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Qatar World Cup: '$5m payments to officials' corruption claim

Lite Beer

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Violence and corruption, the backbone of soccer. I sure hope and prey that my sons never get involved in this sport which I doubt they will as it is boring to watch and puts you to sleep.

Yes, i guess that the skill involved in soccer would be beyond the minds and ability of the average Aerial Ping Pong Biff and Bang payer............Oh ! they call it Aussie rules because nowhere else in the world is it played or wanted. cheesy.gifclap2.gifrolleyes.gif

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I wouldn't bother, you're talking to peanut huggers. They call it football, then spend most of the game holding the bloody thing, the idiots.


I had the misfortune of spending a weekend recently in Hong Kong while some big ass rugby tournament was being hosted there. I've never seen so many drunk morons per square foot in my life. I thought the zoo had let out. The hookers were mowing 'em down left and right.tongue.png

Never really understood the rugby game but not bad to watch as it is a tough contact sport. Rugby and football fans are generally well behaved and don't roam the streets like soccer fans kicking the life out of innocent people.


That is why I would never let my kids get involved in soccer they could be murdered for just going to game. I don't think any responsible parent would allow it. Just my opinion but when you see all the braindead meatheads roaming the streets looking for a brawl and riots between fans at stadiums it scares the shit out of me. At rugby, football and cricket games spectators are all mixed together and get along well. Soccer fans have to be segregated.

I presume when you say "football" you mean that American game which you play with a kind of lozenge which hardly ever touches the foot and which can only be played with loads of body armour, helmets, on a grass pitch with complicated markings, etc etc. Whilst real football is a game played with the feet and with a ball whose main elements can be improvised on any reasonably flat surface, allowing kids of all social levels to play the game and enjoy themsleves, which is one reason why it is the world's greatest team game and always will be, eat your heart out, USA.

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Violence and corruption, the backbone of soccer. I sure hope and prey that my sons never get involved in this sport which I doubt they will as it is boring to watch and puts you to sleep.

You must be American laugh.png BTW, speaking of boring to watch and puts you to sleep, you speak of american football, a sport played only in USA and Japan ?laugh.png

as said above, I would think that rugby is more interesting to watch than soccer.

Nah, I'm an Aussie.

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Violence and corruption, the backbone of soccer. I sure hope and prey that my sons never get involved in this sport which I doubt they will as it is boring to watch and puts you to sleep.

On your initial point: Many will agree - the corruption in football, stinks and has done so for many years - I hope it gets cleaned up one day and can present the same image as a Rugby... one watched and enjoyed by families without all the acting, childish games and greed and corruption at a higher level.

On your final point: Billions disagree... As a game to play and game to watch football (or soccer for some) supersedes any other game - the numbers speak for themselves...

(I much prefer rugby btw).

I like contact sports. I am not even sure if Australia has a soccer competition, if they do it is very low profile and doubt if they have put a team in the world cup.

Yes they have, in fact several times. And once again have qualified for this years World Cup although they are the "minnows" of the comp.

They do have a nation wide comp., The 'A' league. There are quite a few talented Australians playing in the English Premier League, considered the worlds best. Mark Schwartzer, until his retirement recently from International duty was Australian's goal keeper and at 43 yrs old is still one of the best, playing for Chelsea in the Premiership. It is obvious that being a Victorian your knowledge of anything not Aussie Rules is very limited. Soccer is the worlds biggest and most watched and played ball sport...........Aussie Rules ? whats that.

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On your initial point: Many will agree - the corruption in football, stinks and has done so for many years - I hope it gets cleaned up one day and can present the same image as a Rugby... one watched and enjoyed by families without all the acting, childish games and greed and corruption at a higher level.

On your final point: Billions disagree... As a game to play and game to watch football (or soccer for some) supersedes any other game - the numbers speak for themselves...

(I much prefer rugby btw).

I like contact sports. I am not even sure if Australia has a soccer competition, if they do it is very low profile and doubt if they have put a team in the world cup.U sure don't keep up with the news in Aus....they have a very strong soccer league plus they are a competitor in the forthcoming World Cup in Rio ....just like 2010 and 2006.... Rugby is my first sport and I am not Australian but like to keep up with world news etc etc

fair enough, you learn something everyday. never seen soccer on Australian T.V plenty of football covered which is the main thing and the aussie hocky team is being covered at the world cup.

I live in Thailand and have seen quite a few football games from Australia, Brisbane are the champions again this year.

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Violence and corruption, the backbone of soccer. I sure hope and prey that my sons never get involved in this sport which I doubt they will as it is boring to watch and puts you to sleep.

Oooh look, a troll that can't spell. smile.png

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes , it is obvious that he is being a troll, nobody could be so stupidly dumb. rolleyes.gif

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I wouldn't bother, you're talking to peanut huggers. They call it football, then spend most of the game holding the bloody thing, the idiots.


I had the misfortune of spending a weekend recently in Hong Kong while some big ass rugby tournament was being hosted there. I've never seen so many drunk morons per square foot in my life. I thought the zoo had let out. The hookers were mowing 'em down left and right.tongue.png

Never really understood the rugby game but not bad to watch as it is a tough contact sport. Rugby and football fans are generally well behaved and don't roam the streets like soccer fans kicking the life out of innocent people.

That is why I would never let my kids get involved in soccer they could be murdered for just going to game. I don't think any responsible parent would allow it. Just my opinion but when you see all the braindead meatheads roaming the streets looking for a brawl and riots between fans at stadiums it scares the shit out of me. At rugby, football and cricket games spectators are all mixed together and get along well. Soccer fans have to be segregated.

I presume when you say "football" you mean that American game which you play with a kind of lozenge which hardly ever touches the foot and which can only be played with loads of body armour, helmets, on a grass pitch with complicated markings, etc etc. Whilst real football is a game played with the feet and with a ball whose main elements can be improvised on any reasonably flat surface, allowing kids of all social levels to play the game and enjoy themsleves, which is one reason why it is the world's greatest team game and always will be, eat your heart out, USA.

Nah I mean more like this. None of this nancy pancy wearing body armour and helmets but real mans football. None of the tippy tappy soccer stuff



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Violence and corruption, the backbone of soccer. I sure hope and prey that my sons never get involved in this sport which I doubt they will as it is boring to watch and puts you to sleep.

Maybe Tiddlywinks would suit them.

Nah they play a contact sport football, not soccer.

How can you call it football when they run around with it in their hands w00t.gifcheesy.gif To control a ball at speed with your feet takes real skill, anybody can grab it with their hands.

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I wouldn't bother, you're talking to peanut huggers. They call it football, then spend most of the game holding the bloody thing, the idiots.


I had the misfortune of spending a weekend recently in Hong Kong while some big ass rugby tournament was being hosted there. I've never seen so many drunk morons per square foot in my life. I thought the zoo had let out. The hookers were mowing 'em down left and right.tongue.png

Never really understood the rugby game but not bad to watch as it is a tough contact sport. Rugby and football fans are generally well behaved and don't roam the streets like soccer fans kicking the life out of innocent people.


That is why I would never let my kids get involved in soccer they could be murdered for just going to game. I don't think any responsible parent would allow it. Just my opinion but when you see all the braindead meatheads roaming the streets looking for a brawl and riots between fans at stadiums it scares the shit out of me. At rugby, football and cricket games spectators are all mixed together and get along well. Soccer fans have to be segregated.

My My Daddy, you are protective for your poor little boys, must only watch Aerial Ping pong, not allowed to watch soccer because it scares daddy. giggle.gifcheesy.gifrolleyes.gif

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Violence and corruption, the backbone of soccer. I sure hope and prey that my sons never get involved in this sport which I doubt they will as it is boring to watch and puts you to sleep.

Maybe Tiddlywinks would suit them.

Nah they play a contact sport football, not soccer.

How can you call it football when they run around with it in their hands w00t.gifcheesy.gif To control a ball at speed with your feet takes real skill, anybody can grab it with their hands.

like this, the ball is not round and smooth to make it easy to kick for the ladies.



Soccer players can do this with a smooth round ball but I bet they can't with a football, takes real skill. Same players as in the above clips.


Edited by chooka
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No problem

Blatter will announce and complete investigation .... investigated by FIFA

FIFA will be found to have done nothing wrong

Anything amiss will be blamed on BinHamin .... since he was already chucked out

FIFA will continue its corrupt ways as usual

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Maybe Tiddlywinks would suit them.

Nah they play a contact sport football, not soccer.

How can you call it football when they run around with it in their hands w00t.gifcheesy.gif To control a ball at speed with your feet takes real skill, anybody can grab it with their hands.

like this, the ball is not round and smooth to make it easy to kick for the ladies.



Soccer players can do this with a smooth round ball but I bet they can't with a football, takes real skill. Same players as in the above clips.


Sorry Chooka you're only making more of a fool of yourself by continuing to have a go at a sport that you nothing about.

AFL isn't football. It's a bastardised version of Gaelic football, played with a rugby ball, mainly in the air and with a 'goal' as wide as Sydney harbour so, if they miss, it's a 'behind' & get a 1 point credit.

Do your kids a favour and let them choose for themselves.

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I had the misfortune of spending a weekend recently in Hong Kong while some big ass rugby tournament was being hosted there. I've never seen so many drunk morons per square foot in my life. I thought the zoo had let out. The hookers were mowing 'em down left and right.tongue.png

Never really understood the rugby game but not bad to watch as it is a tough contact sport. Rugby and football fans are generally well behaved and don't roam the streets like soccer fans kicking the life out of innocent people.

That is why I would never let my kids get involved in soccer they could be murdered for just going to game. I don't think any responsible parent would allow it. Just my opinion but when you see all the braindead meatheads roaming the streets looking for a brawl and riots between fans at stadiums it scares the shit out of me. At rugby, football and cricket games spectators are all mixed together and get along well. Soccer fans have to be segregated.

I presume when you say "football" you mean that American game which you play with a kind of lozenge which hardly ever touches the foot and which can only be played with loads of body armour, helmets, on a grass pitch with complicated markings, etc etc. Whilst real football is a game played with the feet and with a ball whose main elements can be improvised on any reasonably flat surface, allowing kids of all social levels to play the game and enjoy themsleves, which is one reason why it is the world's greatest team game and always will be, eat your heart out, USA.

Nah I mean more like this. None of this nancy pancy wearing body armour and helmets but real mans football. None of the tippy tappy soccer stuff


A 140 kilo man running full tilt head first into a 90 kilo bloke coming the other way with a metal hat on is hardly nancy pancy. 2 years ago Boston University did a study on 50 NFL players, 33 were found to have head injuries or degenerative brain disease. There have been multiple suicides including murder suicides by these players because of these injuries! They are proper soft aren't they...

"real mens football" yeah wearing shorts that would look more fitting in the gay mardi-gra.

Just because you don't have the intelligence to understand the world game doesn't mean it is "soft" or not a "man's sport".

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Can we shut up with this useless and irrelevant sideshow some retarded convict started?

I'm more interested in how much Platini is likely to use this to leverage his way into Blatter's job.

I.e. "I'll go along with this charade as long as you retire after the world cup and I get your job, otherwise I'm going to start making veiled threats about pulling UEFA countries out of WC2022", etc.

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Can we shut up with this useless and irrelevant sideshow some retarded convict started?

I'm more interested in how much Platini is likely to use this to leverage his way into Blatter's job.

I.e. "I'll go along with this charade as long as you retire after the world cup and I get your job, otherwise I'm going to start making veiled threats about pulling UEFA countries out of WC2022", etc.

Platini isn't in the race (at the moment anyway) Another French guy called Champagne is the only rival afaik.

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Violence and corruption, the backbone of soccer. I sure hope and prey that my sons never get involved in this sport which I doubt they will as it is boring to watch and puts you to sleep.

Maybe Tiddlywinks would suit them.

Nah they play a contact sport football, not soccer.

How can you call it football when they run around with it in their hands w00t.gifcheesy.gif To control a ball at speed with your feet takes real skill, anybody can grab it with their hands.

Hello oldsailor35

The answer to your question is as follows. The quote relates to American Football but applies equally to Aussie Rules.

"Just as intriguing, for those who like to lambaste American Football being called such when the ball interacts primarily with hands, most of the earliest forms of Football were named thus, not because you kicked a ball with your foot, but because they were played on foot. Peasants played most of their sports on foot; aristocrats played most of theirs on horseback. Thus, games played on foot were called football, whether they had anything to do with kicking a ball or not. Indeed, many of the earliest forms of football involved carrying balls in an attempt to get across goal lines passed some opposing team or individual players."

I lifted the quote from the following link:


This link has interesting stuff too:


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Violence and corruption, the backbone of soccer. I sure hope and prey that my sons never get involved in this sport which I doubt they will as it is boring to watch and puts you to sleep.

On your initial point: Many will agree - the corruption in football, stinks and has done so for many years - I hope it gets cleaned up one day and can present the same image as a Rugby... one watched and enjoyed by families without all the acting, childish games and greed and corruption at a higher level.

On your final point: Billions disagree... As a game to play and game to watch football (or soccer for some) supersedes any other game - the numbers speak for themselves...

(I much prefer rugby btw).

I like contact sports. I am not even sure if Australia has a soccer competition, if they do it is very low profile and doubt if they have put a team in the world cup.
. With your total ignorance about football I am surprised you think you are qualified to comment.
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Violence and corruption, the backbone of soccer. I sure hope and prey that my sons never get involved in this sport which I doubt they will as it is boring to watch and puts you to sleep.

On your initial point: Many will agree - the corruption in football, stinks and has done so for many years - I hope it gets cleaned up one day and can present the same image as a Rugby... one watched and enjoyed by families without all the acting, childish games and greed and corruption at a higher level.

On your final point: Billions disagree... As a game to play and game to watch football (or soccer for some) supersedes any other game - the numbers speak for themselves...

(I much prefer rugby btw).

I like contact sports. I am not even sure if Australia has a soccer competition, if they do it is very low profile and doubt if they have put a team in the world cup.
. With your total ignorance about football I am surprised you think you are qualified to comment.

Yes he's just proved himself a total bellend.

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Can we shut up with this useless and irrelevant sideshow some retarded convict started?

I'm more interested in how much Platini is likely to use this to leverage his way into Blatter's job.

I.e. "I'll go along with this charade as long as you retire after the world cup and I get your job, otherwise I'm going to start making veiled threats about pulling UEFA countries out of WC2022", etc.

I thought they were in it together!

Tell us more of this French merde Chicog....is Arsene involved too??

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Can we shut up with this useless and irrelevant sideshow some retarded convict started?

I'm more interested in how much Platini is likely to use this to leverage his way into Blatter's job.

I.e. "I'll go along with this charade as long as you retire after the world cup and I get your job, otherwise I'm going to start making veiled threats about pulling UEFA countries out of WC2022", etc.

Actually scumbag I am Aboriginal and have never been convicted of any offence so your racist profiling is offensive to us koories. We where here before England took over our lands and slaughtered our people out of greed.

Second you racist, I didn't start the side show but merely answered questions you imperialist.

How dare you refer to me as a piece of European garbage as being a convict when you know absolutely nothing about me. I am a proud Aboriginal Australian and will always be the same as my Luk Krung Children will be.

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I presume when you say "football" you mean that American game which you play with a kind of lozenge which hardly ever touches the foot and which can only be played with loads of body armour, helmets, on a grass pitch with complicated markings, etc etc. Whilst real football is a game played with the feet and with a ball whose main elements can be improvised on any reasonably flat surface, allowing kids of all social levels to play the game and enjoy themsleves, which is one reason why it is the world's greatest team game and always will be, eat your heart out, USA.

Nah I mean more like this. None of this nancy pancy wearing body armour and helmets but real mans football. None of the tippy tappy soccer stuff


didn't you begin this thread with a comment about "Violence and corruption, the backbone of soccer"? make your mind up.

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Can we shut up with this useless and irrelevant sideshow some retarded convict started?

I'm more interested in how much Platini is likely to use this to leverage his way into Blatter's job.

I.e. "I'll go along with this charade as long as you retire after the world cup and I get your job, otherwise I'm going to start making veiled threats about pulling UEFA countries out of WC2022", etc.

Platini isn't in the race (at the moment anyway) Another French guy called Champagne is the only rival afaik.

yeah this jerome champagne chap seems to be sitting off and just letting more FIFA dirty laundry get aired in public. it's a brave and presumably whiter than white man that takes on blatter though. reckon sepp has even got dirt on the pope.

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Back on topic ,this whole Qatar selection had a bad smell about from the time it was announced. Why would some small, insignificant country ever be selected to host the worlds biggest sporting tournament. I think it has far surpassed the Olympic games in profile.

Why this corruption claim has taken so long to emerge is beyond me, hardly good timing.

I remember some years go a BBC Panorama expose on Blatter was to go to air but it was withdrawn I think following a legal challenge.

Blatter is a pumped up little fraud,his longevity only possible with the palms he has greased over time.

Just give the tournament to Australia, we have the stadiums already existing and we know how to run a sporting tournament if you remember the Olympic Game, still rated by neutrals the best ever.

Besides we have great weather ,cold beer and the best looking sheilas around.

Finally Chooka ,posing as a supposed Australian, you are a total embarrassment get back on your medication.

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