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OK. You win. We will all go home with all of our dosh!


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Speak for yourself.

I live out away from the cities, in rural Thailand; very close to the life style as it was many generations ago. Foreigners were called farang at that time too and didn't wet their pants in a hissy fit.

My wife and I are retired here. We can bend with the wind just as well as the other Thais. Shangri-La for us, jing.

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Starting a topic with a post like this is like deciding to take a stroll along the sandbags on the lip of your trench on the Somme in 1916. Could be called brave, confident, 'devil-may-care', ingenuous or many other things ... But the outcome is guaranteed to be the same.

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I will stay because I like it here and because I am willing to obey the law of any country I happen to be in.

If Farang upsets your delicate sensibilities then you will have to be careful where you go for in many places you can be called much worse.

Good by and good luck.

Yep....I'd rather be a farang in Thai...which in over a year no one has called me,...than a Haole in Hawaii - the most racist, hateful State in America.

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Th OP mentions something about Americans getting some kind of special treatment. What treatment is this? At one time Americans could own a small plot of land, but, as far as I know, this was stopped several years ago.

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Because it's our home and "we" like it here. Plus "we" don't object to being called farang and "we" accept that "we" can't own land, "we" knew that before "we" came here.

You don't have to stay if you don't like the rules.

You speak for yourself. Some of us recognise that the term 'farang' is just as abusive as other racist slurs. I doubt I am able to give examples here.

You seem to suggest that we should put up with racist language. Is that correct? Shame on you if that is so.

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You say "we." Are you married? To a Westerner?

Actually I agree with you and I'm an American you mentioned. Why would I invest a satang where there's no rule of law? I suspect the Japanese are getting tired of it themselves, from things they've said.

Many single Westerners seem very happy to live in Thailand. Some for the weather, some for the cost of living, some for the availability of women, and others just like it.

I prefer to live in America in an area with great weather and visit Thailand once a year. When I get tired of it I step onto and airplane and go home. Yes, Home.

Many here are going to beat up on you but to each his own.

PS Farang isn't an insult or racist if said in a normal tone of voice with no negative gestures. It's only the word that Thais have to describe a white Westerner. Would you prefer another term such as "ain't Asian?"

the original ban on owning land was not directed at the west, it is directed at the chinese, japanese, and indians who now own a lot of land in thailand. when is the last time you saw a Thai tailor? or a chinese farmer? being a free man, i can either accept the rules that go along with living here or leave. the thai has no such choice, and about falang, it is a french word! it was what the thai's called the french during their occupation. I am refered to as an american not a falang, and if a thai refers to me as a flaang I say, phom my pen french, ben american! works everytime once they get over the shock.

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Because it's our home and "we" like it here. Plus "we" don't object to being called farang and "we" accept that "we" can't own land, "we" knew that before "we" came here.

You don't have to stay if you don't like the rules.

"Because it's our home and "ALIEN" like it here. Plus "ALIEN" don't object to being called farang and "ALIEN" accept that "ALIEN" can't own land, "ALIEN" knew that before "ALIEN" came here.

You don't have to stay if you don't like the rules"

I agree with the Chiang Mai. It is getting out of hand. Just discussed yesterday with my colleague who is French. We pay + 12% income tax every month deducted from our salaries. What do we Foreigners get back for it? ZERO, NOTHING. Approx. 14,000 Thb. p/m goes to the Revenuedepartment and I do not have any advantage in return. In contrary, work permit issues are getting more more bureaucratic and difficult. Apart from the costs.

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You say "we." Are you married? To a Westerner?

Actually I agree with you and I'm an American you mentioned. Why would I invest a satang where there's no rule of law? I suspect the Japanese are getting tired of it themselves, from things they've said.

Many single Westerners seem very happy to live in Thailand. Some for the weather, some for the cost of living, some for the availability of women, and others just like it.

I prefer to live in America in an area with great weather and visit Thailand once a year. When I get tired of it I step onto and airplane and go home. Yes, Home.

Many here are going to beat up on you but to each his own.

PS Farang isn't an insult or racist if said in a normal tone of voice with no negative gestures. It's only the word that Thais have to describe a white Westerner. Would you prefer another term such as "ain't Asian?"

the original ban on owning land was not directed at the west, it is directed at the chinese, japanese, and indians who now own a lot of land in thailand. when is the last time you saw a Thai tailor? or a chinese farmer? being a free man, i can either accept the rules that go along with living here or leave. the thai has no such choice, and about falang, it is a french word! it was what the thai's called the french during their occupation. I am refered to as an american not a falang, and if a thai refers to me as a flaang I say, phom my pen french, ben american! works everytime once they get over the shock.

'French occupation'. WHen did the French or any other western country ever occupy Thailand?

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The OP describes two main issues, racism and land ownership, I ask you, which country is more racist, Thailand or the UK? Despite all the legislation in the world the UK wins that title in my book.

As for land ownership: it's always been that way, it's not a secret that a person suddenly finds out about and it's definitely nothing new. The earlier poster who suggests that Thailand has got it right on this point is absolutely correct.

So I wonder if the OP is actually describing the real problem that making him feel so concerned about his chance of success in Thailand and wealth creation here, is there perhaps another question that has something to do with penetrating Thai society/culture and understanding it all?

Thailand (well.... in fact, any Asian country including Middle East and Africa) Vs UK for racism ?

UK gets beaten here every time.

It is so racist in Thailand, you just don't get it ! We are singled out every time in every and any event/happening/transaction etc.....

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You say "we." Are you married? To a Westerner?

Actually I agree with you and I'm an American you mentioned. Why would I invest a satang where there's no rule of law? I suspect the Japanese are getting tired of it themselves, from things they've said.

Many single Westerners seem very happy to live in Thailand. Some for the weather, some for the cost of living, some for the availability of women, and others just like it.

I prefer to live in America in an area with great weather and visit Thailand once a year. When I get tired of it I step onto and airplane and go home. Yes, Home.

Many here are going to beat up on you but to each his own.

PS Farang isn't an insult or racist if said in a normal tone of voice with no negative gestures. It's only the word that Thais have to describe a white Westerner. Would you prefer another term such as "ain't Asian?"

the original ban on owning land was not directed at the west, it is directed at the chinese, japanese, and indians who now own a lot of land in thailand. when is the last time you saw a Thai tailor? or a chinese farmer? being a free man, i can either accept the rules that go along with living here or leave. the thai has no such choice, and about falang, it is a french word! it was what the thai's called the french during their occupation. I am refered to as an american not a falang, and if a thai refers to me as a flaang I say, phom my pen french, ben american! works everytime once they get over the shock.

The shock of what ? Not understanding a single word of your shocking grammar.

There is no way a Thai would understand that drivel!

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the OP is realizing for himself, what I also concluded months ago.

he is wise to leave before things get worse for him, and they can indeed get worse,

For anyone with the attitude expressed in the OP, I can pretty much guarantee they will. Not that I care at all.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Clearly you shouldnt, if you find things so intolerable then you should leave, life is too short to be so miserable.

It's not so much intolerable, but it is somewhat unfair. I would like westerners to be able to buy say 1 rai in their own name, build a house so that they couldn't be ripped off by some ex bargirl who already has a Thai husband. Cut down on a few suicides too! I know that many will say "serves them right" and "we should have the same laws in our home countries", but it wouldn't hurt them to allow it. Of course some would abuse it, using other peoples names to buy extra rai. That could be punished by deportation with no chance of return. Perhaps they should allow Farangs to buy football teams and then sell them on to Arabs for an obscene profit ! OMG Dubai again! :)

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The OP describes two main issues, racism and land ownership, I ask you, which country is more racist, Thailand or the UK? Despite all the legislation in the world the UK wins that title in my book.

As for land ownership: it's always been that way, it's not a secret that a person suddenly finds out about and it's definitely nothing new. The earlier poster who suggests that Thailand has got it right on this point is absolutely correct.

So I wonder if the OP is actually describing the real problem that making him feel so concerned about his chance of success in Thailand and wealth creation here, is there perhaps another question that has something to do with penetrating Thai society/culture and understanding it all?

Thailand (well.... in fact, any Asian country including Middle East and Africa) Vs UK for racism ?

UK gets beaten here every time.

It is so racist in Thailand, you just don't get it ! We are singled out every time in every and any event/happening/transaction etc.....

YUP, "chiang mai" is pathetic. How can he be so naive to say such a stupid thing. Having said that, there are many UK guys in Issan that dont know who their Thai wifes brother really is.

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This is Thailand been the same for century's they just try and get a bit more, I agree with the land thing, if it was allowed for foreigners to purchase land the Thai people would not be able to buy a little piece for them selves. I am New Zealander, very small country but so much of the land is owned by foreigners especially, Chinese and Koreans, huge farms and pieces of land. I bought my house in 1994 for NZ$250,000 i could sell it now for NZ$1,000,000. Most Young people cannot buy a house now with the cost.

My wife is Thai been married 5 yrs together for 7 yrs we have a nice house here in her name, does not bother me, I am a fit 73 and I am happy for her to have it when I go.

Have a great relationship with all the family and village people. The only negative thing to me is the bloody heat up here in Khon Kaen 38-42c every day.

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Thailand is a nationalistic country. A foraying concept for most western countries that have been brain washed for 30 years ”multi cultural” and immigration.

In Farang countries they have a project making the countries multi cultural (the idea: if all countries have all nationalists = why have countries?)

East asian cultures don’t have the same brainwashing media. They still believe in their own culture, country and way of living.

We should respect that.

We have 210 countries and territories because people have different beliefs, religion, culture and genetic makeup. Its an insane idea to try to create one-world culture.

Talibans have right to their culture -in their country. Its an insane idea that USA should bomb them to think like US. That is true racism.

Being nationalistic and thinking about its own citizen in their own country is not racist.

That is why nationalists are the real anti racist:

We believe in a multi ethnic world. Every culture have their right to live how they want. Thailand for thais. Somalia for Somalies and so on.

This leads to the real racists that is conducting the biggest genocide in history: the multi cultural powers. Political correctness.

(and this is not meant to be ”racist”. Just stating a fact: there is not one single country for white people in the world today. Every other ethnicity have their own country. Only the 20 countries of 210 that have managed to create a ”good” society are killing them selves of by multi cultural. My country Sweden: In just 30 years they have killed of over 20% of the ethic population and replaced them with 30% more immigrants. From nr1 country in the world to nr 35 in 40 years. Ethic Swedes will be minority in less than 20 years. Over 1000 year history killed off in less then 50 years with a socialistic dream that every single human been wants the same, have the same belief, that everyone wants the same culture and way of living. Its a sick way of thinking).

We should adopt Thai policies in our home countries.

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wow u have lived your whole and still dont understand what investing is.

its so convenient for farang not question the mechanics behind the 'farang price'.

what company did u help build? peasant.

do governments invest?

farang are basically a parasite along with the enabler, the thai central bank.

I would say that most people simply have a low IQ

u r spending money that has been freshly printed

u r stealing and consuming with out producing any thing

did your spending increase infrastructure? does thailand now produce more by giving there products away for free?

u took an apple out of another thai person's hand


im gonna point this out, to every thai person I meet!

I will say, see that fat farang, he stole from you!

I suppose thai ppl r pretty dumb not too, as the cant figure this out either...

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The OP describes two main issues, racism and land ownership, I ask you, which country is more racist, Thailand or the UK? Despite all the legislation in the world the UK wins that title in my book.

As for land ownership: it's always been that way, it's not a secret that a person suddenly finds out about and it's definitely nothing new. The earlier poster who suggests that Thailand has got it right on this point is absolutely correct.

So I wonder if the OP is actually describing the real problem that making him feel so concerned about his chance of success in Thailand and wealth creation here, is there perhaps another question that has something to do with penetrating Thai society/culture and understanding it all?

Thailand (well.... in fact, any Asian country including Middle East and Africa) Vs UK for racism ?

UK gets beaten here every time.

It is so racist in Thailand, you just don't get it ! We are singled out every time in every and any event/happening/transaction etc.....

Poor baby, I'm sure you'll get over it! But there again, if you're not a Caucasian national, perhaps you wouldn't see it althoug it's more probable you would chose to ignore it. Me, I'm white Anglo Saxon and the issue hits me every time I visit UK.

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The OP describes two main issues, racism and land ownership, I ask you, which country is more racist, Thailand or the UK? Despite all the legislation in the world the UK wins that title in my book.

As for land ownership: it's always been that way, it's not a secret that a person suddenly finds out about and it's definitely nothing new. The earlier poster who suggests that Thailand has got it right on this point is absolutely correct.

So I wonder if the OP is actually describing the real problem that making him feel so concerned about his chance of success in Thailand and wealth creation here, is there perhaps another question that has something to do with penetrating Thai society/culture and understanding it all?

Thailand (well.... in fact, any Asian country including Middle East and Africa) Vs UK for racism ?

UK gets beaten here every time.

It is so racist in Thailand, you just don't get it ! We are singled out every time in every and any event/happening/transaction etc.....

YUP, "chiang mai" is pathetic. How can he be so naive to say such a stupid thing. Having said that, there are many UK guys in Issan that dont know who their Thai wifes brother really is.

Brought to you by a citizen of the country that allowed racism and prevented integration at so many levels until only very recent times.


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Wow... You got Thailand and the Thai people SOOO worried - millions of them are marching to the government house demanding the changes to satisfy you to stay here and grace them with your wisdom and funds without which Thailand might be doomed!!!

And some fun facts... Do you even know what is the origin of the word Farang?? Well, according to some stories, the very first Farang to visit Thailand was named Frank. Thais can't pronounce the name and it became Farank/Farang. Hence all people that looked like that Mr. Frank were called Farangs ever since. You said you were not an American nor Japanese but you didn;t say where you were from... I seems to remember Ausies calling ALL non pure blooded Australians "&lt;deleted&gt;". A &lt;deleted&gt; means clown. Not a very respectful nickname, wouldn't you say?? They also used to call all British people "POM"s as short of Prisoners Of her/his Majesty. Very uplifting nickname, right?? And I am sure most people in most countries have "nicknames" for people who look different. Many farangs here in Thailand refer to most Thais as Somchai...

And some more fun facts - accept for land, you can buy pretty much anything you want here. Buy a condo, get the yellow book and use that to buy a car, a bike and most anything else. I never had enough money nor was I ever interested in a football club so I have no idea what the rules for that are. I guess you checked and THAT's what pissed you off, right?

As some others already pointed out - If you feel so bad here, why not just go back ho,e or find another place you like better???

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It is amazing to see the whining going on in many posts. If you don’t like it then yes you should go home if it is soooo much better over there. I also like to see some changes of certain rules (laws) which restrict us “Farangs” but I also understand Thailand which probably protects itself from becoming too much ruled by immigrants. Look what is happening in the UK, France and other western countries where immigrants try to change the law into the laws of their homelands. Just saw an article in an Austrian paper his morning stating that a butcher has been forbidden to slaughter pigs because some neighbors from a minority group have sued him for the reason that slaughtering pigs will traumatize the children even tough his modernized slaughter house is of the highest standards meaning sound. Guys remember if you are a guest in another country then follow the rules of the land. Being 28 years in the country I still like to be a guest here.

Agreed but instead of using the word "guest" you should choose the word "customer".

You will never be a guest in this country,from the first moment at the immigration desk in the arrival hall

to the last moment at your funeral or at the immigration desk in the departure hall:you always will be a customer here,

thats a fact.

I can live with that

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None, i only think it was not very nice what you wrote, dear boy.

Dear boy ?

What are you?

A man attracted to 90 year old Czechoslovakian hermaphrodites?


Well you can't blame him/her for that, everywhere I go people want a piece of my action. tongue.png

Please exclude me old chap and will reserve judgement on the OP since my response usually sets the place on fire cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

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I don't know what country you come from, but I sure do not want to return and stay in the over crowded, overtaxed, always take care of the rich. UK. Thailand has it's disadvantages, but if using the word Farang upsets you, then you will never be happy anywhere, and it is not raciest.

The good far outweighs the bad in this country., but with me coming from the UK,it's easy to say that.

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the OP is realizing for himself, what I also concluded months ago.

he is wise to leave before things get worse for him, and they can indeed get worse,

kicking him on his way out the door, is part of that unwelcome feeling he has, as, the willingness of members to do that to him,

is precisely the example of Thainess, that you all have absorbed,

it is not ok,

to treat people this way,

the fact that you all enjoy it,

is pathetic

OP, get your money out of Thai banks while you can,

there are a host of unknowns about to hit Thailand,

do not get caught in the sweeps

If they are "unknowns" how do you know about them ?

Is the sky going to fall in too ?

Quick everyone, abandon ship ! ?........yeah right.

if you feel unwelcome and lower than low class in Thail-la-land now,

wait until the military dictatorship is unable to keep control of inflation and scarcity,

the first targets will be anyone with a white face

You've been on TVF a long time!! Maybe you're a speed reader to get up to date with the situation that has developed here?

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Thailand is a beautiful place if you do not like the laws rules and regulations then why oh why are you here senior member pbeieio???????

you can have a business here, is it that you just want to be better than anyone other Farangs that live here, you can always leave go back to the country you come from, Thai people are warm friendly very welcoming people and they have to put up with a lot of Sh------- from a lot of ferangs that think they have the right to shout get drunk and behave like an idiot, I would go home if I were you and leave all us farangs that are more than happy living here, like me a very happy FERANG xx

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