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Former chief judge wishes crisis to end Thai soap opera way rather than tragic Romeo and Juliet


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Former chief judge wishes crisis to end Thai soap opera way rather than tragic Romeo and Juliet


BANGKOK: -- Former president of the Constitutional Court Wasant Soipisut said the acting prime minister can act on behalf of the prime minister only at a certain level but not all.

His comment was made at a special discussion on the topics “The Constitution and its impact on all sectors” on Thursday.

He started by pointing out major wrongdoings of the government of the former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra as the rice pledging scheme, the 2 trillion baht loans, and the unlawful transfer of the national security council chief.

He said no matter who they are, they must not violate the laws.

On the proposed prime minister under Article 7 of the Constitution, he said for his personal view, it was not really prime minister under such the article but was just rather a comparison to the article.

He said he had no idea if prime minister to be nominated under this article could be possible or not as it never happened before in history and is a big issue.

He could not predict the consequence if it was to proceed with the nomination under such article.

On the disputed question of whether the current acting prime minister is authorised to propose election date decree for royal endorsement, the former president of the Constitution Court said that the acting prime minister could exercise authority on behalf of the prime minister at a certain level but not all.
He could perform duties on routine jobs that must be done, he said.

He added any interpretation of the Constitution must be in the way that is truly practicable so that the country could move forward but with regard to peace and order.

He urged that election should not be allowed to lead democracy, citing failures in the past of some leaders such as the former German leader Adolf Hitler and Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak who came from election but at last they brought the country to fall.

“I wish to see that the current crisis ends like a Thai soap opera drama rather than ends tragically like the Romeo and Juliet.” he added.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/former-chief-judge-wishes-crisis-end-thai-soap-opera-way-rather-tragic-romeo-juliet/

-- Thai PBS 2014-05-16

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"He said no matter who they are, they must not violate the laws "

Strange. I can't remember any of these laws applying to the yellow side, or did I see any comment about senators meeting up with a criminal like Pol Potbelly

Good notion but this guy is part of the problem, only interested in protecting his mates

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The Thai soap opera way??

Is he watching the same lakorns that Ms. Bino likes to watch, that are rife with domestic violence??

and the very handsome so nice son and the screaming bitch daughter ?

This was a chief judge ? What did he judge ?

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So he wants the end to be Thaksin and Suthep in an embrace on a hilltop overlooking Khao Yai National Park as the credits kick in just before they start snogging. Ugh.....

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and the very handsome so nice son and the screaming bitch daughter ?

That's the one. But the daughter is always a hottie, right?

Yes she is if you like the hi-so bitch "look" . . . and you missed out the big fat happy gay guy and the ghost . . . or maybe that's Coronation Street, I get confused . . .

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and the very handsome so nice son and the screaming bitch daughter ?

That's the one. But the daughter is always a hottie, right?

Yes she is if you like the hi-so bitch "look" . . . and you missed out the big fat happy gay guy and the ghost . . . or maybe that's Coronation Street, I get confused . . .

I just love when you talk dirty, ooh, ooh

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Few serious historians maintain that Hitler was elected, but it seems to be repeated ad nauseam as fact by many on here and those they follow.

According to Wikipedia, Hitler, as leader of the National Socialist Party, was elected in federal elections on 5th March 1933 on an increased share of the vote, but not enough to form a government without the help of a coalition partner. That was the last multi-party election for the whole of Germany until reunification.18 days later Hitler was made virtual dictator of Germany. Although three more elections were held during the Nazi era, only Nazi party candidates were allowed to stand.

It is easy to see why some people are drawing parallels with the PRDC.

Back to the topic. I thought the point of soap operas was that the story never ended.

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Thai soap operas are not an imitation of life, thank God, but I know a lot of Thais who think life is like a soap opera. The leaders of this country on all sides of the political spectrum need to get their heads out of La-La Land.

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This is the type of soap opera he might have had in mind.

Something like the P.M. being surrounded by a capable, efficient staff always willing to give him a hand with whatever comes up.

All in all a solution using the Thai way and always with a happy ending.

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