be detrimental to US business interests in the region.

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U.S. officials said that they were closely monitoring the situation but had no intention of intervening.

Dam.n right you won't. Like how would you, bring out the big guns? Having said that, if he is bungable, surest way to prevent one is to personally 'look after' Prayuth. But if he's a man of face and the rest of it, careful how you go about it.

I generally believe the US is a force of good, but lets get one thing clear, it has always been for itself and any plan does not consider the welfare of the Thai people.

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...much like the US were confident on those Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq that never existed.

The US has zero credibility in predicting a military coup in Thailand.

It is a known

fact that Saddam had WMD he used them on Iran and on his own people the Kurds after the first gulf war. Weather they were used up, destroyed, moved to another country, or buried nobody knows for sure.

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Does the US government feel that it is somehow adding value by publicly speculating on what the Thai military may or may not do?

It is well known that the military don't want to stage a coup but, given the refusal of both sides to concede even a milimetre, they might have no choice but to intervene ultimately to prevent bloodshed.

I would speculate the CIA is here, and making sure that if there is a fuss, it is quickly finished, so, yes

I don't suppose the CIA retains much influence here these days. Time was that they enthusiastically supported the opium trade in Thailand even tho most of it was sold as heroin on their streets. The US also gave massive financial assistance to military dictators and helped shape the history of military coups that remain a legacy that influences the mentality today. But now they try to disown their own legacy. LOL.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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