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Requirements for Non Immig B visa

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I am on a single entry tourist visa and want to apply for a non immig B because I’m starting a new job at a uni.

Ive read the link:


Which states that: ‘’ It should be note that some Thai Embassy or Consulate would only be able to grant a 90-Days Single Entry Non-Immigrant “B” Visa, while some Thai Embassy or Consulate would be able to grant 1-Year Multiple Entry Non-Immigrant “B” Visa. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to check the eligibility policy of the Thai Embassy/Consulate that you would be traveling to’’

I’m not sure of the exact rules but if they only give me a 90 days single entry as opposed to a 1 year does that mean that I can only work 90 days? Should I only aim to get the 1 year multiple entry as my work contract is 1 year?

Also, can you advise what are the exact requirements that I have to ask for from my new employer?

I read the link of the example letter that they will have to provide me:


What else do they need to give me? I cant find the link now but a few days ago I read about a guy stuck in Singapore for an extra day or 2 bc his employer did not provide the correct docs.

Any help is appreciated. I would be applying at one of the consulates in Laos – either Vientiane or the one in central Laos.

Alternatively would you know if its possible to convert the single entry tourist visa to a non immig B at one of the Immigration offices in Issan?

Many thanks

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You will get a single non-B visa, good for an entry of 90 days. During the last 30 days you go to immirgaiton with paperwork from the university and your work permit to extend your stay for 1 year, and do this every year again as long as you continue to work.

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You should ignore the info those two links you posted because you will be working for a university not a company. The letter certainly will not work since your are here already.

It is possible if you are in Bangkok that you could apply for a change of visa status at immigration to get a 90 day non immigrant visa entry with documents from the University.

They should know what is required to get the work permit, visa and extension of stay.

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