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Hi All,

Does anyone know how much approximately: 1. Labor cost only for loading and setting CPAC roof tile on a single story house? By the sq meter? By piece?

2. Labor cost per sq meter of cement rendering (stucco, smooth cement finish)?

3. Labor cost per sq meter to lay the red brick on single story house (inside and outside walls)?

I welcome any home builders out there to respond also and give me a quote. 170 sq meter house



For the roof, contact the building supply store with all the roof tiles out front on the outside on the south side of the moat just about 20-30 meters past the Wualai Road fork. They are excellent for CPAC roofs and have an itemized price list for all the components of installations, ridges, valleys, corner caps.... Probably not the cheapest but perhaps the best with good service if any is needed after installation. They can put you in touch with a great guy to do the steel framing for the roof too, a guy they have teamed with for a long time, Chaang Nid if I recall correctly.

Their roofing division has moved to a different location but the shop above can put you in touch, go in talk with them, ask them to phone the roofing division so you can talk with them.

Found it:

Chiang Mai Weerakit

053 275 148

053 2730517

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Good info Dante,

OP, if you don't get sufficient response before this drops off the page I suggest you repost this to the Diy housing forum.

We like to get down and talk technical there without boring everyone on the local forums...and you will get an answer.


Under no circumstances by CPAC roof tiles!

The quality is appalling and after sales service absolutely lousy!

They did not even show up for 3 month!

Only when a friend you lectures at CNX university made some pressure they showed up and guess - screwed it up even more!


Where ever you wind up ask them to show you some recent work and then talk to the owner. Get several different homes as one poster said the one did not do that well with him where as another said they were super. Best to see with your own eyes. 170 meters is a large area. Worth the extra precaution.

For concrete finishing prices ask at a cement company. They might have some good installers.


o/p the cost of a 170 sq metre house, c.mai on a engaged builder ,buy own materials basis

for a thai style shack,approx 8 thousand baht a sq metre

for a simple nice western style shack approx up to 15 thousand baht sq metre

and a western style with all the whistles and bells 15 thousand baht a sq metre and up wards

if i was mad enuff to go through the torture of building again,would place a buffer of 20% on these ball park figures,to cover the hiden costs that certainly do arrive

as c/mai is now burtsting at the seams with construction of all types,engaging a quality bldr and reasonable tradesman is at a preminium

therefore buying a estabalished second hand house,and throw in your whims of renovation,is a safer and cheaper route to go,and presently its a buyers market in c/mai make no mistake about that

the above is based on my experiences,or should i say J.M.O.

all have a nice daysmile.png


Under no circumstances by CPAC roof tiles!

The quality is appalling and after sales service absolutely lousy!

They did not even show up for 3 month!

Only when a friend you lectures at CNX university made some pressure they showed up and guess - screwed it up even more!

CPAC tiles are not all the same, some are good others not good, some colors are good others fade and/or attract mold. Talk to a couple of competent roofers and they will tell you which are good and which should be avoided. The good ones are fine.

If you want after sales service use Chiang Mai Weerakit, they do provide it competently.


over the years my wife arranged tradesmen for our house and helped others for roof work as more dangerious 600bht per day

plastering brickwork concreting other work 400bht day i would go for coloured ac roof athird price of tiles and stronger in storms cheers


"i would go for coloured ac roof...."

Aaaah...but just what IS this? sad.png

He means asbestos cement, the ugly looking factory roof corrugated sheet, that you see on the lower end thai roofs.

May not blow off, buy will heat up your house like an oven in no time.post-150623-14011668810228_thumb.jpg


asbestos cement

great stuff, specially all the dust that is left onsite from the cutting

then with age, the dust from the tiles

but it does take quite some time for the lung cancer to develop

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asbestos cement

great stuff, specially all the dust that is left onsite from the cutting

then with age, the dust from the tiles

but it does take quite some time for the lung cancer to develop

There should be an advisory note attached..."good for only 50s only"


good to get a bite from my learned friends

asbestos was banned 40 yrs ago in world same sheet differnt fibre

i thought when live in los left class world behind tile to sheet roof

a ac or fc roof has better insulation with foil under than tiled

concrete roof tiles after wet season add 50%weight so how

many roof see sagged cheers


^#6 Wages are currently even higher for any skilled (competent) house builders given the number of housing estates proliferating around Chiangmai.

Anecdotally, while Thai construction workers gladly work for the Thai housing estates where many farangs purchase their homes; they are reluctant to work on a solely independent farang house, saying they don't relish the usual hassle of farangs' changing their minds, their plans, and particularly attempts to drive down wages. Farangs buying their own materials is not a problem for them.

^#12 Surely these wavy roof cement sheets are not still being made with asbestos as the filler_joiner. If so there are still Thais, unknowing the peril, collecting drinking water in large earthen jars from these roofs. Use to live near a village; pastoral as it was there was seemingly continual burial rituals, no doubt some of which were occasioned by the carcinogenic fallout from these roof sheets.


Anecdotally, while Thai construction workers gladly work for the Thai housing estates where many farangs purchase their homes; they are reluctant to work on a solely independent farang house, saying they don't relish the usual hassle of farangs' changing their minds, their plans, and particularly attempts to drive down wages.

generally speaking from my experience *how mutch per baht per day* will get the nod from any thai construction bldr/ trades men/labourer etc etc to work for a farung or a martian for that mattersmile.png

as for the changing the mind bit,..the thai bldr/ and worker will play u off the break on that matterlaugh.png

drive down their wages bit,...go that way, its the shortest way to the dunny houselaugh.png

as i said in post#number 6, in these times buying a second hand house is perhaps is the best option,unless u want to spend some time in the funny house,getting a few electric volts to pull u aroundbiggrin.pnglaugh.png not to mention getting beat up in your skyrocket as wellbiggrin.png

a very nice afternoon to allsmile.png

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