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WOW.. Poison a dog because it is trespassing your property, maybe people should start to poison each other for their stupid and unnecessary behaviours, use your brain to think more about the problem, I'm sure you can find a better solution than kill a little dog. Remember always the animals has a life just like you! sad.png


Build a fence you cheapskate xxxxxxxxx

You build me one around 2 rai of land

I am not responsible for other people dogs wondering on my land the owners are

Why should I have to pay because owners don't want to take responsibility for their animals

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

You just answered your own question.


OP, I wouldn't listen to the TV mob. They have all broken Thai rules one way or another. Do how you see fit and be prepared to face any consequences of your actions.

  • Like 2

Aren't those dogs esentially a vermin? Don't they spread disease such as rabies, attack children and pets, breed uncontrollably, not to mention the bloody noise at night? Would you hesitate to poison a rat sqwatting your property? I'm just saying.

Nope. They are living creatures. They have a heart which pumps bold around their bodies, a central nervous system and they feel pain and discomfort. None of these creatures asked to be born into the circumstance in which they presently exist.

What about you and your children? I've seen children attack animals, pull their hair and tales, then don't even start me on all the noise children make. Why not just drop a few baits around to keep the neighbours kids in line. Let's get real her, there's other options than subjecting an animal to significant levels of pain to stop it from walking and shitting on your grass. Give yourself and uppercut.


Fence up and your problem is solved.

Thanks u are going to build me a wall to save dogs. Cheers mate

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Big C,

I've always liked you as a poster, most entertaining, HOWEVER, surely you don't really expect OTHERS to build YOU a fence to help you with a little problem that YOU are having, surely not?

Some of us have bigger crosses to bare in life..... anyway I wish you well on your war with dog poo.


Poisoning, unless you are have a in depth knowledge of poisons is a cruel and painful way to kill a dog or any living creature for that matter. To even consider doing it to something which is not even a real threat to you or your kids makes me think you a disturbed individual.

Please read the OP's post, he says:

Not going to do this but just interested on where people stand on this as foreigners are very into there dogs and some value them more than people


It can never hurt to mention how cruel this process is. Animal suffer in agony when poisoned this way, I've seen it often and it saddens me greatly.

This is not what Roo is pointing out. The topic of the post offers people the chance to express concern and share personal experiences about the topic. makes me think you a disturbed individual is not part of this criteria.

Why do people keep quoting me and suggest that I used the words, "Disturbed Individual" ? I did not use those words, are you an imbecile? Please learn to use the quoting system properly and don't post in bold as it's against the forum rules and by doing so doesn't make your posted dribble anymore important

Let me summarise for you. I did not use those words, "Disturbed Individual".

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People should keep in mind that it is not always possible to build a fence or wall. As an example some properties, such as the front of some shophouses, have a road on them that others need to use to get to their properties.

Other properties are part of a compound with common areas that cannot be fenced in, some properties are rental and so on.

The shoot the dog with pellets, small rocks or whatever is also not always an easy option, as many of these dogs do their business at night, and most people do not want to sit up and wait all night for dogs that may or may not show up, and will likely need several lesson before they get the point - and then a new dog shows up, so you can start all over.

Just leaving the dog shit is also not an option, as it will attract even more dogs and more dog shit.

Try the granulated products.....or for the tight fisted people ammonia products.


I can sympathize with your predicament.Obviously that is the core problem-most Thais think they are being kindly Buddhists by supporting dogs and not killing them even, when in cities like Chiang mai the City is over-run with them,they cause so much disturbance at night as well what to speak of the filth.Those dogs have to be culled or removed.Thais have no problem with killing thousands of cows and chickens to stuff in their faces-as do most hyopocrites on this website whose snide remarks against culling Dogs doesnt reflect the true picture.Most people are so dull headed that they dont even think for one second about the thousands of animals they have participated in killing every day just by providing a market-just to feed their fat faces.True kindness ,as Buddha teaches is to not kill ANY living beings as far as possible, except the aggressive ones that threaten us.Those animals we eat also do not want to die,and they are very innocent.Better to kill and eat stray dogs and remove the nuisance than to eat the other innocent animals that dont bother us at all.I would love to know of a good poison so that I can rid my neighbourhood of a good few of these pests and gladly accept the karma.Thanks for reading.

Humans created this problem. Can we poised them too?

If you really must kill the dog, at least do it humanely, wouldn't you agree? Or is a nasty painful death, not in your karma book?

After reading everything above you still want to inflict this sort of pain on another living creature. You disgusting individual.

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You have seen your child take dog poop and play with it and rub it in their eyes. So what the heck do you think he'll do when he finds the poison?!!!


You have seen your child take dog poop and play with it and rub it in their eyes. So what the heck do you think he'll do when he finds the poison?!!!

Yes rather odd behaviour. Never seen a child do such a thing.

Big C, what's going on with the child?


Thais are oblivious to what there animals do and frankly dont care...if they bite some one they smirk and say they dont own it ,if u kill it its theres and they want payment , this situation occurred recently when a dog kept rushing up to a friends 5 yr old, owners were asked politely to control the dog but they just laughed saying u can take the child to hospital if it bites, what sought of mentality do they have.. do what needs to be done and keep it to ur self...coffee1.gif

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Could always get a lion.

Can you tell me where the nearest Lionsrus is located, so I can pop down and buy one?


Fair amount of the expected sentimental drivel here. I lived in a Condominium and the dog below howled all night.

I went down a few times to sort this animal out, but he was behind 12 foot wall howling.

arranged a Thai person to talk to owner. No results

Nice food , but sleep at night, suck that sentimentalists,

'dogs are dogs and peopole are people.

Many of the 450 people in the Condo knew and thanked me,

Thai lady dog howler screamed at me.

I said I warned you villaqer shut your dog up,

she said she wanted payment, I got a Thai to say say,

over someone's dead body Bangkok villager.

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I have a BIG problem with to many dogs in my soi, I solv the problem with a soft air-gun rifle, shooting plastic bullets

it do not hurt the dog, but it hurts a lot when I hit, so after a while, they avoid your area,

It works for me.

Even the neighbor's dog that use to bark all night, gets quiet when he sees me on the balcony.

Now I'm the pack leader on my street ;-)

Thanks I will not forget thumbsup.gif


God summoned a beast from the field, and He said, "Behold man is created in My image. Therefore, adore him. You shall protect him in the wilderness, shepherd his flocks, watch over his children, accompany him wherever he may go, even into civilization. You shall be his companion, his ally, and his slave.

To do these things, I endow you with the instincts uncommon to other beasts: Faithfulness, Devotion, and Understanding, surpassing those of man himself. Lest it impair your courage, you shall never foresee your death. Lest it impair your loyalty, you shall be blind to the faults of man. Lest it impair your understanding, you are denied the power of words. Speak to your master only through your mind and your honest eyes.

Walk by his side; sleep in his doorway; ward off his enemies; carry his burden; share his affliction; love and comfort him. And in return for this, man will fulfill your needs and wants,which shall be only food, shelter and affection.

So be a friend of man. Guide him through the perils along the way to this land I have promised him. This shall be your destiny and your immortality."

The dog heard and was content.

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I can tell u don't have kids

U have to look after your own before others people and animals are at the bottom of my list

Actually that's not true I prefer allot of animals over people even dogs

Put it this way you are right that children do this but they did not ask to be born but we brought them into this life

We did not bring the other people's dogs into our lives

Maybe people are confused because they don't know the layout of my houses

I had a lady walk a dog on a lead and she walked it onto my land for the dog to have a poo

I had ago at her and she was forang

I told her to pick it up and I lied and told her I had poison on my land

Sometimes bluffing can help problem is that if someone else poisons a dog they can blame me

No I have no sign it's common sense

I cannot right signs to avoid every scenario people know it's wrong plus dogs cannot read if they are strays

Maybe I should put a sign up saying

" no nudity " naked for woman can make exemptions

" no theives"

No murders

No stabbing

No drugs

Aren't those dogs esentially a vermin? Don't they spread disease such as rabies, attack children and pets, breed uncontrollably, not to mention the bloody noise at night? Would you hesitate to poison a rat sqwatting your property? I'm just saying.

Nope. They are living creatures. They have a heart which pumps bold around their bodies, a central nervous system and they feel pain and discomfort. None of these creatures asked to be born into the circumstance in which they presently exist.

What about you and your children? I've seen children attack animals, pull their hair and tales, then don't even start me on all the noise children make. Why not just drop a few baits around to keep the neighbours kids in line. Let's get real her, there's other options than subjecting an animal to significant levels of pain to stop it from walking and shitting on your grass. Give yourself and uppercut.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


Fence up and your problem is solved.

Thanks u are going to build me a wall to save dogs. Cheers mate

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Big C,

I've always liked you as a poster, most entertaining, HOWEVER, surely you don't really expect OTHERS to build YOU a fence to help you with a little problem that YOU are having, surely not?

Some of us have bigger crosses to bare in life..... anyway I wish you well on your war with dog poo.

No I don't expect people to build me a fence but for some reason people reckon I should build one

If that is the case they can build it for me

I don't have a problem with dogs at the moment

As I said I am more interested in what people have to say like a survey

Personally I don't like poisoning dogs or shooting dogs

Only a last last resort

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


It's not illegal, just morally wrong.

So go ahead and do it.

Its morally wrong, so do itblink.png I love those kind of people bah.gif

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I can tell u don't have kids

U have to look after your own before others people and animals are at the bottom of my list

Actually that's not true I prefer allot of animals over people even dogs

Put it this way you are right that children do this but they did not ask to be born but we brought them into this life

We did not bring the other people's dogs into our lives

Maybe people are confused because they don't know the layout of my houses

I had a lady walk a dog on a lead and she walked it onto my land for the dog to have a poo

I had ago at her and she was forang

I told her to pick it up and I lied and told her I had poison on my land

Sometimes bluffing can help problem is that if someone else poisons a dog they can blame me

No I have no sign it's common sense

I cannot right signs to avoid every scenario people know it's wrong plus dogs cannot read if they are strays

Maybe I should put a sign up saying

" no nudity " naked for woman can make exemptions

" no theives"

No murders

No stabbing

No drugs

Aren't those dogs esentially a vermin? Don't they spread disease such as rabies, attack children and pets, breed uncontrollably, not to mention the bloody noise at night? Would you hesitate to poison a rat sqwatting your property? I'm just saying.

Nope. They are living creatures. They have a heart which pumps bold around their bodies, a central nervous system and they feel pain and discomfort. None of these creatures asked to be born into the circumstance in which they presently exist.

What about you and your children? I've seen children attack animals, pull their hair and tales, then don't even start me on all the noise children make. Why not just drop a few baits around to keep the neighbours kids in line. Let's get real her, there's other options than subjecting an animal to significant levels of pain to stop it from walking and shitting on your grass. Give yourself and uppercut.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I think it's plain bloody rude that someone would walk their dog onto your land and allow it to c r a p there.

She is rude and inconsiderate.


Yes I agree with you. But I have to say if any dog. Soi dog or not attacked me or any of my family unprovoked. then I would poison it.

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That would be a poor decision.

There is always a risk of rabies with Thai dogs and often the best means of identifying if the dog is rabid is through observation. You are better off feeding the dog that bit you over the next two weeks and observe it for any peculiar behaviors. If the dog is still alive in 2 weeks, then you can rest easier knowing that your child was not exposed to the rabies virus.

What you choose to do with the dog at the end of the observation period is up to you.

Thank you for your advice. I have never been bitten by a dog, supposing a dog attacked me or one of my family. Soi dog or not, I am not going to keep it or feed it, I would have my family and myselfs safety to consider.

As I said, If a dog attacked me or my family unprovoked, I would poison it, making sure no other dogs got poisoned.


Getting your kicks from torturing animals/pets is normally first signs of a serial killer hope you haven’t any kids in your family, especially if killing is a first option or are you just to lazy a person to build a gate or a fence or to greedy / poor to pay someone else to do it for you.


Aren't those dogs esentially a vermin? Don't they spread disease such as rabies, attack children and pets, breed uncontrollably, not to mention the bloody noise at night? Would you hesitate to poison a rat sqwatting your property? I'm just saying.

Nope. They are living creatures. They have a heart which pumps bold around their bodies, a central nervous system and they feel pain and discomfort. None of these creatures asked to be born into the circumstance in which they presently exist.

What about you and your children? I've seen children attack animals, pull their hair and tales, then don't even start me on all the noise children make. Why not just drop a few baits around to keep the neighbours kids in line. Let's get real her, there's other options than subjecting an animal to significant levels of pain to stop it from walking and shitting on your grass. Give yourself and uppercut.

FYI, all vermin are living creatures by definition, and bedbugs have central nervous system too, so what?

Fair amount of the expected sentimental drivel here. I lived in a Condominium and the dog below howled all night.

I went down a few times to sort this animal out, but he was behind 12 foot wall howling.

arranged a Thai person to talk to owner. No results

Nice food , but sleep at night, suck that sentimentalists,

'dogs are dogs and peopole are people.

Many of the 450 people in the Condo knew and thanked me,

Thai lady dog howler screamed at me.

I said I warned you villaqer shut your dog up,

she said she wanted payment, I got a Thai to say say,

over someone's dead body Bangkok villager.

It's got little to do with being sentimental, it's got more with being humane. Most people recognise that, even the OP. Your story is not plausible. Perhaps you are;

A couple of sandwiches short of a picnic.

A few cans short of a six pack.

A few Kangaroos loose in the top paddock.


Aren't those dogs esentially a vermin? Don't they spread disease such as rabies, attack children and pets, breed uncontrollably, not to mention the bloody noise at night? Would you hesitate to poison a rat sqwatting your property? I'm just saying.

Nope. They are living creatures. They have a heart which pumps bold around their bodies, a central nervous system and they feel pain and discomfort. None of these creatures asked to be born into the circumstance in which they presently exist.

What about you and your children? I've seen children attack animals, pull their hair and tales, then don't even start me on all the noise children make. Why not just drop a few baits around to keep the neighbours kids in line. Let's get real her, there's other options than subjecting an animal to significant levels of pain to stop it from walking and shitting on your grass. Give yourself and uppercut.

FYI, all vermin are living creatures by definition, and bedbugs have central nervous system too, so what?

Are you trying to be;

a.) A fool.

B). A troll.

c.) A vicious animal abuser.

d.) All of the above.

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