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Problem with a neighbours aggressive dog


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Basically there is not a solution, if they bite and you can prove who the owner is yes you have recourse but then it will still go on.

Whist you have this there will always be a problem of 1 kind or another.

"Our problem stems from one of our neighbours, a Thai family that live diagonally opposite"

A dose of "reality". Your first mistake was moving into an "indigenous" Thai ghetto neighborhood to begin with. Next time, do your research & look for a neighborhood populated by a 70% minimum demographic of ethnic Thai-Chinese. No pick-up trucks, hence no stray, mongrel dogs to deal with. Just the facts. whistling.gif

Edited by NativeSon360
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A few drops of vinegar to the dog's face with cure him. If the neighbor sees you and flips out, just tell him a little splash of water isn't going to hurt his dogs. He's not going to go smell or lick his dog's face to see it it was anything other than water. Smell is a dog's universe, and getting tagged with vinegar sends him a strong message.

Excellent advice clap2.gif

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On one occasion, I was walking two of them on my own, and the dog pretty much pressed me up against a wall.

Hi Peter,

Dogs are great at reading body language. It would help if you were more "dominant"; stand your ground, make your frame powerful (shoulders raised, arms wide, head high) and don't show any fear. Works for me - most notably when rushed by a pack (4 or 5) during my time in India - they stopped about 15 feet away and just let me walk right past them. He will soon get the message that you're the boss.

This will only work if you are confident though and may not be suitable for your situation. It's just my two cents in the subject. I hope you can resolve the issue whichever course of action you take.

Edit: Reading my post back I just thought I'd add that I'm not wishing to come across condescending, just pointing out that they are really good at judging how people react to their behavior.

Hope it doesn't read that way.

Good luck.

I've done this many times with no problem. Same when I'm on my motorbike. I stop and look straight at them.

Someone said a watergun. This is good but I would suggest nam prik rather than lemon. It will stick with them much longer.

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I have seen pepper sprays and Tazers for sale could be used against dog or owner if he gets aggressive or make your own with chilli water in a water pistol, use this and the dog will not come near you again, can also be used on the owner in an emergency. I personally would not let any dog or owner dictate to me where I could or could not walk on a public street

I agree with the above poster about the bullcrap of Thais having friends we also have friends or enough money to buy a few for the night

I had a problem on a back road where dogs would go for my Honda Phantom as it makes a different sound to the run of the mill 125s.

I made up a chilli solution with vinegar then filtered it using a coffee filter and put into a plant spray bottle.

The girlfriend would then use this on any dog that ran out at us. In one case the dog went down incapacitated!

After a few runs the problem was solved and the dogs knew NOT to come out and chase this bike!

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if the dogs come to yours never pick them up!!! let them do wath they normally do sniffing each others bump they will tell by body langue who submit with out fight unless you pick them up

Great advice for the western world, but most Thai street dogs are contagious disease ridden and flea-infested. Why not carry a 100% "apple cider" vinegar solution spray-bottle, in-hand, @ the ready. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure whistling.gif

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There is a dog in the private soi where I live that goes absolutely crazy every time I (whether on foot, push bike or motorcycle), and one or three others pass its home. I have never done anything to upset the dog. The owners know it is nasty (it previously bit a child) so always keep the gate closed, however, one of these days they are going to forget to close the gate properly and it is going to attack me or one of the unlucky others that it has taken a dislike to (unfortunately a couple of those are little kids). The owners even went so far as to post notices in front of their house not to tease the dog, something I have never done.

I am a dog lover and have my own, but if that dog tries to attack me I will try to kill it. I could not care what the neighbours think but in fact I am sure a few would thank me for it. Everyone is scared of it.

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I have seen pepper sprays and Tazers for sale could be used against dog or owner if he gets aggressive or make your own with chilli water in a water pistol, use this and the dog will not come near you again, can also be used on the owner in an emergency. I personally would not let any dog or owner dictate to me where I could or could not walk on a public street

I agree with the above poster about the bullcrap of Thais having friends we also have friends or enough money to buy a few for the night

I had a problem on a back road where dogs would go for my Honda Phantom as it makes a different sound to the run of the mill 125s.

I made up a chilli solution with vinegar then filtered it using a coffee filter and put into a plant spray bottle.

The girlfriend would then use this on any dog that ran out at us. In one case the dog went down incapacitated!

After a few runs the problem was solved and the dogs knew NOT to come out and chase this bike!

That's way too much work. A 100% pure "Apple Cider" vinegar shot from a spray bottle will definitely send a clear "keep-your-distance" message to even a pack of wolves. Been there, done that and I've got the T-shirt to prove it.

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Dogs work much more on scent that they do on sight. Once they know your scent they will remember it. They will then associate that scent with how they view you in their pecking order. If you are a leader, you will get their respect, but if they view themselves as your boss then you can expect that they want to dominate you. This sounds like what is happening here. My advice; stand still, shoulders wide, chest puffed out, hands on hips and stand and stare and do not shift until the other dog either tuns and walks away or sits down with ears back. If they do either of these things then you have won. Scent association established. You might need to repeat that for a couple more times, but it will get quicker and easier every time - until it stops. A lot of dogs appear aggressive, but they are merely nervous or just protective of their area. If this dog does prove to be aggressive and doesn't respond to you being strong and staring at him, then be prepared with either a chilli water spray or a stick........but only use these as a last resort. If the dog views you as being aggressive rather than dominant, he could bite you out of nervousness, so best to try and express dominance first. My own dogs are very well behaved, but if they smell someone they do not know and they come too close to the property then they will be warned - which is acceptable in my opinion. What is not acceptable is that your neighbor leaves his gate open when he knows his dogs are not under control.

Dogs say hello nose to bum...... it's their way of introducing themselves. Dogs seldom fight when sniffing each other nose to bum, it's the eye to eye contact that makes them aggressive. A bit like humans in that manner. At the end of the day, I am a dog lover, but I will protect my family first. A short sharp shock to a snarling dog that is not a re-known fighting breed of dog, will generally send them on their toes and not fancying round 2 ! Ultimately, it is the scent association and body language which dictates the animal world - we just have to understand that.

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There is a dog in the private soi where I live that goes absolutely crazy every time I (whether on foot, push bike or motorcycle), and one or three others pass its home. I have never done anything to upset the dog. The owners know it is nasty (it previously bit a child) so always keep the gate closed, however, one of these days they are going to forget to close the gate properly and it is going to attack me or one of the unlucky others that it has taken a dislike to (unfortunately a couple of those are little kids). The owners even went so far as to post notices in front of their house not to tease the dog, something I have never done.

I am a dog lover and have my own, but if that dog tries to attack me I will try to kill it. I could not care what the neighbours think but in fact I am sure a few would thank me for it. Everyone is scared of it.

Be wise, sir! This is NOT the UK here whistling.gif

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Fill up a big syringe with petrol, and then spray it on the dogs nuts when he has his back turned to you......That will keep him quiet for a while...

Edited by Paulzed
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You might try a water gun...with water and white pepper mixed...once you shoot the dog in the eyes with this spray...he will probably keep his distance...you may need to carry another weapon for protection from your neighbor...

It is best in Thailand to try and avoid confrontation...Thais do not hold farangs in high esteem...and are known not to fight fair...so be careful about getting into a shouting match with a neighbor...full of Thainess...

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I mentioned this before, had 2 vicious dogs try to bit me for weeks on my bicycle, I brought a pepper spray for 200 baht at the markets and when they came chasing my bike.

One spray to the face was like a lighting strike, they now avoid me at all costs. It 100% works

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I mentioned this before, had 2 vicious dogs try to bit me for weeks on my bicycle, I brought a pepper spray for 200 baht at the markets and when they came chasing my bike.

One spray to the face was like a lighting strike, they now avoid me at all costs. It 100% works

I'd like to get some of this stuff. Can you post a photo of it? Thanks.

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Or try an ultrasonic directional dog repeller. I have seen them in action, and they work. Being directional should not affect your dogs as long as your aim is good, see link for an example.



This outfit ONLY ships to the U.S.. They do not ship to Thailand!!!!!!!!!!!

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This may be redundant. The dog whistle is used by trainers to get a dogs attention as it hurts thier ears and is above the human range, which means if you use it to get dogs attention the owners will not know it. The dogs will get used to it...so it is only for certain training....like stop barking because ears hurt. Maybe some expert on this forum will comment. There are more complex devices made in the US. The devices can run on battery and be placed outside or run small cord for power, or inside and plugged in. The one I liked is designed to respond when actual barking is sensed, and sounds the whistle, which is saying to stop barking and your ears will not hurt. You can also use the devices that have remotes, and decide when to activate it.

If it were me being attacked by dogs...I would get a spray can of something they don't like and let them know there is a cost to that action...but I would try the dog whistle first. Keep it under the hand so the owners can not see it. The whistle are cheap. I am not sure, but this may work on cats too...thought the hearing range may be different...can always experiment. Once you know it is a good thing to keep handy. I once had dogs next door in the US barking at night when the owners were gone. I had outside speakers and put on classical music so low I could not hear it...but the dogs did. They seemed to like it and slept instead of barking. For a thai dog....maybe thai music.

hope this helps.

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Not sure if anyone mentioned electrical cattle prod devices for humans. High Voltage will knock a man down for while ( I used to own one at 220,000 volts and it worked well). One thing I noticed was animals were scared of it when it was turned on as it makes a popping noise when the sparks fly. I have been looking for one of these and today found it in khon kaen. It is a flash light with metal parts in the lens that spark when activated. I would not have know but I heard the crackle of sparks and went to see what it was. 600 baht for this thing can put down the dog or other large mammal if need be. Maybe a good thing to have on a bike, the crackle may be enough but if not...zap em. They won't forget you.

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Not sure if anyone mentioned electrical cattle prod devices for humans. High Voltage will knock a man down for while ( I used to own one at 220,000 volts and it worked well). One thing I noticed was animals were scared of it when it was turned on as it makes a popping noise when the sparks fly. I have been looking for one of these and today found it in khon kaen. It is a flash light with metal parts in the lens that spark when activated. I would not have know but I heard the crackle of sparks and went to see what it was. 600 baht for this thing can put down the dog or other large mammal if need be. Maybe a good thing to have on a bike, the crackle may be enough but if not...zap em. They won't forget you.

What kind of store did you buy it in? Can you post a photo?

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tylenol or anti freeze. The other alternative is to give up your dogs but that won't save you. I use really big rocks and a handy umbrella. Dogs do not bother me. I tell the dogs mah nee may nee. I growl and intend to tear them limb from limb. I would love that. Thus far they are afraid. It sounds like you will need an umbrella with a sharp end. Pepper spray? I no longer need to carry an umbrella or big rocks. The dogs ignore me. I am surrounded by dogs - many neighbours have 2. If one bites me he will die.

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I live in a little village in North-East Thailand near Nong Khai, and I have a similar problem with the dogs on the soi.

I don't have dogs, but I have experienced dogs aggressions during my jogging or riding my bycicle. My wife (thai)

say "it is better to walk in another soi", and that's her advice in order to be safe! Thai People are very nice , very

polite and very friendly, but their point of view and their way to think is totally different from western People. I have

been living here since 2011 and I get along with my wife but some circumstances make me thinking to come back

in my Country.

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On one occasion, I was walking two of them on my own, and the dog pretty much pressed me up against a wall.

Hi Peter,

Dogs are great at reading body language. It would help if you were more "dominant"; stand your ground, make your frame powerful (shoulders raised, arms wide, head high) and don't show any fear. Works for me - most notably when rushed by a pack (4 or 5) during my time in India - they stopped about 15 feet away and just let me walk right past them. He will soon get the message that you're the boss.

This will only work if you are confident though and may not be suitable for your situation. It's just my two cents in the subject. I hope you can resolve the issue whichever course of action you take.

Edit: Reading my post back I just thought I'd add that I'm not wishing to come across condescending, just pointing out that they are really good at judging how people react to their behavior.

Hope it doesn't read that way.

Good luck.

That's what I do. I remember being told when I was young that dogs can smell fear from a person (so too can humans I now know). When a bunch of Soi dogs come running at me as I am passing them and the lead one is looking back over his shoulder to see if the others are supporting him (remind you of anything) I turn the tables and make a run for him growling and knarring at the same time, they very quickly high tail it. If I'm on a bicycle I stop it and if they don't go awar I park it and make a run at them, as usual they scamper off again.

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Or try an ultrasonic directional dog repeller. I have seen them in action, and they work. Being directional should not affect your dogs as long as your aim is good, see link for an example.



This outfit ONLY ships to the U.S.. They do not ship to Thailand!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you not notice the use of the word "example"?????????


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Update... firstly, thanks to the constructive posts.

As per one suggestion, I looked for the 'Village Laws' posted inside the village. Unfortunately, they have been taken down, so we went to the main office at The Mountain on Khao Talo and asked for a set of rules. They have said they will send them to us, and also put us in touch with the village committee. We spoke to a thai lady on the committee, who said that she is happy to go and talk to him re. controlling his dog and himself. My missus asked her to hold off and see if anything else comes from these threats.

As of yesterday, he kept his dogs inside the gate, and this morning it was out, but when it started barking at the guy collecting plastic bottles he took the dog back inside the gate. Maybe he cooled down, who knows.


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Neighbor is laughing at you because you don't know what to do. Then he escalates the situation by coming round on a bike and confronting you. OK, he is worse than his dogs.

Cesar Milian, the dog whisperer, says: No touch, No talk, No eye contact. That works with most aggressive dogs and works with most aggressive people as well.

Someone suggested a few small rocks to you. That is what I do, and it works like a charm, especially if your aim is good. The stick is limited to a 5m circle, but the rocks, depending on how much you can trust your arm, can do a whole soi.

Crap dog with a crap owner who is a neighbor - pre-emptively chuck a rock as soon as the dog starts to posture. It usually reminds the dog what 's the point going to be.

Careful what you say to the neighbor, he looks like he is trying to turn it into a face issue. Just ignore him. No Touch No Talk No Eye-Contact. Works with Ladyboys, too.

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When you come into Ekmongkol 4 at the 7/11 there is huge sign .. all in Thai I must admit, but it deals with Dog ownership in the Estate. Get your wife to read it, this might give you an option of seeking an official remedy. Although I doubt it given the ability of the Estate Management to do anything well.

I also live in Ek4 and my house was once surrounded by barking dogs but it seems to have settled a few loud harsh words directed in their houses direction. a few rocks thrown and just letting them know you are around when the owners let them out.

My experience so far is that Thai owners love to own dogs but have no idea how to control them nor do they care if the neighbors are disturbed by their dogs bad habits.

The last sentence seems to apply to many and their children too.

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OP, your first mistake is to pick up your dogs. It only makes matters worse.

I am not taking a dig at you, but advice

Why do not you read some dog behavior books so you will know how to handle it.

Your neighbors dogs do nothing unusual.

Firstly do not pick up your dogs and do not run away or show any fear.

Secondly take charge of the situation and show you are the pack leader. Stand in front of your dogs and in deep affirming voice show the neighbors dogs you are the boss.

After that, let the dogs meet and sniff each other.

First round would be scary but you will find it is normal dog behavior.

For you to understand how your neighbors sees things. He does not see any problem, because he dogs have not bitten you or your lady. They have not attacked your dogs but are there to protect the house.

In his mind, it is you who is creating a problem out of nothing and trying to escalate it. In a way he is right.

Yes he could call his dogs back, but not all are knowledgeable dog owners.

If you in the mood to patch things up, you could even make all the dogs friends.

Ask the other guys to let dogs meet in neutral territory and by being the boss introduce the dogs and let them be friends

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