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Thailand,,,Blind To The World At Large.


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This morning at 7am Wife and I sat and watched BBC World News. Headlines were about Chinese Nationals being airlifted from Vietnam and five ships on the way to lift the rest of the Chinese community back home until at least the violence stops. Next was the floods in Europe followed by Bombs in Nigeria etc and some home news from Britain.

At 8am we watched the 'World ' news on Thai TV channel 3. The first first article was Pig Face Suthep ranting , the second was more Thai Politics and the third , fourth and fifth were Politics and then we moved on to shootings somewhere South followed by Police with some petty criminal they had caught. End of 'World News ' !

Seems the Thai's are so far up their own rectum there is no other World out there. Wife says she was never told anywhere but Thailand existed until she was 11 years old and then it was only thanks to a Monk and not to teacher's that she ever found out at all. Wouldn't surprise me if things were still the same and kids think Mc Donalds and KFC are Thai inventions !

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In the villages they dont believe or know of any geography other than Thailand.

It might sound silly but you get questions like, "do they have the same sun" "is the moon as bright", what is "snow".

Another reason why they think "ferang" are actually Aliens ! Sounds hard to believe but some rural areas really are that backward. Its only in recent years with social media and mobile phones internet etc that these beliefs are changing, it sure as heck aint the education system which is largely to blame, with the keep the masses ignorant principle and the minority can maintain their status.

Edited by CharlieH
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Agree with helmsman's idea. Rather than expose the lack of world awareness amongst your thai friends and family, its a better idea to do a bit of gentle education. Thais who have lived or worked in another country for sure have a different outlook.

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I don't think it's unique to Thailand, unfortunately. Only a fraction of the 1.5 billion people in the developed world tend to know about and be interested in affairs outide their own country/state.

As noted by Ayjaydee above, even many (but of course not all) Americans are largely ignorant about the world outside their home state.

I suspect the education system in large parts of the world to be largely responsible for this, but also media of course.

Many problems in the world have their root causes in sub-standard education.

Typically though, one seldom hear e.g. Thai politicians discuss the need to improve the education system in Thailand. In my mind, it should be at the top of the agenda.

Edited by Globalist
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I believe most international news are showing at night time when more people are watching TV such as showing news stories before soap opera shows. However keep in mind, when there is no demand, there is no supply. I am sure there are some people in your country who probably don't know much about Thailand or other countries aside from their own.

Edited by Somsrisonphimai
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I believe most international news are showing at night time when more people are watching TV such as showing news stories before soap opera shows. However keep in mind, when there is no demand, there is no supply. I am sure there are some people in your country probably don't know much about Thailand or other countries aside from their own.

You are correct. I can tell you that most Americans living in America don't know much about what goes on in the rest of the world and frankly, don't care. They're sort of more concerned about what's going on in their lives and what effects them directly. Pretty normal, the world over. Even education in the west--not much is taught about Asian history and probably none about Thailand. So the OP shouldn't be so high and mighty about his own upbringing.

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I have visited 396 Thai classrooms; they all had a world globe, a poster of the flags of all nations and a poster with the paintings or photos of the most famous men in the world right next to the one of the Thai royalty.

Standard issue. World globe, famous men and flags.

I'm sure the teachers here can confirm.

Edited by thailiketoo
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A liitle bit off topic,but i have noted Thai's very much like the Union Jack flag,see it on bags,hats,shorts ect,i wonder why this is,possibly because it has the same coluors as the Thai flag,i asked my step Daughter if she knew whet flag it was ,she said "angrit' - England,i explained it was actually the flag of the Uk and England had a seperate flag,but she was pretty close,and i was quite immpressed she knew.

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