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China gay arrests linked to Tienanmen anniversary

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Gay relationships have been legal in China since 1997 but, shortly before the seminar was due to begin on Wednesday morning, nine of the participants were taken to police stations for questioning and told to send out a message to say the event had been cancelled. (NB. The blog was dated 8 May)

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Christians vs the gay community have always been our nemesis. Christian evangelicals are the scorn of what is happening now in Africa. Even now in the USA with SSM quickly becoming law throughout the nation, these 'bible thumpers' are just having a cow and decrying the end of the world as we know it. Raised Catholic with a strong faith in my youth and a family with priests and nuns it took me into my 20's before I walked away. I just could not abide by what they taught. I just did not believe it.

Even now in America pundits decry that the 'good Muslims' are not speaking out about the extremists. Of late there are more Christians speaking out on the bantering of these evangelical bible thumpers. I read now that the Presbyterian Church has now officially agreed that ministers can marry SS and that marriage need NOT mean different sexes. Boy o boy, have the thumpers called out and declared that Presbyterians are no longer Christian but a cult.

Sadly, as with extremist Muslims calling 'unbelievers' infidels and must be killed there are 'some' Christians calling out saying it is their 'duty' to persuade through whatever means people who they deem to be not following their version of the truth. Perhaps they don't cry for murder but more like "killing them softly' would be the way I'd put it.

Edited by GoNavy
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