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As the title suggests is maxnet back to what i hear are its old tricks with capping traffic outside Thailand?

I am on the 512/256 home. I have been checking bandwidth on 5 sites in the US, 2 sites in the UK 1 in denmark and another from Russia over the last week or 2, all of them are saying exactly, or there abouts, the same thing 30kb- 80kb. (evening use, morning i may even get 150Kb) Right now i just did a test from Thaivisa bandwidth test and i have a staggeringly huge 86kb. I have been talking to tech support on the phone yesterday and they tell me its a fault in my line ha ha this is after i had to explaining that 20kb is not the same thing as 200Kb (that took 35 mins to get across) i think she got it as she was getting the same bad speed report from DSL reports on her screen, but she could surf with no problem on Thai sites! I checked out a few Thai based web sites and wow it was fast so i can only assume that they are now capping all traffic outside of Thailand, or so it seems in my area of Kanchanaburi. Prey tell me, if i can get good readings from Thai broadband tests, and get fast surfing from Thai websites but anything foreign is slow or unusable does this mean i have a fault in my line or that they are doing that, lets lie cap the ba****d and hope he keeps paying us good money for crap service?

This is crazy, i have a worse connection that a 56k modem and this is now everyday.

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As the title suggests is maxnet back to what i hear are its old tricks with capping traffic outside Thailand?

I am on the 512/256 home. I have been checking bandwidth on 5 sites in the US, 2 sites in the UK 1 in denmark and another from Russia over the last week or 2, all of them are saying exactly, or there abouts, the same thing 30kb- 80kb. (evening use, morning i may even get 150Kb) Right now i just did a test from Thaivisa bandwidth test and i have a staggeringly huge 86kb. I have been talking to tech support on the phone yesterday and they tell me its a fault in my line ha ha this is after i had to explaining that 20kb is not the same thing as 200Kb (that took 35 mins to get across) i think she got it as she was getting the same bad speed report from DSL reports on her screen, but she could surf with no problem on Thai sites! I checked out a few Thai based web sites and wow it was fast so i can only assume that they are now capping all traffic outside of Thailand, or so it seems in my area of Kanchanaburi. Prey tell me, if i can get good readings from Thai broadband tests, and get fast surfing from Thai websites but anything foreign is slow or unusable does this mean i have a fault in my line or that they are doing that, lets lie cap the ba****d and hope he keeps paying us good money for crap service?

This is crazy, i have a worse connection that a 56k modem and this is now everyday.

many people on maxnet are having the same problem including me, i called them yesterday and today, eventually i was told there was an issue/fault with their network, i asked when it would be fixed ............ Monday. I'm not that confident, I was down to 34kps at one point today, I told the girl i may as well not have DSL, if everyone with maxnet decided not to pay until it was fixed we might see a different response

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Thanks for this response i did speak to an engineer about 7 weeks ago who gave what i felt was the only honest answer i have ever had from maxnet and he said they just dont have the band width & that they were talking about getting new equipment from China, this sounded straight to me.

I was also supplying my local TT&T office with data from bandwidth check sites over the period of April, May and june readings taken 4/5 times a day. April was down to 48% over the month on download speeds, May a little less less and june has been the joke. TT&T phoned the maxnet head office for me several times and i even spoke to someone high up, when i asked him when the new equipment from China was to be installed he hmm'd and haaa'd and said "how i know about that"? Then told me they had found a way around it and didnt need to get new equipment after all. So read into that what you will but i would strongly advice all maxnet users to look for new isp as i am going back to my previous one or a new one enough is enough, with the constant lies i have been fed i cannot trust this isp to ever give me what they say.

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