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Military's decisive mood at stalled talks led to seizure

Lite Beer

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The shin clan will never be sidelined and that's a fact!

For all the yellows on here they kept saying she will flee the country time after time we'll she is still here and actually fronted up to the army .

She's has handled the last 6 months with dignity and grace under extreme pressure and was removed by a bogus decision of the courts.

Don't be surprised if you see her standing at the next elections as she was voted in by the second biggest margin in thai history only one better was her brother.

So the shin will be on the political map for a long time to come!

Dignity and grace - yeah right.

Beyond hope or reason.

Who are you to overturn a court decision - that's right, a nobody. No Thai legal qualification and not a member of the Thai judiciary. If she ever stands again, it will be a dark day for Thailand. Even worse if the crook is ever granted amnesty.

Certain members of the Shin may well be facing jail time and not able to go on the run like their leader.

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1 day of talks..and he expected to have a resolution? He's either a crappy negotiator, a weak man, or, as we all truly know, he intended to do the Coup all the while. He just wanted to "Ease" into it by first having the Security plan implemented. All of you Thais that are happy... I have one thing to say:

A man tries to climb a mountain, but finds himself going in a circles, returning to the start point. He can not get to the top.

He continues, for 100 years to go down the same path, and continues to return to the same starting point.

Thailand, who is the fool?

Erm! That will be you then!

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God The Nation is the most pathetic propagandist I've ever seen, they'd make Chinese state media blush.

Yes, the talks were "Stalled"..... after two days of talks. This isn't House of Cards, people know that what was happening with the talks as just for show and the military did a poor job of covering that fact up with being so quick to seize power for themselves.

Quick to seize power? I think they took their time. How many deaths would you like to have before someone took charge? Two days of talks and no progress, I suppose we should wait another 2 months under military rule while they attempt to make progress? Maybe now some progress will be made.

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The shin clan will never be sidelined and that's a fact!

For all the yellows on here they kept saying she will flee the country time after time we'll she is still here and actually fronted up to the army .

She's has handled the last 6 months with dignity and grace under extreme pressure and was removed by a bogus decision of the courts.

Don't be surprised if you see her standing at the next elections as she was voted in by the second biggest margin in thai history only one better was her brother.

So the shin will be on the political map for a long time to come!

Dream on and on and on................

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1 day of talks..and he expected to have a resolution?

After the second meeting, I suspect Prayuth expected to have some compromises from those who attended.

Thaksin forbidding PTP & UDD to compromise sealed the negotiations' fate.

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1 day of talks..and he expected to have a resolution?

After the second meeting, I suspect Prayuth expected to have some compromises from those who attended.

Thaksin forbidding PTP & UDD to compromise sealed the negotiations' fate.

Reminds me of 2019. Abhisit and UDD had reached a tentative deal wjen Thaksin ordered UDD to back-track, which resulted in the crackdown.

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God The Nation is the most pathetic propagandist I've ever seen, they'd make Chinese state media blush.

Yes, the talks were "Stalled"..... after two days of talks. This isn't House of Cards, people know that what was happening with the talks as just for show and the military did a poor job of covering that fact up with being so quick to seize power for themselves.

Your knowledge of the military is obviously non existent. They do not go into a situation unprepared for all possible outcomes. Therefore as the meeting failed to come up with a solution as required, on the day, then Plan B was implemented. The protagonists could go on talking until Kingdom Come, given the opportunity, however, that option was not on the agenda but they thought the general would play along for a while and were proven to be very wrong.


After one day I would have left the room and locked the door behind me.

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Lets all be real. The PDRC/Dems and Military are in one hand. They are one. Do you really think the Military wanted the PDRC to negotiate? NO. This has been a sham from day 1. The Military supports the PDRC. PDRC wanted a Coup. If you do not believe me, ask Mr. Suthep. He has made this clear many many times. So how in the world would there be a negotiation when the Minority is being supported by the Miltiary? Hence, this is the Thai Dilemna for the past 30+ years!!

The system is rigged. They allow an election to be included amongst the so called "Democratic Nations" , but the Minority & Military have a deal to continue to bring down the Goverment. 12+ Coups over 90 years kinda explains it all!!

Then why did Suthep compromise and align with the Senate?

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If you can't see this, then I'm sorry...this is why I say:

A man tries to climb a mountain, but finds himself going in a circles, returning to the start point. He can not get to the top. He continues, for 100 years to go down the same path, and continues to return to the same starting point.

It seems what you can't see is that reforms is an effort to find a new way up the mountain.

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Good for the military

IMO opinion they were pretty prepared for the meet5ings being a waste of time and they seemed to have things pretty well planned and organized for the coup. Seems pretty smooth so far.

the meetings have gone no,where for months so why would they improve now?.

The General has been warning everyone for many months now and all ignored him

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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1 day of talks..and he expected to have a resolution?

After the second meeting, I suspect Prayuth expected to have some compromises from those who attended.

Thaksin forbidding PTP & UDD to compromise sealed the negotiations' fate.

Reminds me of 2019. Abhisit and UDD had reached a tentative deal wjen Thaksin ordered UDD to back-track, which resulted in the crackdown.

Thought it sounded a little familiar myself...

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The shin clan will never be sidelined and that's a fact!

For all the yellows on here they kept saying she will flee the country time after time we'll she is still here and actually fronted up to the army .

She's has handled the last 6 months with dignity and grace under extreme pressure and was removed by a bogus decision of the courts.

Don't be surprised if you see her standing at the next elections as she was voted in by the second biggest margin in thai history only one better was her brother.

So the shin will be on the political map for a long time to come!

and Toi know so much. Geez, are you actually Thaksin or just a big fat mouthpiece sprouting ridiculous assumptions?

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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The shin clan will never be sidelined and that's a fact!

For all the yellows on here they kept saying she will flee the country time after time we'll she is still here and actually fronted up to the army .

She's has handled the last 6 months with dignity and grace under extreme pressure and was removed by a bogus decision of the courts.

Don't be surprised if you see her standing at the next elections as she was voted in by the second biggest margin in thai history only one better was her brother.

So the shin will be on the political map for a long time to come!

I think it depends on just how ruthless Prayuth and his backers are. I think his two goals, "remove and eradicate Shinawatra influence" and "avoid bloodshed" are incompatible. I have no idea what is going to happen -- historically Thai coups have few casualties because they are struggles between factions of the elite. I think the only way to "eradicate" Shin influence is something more like dynastic change in the Ottoman Empire or Imperial China. The Empress Wi comes to mind. Or Ngo Dinh Diem.

correct me if I may be in error, but I do not recall seeing where the army or any military has stated they will remove the Shin clan forever

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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The shin clan will never be sidelined and that's a fact!

For all the yellows on here they kept saying she will flee the country time after time we'll she is still here and actually fronted up to the army .

She's has handled the last 6 months with dignity and grace under extreme pressure and was removed by a bogus decision of the courts.

Don't be surprised if you see her standing at the next elections as she was voted in by the second biggest margin in thai history only one better was her brother.

So the shin will be on the political map for a long time to come!

Don't be surprised to see her facing a jail sentence for gross negligence regarding the rice scheme's losses.

Admit the truth, she is beautiful, polite and charming towards children but she's a poor public speaker with a minimum or no knowledge of the facts regarding the issue in hand.

Utterly unsuitable to be PM.

playing dumb may Benefit her but if the army audits every politicians wealth and ask questions and makes them prove where the money came from, then I see good things being laid down for a cleaner future.

Then if the political people cannot explain their great wealth, confiscate all, give back to,the government and impose military sentences.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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1 day of talks..and he expected to have a resolution? He's either a crappy negotiator, a weak man, or, as we all truly know, he intended to do the Coup all the while. He just wanted to "Ease" into it by first having the Security plan implemented. All of you Thais that are happy... I have one thing to say:

A man tries to climb a mountain, but finds himself going in a circles, returning to the start point. He can not get to the top.

He continues, for 100 years to go down the same path, and continues to return to the same starting point.

Thailand, who is the fool?

by reading your post please remove the word THAILAND insert I and Toi have your answer

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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The shin clan will never be sidelined and that's a fact!

For all the yellows on here they kept saying she will flee the country time after time we'll she is still here and actually fronted up to the army .

She's has handled the last 6 months with dignity and grace under extreme pressure and was removed by a bogus decision of the courts.

Don't be surprised if you see her standing at the next elections as she was voted in by the second biggest margin in thai history only one better was her brother.

So the shin will be on the political map for a long time to come!

This is now the complete end for the Shinewatra Clan. In 2 years time when elections are finally held, that gross and horrid family will be but a distant blot on Thailands political landscape. She was removed by a legal decision of the courts, same as her brother was sentenced to prison time . Lets hope this new government will come up with all the evidence needed to send Yinluck and her crew to prison for a long long time. Open the books and lets all see what was going on... Large scale corruption and robbery... w00t.gif

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The shin clan will never be sidelined and that's a fact!

For all the yellows on here they kept saying she will flee the country time after time we'll she is still here and actually fronted up to the army .

She's has handled the last 6 months with dignity and grace under extreme pressure and was removed by a bogus decision of the courts.

Don't be surprised if you see her standing at the next elections as she was voted in by the second biggest margin in thai history only one better was her brother.

So the shin will be on the political map for a long time to come!

I think it depends on just how ruthless Prayuth and his backers are. I think his two goals, "remove and eradicate Shinawatra influence" and "avoid bloodshed" are incompatible. I have no idea what is going to happen -- historically Thai coups have few casualties because they are struggles between factions of the elite. I think the only way to "eradicate" Shin influence is something more like dynastic change in the Ottoman Empire or Imperial China. The Empress Wi comes to mind. Or Ngo Dinh Diem.
correct me if I may be in error, but I do not recall seeing where the army or any military has stated they will remove the Shin clan forever

We can only hope...

Edited by Piichai
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Lets all be real. The PDRC/Dems and Military are in one hand. They are one. Do you really think the Military wanted the PDRC to negotiate? NO. This has been a sham from day 1. The Military supports the PDRC. PDRC wanted a Coup. If you do not believe me, ask Mr. Suthep. He has made this clear many many times. So how in the world would there be a negotiation when the Minority is being supported by the Miltiary? Hence, this is the Thai Dilemna for the past 30+ years!!

The system is rigged. They allow an election to be included amongst the so called "Democratic Nations" , but the Minority & Military have a deal to continue to bring down the Goverment. 12+ Coups over 90 years kinda explains it all!!

Then why did Suthep compromise and align with the Senate?

What compromise?? PDRC has been blunt... he wants a Coup. Suthep visited the Army and asked for a Coup! My Goodness, this is very clear.

If you don't think the PDRC/Dems & Army are not tied at the hip, then you are blind.

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The shin clan will never be sidelined and that's a fact!

For all the yellows on here they kept saying she will flee the country time after time we'll she is still here and actually fronted up to the army .

She's has handled the last 6 months with dignity and grace under extreme pressure and was removed by a bogus decision of the courts.

Don't be surprised if you see her standing at the next elections as she was voted in by the second biggest margin in thai history only one better was her brother.

So the shin will be on the political map for a long time to come!

Don't be surprised to see her facing a jail sentence for gross negligence regarding the rice scheme's losses.

Admit the truth, she is beautiful, polite and charming towards children but she's a poor public speaker with a minimum or no knowledge of the facts regarding the issue in hand.

Utterly unsuitable to be PM.

. Let the people decide. Don't decide for them.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The way the article reads and making allowances for journalism and accuracy it would suggest Prayuth wasn't really interest in accord and was all set to take over.

Military takeover is no solution really. However probably the lesser of 5 or 6 evils at the moment. No-one in this has clean hands, very few / none speak with a any real integrity.

One of the few institutions in this country that could organise a semi decent p*ss up in a brewery is the military. It would be amiss of a military man not to have a plan B. Unlike most of the politicians in this country!

If they had come to an amicable way forward (doubt solution in this amount of time) I do not think it would be a given that Prayuth would have seized control. Maybe I am naive?

Also, as a military man formenting a coup - whoever gives it support - he puts himself in line for a treason trial or extra-judicial killing sometime in the future. While I doubt that this will happen in this case, it must be something in the back of his mind. Along with civil strife / war and a low-level insurrection aimed at elite targets in BKK.

So long story short, I think he was all set to take over - However I think he was more interested in the accord than some believe.

It takes time. Maybe had the talks gone on for a few more days. They would have arrived at a joint solution. The general could have made conditions a little less bearable each day until they all arrived at an agreement, ie limited water, food, comforts, change of clothings, etc. instead he seized power and opened up another can of worms.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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A man tries to climb a mountain, but finds himself going in a circles, returning to the start point. He can not get to the top.

He continues, for 100 years to go down the same path, and continues to return to the same starting point.

Thailand, who is the fool?

Thai Military is simply a part of this cycle. They allow the minority PDRC/Dems/Elite to protest, shut down goverment, and then, justify the military (The minority best friends and supporters) to step in. This is so obvious, it is amazing that Thai's allow it to happen year after year.

A not very well put load of dross. The Thai people are permitted to demonstrate and it was endorsed by the court, however, in your book that is not permissible. Please provide your source for "the minority PDRC/Dems/Elite to protest" and "the military (The minority best friends and supporters) to step in"

If you don't see that after 90 yrs of Coups..that this is just a power struggle between the Poor and the Rich. And tell me, who enforced the Coups agains the Poor? The ARMY. Gosh.. Just as I said above. Thais are Fools for not seeing that this has been setup for some time now. The Military/PDRC/Dems just set this up. The only reform that will occur will benefit the Dems. This is for sure. You watch.

You do not even know of 1 reform that the PDRC wants. Why? Because they will not publish their list!

So here is my list of common sense reforms to avoid what has just occured in Thailand.

- If a National vote is obstructed, then all votes results are held without announcing results, and the obstructed voting booths will be re-scheduled to complete the voting process.

- Military has the responsibility to provide security/protection for: manufacturing and delivery of vote materials; setup and operations of voting booths.

Failure of the Army to attempt to provide said security shall result in Army leaders being held personally responsible.

- Obstruction of the Democratic right to Vote (Obstruction/interference of voting process/booths) is a Federal offence. Those arrested get no baill And have a serious prison sentence.

- Public gatherings/protests of 100 people or more shall be restricted to Private/public parks. No protests in the streets. No protests can interfere with the public Right of ways and/or Business.

- All Governmental costs associated with providing security for public gatherings and/protests are the sole responsibility of those organizing/attaining permit for public protest. All fees must be pre-paid. Failure to maintain payment immediately voids public gathering permit.

Took me 5 minutes, but all of the above items are reasonable and if enforced, would have removed the PDRC strangulation of Bangkok for the past 6 months.

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A man tries to climb a mountain, but finds himself going in a circles, returning to the start point. He can not get to the top.

He continues, for 100 years to go down the same path, and continues to return to the same starting point.

Thailand, who is the fool?

Thai Military is simply a part of this cycle. They allow the minority PDRC/Dems/Elite to protest, shut down goverment, and then, justify the military (The minority best friends and supporters) to step in. This is so obvious, it is amazing that Thai's allow it to happen year after year.

A not very well put load of dross. The Thai people are permitted to demonstrate and it was endorsed by the court, however, in your book that is not permissible. Please provide your source for "the minority PDRC/Dems/Elite to protest" and "the military (The minority best friends and supporters) to step in"

If you don't see that after 90 yrs of Coups..that this is just a power struggle between the Poor and the Rich. And tell me, who enforced the Coups agains the Poor? The ARMY. Gosh.. Just as I said above. Thais are Fools for not seeing that this has been setup for some time now. The Military/PDRC/Dems just set this up. The only reform that will occur will benefit the Dems. This is for sure. You watch.

You do not even know of 1 reform that the PDRC wants. Why? Because they will not publish their list!

So here is my list of common sense reforms to avoid what has just occured in Thailand.

- If a National vote is obstructed, then all votes results are held without announcing results, and the obstructed voting booths will be re-scheduled to complete the voting process.

- Military has the responsibility to provide security/protection for: manufacturing and delivery of vote materials; setup and operations of voting booths.

Failure of the Army to attempt to provide said security shall result in Army leaders being held personally responsible.

- Obstruction of the Democratic right to Vote (Obstruction/interference of voting process/booths) is a Federal offence. Those arrested get no baill And have a serious prison sentence.

- Public gatherings/protests of 100 people or more shall be restricted to Private/public parks. No protests in the streets. No protests can interfere with the public Right of ways and/or Business.

- All Governmental costs associated with providing security for public gatherings and/protests are the sole responsibility of those organizing/attaining permit for public protest. All fees must be pre-paid. Failure to maintain payment immediately voids public gathering permit.

- A person charge with Treason / Insurrection shall be held with out bail until their trial.

Took me 5 minutes, but all of the above items are reasonable and if enforced, would have removed the PDRC strangulation of Bangkok for the past 6 months.

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Talking about compromise from Suthep...you said...

What compromise?? PDRC has been blunt... he wants a Coup. Suthep visited the Army and asked for a Coup! My Goodness, this is very clear.

If you don't think the PDRC/Dems & Army are not tied at the hip, then you are blind.

You are right my friend...Many blind people in this Forum......Suthep is having a ball!!!! And the Military got the time its wanted to get part of the cake....before passing it.

The game still the same...what changed is just the players...and the "coach"..

Edited by umbanda
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so much for the poster who claimed in another thread yesterday an "inside source" told him the General Blew his top as the phone calls were being made to Thaksin all the time....

there were no phones allowed.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Very well played by the military. Whether or not it was all a ruse to get them all together, where they could be detained easily and thus make it easier to disperse the protesters etc, you have to hand it to them. What's happened is a necessary evil and all those foreign powers decrying it can go and swivel!

no the military could have been neutral party and used martial law to maintain order and brokered a solution. Now having seized power, They won't be trusted going forward and that's thailand loss.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The way the article reads and making allowances for journalism and accuracy it would suggest Prayuth wasn't really interest in accord and was all set to take over.

He told them on the first day that they had better come up with an agreement on the 2nd day.. They didn't!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

these things take time.... Certainly more than a day.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Talking about compromise from Suthep...you said...

What compromise?? PDRC has been blunt... he wants a Coup. Suthep visited the Army and asked for a Coup! My Goodness, this is very clear.

If you don't think the PDRC/Dems & Army are not tied at the hip, then you are blind.

You are right my friend...Many blind people in this Forum......Suthep is having a ball!!!! And the Military got the time its wanted to get part of the cake....before passing it.

The game still the same...what changed is just the players...and the "coach"..

By the way, Suthep is being held with Yingluk..but Abhisit and other Dem leaders walked out!

See, Suthep was paid to be the fall guy..the guy that got his hands dirty for the Dems. He has always been the bull dog.

Now come on people, how can the Dems walk away without being held? Don't you get it?

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Lets all be real. The PDRC/Dems and Military are in one hand. They are one. Do you really think the Military wanted the PDRC to negotiate? NO. This has been a sham from day 1. The Military supports the PDRC. PDRC wanted a Coup. If you do not believe me, ask Mr. Suthep. He has made this clear many many times. So how in the world would there be a negotiation when the Minority is being supported by the Miltiary? Hence, this is the Thai Dilemna for the past 30+ years!!

The system is rigged. They allow an election to be included amongst the so called "Democratic Nations" , but the Minority & Military have a deal to continue to bring down the Goverment. 12+ Coups over 90 years kinda explains it all!!

Then why did Suthep compromise and align with the Senate?

What compromise?? PDRC has been blunt... he wants a Coup. Suthep visited the Army and asked for a Coup! My Goodness, this is very clear.

If you don't think the PDRC/Dems & Army are not tied at the hip, then you are blind.

Please remain civil.

As you've obviously missed it, please read last week's news after Suthep met with the Acting Senate Speaker.

Suthep aligning with the Senate was a game changer.

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Talking about compromise from Suthep...you said...

What compromise?? PDRC has been blunt... he wants a Coup. Suthep visited the Army and asked for a Coup! My Goodness, this is very clear.

If you don't think the PDRC/Dems & Army are not tied at the hip, then you are blind.

You are right my friend...Many blind people in this Forum......Suthep is having a ball!!!! And the Military got the time its wanted to get part of the cake....before passing it.

The game still the same...what changed is just the players...and the "coach"..

By the way, Suthep is being held with Yingluk..but Abhisit and other Dem leaders walked out!

See, Suthep was paid to be the fall guy..the guy that got his hands dirty for the Dems. He has always been the bull dog.

Now come on people, how can the Dems walk away without being held? Don't you get it?

The PTP members who were part of the negotiation delegation and not cabinet members also walked out.

The military is currently detaining members of PDRC, UDD, Yingluck, her former cabinet members, and select PTP politicians.

If you do a little research, you might find the military's actions quite measured.

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