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Melbourne city centre aims to be smoke-free by 2016


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What about banning all the cars and motorbikes. They let off fumes as well dont they. ? Oh yes planes traveling above, what about them??

It's a common suggestion by smokers Lee, but of course the need to get real.

Over the years there has been an ever tightening of the vehicle emission laws which has made great improvements on what motorcycles, cars and trucks pump out.

Smokers however (not all but most) will walk down the street and around the place chuffing away, blowing their obnoxious fumes everywhere. You can't escape it, as you pass office buildings and so forth there's literally thousands of these dopes applying their trade, the don't give a toss about anyone else, just their own dirty little habit. I am certain most don't realise how much it affects some people. On a relative still day with the slights of breeze I can smell the <deleted> at 20-30 metres and it's not pleasant.

Of course the smokers will chime in now abusing me about their right to smoke without any consideration about my right not to smoke their filthy dirty trail. My wife has a rare form of rhinitis and cigarette smoke can result is quite severe conditions (yes there are other triggers) so she actively avoids people smoking in the streets. We often change our walking route to avoid these a.holes.

I am happy for others to smoke and there should be designated locations where this can be done and these smoke houses could be funded by further increasing taxes on these cancer sticks. In reality, it's a filthy dirty habit which has proven ill health effects and if you want to slowly kill yourself using this method, please do so where it won't effect others.

Anyway, the tide is turning, slowly these disgusting indivuals are being moved along. Good riddance, I would almost consider moving to Melbourne as a result of this.

One final point, it simply amazes me the amount of smokers who discard their butts onto the ground, for some reason beyond me they don't see it as littering, but it's repulsive.

Your abusive references to smokers has removed all credibility of your argument. I quote "literally thousands of these dope", "these disgusting individuals", "blowing their obnoxious fumes".

Also, smelling smoke from 20 to 30 metres away, complete rubbish.

There has already been tightening of smoking in public places indoors (which i agree with), there is no need to create a law to make an entire city smoke free.

This is all going too far. Sadly I suspect you don't have the ability to think objectively about this topic.

Neverdie is right. They are disgusting. As are public urinators/defecators, people who spit on the footpath, people who put chewing gum on seats, people who put their feet on train seats, people who scrawl imbecilic 'tags' on other people's property etc etc. I am proud that this move is happening in my home city as an example to the world.

I would imagine that most people have done at least one of two of those things before, is there anyone you don't like?

I take objection to the personal attacks on people who smoke, they are not breaking the law and if they want to smoke in permitted areas then they will and you will just have to lump it. If you don't want to be near smokers then stay away. I suspect this law will never happen at least not in its entirety, there will be some sort of compromise, heaven knows how you will cope then with all those disgusting people.

i repeat, I hope that the people responsible for passing the laws have a more sensible, non emotional approach to this and make a balanced decision.

I personally don't want to come to a city that is such a nanny state, so i will stay well away and you can keep your city.

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It's a common suggestion by smokers Lee, but of course the need to get real.

Over the years there has been an ever tightening of the vehicle emission laws which has made great improvements on what motorcycles, cars and trucks pump out.

Smokers however (not all but most) will walk down the street and around the place chuffing away, blowing their obnoxious fumes everywhere. You can't escape it, as you pass office buildings and so forth there's literally thousands of these dopes applying their trade, the don't give a toss about anyone else, just their own dirty little habit. I am certain most don't realise how much it affects some people. On a relative still day with the slights of breeze I can smell the <deleted> at 20-30 metres and it's not pleasant.

Of course the smokers will chime in now abusing me about their right to smoke without any consideration about my right not to smoke their filthy dirty trail. My wife has a rare form of rhinitis and cigarette smoke can result is quite severe conditions (yes there are other triggers) so she actively avoids people smoking in the streets. We often change our walking route to avoid these a.holes.

I am happy for others to smoke and there should be designated locations where this can be done and these smoke houses could be funded by further increasing taxes on these cancer sticks. In reality, it's a filthy dirty habit which has proven ill health effects and if you want to slowly kill yourself using this method, please do so where it won't effect others.

Anyway, the tide is turning, slowly these disgusting indivuals are being moved along. Good riddance, I would almost consider moving to Melbourne as a result of this.

One final point, it simply amazes me the amount of smokers who discard their butts onto the ground, for some reason beyond me they don't see it as littering, but it's repulsive.

Your abusive references to smokers has removed all credibility of your argument. I quote "literally thousands of these dope", "these disgusting individuals", "blowing their obnoxious fumes".

Also, smelling smoke from 20 to 30 metres away, complete rubbish.

There has already been tightening of smoking in public places indoors (which i agree with), there is no need to create a law to make an entire city smoke free.

This is all going too far. Sadly I suspect you don't have the ability to think objectively about this topic.

Neverdie is right. They are disgusting. As are public urinators/defecators, people who spit on the footpath, people who put chewing gum on seats, people who put their feet on train seats, people who scrawl imbecilic 'tags' on other people's property etc etc. I am proud that this move is happening in my home city as an example to the world.

I would imagine that most people have done at least one of two of those things before, is there anyone you don't like?

I take objection to the personal attacks on people who smoke, they are not breaking the law and if they want to smoke in permitted areas then they will and you will just have to lump it. If you don't want to be near smokers then stay away. I suspect this law will never happen at least not in its entirety, there will be some sort of compromise, heaven knows how you will cope then with all those disgusting people.

i repeat, I hope that the people responsible for passing the laws have a more sensible, non emotional approach to this and make a balanced decision.

I personally don't want to come to a city that is such a nanny state, so i will stay well away and you can keep your city.

Not being illegal doesn't make it right. And anti social behaviour, smoking in public places is anti social, is never a good thing.

The non emotional approach is to come down hard on anti social behaviour.

You won't be missed.

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I would imagine that most people have done at least one of two of those things before, is there anyone you don't like?

I take objection to the personal attacks on people who smoke, they are not breaking the law and if they want to smoke in permitted areas then they will and you will just have to lump it. If you don't want to be near smokers then stay away. I suspect this law will never happen at least not in its entirety, there will be some sort of compromise, heaven knows how you will cope then with all those disgusting people.

i repeat, I hope that the people responsible for passing the laws have a more sensible, non emotional approach to this and make a balanced decision.

I personally don't want to come to a city that is such a nanny state, so i will stay well away and you can keep your city.

Not being illegal doesn't make it right. And anti social behaviour, smoking in public places is anti social, is never a good thing.

The non emotional approach is to come down hard on anti social behaviour.

You won't be missed.

Hi tw,

Apparently it will soon be illegal in Melbourne CBD soon. I hope soon as the wife and I intend to travel there in a couple of months time, it will be pleasant to walk down the sois without having to ,follow some low life who's busy chuffing away and leaving an a noxious trail in his path.

Gazza has rights, poor man and for too long his evident attitude of 'stay out of my way, I have rights' will need to be modified. My wife has had significant illness which is often exhasurbated by a sudden burst of smoke from one of these inconsiderates. My wife often carries a respirator in places like Bkk due to the bad pollution there. We DEFINATELY avoid certain places at times of the year and sometimes we zig zag around the place trying to avoid smokers, all of who just get by, chuffing away, mostly oblivious of the discomforate they bring to so many......but of course they have rights.

Anyway, times are changing because non smokers also have rights and we are slowly but surely bundling smokers out of Restuarants, cafés, clubs, pubs and so forth. Off the streets of Melbourne. Out of the door ways of shopping centres and hospitals.

Gazza, I hope Melbourne builds little air tight huts for your like minded individuals to gather in, you can gather in there and slowly choke each other to death.

Ohh and of corse I don't have to mention all the filthy dirty butts everywhere, I mean you can find them on virtually every corner of the earth.

Anyway Gazza, best of luck with your filthy little habit, I sincerely hope you get so e assistance with it, but please TUNE UP your attitude, after all, why should other people have to continually get out of your way to avoid your dirty habit, shouldn't it be the other way around?

In the event that a considerate smoker reads my posts, I say Kudos to you, but unfortunately your probably in the minority, however I sincerely hope you get help with your habit much more than the inconsiderate butt dropping, smoke anywhere type smokers.

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Also, smelling smoke from 20 to 30 metres away, complete rubbish.

No it isn't. The revolting stench often stinks up the air, far from where someone is smoking. It really is a disgusting habit and should be impeded as much as possible in public spaces.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Cant be bothered to keep replying to over emotional non smokers with their wishes of me suffering a miserable death. So, here is my final, reply to those people and my view for others.

Firstly to be clear I agree that smokers need to be considerate, I also have no problem with no smoking indoors, no one wants to breath second hand smoke, I get it. But there are already measures in place to protect people form second hand smoking. If people are being inconsiderate and smoking in an inappropriate place then that can be dealt with without a city wide ban on smoking.

What I have a problem with is that this is taking "nanny state" too far. Not one single person has answered that point as they were too busy spitting at their computer screens replying to my posts.

If smoking outside really is such a huge issue to public health then it should be illegal to smoke, simple as that. What I think people should not accept is the government "nannying" a whole city to stop people indulging in their perfectly legal vices.

If this is accepted then what next? Monitoring of your eating habits because people are too fat? Ban alcohol because no one wants to deal with the drunks that stagger down the streets? Ban driving in the city because of the pollution? Make credit cards illegal because there's too much personal debt? All of those points could be argued as they effect everyone.

In my opinion a lot of Western / Developed countries have gone too far with the nannying already. In the UK it is particularly bad as it is part of the EU and we have EU legislation. However, I now live and work in Thailand. Is Thailand different? Yes it is, there is certainly a lot more freedom. People basically just live and let live most of the time.

I think anyone who has lived in Thailand after living in the West will probably say it is quite refreshing to have the sense of freedom. There are downsides for sure and Thailand does need some more control but it feels to me like the best balance is maybe somewhere between the 2.

So, we need to be very careful about how much control we allow the state to take in a (so called) free country. Ok, non smokers hate smokers but this is just 1 issue. There will supporters and haters for other issues as well.

Personally I do not want to live in a place (or even visit a place) where I cannot feel free to enjoy myself and my perfectly legal vices without scrutiny or state control. That sounds very scary to me.

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If smoking outside really is such a huge issue to public health then it should be illegal to smoke, simple as that.

You are probably right. I thought that people would stop picking it up, on their own, as they became more educated, but that is not happening quickly enough. Young people are still taking it up despite the health dangers and the annoyance factor for the rest of society. It probably should be banned completely.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If smoking outside really is such a huge issue to public health then it should be illegal to smoke, simple as that.

You are probably right. I thought that people would stop picking it up, on their own, as they became more educated, but that is not happening quickly enough. Young people are still taking it up despite the health dangers and the annoyance factor for the rest of society. It probably should be banned completely.

There are also now more teenagers binge drinking then ever before. There has been plenty of education on the hazards of binge drinking and the dangers of the addiction to alcohol. This could mean streets full of drunks, increases in street violence, burden on the health service, anti social behavior.

There are also more cars on the roads despite the clear message of global warming and pollution.

There is also more personal debt then ever before with the whole world still struggling to get out of the last financial crisis.

There are also more obese people then ever before.

So, by your logic should we not enforce new laws to stop all of these too?

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Sorry Arsed Lot these Anti Nannies, they will be at Bathurst next complaining about Supercars,Horses Farting at the Melbourne Cup, And Jeez lest shut Mac D, and any other place a Regular Bloke enjoys.Yeh, im a Non Smoker, but enjoy freedom before them Lefty Wingin Clankers ruin any freedom.

I think it scary, really scary and I think a very serious issue.

Some non smokers are so wrapped up in attacking smokers they don't see the danger of supporting such a ban. I genuinely don't believe that smoking outside poses any real risk to anyone else and the only credible and real research I have seen was quoting people being within 18 inches of the offending cigarette for a prolonged period of time before any second had smoking effect could be considered. Simply because the fumes dissipate into the air very quickly.

Walking past someone smoking for a brief second has no effect whatsoever on anyones health, I would argue certainly less then walking through a congested city full of traffic and fumes. And as for 20 to 30 metres away being a problem its total crap, I mean surely no one believes that.. It is easily tested,,

And as for smelling smoke on people, well tough. People often smell for all sorts of reasons, you may find it pleasant you may not but that's life.

Even so, smoking near kids, outside a school, in front of the doorway to a building etc wouldn't be considerate for other people so I think that its reasonable to expect people who smoke to be considerate in these circumstances.

If it does happen it will be a sweeping ban across a whole city based upon just a new councilor chasing headlines in his new job. He made a statement and rattled all of the non smokers to scream and shout in support of his proposal. That will mean a blanket law is passed without ANY medical support or ANY evidence at all that it is warranted and necessary. This opens floodgates for new laws and new legislation based on nothing more then biased or populist opinion.

So, now the non smokers may be happy with this and they may be applauding. But IF this law can be passed simply based on a nonsmokers opinion it sets the president for others to follow. I still suspect the non smokers on this forum are too blind to see this and will carry on regardless of the obvious infringement on peoples freedom.

So when some future new law effects them and everyone else it will be too late because the "people" allowed it once so why not again.,, very slippery slope we are on.

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Meanwhile in Thailand other1208959051.jpg

66 BAHT a pack.

Working in UK at the moment,, 9quid for a packet of Marlboros, by todays exchange rate the best part of 500 baht a pack.

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If smoking outside really is such a huge issue to public health then it should be illegal to smoke, simple as that.

You are probably right. I thought that people would stop picking it up, on their own, as they became more educated, but that is not happening quickly enough. Young people are still taking it up despite the health dangers and the annoyance factor for the rest of society. It probably should be banned completely.

So, by your logic should we not enforce new laws to stop all of these too?

Not my logic. Your logic. You convinced me that it should be illegal to smoke. Thanks!

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Meanwhile in Thailand

66 BAHT a pack.

Working in UK at the moment,, 9quid for a packet of Marlboros, by todays exchange rate the best part of 500 baht a pack.

I believe that the cheapest pack of smokes in Oz is over 20 bucks a pack, so that's more than 600 BAHT.

I'm sure the blackmarket is loving it.

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Meanwhile in Thailand

66 BAHT a pack.

Working in UK at the moment,, 9quid for a packet of Marlboros, by todays exchange rate the best part of 500 baht a pack.

I believe that the cheapest pack of smokes in Oz is over 20 bucks a pack, so that's more than 600 BAHT.

I'm sure the blackmarket is loving it.

i read recently that Australia is the most expensive place in the World now to buy cigarettes,, the UK is snapping at the heels though. The saving grace for the UK is that you can bring as many cigarettes as you like form anywhere within the EU back to the country now without customs issue.. So the whole market is flooded with polish snouts right now,,

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If smoking outside really is such a huge issue to public health then it should be illegal to smoke, simple as that.

You are probably right. I thought that people would stop picking it up, on their own, as they became more educated, but that is not happening quickly enough. Young people are still taking it up despite the health dangers and the annoyance factor for the rest of society. It probably should be banned completely.

So, by your logic should we not enforce new laws to stop all of these too?

Not my logic. Your logic. You convinced me that it should be illegal to smoke. Thanks!

That's not what I said, there is no evidence to support this.

You are just playing into the new politicians hands looking to make a name for himself, you really don't see the danger of what you are supporting.

You are so jaded by your emotional hatred you just can think clearly about this whole issue.

What evidence has this politician provided you that says it is a serious health risk? There was evidence to support seat belts in cars before the law was passed, evidence to support drink driving before the law was passed. There is evidence to support passive smoking indoors before the law was passed,,, now where is the evidence that this politician has given you for you to allow him to propose this law? It's a populist proposal, he's rattled your cage and you fell for it.

You are supporting that.

This is not just about smoking,, I don't see why you can't see that. it is a very clear infringement on the freedom of individuals and no law should ever be passed in any society without evidence to support the reason why.

As i said it's a slippery slope you're on.

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If smoking outside really is such a huge issue to public health then it should be illegal to smoke, simple as that.

You are probably right. I thought that people would stop picking it up, on their own, as they became more educated, but that is not happening quickly enough. Young people are still taking it up despite the health dangers and the annoyance factor for the rest of society. It probably should be banned completely.

So, by your logic should we not enforce new laws to stop all of these too?

Not my logic. Your logic. You convinced me that it should be illegal to smoke. Thanks!

About 3 or 4 posts ago he stated he was making his 'Final' post on the topic, but again I drop past and he's still telling me what I can't smell at 20-30 metres, still misquoting what I said, clearly to benefit his sad side of things. Now he's further exhasurbated his claims that I originally said it would effect my health at 20-30 metres, when the TRUTH is I said I could smell it at that distance, depending on the type of breeze (or words to the effect).

His story keeps modify facts, one only needs to go back to pg1 to see what I said.

Sadly for you Gazza, Melbournes going down this route and with a bit of luck further places will too. You don't get it, do you? PSC. ;)

As I've said to you before UG, 'Some mothers do have em' :P

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Sorry Arsed Lot these Anti Nannies, they will be at Bathurst next complaining about Supercars,Horses Farting at the Melbourne Cup, And Jeez lest shut Mac D, and any other place a Regular Bloke enjoys.Yeh, im a Non Smoker, but enjoy freedom before them Lefty Wingin Clankers ruin any freedom.

Sorry lot these people that go about with little respect or consideration for others. The do as they please crowd. The fekk you jack, I'm right crowd. No points for trying to guess which generation you come from.

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That's not what I said, there is no evidence to support this.

As i said it's a slippery slope you're on.

Two funny statements coming from you little Gazza.

The first one is what you keep doing with me, mis quotes.

Now you seem to be on your own sliding slope ;)

Everything changes Gazza, nothing's personal and of course your well liked here, but please stand down wind. There's a good boy.

Edited by neverdie
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Neverdie - Melourne won't go down this route, it will be watered down somewhat but I guess we will see.

It doesn't matter if we agree or disagree on smoking. It's the whole point of infringing the freedom of people to chose that's real the issue.

You are falling for it and supporting this politician, more fool you. He has provided you with no evidence to support why it should be outlawed in the whole city. i see you need to rally the support of other posters to feel you are in good company but I can assure you there will be less emotional individuals who see the danger in imposing a law based on nothing but emotional outbursts.

If you read my posts properly without spitting at your screen you can see that i have never supported inconsiderate smoking, not once. You as a non smoker have the right not to breath second hand smoke, there law has been passed so no smoking can occur indoors in any public place to protect you form that. For smoking outside there is no evidence to support your claim at all.. You might not like the smell of someone who smokes but tough, people smell sometimes, thats life.

People have the right to smoke and as long as they are considerate to non smokers and don't break any laws you do not have the right to tell smokers that they cannot smoke.

You are supposed to be living in a free country with a democracy or have you forgotten that. This would be a law passed based on what? on nothing other then this politician trying to make a name for himself.

You can't see it but I can and i am sure other smokers and non smokers alike can also see it. There are a few posters here that can see it.

Try and think about this sensibly,, do you really want to give a politician the power to pass a law based on no evidence at all? If so, I hope you are in the minority for the people of Melbourne.

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Neverdie - Melourne won't go down this route, it will be watered down somewhat but I guess we will see.

It doesn't matter if we agree or disagree on smoking. It's the whole point of infringing the freedom of people to chose that's real the issue.

You are falling for it and supporting this politician, more fool you. He has provided you with no evidence to support why it should be outlawed in the whole city. i see you need to rally the support of other posters to feel you are in good company but I can assure you there will be less emotional individuals who see the danger in imposing a law based on nothing but emotional outbursts.

If you read my posts properly without spitting at your screen you can see that i have never supported inconsiderate smoking, not once. You as a non smoker have the right not to breath second hand smoke, there law has been passed so no smoking can occur indoors in any public place to protect you form that. For smoking outside there is no evidence to support your claim at all.. You might not like the smell of someone who smokes but tough, people smell sometimes, thats life.

People have the right to smoke and as long as they are considerate to non smokers and don't break any laws you do not have the right to tell smokers that they cannot smoke.

You are supposed to be living in a free country with a democracy or have you forgotten that. This would be a law passed based on what? on nothing other then this politician trying to make a name for himself.

You can't see it but I can and i am sure other smokers and non smokers alike can also see it. There are a few posters here that can see it.

Try and think about this sensibly,, do you really want to give a politician the power to pass a law based on no evidence at all? If so, I hope you are in the minority for the people of Melbourne.

Dear Gaza,

A couple of things old friend.

1. I didn't rally any support. You wouldn't need to go far on the forum to see that UG often belts me on the end of the nose, he certainly has never danced to my tune.

2. I'm not spitting at you or the screen......but I will admit to occasionally bashing the electronic buttons and cursing this damn machine. The old manual type writers I learnt to type on in 1931 were much more forgiving than this modern e-pad thingies.

Now there's a little more to the Melbourne thing than you think. I've got no concerns son about them stopping anything, not that long ago I worked well within the system and would be happy to see some common sense and consideration enforced on all. It's about time that people born after 1960 odd learnt that they should be a little more considerate of others. There's anarchy in the streets and I'd be happy to have it dealt with. Stricter enforcement on alcohol and a few other things would be beneficial to all.

Now I do understand that you are from one of these cuddly new age organisations that thinks the whole world is out there to get them but what you don't realise is that my father taught me how to respect others, not to impede them or make them uncomfortable. I was taught not to impact on other people. These days we see the exact opposite.

Your conspiracy stuff in absolute hogwash, sorry to disappoint you and your allies.

I will be in Melbourne in a few months time, I will send them your regards.

Have a nice night.....ohhh and please stand down wind. ;)

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That is just so retarded, especially in Australia.

A packet of cigarettes cost $19 where 95 % of it is tax

So banning smoking would have a clear and direct affect in taxes collected, who is going to fill up the gap? the non smoking levy?blink.png

And if it is not banned, what exactly smokers are going to do?

I am sorry but for a country with such a huge welfare trying to get rid of huge tax money is simply retarded and the non smokers soon will be paying for it through higher GST or some other creative levy

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Neverdie - Melourne won't go down this route, it will be watered down somewhat but I guess we will see.

It doesn't matter if we agree or disagree on smoking. It's the whole point of infringing the freedom of people to chose that's real the issue.

You are falling for it and supporting this politician, more fool you. He has provided you with no evidence to support why it should be outlawed in the whole city. i see you need to rally the support of other posters to feel you are in good company but I can assure you there will be less emotional individuals who see the danger in imposing a law based on nothing but emotional outbursts.

If you read my posts properly without spitting at your screen you can see that i have never supported inconsiderate smoking, not once. You as a non smoker have the right not to breath second hand smoke, there law has been passed so no smoking can occur indoors in any public place to protect you form that. For smoking outside there is no evidence to support your claim at all.. You might not like the smell of someone who smokes but tough, people smell sometimes, thats life.

People have the right to smoke and as long as they are considerate to non smokers and don't break any laws you do not have the right to tell smokers that they cannot smoke.

You are supposed to be living in a free country with a democracy or have you forgotten that. This would be a law passed based on what? on nothing other then this politician trying to make a name for himself.

You can't see it but I can and i am sure other smokers and non smokers alike can also see it. There are a few posters here that can see it.

Try and think about this sensibly,, do you really want to give a politician the power to pass a law based on no evidence at all? If so, I hope you are in the minority for the people of Melbourne.

Dear Gaza,

A couple of things old friend.

1. I didn't rally any support. You wouldn't need to go far on the forum to see that UG often belts me on the end of the nose, he certainly has never danced to my tune.

2. I'm not spitting at you or the screen......but I will admit to occasionally bashing the electronic buttons and cursing this damn machine. The old manual type writers I learnt to type on in 1931 were much more forgiving than this modern e-pad thingies.

Now there's a little more to the Melbourne thing than you think. I've got no concerns son about them stopping anything, not that long ago I worked well within the system and would be happy to see some common sense and consideration enforced on all. It's about time that people born after 1960 odd learnt that they should be a little more considerate of others. There's anarchy in the streets and I'd be happy to have it dealt with. Stricter enforcement on alcohol and a few other things would be beneficial to all.

Now I do understand that you are from one of these cuddly new age organisations that thinks the whole world is out there to get them but what you don't realise is that my father taught me how to respect others, not to impede them or make them uncomfortable. I was taught not to impact on other people. These days we see the exact opposite.

Your conspiracy stuff in absolute hogwash, sorry to disappoint you and your allies.

I will be in Melbourne in a few months time, I will send them your regards.

Have a nice night.....ohhh and please stand down wind. wink.png

I have to say that despite a few insulting and patronizing comments by yourself I have quite enjoyed the heated debate on this one.

I have to tell you though I am not a boy, or someone who has been brought up to be inconsiderate, I genuinely do care for the welfare of others.

I am not a paranoid individual with a belief that the whole world is out to get them. We have lost some old fashioned values that I sorely miss but I try to impart on my daughter and grandson.

My issue with this is that we should not allow this "new" politician to make a name for himself by proposing something that is not researched or fully understood. It doesn't really matter if you or I agree.

I hope you have a good time in Melbourne, and if we ever bump into each other i will ensure I am downwind.

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That is just so retarded, especially in Australia.

A packet of cigarettes cost $19 where 95 % of it is tax

So banning smoking would have a clear and direct affect in taxes collected, who is going to fill up the gap? the non smoking levy?blink.png

And if it is not banned, what exactly smokers are going to do?

I am sorry but for a country with such a huge welfare trying to get rid of huge tax money is simply retarded and the non smokers soon will be paying for it through higher GST or some other creative levy

I am led to believe that Australia considers the costs on Health Care to take care of the poor simpletons who smoked and their chemotherapy and tumor removal to be excessive. They are increasing taxes on cigarettes and the penalties for smuggling them are quite severe.

I have a lot of sympathy for people who started smoking before all the health issues were known. But the modern smoker who started since then is a rather unintelligent individual and they get no pity from me. Why would you do it, I mean the first time before you're addicted. A case for the Darwin Award, surely?

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