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Morals right and wrong as to dog poisoning

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I am not going to adopt a soi dog to get ride of other dogs that is madness

In a tough bar you make the biggest tough, the bouncer. Is that madness?

If your country is attacked by another army, you get your own army and defend your country. Is that madness?

If one country gets an atomic bomb to defend yourself you get an atomic bomb? It may be madness but it certainly is standard operating procedure.

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After having had my chief dog poisoned and after the trauma of nursing him back to health I posted the following notice on all of the fences around my property........

"IF I CATCH YOU I WILL FEED YOU YOUR OWN BAIT"....seems to have done the trick! Fence your property! sad.png

I do love dogs but my dogs were poisoned after behind fausly accused of eating chickens

I know there did not do it because as a dog lover an owner j fenced them him for there own safety and for the safety of others

I fenced my dogs in when I had dogs as I was responsible for them I drove them to the beach for walks and they are on Leeds of walked round the area

So as I bought the dogs I was reasonable for people's safety

Problem is hat allots of these so called soi dogs belong to people but just let the run around and don't care

So I shall only build a fence to protect my own dogs if I had any. If people want to protect their own dogs then they should do the same that's my prospective

I have not laid any poison down I am just interested in the publics options on this subject

As I know some left wing won't fully read my post and just call me disturbed if people can read between the lines I am researching people's morals and not actually part taking in poisoning

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I suppose it all depends whether you believe your actions on Earth will decide whether you manage to get through the Pearly Gates or not.

I don't believe in the pearly gates and if there are pearly gates then dogs shall be happier up there

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I am not going to adopt a soi dog to get ride of other dogs that is madness

In a tough bar you make the biggest tough, the bouncer. Is that madness?

If your country is attacked by another army, you get your own army and defend your country. Is that madness?

If one country gets an atomic bomb to defend yourself you get an atomic bomb? It may be madness but it certainly is standard operating procedure.

If I wanted another dog I would buy one but i don't so the last thing I want to do is take another dog under my wing

I want my area dog free from now on due to a bad experience

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After having had my chief dog poisoned and after the trauma of nursing him back to health I posted the following notice on all of the fences around my property........

"IF I CATCH YOU I WILL FEED YOU YOUR OWN BAIT"....seems to have done the trick! Fence your property! sad.png

Yes i was angry too and I understand you because I was angry because someone threw the poison over my wall and into my house and my dog was found dead on my door step

My dogs never went to other people's land so I can only assume that some wanted to Rob me or my dogs were an easy target because they were always in my compound and the person who did it assumed my dogs ate their chickens

I would also like to put poison in the person that done that

That was un justified as I did everything right

They never bit anyone and the only chicken they ate were ones that jumped into our land but that ain't our fault as the last house was fully walled

So if someone wants to buy a dog or adopt a soi dog then that take responsibility

Of 1 vaccinating them

2 fencing them in to protect the public

I am not spending a for run on a fence as I am not responsible for other people's dogs

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Dog poisoning is rampant in Thailand. My avatar was poisoned last year. Farmers set out rat poison on the edges of their fields, and it is tasty stuff. If they happen to drop a larger batch, or if your dog follows the trail for more, your dog is done. I was not there to witness the death throws, but from what our neighbors said, it was one of the most painful deaths imaginable. If I knew the person that had done it, there would certainly have been repercussions. It was a very harsh lesson that you can not let a dog free range in Thailand, not even a meter over your property line. Poison is readily available, and there is no moral conscience in using it.

Yes it's wrong to poison the dogs. But it's also wrong to let your dogs run around into other peoples land. Hundreds of children are hurt every year because of dogs like that

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worth remembering the poison is not selective and will call more than dogs. Not sure you choose the right country to live Big C because many of your post are wishing to harm whats goes on around you. posting you wanted to torture to within inches of his life until he was begging you to end one example. Dont like noise but chose what has been a noisy destination for over 30 years.

So lay the poison around the little empire around which you wish to create, no fences lets hope no kids wonder on on eat it or the wrong persons dog, are that gun you posted you wanted so much will maybe what you wished for.

Personally reading your post i think you have issues as many discuss violence or killing ie this one..

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The fact you had to ask this question you are considering it. Most poisons cause a long and painful death to the dogs and also other animals including potentially other people's children or your own. How would you feel then!!!!! If you own so much land you can't be short of money so make a fence. If anyone killed my dog where ever he/she was I would willingly go to jail for what I would do to the person that did it. I think many other decent people would do the same. People are just another animal on the planet we do not have the right to murder animals for our own convenience like you suggest. Think about that too - there are many animals lovers. Just so you know I have the same problem but perhaps I am a different natured person with more in my life to worry about dog's mess. You probably can see I don't like you.

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After having had my chief dog poisoned and after the trauma of nursing him back to health I posted the following notice on all of the fences around my property........

"IF I CATCH YOU I WILL FEED YOU YOUR OWN BAIT"....seems to have done the trick! Fence your property! sad.png

Well said.

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After having had my chief dog poisoned and after the trauma of nursing him back to health I posted the following notice on all of the fences around my property........

"IF I CATCH YOU I WILL FEED YOU YOUR OWN BAIT"....seems to have done the trick! Fence your property! sad.png

Yes i was angry too and I understand you because I was angry because someone threw the poison over my wall and into my house and my dog was found dead on my door step

My dogs never went to other people's land so I can only assume that some wanted to Rob me or my dogs were an easy target because they were always in my compound and the person who did it assumed my dogs ate their chickens

I would also like to put poison in the person that done that

That was un justified as I did everything right

They never bit anyone and the only chicken they ate were ones that jumped into our land but that ain't our fault as the last house was fully walled

So if someone wants to buy a dog or adopt a soi dog then that take responsibility

Of 1 vaccinating them

2 fencing them in to protect the public

I am not spending a for run on a fence as I am not responsible for other people's dogs

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If your house was fully walled surely the people could see that, therefore why did they poison your dogs? Hmmm.

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After having had my chief dog poisoned and after the trauma of nursing him back to health I posted the following notice on all of the fences around my property........

"IF I CATCH YOU I WILL FEED YOU YOUR OWN BAIT"....seems to have done the trick! Fence your property! sad.png

I do love dogs but my dogs were poisoned after behind fausly accused of eating chickens

I know there did not do it because as a dog lover an owner j fenced them him for there own safety and for the safety of others

I fenced my dogs in when I had dogs as I was responsible for them I drove them to the beach for walks and they are on Leeds of walked round the area

So as I bought the dogs I was reasonable for people's safety

Problem is hat allots of these so called soi dogs belong to people but just let the run around and don't care

So I shall only build a fence to protect my own dogs if I had any. If people want to protect their own dogs then they should do the same that's my prospective

I have not laid any poison down I am just interested in the publics options on this subject

As I know some left wing won't fully read my post and just call me disturbed if people can read between the lines I am researching people's morals and not actually part taking in poisoning

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Sorry to hear about your losing your dog to poison.

I understand you are just asking these questions to gain perspective.

If you were going to shoot these dogs then I would be more supportive of your actions than if you choose to poison them. Shooting is selective and specific. Poison is neither. It is also very painful an inhumane.

There must be other possibilities. The fact is there are no end to the amount of stray dogs in Thailand. They will breed as quickly as any poisoning effort so you will be distributing poison from this day forward and some of that poison is going to wind up being consumed by non-targeted animals and its going to wind up in the environment of your private property.

Labor is cheap in Thailand. Building a fence is cheap and it also prevents trespass and people dumping trash on your property.

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Then again if a trespasser was to trespass I would like to treat them in the same way

That would be tough. You'd have to give them something to eat and drink I'd imagine - having laced the food and drink with the poison. It's unlikely you could just drop it on the ground and hope a fully grown human would pick it up and eat it. So in order not to arouse their suspicion you'd need to be friendly, invite them in. Have a chat with them. Also then there's the problem of disposing of the body. I'm not sure you've thought through the poisoning-trespassers-on-my-land scenario properly.

Perhaps just go for more direct means of attack- knifes, guns, or even co-op some of these previously hated ski dogs into being lethal attack dogs. Win-win for everyone. Except the trespassers :)

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Poisoning, unless you are have a in depth knowledge of poisons is a cruel and painful way to kill a dog or any living creature for that matter. To even consider doing it to something which is not even a real threat to you or your kids makes me think you a disturbed individual. [/quot

So u have missed my point completely

I am trying to understand people's opinions on this and I knew some <deleted> would have ago at me

I don't harm creatures or people unless they are a threat to me or my business or family

Tell me his why should I have to pick up my neighbours dog shit every morning

Why should I build a wall as it is east to call someone a cheap Charlie yet normally these people who use those words are the cheapest of Charlie's

The owners are reasonable as if they cannot protect their animals and do the right thing by picking up their litter

And they are the ones who should wall them

In not me as I did not buy the dog

As for a street dog personally I reckon they should all be put down as they chase bikes bite people and heir life's would be better off dead

Mix that with the cars and motorbikes they shall hit during their short lives

I am not disturbed I am just a person. That faces reality and has to do the jobs that people don't want to do but need to be done then moan when it's not done properly

Ok I have a suggestion

Building my wall for free ( I don't want a cheap Charlie to bills it I want a nice posh wall )

I am not going to adopt a soi dog to get ride of other dogs that is madness

I like beavers but not Justin beaver

And yes I am disturbed but what going to do about it build me a wall!??

Shall I just build a dog sanctity just to prove I am not tight and give all my money to dog rescue and poor farmers

Corr Jesus checky basterd calling me tight

Non rally only tight people call people that in order to her down thorn out of that person

Don't own a building company by any chance do U??

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Just curious, if you advocate death for homeless dogs what is your solution for homeless people?

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Dog poisoning is rampant in Thailand. My avatar was poisoned last year. Farmers set out rat poison on the edges of their fields, and it is tasty stuff. If they happen to drop a larger batch, or if your dog follows the trail for more, your dog is done. I was not there to witness the death throws, but from what our neighbors said, it was one of the most painful deaths imaginable. If I knew the person that had done it, there would certainly have been repercussions. It was a very harsh lesson that you can not let a dog free range in Thailand, not even a meter over your property line. Poison is readily available, and there is no moral conscience in using it.

I agree that putting poison on the edge of ones land is too harsh and even on a dog lead the dog can eat sown rubbish on the side of the road which is not fare to the dog or the owner

But berried far back where I a have told the owners who do have a femme and hate which is always unlocked and they jump into my place over the walls

That enough is enough

They crap everywhere and my customers are complaining

So if my customers move out then shall the people next door pay for the rent I lose per month

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once your customers wake up to a dog in a puddle of its own piss, blood, and vomit they will move anyway.

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The thought of poisoning the dogs would never enter my mind. It is totally wrong.

I understand the original poster says that he is just looking to see what we all think...... well I think that anybody who would do such a thing (poison the dogs) is beneath contempt and I would not pee on them if they were on fire!

Find another way!

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I suppose it all depends whether you believe your actions on Earth will decide whether you manage to get through the Pearly Gates or not.

I don't believe in the pearly gates and if there are pearly gates then dogs shall be happier up there

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As someone said, get a sling shot, you dont have to killthem,and them pearly gates wont be to far away if you decide to murder someone,s dog

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I suppose it all depends whether you believe your actions on Earth will decide whether you manage to get through the Pearly Gates or not.

I don't believe in the pearly gates and if there are pearly gates then dogs shall be happier up there

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As someone said, get a sling shot, you dont have to killthem,and them pearly gates wont be to far away if you decide to murder someone,s dog

I seriously doubt I there are pearly gates that I am going to them

No matter what I do from now and I do not repent

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I never advocated poisoning dogs, i simply refereed to the OP's statement & topic title.

No mate, I'm not suggesting you did, but it's nice just to make sure that people realise that it's a very unpleasant death.

None of these soi dogs asked to be born.

It's a <deleted> situation for the OP. He needs to consider a fence or his own dog to protect it's territory. Giving a home to a rescue dog for this purpose would be a WIN/WIN.

Edit to say: Subject title of thread wanted the morals of the situation.....there u have it. Do bad, get bad !

I agree with you pointing out how cruel poison was, but you did say he was a disturbed individual which was over the top as per what Roooo said.

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I put dogs down that ate chickens/geese, turned dangerous or had just lost the plot, .22 to the brain pan. There are about a dozen dogs in my subdivision that I would gladly do the same to if I had the .22. The neighbors just let them run loose and some are strays. I had to put chicken wire on my gate to keep the little monsters out. When we first bought the house I was still back and forth to the states for work. Wife called one day saying you come back kill dogs! She made about a 5 minute trip to a neighbors house and a couple of the little poddle-mutt monsters came through the bars in the gate, pushed the screen door open, came in and crapped on the floor. I can assure you had I been here one way or the other those dogs would have been dead. I had one mutt come in and steal a broom, chased him down the street until he went back into where he came from, wife retrieved the broom. Had one mutt growl and come at my daughter, then came at me while in I was in my yard. I couldn't catch him but you can bet the neighbors saw the crazy farang chasing after the dog with a knife, and yes I would have cut his throat. And by the way, I feel the same about the cats that come in tear up my garden, crap in it and the yard, yowl all night while boomsinging. Had a new next door neighbor once that had a cat, let it out, it came over my wall, tore up my New Mexico chile plants. I caught it and gave it flying lessons, flew pretty good and made a nice 4 point landing in the middle of the street. Wife caught the cat next and gave it to the new neighbor, neighbor was nice, apologized but wouldn't put the cat inside. My wife then told her what happened to my chile plants and said "if my husband catch again, your cat die sure". They were gone in 2 days, bye, bye. If you love and care for pets so much, take care of them, it is your responsibility to keep them fenced, on a lead or indoors, not mine or anybody else's. And btw I raised labs, they were always cared for, loved and fenced in. Brought me a lot of ducks. I crawled out on the ice to rescue one when he couldn't climb back on the ice, never let go of the duck and didn't put a mark on it. I carried him back across the ice. He was getting too old, never hunted him again and every time he saw me leave the house with rifle or shotgun (couldn't tell the difference) he would whine and whine. Miss that dog. Take care of your pets, it is your responsibility.

Appropiate avatar khun yankee doodle dandy

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I doubt it as if I was to kill a dog which I am not going to I am not going to pick up its body and dump it on their door steps

Dog poisoning is rampant in Thailand. My avatar was poisoned last year. Farmers set out rat poison on the edges of their fields, and it is tasty stuff. If they happen to drop a larger batch, or if your dog follows the trail for more, your dog is done. I was not there to witness the death throws, but from what our neighbors said, it was one of the most painful deaths imaginable. If I knew the person that had done it, there would certainly have been repercussions. It was a very harsh lesson that you can not let a dog free range in Thailand, not even a meter over your property line. Poison is readily available, and there is no moral conscience in using it.

I agree that putting poison on the edge of ones land is too harsh and even on a dog lead the dog can eat sown rubbish on the side of the road which is not fare to the dog or the owner

But berried far back where I a have told the owners who do have a femme and hate which is always unlocked and they jump into my place over the walls

That enough is enough

They crap everywhere and my customers are complaining

So if my customers move out then shall the people next door pay for the rent I lose per month

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once your customers wake up to a dog in a puddle of its own piss, blood, and vomit they will move anyway.

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