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There are two sides of every coins.


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This is a lovely love story of my childhood friend's uncle who lives in TH. It's very edifiying I guess.


- my childhood friend is Thomas from Austria, 35 yrs old,

- Thomas's uncle, Ludi (Ludwig) who is widow and retired already and around 70 yrs old. Anyway a specially nice and kind person,

- Ludi's Thai "wife" Poi, a pretty girl, 33 yrs old, from Buriram,

- Poi's big sister, Kit, who is 35 yrs old, and an extremely responsible employee.

The story:

Thomas has visited many times TH and me but he still lives in Austria. One-time his uncle came with him, Ludi just got over an ugly sickness and came to here for full recovery. Ludi felt love with TH and decided to move here. Ludi got "married" with Poi by Kit's support, who knows both Thomas and Ludi. The couple lives in PKT, and of course Ludi bought already pick up to the Poi's family, a house to poi's name, and a Honda Civic to Poi's name too. ( I haven's heard about the sick buffalo case:) Poi was not a bar girl, but she was a disco cat in Tiger discotheque before the big fire.

Ludi's EU family, especially his sons don't mind at all their father's relationship, they are happy their father is OK, and got full recovery. They don't care Ludi's dis-saving, cause those money Ludi's money.

Ludi goes to gym 2-3 times / week !!!

The problem:

Thomas dropped me a call last Monday, there is a big problem, cause Poi's has a TH man secret lover, and their Thai maid informed Ludi about it, cause the Thai maid would like to take Ludi. She told to Ludi, if Ludi takes her, she won't do this at all (of course).

The couple is in trouble now.

Ludi loves Poi and doesn't want to change her to their maid.

Poi fired the maid but confessed the TH man lover, who is 28 yrs old from Korat.

The Thai maid drops many calls to Ludi almost every day.

Poi said she still loves Ludi, but she loves the TH man lover also.

Thomas and the family are in despair cause don't want Ludi gets sickness again in his distress.

The two sides of coin:

Ludi told to Thomas -> I take care of Poi, Poi's full family, for example I pay her nephew and niece kid's school, bought pick up, house, car and never complain if Poi spends a bit over, and I'm happy if her family visits us in PKT cause I enjoy when her family member children can see the sea. I take care of her full so I don't understand at all Poi, why does she do it to me, and why does she take a risk: she may get fired. I don't care those money which I have spent to them already. I still love her, but if she doesn't stop this disgusting relationship I will finish with her.

Poi told to Kit -> I love Ludi, he is a very good guy, but a bit old, and he can't give me enough cuddle, especially almost Zero. I really appreciate his care but I'm young, I need sex. My TH man is a taxi driver, he has not too much things cause he divorced two times but he is very good and gives me which is liked by my-self. I don't understand at all Ludi, why does he do it to me, does't want my happiness, and why does he take a risk: he may get fired ... Sure I will kill the maid.

I told to Thomas this case is like a daily soap-opera, and of course with out any solution.

Who is in the right side? Both or no-one?

The story is genuine but of course the names of characters are changed.

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man 70 + lady 33 = not good sex if any attraction at all on her part

sorry to say it but throwing money and cars at the problem has just made it worse

ad she must think hes an old fool if she was blatent enough to not hide it properly

from the maid

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Loles, tell Ludi to get some Viagra.

Poi, will be happy and leave the taxi driver.

Ludi will be happy with the love of his life.

The taxi driver, will probably find another married woman.

Please come back and tell us if it worked, we can't take the suspense.thumbsup.gif

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Tell Ludi to go to the bank, take all the money out and give it to Poi. She will surely leave her Thai boyfriend then.

If she doesn't, tell Ludi to go back to Austria and work some more. Western Union back some money to Poi weekly. Poi will surely leave her Thai boyfriend then.

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I stopped reading it on the second line.

OK stone(head)boy, well understood, but why do you feel you have to post it you have dyslexia ?

It gets rather tiresome day in day out,that reminds me I must meet Olaf and Sven my dear Scandinavian expatriate friends who I indulge a beer with most weeks,whereby I can listen to their tales of woe first hand,it could be particularly interesting this week as Olaf has just moved into his shed at the bottom of the garden to accommodate his wife's new lover.


Edited by stoneyboy
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Kick Poi out and take up with the maid. Seriously.

Not sure the age of the maid, but pretty sure she wants to do the same as the Poi chick. Old sugar-daddy + young boy toy=Peasant girl's wet dream.

I did find this a little confusing:

"Poi was not a bar girl, but she was a disco cat in Tiger discotheque before the big fire."

I don't know what a "disco cat" is, but it sure sounds like another type of bargirl.

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Kick Poi out and take up with the maid. Seriously.

Not sure the age of the maid, but pretty sure she wants to do the same as the Poi chick. Old sugar-daddy + young boy toy=Peasant girl's wet dream.

I did find this a little confusing:

"Poi was not a bar girl, but she was a disco cat in Tiger discotheque before the big fire."

I don't know what a "disco cat" is, but it sure sounds like another type of bargirl.

Possibly a disco cat is the same as a cashier?, The old 'yeah she worked in a bar but she was'nt a bar girl she was a cashier" story.

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Kick Poi out and take up with the maid. Seriously.

Not sure the age of the maid, but pretty sure she wants to do the same as the Poi chick. Old sugar-daddy + young boy toy=Peasant girl's wet dream.

I did find this a little confusing:

"Poi was not a bar girl, but she was a disco cat in Tiger discotheque before the big fire."

I don't know what a "disco cat" is, but it sure sounds like another type of bargirl.

Possibly a disco cat is the same as a cashier?, The old 'yeah she worked in a bar but she was'nt a bar girl she was a cashier" story.

if shes shacked up with a man 40 years older just because he has money and is shagging some taxi driver her own age for free

id dump her eve if she wasnt a bargirl from the start

she sounds like garbage to me but my gf is the same age as me , if i were 40 years older than her i might have to reconsider what

i would find acceptable since you have less options at 70+

if he cant <deleted> her and she needs <deleted> shes going to be getting it every time his back is turned anyway so i would kick her out with nothing

annd see if the taxi driver still wants to shag her or maybe he wont want to once the (farang) money is dried up

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I had a mistake, it wasn't so big, but mistake.

Poi is 37 yrs old and she is the elder sister not my colleague Kit. I have never thought a 37 yrs old lady can be beautiful like this Poi with big coconut size natural tits.

The couple still in trouble. No solution.

Ludi plans he goes back to Austria for a while, but I guess it doesn't help at all.

Ludi can't take viagra, considering to his heart condition from his big sickness.

The maid is 50 yrs old and she is ugly as she can.

Disco cat = hooker in discotheque, who goes with hansume falang for money.

there are 2 ways: short time, till next noon 1000 - 3000 B

long time, (like escort girl) till hansum falang leaves TH, 5000 - 10000 B / week.

The long time disco cat has a big chance to get support later from hansum falang, who believes the cat will stop this life if he sends her monthly support.

There are 2 illusion, disco cat: I'm not a hooker, I have boyfriend, maybe more than one, but they are my boyfriends,

hansum falang: I saved a life, this girl is not sex-exploited already, cause I support her.

If some-one gets to be bored about this (full typical and ordinary) story just ignore it, take it easy, don't cry and groan please!

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Oh God not one more thread on the same subject. TV is becoming like stickman site.

A friend of my third cousin told me he had heard from the local maid who knows some people who read Stickman that he does stories about ladyboy escorts. It true we still have that to look forward to on Thai Visa.

Edited by thailiketoo
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