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Building a House in Bangkok Right Now, Am I Mad?!


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You've stated you're going to rent it out, you have an experienced builder lined up who you have used before and clearly you know Bangkok. It's not a great deal of money and as long as you can afford it and people don't need to point out the real land owner can't be in your name.

But I say go for it, you only live once ;-)

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What you are looking for...is someone to give you enough ammunition to bow out gracefully...you may not be mad (crazy) at the moment...but you will be mad as hell...when having to deal with the hassles of building the home...just normal farang/Thai business negotiations will create much angst...not to mention this is not the best time to do much of anything...until this political debacle is completed...buy some gold and silver...a great buy at the moment...

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So much analyzing about building a small house when the world is in a state of chaos. Good luck to you and your house but in the scheme of things in these times it's not a big problem...is it? If it is a problem at all it is a luxury one. I think sometimes we forget that we leave this world the way we came in....with nothing.

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The Antarctic Ice Sheet is on land, not floating in the ocean. Actually, it is dipping its toes in the sea, but the majority of the ice is on land. (Antarctica's glaciers end in floating ice shelves that extend into the ocean.) Thus, the vast majority of the ice is not currently displacing water and will raise sea level when it melts and flows into the ocean. Fascinating side note: Land in West Antarctica is already rising up where the ice cover has retreated. Called glacial rebound, this phenomenon is still taking place in North America, where the land is recovering from the weight of the massive ice sheets that covered the continent during the last ice age.


Ice age is a recurring thing every so many thousands of years,It has nothing to do with the so called global warming crap !It will keep on going on.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

how far above high tide level is it?

Don't know but will try to find out. However, the 2011 flooding didn't come anywhere near the site and since then the roads and main drains have been completely upgraded. We paid for an extension to the main drains (10m) to the site in preparation for building at some point. The Prakanong Pumping Station.is about 3km away.

bangkok is slowly sinking and ocean levels are rising. how long u planning on living?

He and many generations to come will pass before the sea levels rise far enough to be of any concern. Bangkok sinking...well that's another story, but I guess that won't happen for quite some time.

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So much analyzing about building a small house when the world is in a state of chaos. Good luck to you and your house but in the scheme of things in these times it's not a big problem...is it? If it is a problem at all it is a luxury one. I think sometimes we forget that we leave this world the way we came in....with nothing.

Are you suggesting the OP kill himself?

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Unlike others here ....my question is your paying 2.5 million baht to build a 120/sq meter home.....over 20,000 Baht/sq meter! I know you say you trust the builder ....BUT ....I'm building a 400 sq meter place for 4 million baht TOPS..(bid was for 3.2 million but I know I will end up paying for items that should have been included ...but not a problem...I know this builder and have in the past paid for the extra's ....20% more...with constant changes! to the design...)

Bottom line is 10,000 baht/ sq meter...(double walls, foam insulation between, 12 mm thick glass, top of line tiles, built in kitchens etc.)

My take is your builder is HAPPY because he's getting twice (or more) what it's costing him to build.

That being said....if it INCLUDES the cost of land....BARGAIN! If not ....RIPOFF!..

Just my take on my experience

good luck though

Edited by beachproperty
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So much analyzing about building a small house when the world is in a state of chaos. Good luck to you and your house but in the scheme of things in these times it's not a big problem...is it? If it is a problem at all it is a luxury one. I think sometimes we forget that we leave this world the way we came in....with nothing.

If the world was not in a state of chaos would we be able to think about the house some more? Or maybe if he doesn't think about it at all it will have a problem and turn into a big problem worthy of thinking about.

In any event if we followed your advice there would be no progress. Nothing would ever get better because nothing is worthy of thinking about until we find out a way to take it with us?

Did I understand you correctly or did I miss something? One kind of wonders why you have a computer. You weren't born with one were you? I must be missing something.

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If 2.5 is not all your money...build.

If you will be using CLOSE to all your money..hold off. No interest and retaining capital is better than,losing capital on a dream

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

how far above high tide level is it?

Don't know but will try to find out. However, the 2011 flooding didn't come anywhere near the site and since then the roads and main drains have been completely upgraded. We paid for an extension to the main drains (10m) to the site in preparation for building at some point. The Prakanong Pumping Station.is about 3km away.

bangkok is slowly sinking and ocean levels are rising. how long u planning on living?

He and many generations to come will pass before the sea levels rise far enough to be of any concern. Bangkok sinking...well that's another story, but I guess that won't happen for quite some time.

many generations? dont kid yourself

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OP, sounds like you've already invested in the land (the 2.5 mil is extra). If you're going to live in the house for at least the next 10 years, you should build it.

Otherwise, and you already mentioned you're looking at it as a rental likely, you have to look at it as a pure investment and you have to consider some variables. Rental: have you seen how Thais (and many foreigners for that matter) leave the premises on moving out? Pigsty. So add repairs and clean up. Plus anything that goes wrong during a lease, you have to fix.

Also, for any investment in Thailand you have to consider the inflation rate, so you can do a calculation if you decide to sell it 5-10 years down the road. The thing is in Thailand we don't have dis-inflation as in Europe. The real inflation rate here is 5-10%. So for example, after 5 years at 7% inflation, this 2.5 million better be worth 3.3 million just to break even.

Now add foreign exchange risk if you converted this 2.5 mil from foreign currency and if you'll be converting it back. This you have little control over, but the impact can be huge. Eg. if you converted this from euro or USD about a year ago (vs. today) and had it sitting in a bank account, you're already losing 10-14% just on the exchange

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You won't take any harm to build now. You could consider changing the plan to 2 apartments, 1 up, 1 down. This should produce more rent. (with the option to keep 1 empty for your own use)

On the other hand you could use your 2.5m to buy 2 or 3 brick built detached houses in the Detroit suburbs. You would have 100% ownership of house and land. Using a property management co. to rent them out should produce a net monthly rent in the region of $500 each.

A lot of Detroit bashing will now ensue from those who are ignorant of what's happening in Detroit these days.

Trade living in Thailand for Detroit ? Ughhhhh ! Buy two houses and land for 75 000 $ ?Hmmmm and how much to renovate them ?Another 75 000?

Edited by sauvagecheri
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You won't take any harm to build now. You could consider changing the plan to 2 apartments, 1 up, 1 down. This should produce more rent. (with the option to keep 1 empty for your own use)

On the other hand you could use your 2.5m to buy 2 or 3 brick built detached houses in the Detroit suburbs. You would have 100% ownership of house and land. Using a property management co. to rent them out should produce a net monthly rent in the region of $500 each.

A lot of Detroit bashing will now ensue from those who are ignorant of what's happening in Detroit these days.

Trade living in Thailand for Detroit ? Ughhhhh ! Buy two houses and land for 75 000 $ ?Hmmmm and how much to renovate them ?Another 75 000?

Rent to someone who cant get a mortgage to buy a $30,000 house? no thanks

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Build it.

Its a prime area and should be easy to rent. You could get your money out of it in ten years (if not sooner). Depends on how many months per year renting vs living.

There has been many coups in the past and expect many more in the future. There will always be tourist in los looking for a prime rental space.

Good luck.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Unlike others here ....my question is your paying 2.5 million baht to build a 120/sq meter home.....over 20,000 Baht/sq meter! I know you say you trust the builder ....BUT ....I'm building a 400 sq meter place for 4 million baht TOPS..(bid was for 3.2 million but I know I will end up paying for items that should have been included ...but not a problem...I know this builder and have in the past paid for the extra's ....20% more...with constant changes! to the design...)

Bottom line is 10,000 baht/ sq meter...(double walls, foam insulation between, 12 mm thick glass, top of line tiles, built in kitchens etc.)

My take is your builder is HAPPY because he's getting twice (or more) what it's costing him to build.

That being said....if it INCLUDES the cost of land....BARGAIN! If not ....RIPOFF!..

Just my take on my experience

good luck though

Hi Beachfront, good point but sorry, wrong assumption. I quoted "It's a Baht 2.5m (maybe plus) project". This is the PROJECT COST - for me that includes all costs (planning, design, building, furniture, fittings, fixtures, aircons, transport, catering (yeah, we often buy a simple lunch for the workers, you have no idea how much positive return you can get from that) etc. I try to cost everything from the initial site clearance all the way up to the drinks for the house-warming party! :) It also includes a large amount for contingencies and an amount for Time, particularly my time. This is the way I was taught to estimate overall Project Cost for risk analysis. It's not a budget.

If I isolate the building costs only (construction materials + labour + builder's management fees/profits + some finishing items), the per sm cost would probably be around the 10K mark, tho I don't like to use that measure cos everybody does their place differently, in different regions with different foundation requirements etc. We're using 21m metre piles and not everywhere in the country need that type of foundation piling.

You seem to have a good plan and project ahead of you, the very best of luck with that. From your name I assume it might just be in a nice sunny location too! :) Good luck!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

how far above high tide level is it?

Don't know but will try to find out. However, the 2011 flooding didn't come anywhere near the site and since then the roads and main drains have been completely upgraded. We paid for an extension to the main drains (10m) to the site in preparation for building at some point. The Prakanong Pumping Station.is about 3km away.

bangkok is slowly sinking and ocean levels are rising. how long u planning on living?

I plan on living until I die! But fair point to you. A ThaiVisa thread in 2011 says "Many international experts believe that due to global warming, Bangkok will be permanently submerged under water within 50 years". More recently "some experts" "are afraid" that "some parts" of the city will be underwater "maybe as soon as" 2030 years (Time). Anyway, thanks for bringing that point up, it's certainly another way of looking at it.

These int. experts are fruitCAKES. There is no evidence of global warming. Making decisions based on flawed science is stuppit!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Build it.
Its a prime area and should be easy to rent. You could get your money out of it in ten years (if not sooner). Depends on how many months per year renting vs living.
There has been many coups in the past and expect many more in the future. There will always be tourist in los looking for a prime rental space.
Good luck.

Thanks for your comments which correspond to my way of thinking. None of the other posts have swayed me from this view although I do accept that the rising sea level issue might have to be considered as some point in the future. But not in the time-frame you mention.

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I've learned in the last few days that Honolulu's second city, Kakaako requires a ten foot rise replacing 4 feet. 1 meter to 3 meters approx. building code above the sea level.established buildings will have to reinforce sea walls then retreat! In 200 to 1000 yrs.according to nasa the east antarctic ice sheet will affect.. they can detect the ice moving a centimeter, I hope we have such a good long time..

Holland plans to give some land back to the Ocean..

the building materials should be getting cheaper...Aloha

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most of these "global warmin hexperts" dont know their arse from their elbow

and what qualifications make you more expert? the FACT is the antarctic ice shelf is melting far faster than everyone expected. that aint a theory, its a fact!


"Global Warming" and "Climate Change" are WRONG. The Elites fund "scientists" to say what they want. Anyone who speaks the truth becomes unemployed, ignored or worse. Here are a few links, but there are many more. Please think for yourself and do your own research. Do not just believe the Main Stream Media...








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most of these "global warmin hexperts" dont know their arse from their elbow

Numbers don't lie and have neither arse's nor elbow's.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

how far above high tide level is it?

Don't know but will try to find out. However, the 2011 flooding didn't come anywhere near the site and since then the roads and main drains have been completely upgraded. We paid for an extension to the main drains (10m) to the site in preparation for building at some point. The Prakanong Pumping Station.is about 3km away.

bangkok is slowly sinking and ocean levels are rising. how long u planning on living?

Central Embassy just opened in Bangkok. I believe it is one of the most expensive malls in the world.

You think the management at Central is stupid?

No but being the 5th richest family in Asia they can afford it.

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My thanks to everybody who contributed sensibly. Not many thanks awarded to those who hijacked the thread for a philosophical debate about global warming and climate change. And no thanks at all to the spoof posters, farang000999, what a joke! And I don't mean what you wrote. biggrin.png

Sealbash, very interesting point. Very optimistic view and I must say overall, I'm quite in agreement.

Thanks again...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Don't know but will try to find out. However, the 2011 flooding didn't come anywhere near the site and since then the roads and main drains have been completely upgraded. We paid for an extension to the main drains (10m) to the site in preparation for building at some point. The Prakanong Pumping Station.is about 3km away.

bangkok is slowly sinking and ocean levels are rising. how long u planning on living?

Central Embassy just opened in Bangkok. I believe it is one of the most expensive malls in the world.

You think the management at Central is stupid?

No but being the 5th richest family in Asia they can afford it.

And they didn't get that rich by making foolish building mistakes.biggrin.png

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