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Many TV members Living Thai style?


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I guess it depends what you mean by living Thai style. There are many Thais living in large air-conditioned houses, driving German cars, wearing designer labels, spending hundreds of thousands of baht per month while many poor families may live in one small room with a fan and no running water and make do on a few thousand baht per month.

If by Thai style, you mean the latter then no, I don't live Thai style and have no wish to. I suspect most Thais wouldn't either given the choice.

I do see some attraction in a simpler, less cluttered lifestyle than I have at present but I still couldn't do without certain luxuries that I have got used to.

Edited by Colonel_Mustard
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How on earth anyone can drink that lao cow stuff is beyond me, cheap bottles of thai whiskey , yes, but that stuff........no way.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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rolleyes.gif I guess this is hi-so?

I have a rented room in a residence for about 18K a month, air-conditioned, television and cable channels and weekly maid service included.

Internet costs me an additional 450 Baht a month.

Restaurant downstairs that serves both Thai and international food, much of my food is Thai food.

I'm just about to have breakfast which will be.

2 fried eggs (over easy)

2 pieces of toast with Butter and Jam

Hot Tea (pot) with milk and sugar

and a bowl of Rice Soup with Prawns

cost will be 145 Baht for breakfast.

If that's living hi-so, then I guess it is

I'm a retired American and living on a pension., and I can afford it.

I don't consider my lifestyle as hi-so myself..

Oh, and I almost forgot. There is a laundry downstairs and I get a "free" 40 pieces of laundry each month included with the rent. Lets me wash my shirts and pants free every month.

Any other silly questions?

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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rolleyes.gif I guess this is hi-so?

I have a rented room in a residence for about 18K a month, air-conditioned, television and cable channels and weekly maid service included.

Internet costs me an additional 450 Baht a month.

Restaurant downstairs that serves both Thai and international food, much of my food is Thai food.

I'm just about to have breakfast which will be.

2 fried eggs (over easy)

2 pieces of toast with Butter and Jam

Hot Tea (pot) with milk and sugar

and a bowl of Rice Soup with Prawns

cost will be 145 Baht for breakfast.

If that's living hi-so, then I guess it is

I'm a retired American and living on a pension., and I can afford it.

I don't consider my lifestyle as hi-so myself.

Any other silly questions?

IMO this a great example of sensible 'integration'. It seems to balance individual needs vs budget, enabling the individual to live a decent standard of living in the country of his choice.

I have a friend who pays 3,500 Baht p.m. rent for his one bed bungalow in a small rural town and lives a simple life, eating a mix of Thai and western foods, and working within his pension of 28,000 Baht a month. He has integrated.

you do not need to go native to enjoy Thailand on a budget.

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E by heck, does cardboard box in middle of road have a class here?

To me it's quite modest....but it's home.

Carefull your home is not taken away and recycled.

There's money in cardboard here

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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There are some who have gone native IMO living in self delusion as they will never be native nor accepted as a Thai

It's not about becoming native nor is it about being accepted.

Everyone has a different dream, and "living the dream" is not a delusion if you it is what you want.

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First, here is a photo of the house that I built in the UK:


This is located right at the end of the London Metropolitan line (just north-west of London). It sits on 5 acres of land, including 2 acres of producing vineyard, horse paddocks etc.

When I built this house (14 years ago), I recall that the bathroom fittings for each bathroom cost about $40,000 ....

I used to commute in and out from central London, up before dawn, back after dusk, never really saw my kids...

Now this is my new little 'hut' in Thailand:


After living in Phuket off and on for 12 years, and after building several small hotels, I finally decided to build my own little home, in the style that I wanted.

This hut is newly-built, so the flowers still have to grow. The hut comprises nothing more than a studio, with en-suite bathroom and kitchenette., no air-con (too cold for me!).

It is located in a quiet and rural environment, less than 3 minutes from Phuket International Airport and the nearby beach. My garden abounds with insects and other wildlife - snakes, 4-inch black scorpions, giant Atlas moths, praying mantis, numerous tree frogs, many different butterflies etc. Nothing is killed by me, (except for the pesky ants).

In my little half-rai garden are 4 guest rooms. Here is a view of one guest room:


It's about the same size as my hut but air-conditioned.

These guest rooms provide a monthly income of about $1,000 per room, (because they are let on a nightly basis, not weekly or monthly). I still have another 4 guest rooms to build.

Now I could use my rental income to go and rent some modern beach-house with all mod cons. That's not for me. I am very happy living alone in my little hut, with my extended family and ex's living at our other hotels as few hundred metres away. I don't even have to cook, since they bring me tasty Issan and Thai food every day, (free of charge, as is the beer!).

Would I prefer 'Thai' style or 'Hi-so' style? The choice is very easy for me to make smile.png


That must have one almighty fail to go from A to B.......

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That must have one almighty fail to go from A to B.......

You don't get it do you? I have invested over 20 million baht to build small hotels in Phuket and I enjoy a share of the revenue from them etc. I have made a lifestyle choice to live the way I do.

You should not try to judge happiness or success by the size of your house or car ... :)

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@simon43. I wouldnt have shared the 'life before Thailand' part, as I knew exactly what the reaction would be. The dream of many here is to live like a (very) rich Thai - massive walled home in the middle of Bangkok, huge pool, maids and a fulltime driver - and you've chosen something much simpler : more power to you.

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The dream of many here is to live like a (very) rich Thai - massive walled home in the middle of Bangkok, huge pool, maids and a fulltime driver .

your still dreaming. there is absolutely no way i would step into that setup even if you were paying. i wager i speak for "many" others too. staying as far under the radar as possible is my idea of living.

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@MrWorldwide, thanks for your comment. It is a fact that those who have never had money think that it can bring you happiness. Having been down that route, I now know otherwise smile.png

In any case, I build in Thailand to generate a long-term income. The income from my new resort is more than adequate for my needs.

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  • 2 months later...


These topics somewhat amuse me.

When in Thailand I stay in our home, it's about 30 years old and of common Thai construction, but it's the kind of place you wouldn't glance at twice. It's just outside Bangkok and I mean literally just metres outside. Many years ago the white ants moved in and occasionally we replaced some of the timber part that have been eaten, but it's not so urgent because the structural parts have long been replaced with steel & concrete. In sections of the house the wall don't meet the roof height, which is handy for when I lock myself outside I can just boost one of the nephews over and in. It's Thai style everything. My bedroom is air conditioned but the rest of it not, actually a good portion of it doesn't even have ceilings.

The house is positioned on almost 50 Rai of land and In the garden we have just about every vegetable imaginable. We have lakes full of fish and little bamboo huts everywhere, a great place to take an afternoon nap away from the madness of it all.

The house itself isn't worth a penny, I mean you could recycle the glass but the rest would easily become rubble. For me and my family it is of the happiest places on the earth, many wonderful memories, good times and all that. Some days I wake up and it's just the wife and I, other times I come out of the bedroom and theirs family members everywhere, I'm alway walking around whacking people with the broom telling them to get up and get ready, if that does work I turn up the music loud and kind of vibrate them out of the place. It's up when I up and out when I say get out......they all love it. As for the food, I couldn't tell you where half of it comes from and I'm never surprised at what I find In the food locker. If I don't want to eat inside, I head out.

No problems.

Of course some might snicker at me because I don't have the grand villa entrance or the fancy tiles In the entranceway, or even perhaps a pool or tennis court, but I will tell you, I can swim in the lake, kick a ball in the field or whatever really and I can park anywhere and make as much or little noise as I want. Ohh and of course at about 3.5 to 4 million baht per Rai we could always sub divide (as many of the neighbours have) and even chop of a small portion off the block would raise a small fortune, but my betting is that we probably won't. At least I have no interest in doing that as the land is my buffer from the rest of you nuts.

We have also rented flash condos and lived in other parts of Thailand for a while, stayed In fancy hotels and recently lived on our yacht, but some reason nothing matches up to the old home and all it brings.

So anyway, as you can see, I'm living hi-so, even if it doesn't match anyone else's idea of that wink.png

Like a lot! That's me one day, though 50 rai would be way out of my wife's budget, or mine.
Although I do like a house that can be closed enough to keep mozzies out.
Wifey does not like flashy, but we do like comfort. Her ideal is an old house that you wouldn't glance twice at, but inside all the modcons and comforts. Add my dream to hers of that house being on a good block of dirt with trees, veges, chooks, and a goat or two, and we will be content.
She oscillates between wanting a small house for her parents up on the back paddock, and not wanting them there at all. I won't mind either way.
And 90% the time, it's Thai food we enjoy. (Cheese is just too darned expensive!)
You could make your own ! :)

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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These topics somewhat amuse me.

When in Thailand I stay in our home, it's about 30 years old and of common Thai construction, but it's the kind of place you wouldn't glance at twice. It's just outside Bangkok and I mean literally just metres outside. Many years ago the white ants moved in and occasionally we replaced some of the timber part that have been eaten, but it's not so urgent because the structural parts have long been replaced with steel & concrete. In sections of the house the wall don't meet the roof height, which is handy for when I lock myself outside I can just boost one of the nephews over and in. It's Thai style everything. My bedroom is air conditioned but the rest of it not, actually a good portion of it doesn't even have ceilings.

The house is positioned on almost 50 Rai of land and In the garden we have just about every vegetable imaginable. We have lakes full of fish and little bamboo huts everywhere, a great place to take an afternoon nap away from the madness of it all.

The house itself isn't worth a penny, I mean you could recycle the glass but the rest would easily become rubble. For me and my family it is of the happiest places on the earth, many wonderful memories, good times and all that. Some days I wake up and it's just the wife and I, other times I come out of the bedroom and theirs family members everywhere, I'm alway walking around whacking people with the broom telling them to get up and get ready, if that does work I turn up the music loud and kind of vibrate them out of the place. It's up when I up and out when I say get out......they all love it. As for the food, I couldn't tell you where half of it comes from and I'm never surprised at what I find In the food locker. If I don't want to eat inside, I head out.

No problems.

Of course some might snicker at me because I don't have the grand villa entrance or the fancy tiles In the entranceway, or even perhaps a pool or tennis court, but I will tell you, I can swim in the lake, kick a ball in the field or whatever really and I can park anywhere and make as much or little noise as I want. Ohh and of course at about 3.5 to 4 million baht per Rai we could always sub divide (as many of the neighbours have) and even chop of a small portion off the block would raise a small fortune, but my betting is that we probably won't. At least I have no interest in doing that as the land is my buffer from the rest of you nuts.

We have also rented flash condos and lived in other parts of Thailand for a while, stayed In fancy hotels and recently lived on our yacht, but some reason nothing matches up to the old home and all it brings.

So anyway, as you can see, I'm living hi-so, even if it doesn't match anyone else's idea of that wink.png

Like a lot! That's me one day, though 50 rai would be way out of my wife's budget, or mine.
Although I do like a house that can be closed enough to keep mozzies out.
Wifey does not like flashy, but we do like comfort. Her ideal is an old house that you wouldn't glance twice at, but inside all the modcons and comforts. Add my dream to hers of that house being on a good block of dirt with trees, veges, chooks, and a goat or two, and we will be content.
She oscillates between wanting a small house for her parents up on the back paddock, and not wanting them there at all. I won't mind either way.
And 90% the time, it's Thai food we enjoy. (Cheese is just too darned expensive!)
You could make your own ! :)

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Recently, whilst on Holidays in Southern Australia, I regained an appetite for one of my old favourites, Ant Cheese. I have absolutely no interest in making my own cheese (too much hard work), however I appreciate your idea, obviously you are a man with interesting skills and experience. Do you make your own?

Have you ever tried Tasmanian Ant cheese?
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what is the thai lifestyle?...........living in a bamboo hut with an 800,000 baht toyota(owned by the bank that will never be repaid),and eating 60 baht take aways,watching thai soaps and drinking copious amount of chang that is chemically threatening to your health.


Is this the thai lifestyle..............not forgetting red bull lao khow rice whisky,

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E by heck, does cardboard box in middle of road have a class here?
To me it's quite modest....but it's home.

Cardboard eh?
You were lucky!

Reminds me of the monty python sketch , when i was a lad....

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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E by heck, does cardboard box in middle of road have a class here?
To me it's quite modest....but it's home.

Cardboard eh?
You were lucky!

Reminds me of the monty python sketch , when i was a lad....

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


yes the four yorkshiremen sketch,it was very funny and still is today.

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Before she became Mrs. she lived in the typical Thai style. Room - no AC small porch that went to the bathroom 2000B month - the place had CCTV and was fairly safe.....a few times I looked around and thought - you know - add AC - put a stove outside by the sink and put the fridge there and it would be livable  - but the small size would have worn thin quickly....at that time she worked in management for a Japanese electronics firm (huge company) doing the typical 6-7 days a week at untold hours - no social life just eat at the food place next door and work.....I guess under those circumstances it would be OK but not if you didn't have to work - the small area would simply catch up to you.


I, on the other hand had what I considered to be an adequate place at about 80SM with all the comforts in a gated community but to me it was smaller than what I was used to in my life plus it was a transitional neighborhood, nice, but nicer areas were around. When the lease was up I looked around and found for the same cost (within 1,000B) a 210SM house in a gated community with 4 bedrooms + a bonus room (we're converting to Gym + karaoke room), Thai and western kitchen with room to spare for the two of us.......


Before overthinking this - her folks house is about 25% bigger than our house (but less "polished") so she was not from a tiny home or inpoverished to begin with.....they provided university educations for their two children + very good "life" rules and advice. One piece of advice I am thankful for was she was told not to spend big money on big things - save money for food....she keeps the spending toned down.....good life ground rules were instilled.....


Had I decided to remain single I still would have made the same move and lived in this house and felt completely at home and comfortable.....before when rhaving a family I'd had a couple of houses that were 2+ times larger (4500-5500 square feet on property) than the one we are in now so, to me this is a comfortable size - not too big and not too small..........

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any falangs here living in a Thai style room for 1500 baht drinking loaw cow whiskey , eating papaya,chicken rice and noodle soup everyday.
Or are all thaivisa members hi so living ? 


The opening question is intriguing. The OP is talking about farangs who completely went native, living like a lower class Thai. During visa runs in the early nineties, I got to know a chap who fitted the description. He was working at a fish farm for 100 Baht per day, would be about the equivalent of 250 Baht nowadays. He was wearing four year old jeans and a faded T shirt, looking completely like a lower class Thai man, except for the farang physique.

I suspect there are still quite a few like that tucked away in villages, having gone there with the Thai Mrs. a long time ago. Living on a meager pension, or doing informal work. Maybe on a long overstay, but feeling safe because of knowing the local authorities.

But people like that are not so likely to post on this forum, having turned their backs on western life, and possibly not speaking much English.

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