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Morals right and wrong as to dog poisoning

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You are not the first looser planning to poison soi dogs in Thailand and interestingly all those murderer scums were farang by random chance . By the way convenient store poisons cannot kill a dog, it just make them diarrhea and vomit thats it.Dont ask how I know this as I told you, just seen plenty scum.Spent quite much time on saving poisoned soi dogs with medical experience.

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Thais buy puppies and throw them out when they get bigger. They run around in packs until another thai catches and crams it in a cage with a load of other dogs to sell and eat. It's a dogs life for sure - not improved by a poisonous <deleted> like you.

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I never advocated poisoning dogs, i simply refereed to the OP's statement & topic title.

No mate, I'm not suggesting you did, but it's nice just to make sure that people realise that it's a very unpleasant death.

None of these soi dogs asked to be born.

It's a <deleted> situation for the OP. He needs to consider a fence or his own dog to protect it's territory. Giving a home to a rescue dog for this purpose would be a WIN/WIN.

Edit to say: Subject title of thread wanted the morals of the situation.....there u have it. Do bad, get bad !

"None of these soi dogs asked to be born."

None of us humans asked to be bitten!

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I agree with you pointing out how cruel poison was, but you did say he was a disturbed individual which was over the top as per what Roooo said.

No I did NOT.

I never said anyone was a 'Disturbed Individual'.

I suggest you re-read, who said what as clearly you are mistaken. ;)

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try the clear plastic water bottles near full of water laying down dogs seem to avoid doing the business near

ive had to shoot a sheep killer and i still see his face looking at me but it was quick (sg loaded12g)

but Ive seen a dog go by poison, slow and painfull and it knows its dying

weve lost a young dog probibly to the pot, hope it was quick

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I suppose it all depends whether you believe your actions on Earth will decide whether you manage to get through the Pearly Gates or not.

I don't believe in the pearly gates and if there are pearly gates then dogs shall be happier up there

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I'm quite certain you don't believe in the Pearly Gates mate.

They're metaphorical by the way but it's obvious you are not likely to be the owner of a dictionary.

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Poisoning, unless you are have a in depth knowledge of poisons is a cruel and painful way to kill a dog or any living creature for that matter. To even consider doing it to something which is not even a real threat to you or your kids makes me think you a disturbed individual. [/quot

So u have missed my point completely

I am trying to understand people's opinions on this and I knew some would have ago at me

I don't harm creatures or people unless they are a threat to me or my business or family

Tell me his why should I have to pick up my neighbours dog shit every morning

Why should I build a wall as it is east to call someone a cheap Charlie yet normally these people who use those words are the cheapest of Charlie's

The owners are reasonable as if they cannot protect their animals and do the right thing by picking up their litter

And they are the ones who should wall them

In not me as I did not buy the dog

As for a street dog personally I reckon they should all be put down as they chase bikes bite people and heir life's would be better off dead

Mix that with the cars and motorbikes they shall hit during their short lives

I am not disturbed I am just a person. That faces reality and has to do the jobs that people don't want to do but need to be done then moan when it's not done properly

Ok I have a suggestion

Building my wall for free ( I don't want a cheap Charlie to bills it I want a nice posh wall )

I am not going to adopt a soi dog to get ride of other dogs that is madness

I like beavers but not Justin beaver

And yes I am disturbed but what going to do about it build me a wall!??

Shall I just build a dog sanctity just to prove I am not tight and give all my money to dog rescue and poor farmers

Corr Jesus checky basterd calling me tight

Non rally only tight people call people that in order to her down thorn out of that person

Don't own a building company by any chance do U??

Dog is an animal a person is a person

Street dogs should be put down as they are a threat to humans

U might disagree with me but you soon would change if your child was bitten badly or even to death whilst innocently walking or driving a bike down the road

The alternative is to put them in a temple where they have to fight each other for savival

I love dogs and it is not the dogs fault as they are just dogs

But unless people take responsibility for their own pets then It is selfish to expect other people who chose to not have pets to be responsible for them

This is the qualification I believe one should have to have a dog

A fully walled compound

Not left to walk around the public roads without a lead or an owner

If the dog bites someone then it is the owners fault and they should pay

They should pick up the dog poo when outside their house

If their dog runs out the house and gets hit by a car then it is not the dogs fault and not the cars fault

It is an unfortunate accident but the owner is responsible

If you chose to let your dog wall aimless around on to other people's land and shit and bark and rip your bins apart then the owner is at fault if the dog is poisoned as one has the right in thailand to protect their business and their home

My point is not to place poison on the borders of my land or put onto governed road or in someone's house but deep in your own property I believe I have the right

As for pearly gates I shall let who ever is in charge of the pearly gates judge me

Street dogs should be put down in a human way

They are no good for tourists, for families, for local people and they don't stop breading and multiplying

Personally in an ideal road which cannot be done I would have a team go round and shoot them all as they should be treated as pests as rats and pigeons are pests yet pigeons and rats bite less people or no people compared to street dogs

There is a difference between being a dog lover and being a dog responsible lover

If one loves their dogs then they protect there own dogs and don't rely on the public to do your work for you

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Just curious, if you advocate death for homeless dogs what is your solution for homeless people?

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I suppose it all depends whether you believe your actions on Earth will decide whether you manage to get through the Pearly Gates or not.

I don't believe in the pearly gates and if there are pearly gates then dogs shall be happier up there

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I'm quite certain you don't believe in the Pearly Gates mate.

They're metaphorical by the way but it's obvious you are not likely to be the owner of a dictionary.

I agree I have little care for a dictionary or the pearly gates as long as people understand my messages then no beefs

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You are not the first looser planning to poison soi dogs in Thailand and interestingly all those murderer scums were farang by random chance . By the way convenient store poisons cannot kill a dog, it just make them diarrhea and vomit thats it.Dont ask how I know this as I told you, just seen plenty scum.Spent quite much time on saving poisoned soi dogs with medical experience.

Problem is that shooting them makes a noise and don't want trouble

Poison is a hot mans best friend not saying it's right

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Give a home to a rescue ( soi ) dog. Personally I like our (7) soi dogs I can walk our complete street in under 10 seconds. I was followed home ( walking ) after going to 7-11 "late night" 02:30, our dogs flew past me barking and stopped in front of the would be ??????. He went the other way VERY VERY fast!!!! Our dogs keep other dogs out, and announce the late night visitors if they dogs do not know them. We have 16 door exits on to our street, and you can always count on a friendly greeting and a tail wagging by several dogs when you exit your place, and, when you enter the street. Took them 4 days to accept me when I moved here. Never have I seen one of our soi dogs jump on a person without permission.

And, they line up for a quick bath anytime opens a water hose. No poop on our street or hallways. Two of the ladies on our street feed and water them - I have no trouble kicking in 20B a week to each lady for the dog food.

I have read other posts where adopted soi dogs make fine house "guard" dogs, if it guards the house, I would think it would also guard your kids.

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[quote name="notmyself" post="7914020" timestamp="1401608534"

... so perhaps a beaver type trap would be the answer.

I got all excited when you mentioned 'beaver trap' ... w00t.gif

I'm one of those 'beaver type traps'.

I'm a hansum man an those Soi Nana chicks lub me longtime.

Seriously, poisoning is a bad thing to do, a painful death, and us humans kill animals for consumption in the least painful way, humanely. You don't want to punish the animals with terrible pain. They don't understand that.

How about encouraging them with food offerings and taking them down to a vet for the big red needle?

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Poisoning, unless you are have a in depth knowledge of poisons is a cruel and painful way to kill a dog or any living creature for that matter. To even consider doing it to something which is not even a real threat to you or your kids makes me think you a disturbed individual.

Please read the OP's post, he says:

Not going to do this but just interested on where people stand on this as foreigners are very into there dogs and some value them more than people

Please forgive my intrusion here, but I might be able to assist: If you READ the post by "HeavyDrinker: I don't think he is implying that the OP is Poisoning dogs. He in fact says, "To even CONSIDER doing it...." Hope that helps, last thing I would want to do is upset anyone and of course, I may be wrong!

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YES if course it's morally wrong to poison dogs to let's them die in a horrific way of death by the suffering of RAT poison I no doubt you intend to use.

If the dogs don't belong to anyone and are just strays... They need to be euthanised HUMANELY !!!

NO animal deserves to die in a painful way.

If you can't be bothered or are too tight fisted to secure your land and home from stray dogs them you should suffer the consequences.

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Aren't those dogs esentially a vermin? Don't they spread disease such as rabies, attack children and pets, breed uncontrollably, not to mention the bloody noise at night? Would you hesitate to poison a rat sqwatting your property? I'm just saying.

Edited by vadimbz
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Dog poisoning is rampant in Thailand. My avatar was poisoned last year. Farmers set out rat poison on the edges of their fields, and it is tasty stuff. If they happen to drop a larger batch, or if your dog follows the trail for more, your dog is done. I was not there to witness the death throws, but from what our neighbors said, it was one of the most painful deaths imaginable. If I knew the person that had done it, there would certainly have been repercussions. It was a very harsh lesson that you can not let a dog free range in Thailand, not even a meter over your property line. Poison is readily available, and there is no moral conscience in using it.

Shoot that farmer in the head mate

Or a general baseball bat bashing should do the trick

Make sure you don't stop intil he's brain dead... As if the DC wasn't already!!!

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I suppose it all depends whether you believe your actions on Earth will decide whether you manage to get through the Pearly Gates or not.

I don't believe in the pearly gates and if there are pearly gates then dogs shall be happier up there

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Well they are unlikely to be finding you up there so possibly they could be happier, yes !!

Only kidding !!

This is rapidly getting out of hand and should probably be closed down as the the points of view on this are so diametrically opposed and always will be.

Nothing new here I'm guessing !


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The thought of poisoning the dogs would never enter my mind. It is totally wrong.

I understand the original poster says that he is just looking to see what we all think...... well I think that anybody who would do such a thing (poison the dogs) is beneath contempt and I would not pee on them if they were on fire!

Honestly I really so not want to kill a dog i like dogs but as a last resort

If I have to for example everytime I walked down the road I get cornered by dogs and so did others and be them street dogs or even worse they be owned by people who don't care then some action has to be taken

As for getting a soi dog to protect my place I don't want the up keep of it as I would have to feed it and it would love me and when I go away I cannot just leave it

I don't have the money to build a wall plus on one side where I have walls that's where the dogs are coming from

So like I said a pot of poisoned well out of the way of the public and deep within the compound shall not be consumed unless there were dogs deep out of their territory

It is easy to say it is wrong but mathematically speaking what's wrong with me doing this as I not buy a dog. I not own a dog I not go outside to look to bully a dog but if one brings trouble to me then the owners should have take. Better care specially when it is a constant occurrence

Someone people should just simply not be aloud dogs as when it goes wrong they blame everyone else

The same way if I had a trespasser coming on my land consistently causing. Trouble getting drunk piaaing everywhere I would be harsher with them than I would be to a poor dog who has bad owners

What I would really like to do is put he poison on the owners but this is not an ideal world and being charged with murder is too far but I don't make the laws

Find another way!

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I have just built a 2.2 metre wall around 3 rai. Yes it is relatively expensive but the peace of mind not having to chase chikens, ducks, buffalos, cows and every bloody stray dog that all seemed to come in to do my head in. It was worth it. And the enjoyment of seeing my Siberians being able to free range is great. They have a big dog run but being able to run around free is fantastic. So basically go the expense of a fence as it will be so worth it in the long run. Not to mention the fact that it will also keep snakes away from your yard where the kids play.The owners in your village will never take responsibility for their dogs. In fact if the dogs even have owners. Just ones from a litter of mongrel soi dogs. If people are so upset then they can come there and collect all the stray soi dogs and take them all home and look after them. Hope they have plenty of land to keep them all in.In fact i remember my wife one day mentioning something about some one, like a ranger, will come and check and remove any wandering dogs. Check this out with your head of village.

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If you put poison down you have think about the possible repercussions. 1. You kill someones beloved pet then and they seek revenge by poisoning you and your family. 2. Your child puts the poison in their eyes mistaking it for a dog poo.

Technically it's not "your land" even though you may have paid for it. Build a fence.

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So you're concerned that your kids may touch the dog feces and get it in their eyes, but clearly you're not concerned that your kids (on your land) will touch the dog poison & get they in their eyes or in their mouth!!!!!

Poisoning is a cruel & painful way to inflict death on a dog & I can only imagine it would be even more painful still, if it happened to be one of your children instead of a stray dog!

Do what others do. Pay for a boundary wall or even a chain link fence & a gate to keep the dogs out!

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Dogs can't read signs you put up. A piece of land is a piece of land to a dog, they don't understand legal documents assigning you the right to live there during your brief time on this earth. Legal rights that dogs didn't sign up to by the way.

The dogs have no problem, you do. Build a fence. No need to kill

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