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Junta head to hold politicians responsible for their past wrongful management of the country

Lite Beer

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What gives a military dictatorship the right to hold ELECTED politicians, filthy though they may be,'accountable'?

One simple word: law.

LAW???? You mean that thing that PT ran rough shod over for 18 months and thought they were all above? That thing that allowed them to kill 28 innocent people with no recourse? That allowed them to break their word to the farmers?? That law??

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What gives a military dictatorship the right to hold ELECTED politicians, filthy though they may be,'accountable'?

elected ....


Yawn indeed. You couldn't even decipher a two line post, one line of which was critical of your enemies.

I only see one line in the post you refer to!! It is boring to keep harping on about the failed, corrupt election - tell you what lets have a proper election when this is all sorted out properly by the army - one without criminals and puppets and threats to candidates and car bombs and bribes and handouts - and lets see who wins that when there are soldiers at every poliing station and officers that people can report to to voice their complaints!! !! lets see what happens when the northeast and north have to follow the sme rules as everyone else but get the same advantages as a reward - the way that MOST elections work!!

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What gives a military dictatorship the right to hold ELECTED politicians, filthy though they may be,'accountable'?

One simple word: law.

LAW???? You mean that thing that PT ran rough shod over for 18 months and thought they were all above? That thing that allowed them to kill 28 innocent people with no recourse? That allowed them to break their word to the farmers?? That law??

These 28 people were killed by both sides and not only one, or have you forgotten the monk and his well trained, high on Krathom, freelancing Navy seals and the rest of his security trash?

Edited by hanuman2543
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all great, but only if both sides would be held accountable... which is unlikely to happen I guess.

both sides?

afaik since 2006 there was only one side in government (except about 1 year). Of course the democrats should be accountable, too. Guess who caused the bigger havoc

You don't know much about recent history do you? Abhisit was PM from 2008 to 2011 and corruption was worse than ever, especially from his pals in the Bhum Jai Thai party. You can be sure the Democrats and their allies won't be held to account though.

Was it really? How many reports on corruption levels and methodologies did you compare before concluding that gem? Perhaps you would be kind enough to provide the links so we can all read them. Thanks in advance.

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So the military will decide arbitrarily who they feel is responsible? Looks like judge, juror and executioner all rolled up in one. Not a nice thought internally and externally.

You just dont like the fact that theyve cleared up the past Governments garbage in 1 month and have the country feeling like a more honest, on track place!! Maybe one day youll realise that the answer to Thailands problems is in Thailand NOT in Dubai!!

Love, just what has been cleared out. What the general did was to stop the PDRC and the UDD from killing each other and put an end to the 7 months of economic impasse. The party act, election act and the all the previous government projects are still on track. No one from the previous government has been convicted for corruption. You really have to stop being Dubai centric and just focus on Thailand.

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Not sure how long it will last or how deep army will dig, but it appears this time around Army is very serious about cleaning up the country.

Well, they are "cleaning up the country" according to their own dictates, and desires. I doubt any proper legal framework will be used. I doubt any proper court proceedings will be used.

What makes you think that proper court proceedings will not be used? Reminds me of PTP disowning courts and making their own agendas. Personally, I think the opposite as modern day media is fast and international. Prayuth won't do anything to stir up international antagonism.

Or us it just the way you are feeling today?

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Amazing, isn't it? Be interesting to see how many cheerleaders remain if the Powers That Be decide it would be a good idea to start confiscating non-Thai citizen assets held in Thai banks.

... or revoke their visas and whatnot. The current powers That Be are not really interested in remaining a fruitful "friendship" with farungs, the latest "crackdown" should have been a lesson.

What is amazing is reading the two post above. "a drowning man will clutch at a straw" comes to mind.

Why stop at confiscating non-Thai citizen assets held in Thai banks, revolking visas and what not? Why not round them all up and make them walk the plank? That will show them a thing or two about who's the boss.

Yes, because that sort of thing never happens during military dictatorships. It will be different under the Thailiban.

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What gives a military dictatorship the right to hold ELECTED politicians, filthy though they may be,'accountable'?

One simple word: law.

LAW???? You mean that thing that PT ran rough shod over for 18 months and thought they were all above? That thing that allowed them to kill 28 innocent people with no recourse? That allowed them to break their word to the farmers?? That law??

These 28 people were killed by both sides and not only one or have you forgotten the monk and his well trained, high on Krathom, freelancing Navy seals?

You don't know who killed the 28 people, neither do I. Now that the RTP have been pushed into doing their job and some arrests have been made we may get to find out.

Why not wait until murderers and hopefully their paymasters have been convicted instead of making up accusations based on political bias?

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So the military will decide arbitrarily who they feel is responsible? Looks like judge, juror and executioner all rolled up in one. Not a nice thought internally and externally.

You just dont like the fact that theyve cleared up the past Governments garbage in 1 month and have the country feeling like a more honest, on track place!! Maybe one day youll realise that the answer to Thailands problems is in Thailand NOT in Dubai!!

Love, just what has been cleared out. What the general did was to stop the PDRC and the UDD from killing each other and put an end to the 7 months of economic impasse. The party act, election act and the all the previous government projects are still on track. No one from the previous government has been convicted for corruption. You really have to stop being Dubai centric and just focus on Thailand.

Their projects are still on track - like the ricefarmers, like the road schemes, like the supertrain to Chaing Mai - Love you have to stop posting untrue comments just because you dont know or read anything!!

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LAW???? You mean that thing that PT ran rough shod over for 18 months and thought they were all above? That thing that allowed them to kill 28 innocent people with no recourse? That allowed them to break their word to the farmers?? That law??

These 28 people were killed by both sides and not only one or have you forgotten the monk and his well trained, high on Krathom, freelancing Navy seals?

You don't know who killed the 28 people, neither do I. Now that the RTP have been pushed into doing their job and some arrests have been made we may get to find out.

Why not wait until murderers and hopefully their paymasters have been convicted instead of making up accusations based on political bias?

not true - we all know who killed them and on whos orders - rememerb the sms messages on the killers from Trat rememebr the photo of the policeman standing next to the M79 grenade firer from central world who killed the two little children - stop hiding from your actions and renouncing them - take responsibility for your demi gods actions!!

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So the military will decide arbitrarily who they feel is responsible? Looks like judge, juror and executioner all rolled up in one. Not a nice thought internally and externally.

You just dont like the fact that theyve cleared up the past Governments garbage in 1 month and have the country feeling like a more honest, on track place!! Maybe one day youll realise that the answer to Thailands problems is in Thailand NOT in Dubai!!

Love, just what has been cleared out. What the general did was to stop the PDRC and the UDD from killing each other and put an end to the 7 months of economic impasse. The party act, election act and the all the previous government projects are still on track. No one from the previous government has been convicted for corruption. You really have to stop being Dubai centric and just focus on Thailand.

You need to catch up a bit Eric. Projects have been put on hold - to be checked and evaluated by experts, rather than politicians and family members.

No one has been convicted of corruption - yet. The prospect has increased now the politically controlled Tarit has been removed, CAPO has been dissolved and can't block things anymore and 16 incompetent or "influenced" very senior policeman removed to inactive posts.

Watch this space.

PS - do you consider breaking rules and nepotism corruption or do you define it differently?

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Time to place more orders for Royal Thai Navy frigates ( ~ 15 Biilion baht per from Daewoo ) to beat back those pesky Rohingya.

I wonder which "past governments" will be subject to the Military's scrutiny? Will they be charged with crimes?

FWIW, the Military has messed things up in the past, probably worse than ordinary citizens, when they take on the additional role of politically managing the Kingdom.

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LAW???? You mean that thing that PT ran rough shod over for 18 months and thought they were all above? That thing that allowed them to kill 28 innocent people with no recourse? That allowed them to break their word to the farmers?? That law??

These 28 people were killed by both sides and not only one or have you forgotten the monk and his well trained, high on Krathom, freelancing Navy seals?

You don't know who killed the 28 people, neither do I. Now that the RTP have been pushed into doing their job and some arrests have been made we may get to find out.

Why not wait until murderers and hopefully their paymasters have been convicted instead of making up accusations based on political bias?

not true - we all know who killed them and on whos orders - rememerb the sms messages on the killers from Trat rememebr the photo of the policeman standing next to the M79 grenade firer from central world who killed the two little children - stop hiding from your actions and renouncing them - take responsibility for your demi gods actions!!

My my we have had our overdose of melodramatic soaps lately havn't we ?

i think secretly you must quite fancy Mr T , you are rather obsessed with him yknow wink.png

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LAW???? You mean that thing that PT ran rough shod over for 18 months and thought they were all above? That thing that allowed them to kill 28 innocent people with no recourse? That allowed them to break their word to the farmers?? That law??

These 28 people were killed by both sides and not only one or have you forgotten the monk and his well trained, high on Krathom, freelancing Navy seals?

You don't know who killed the 28 people, neither do I. Now that the RTP have been pushed into doing their job and some arrests have been made we may get to find out.

Why not wait until murderers and hopefully their paymasters have been convicted instead of making up accusations based on political bias?

not true - we all know who killed them and on whos orders - rememerb the sms messages on the killers from Trat rememebr the photo of the policeman standing next to the M79 grenade firer from central world who killed the two little children - stop hiding from your actions and renouncing them - take responsibility for your demi gods actions!!

No one has been tried and convicted based on the presentation of evidence.

You may have an opinion based on media reports, past behavior, likely prospects, etc etc. Unless you are in possession of or seen undeniable evidence then you don't know. You are speculating.

As for implying that I regard Thaksin, his clan or any of the UDD/red shirts as demi gods - to ridiculous for words. But does demonstrate a lack of thought in anxiousness to reply.

Once again, until someone is tried and convicted, we only know what the media reports. Now, you don't believe everything in the media do you?

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Extraordinary events are taking place once again, and it is important that this venue remains a source of reliable and accurate information so that those needing information to keep their families safe and informed are able to do so without finding a forum cluttered up with senseless fighting, rumours and speculation.

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Amazing, isn't it? Be interesting to see how many cheerleaders remain if the Powers That Be decide it would be a good idea to start confiscating non-Thai citizen assets held in Thai banks.

... or revoke their visas and whatnot. The current powers That Be are not really interested in remaining a fruitful "friendship" with farungs, the latest "crackdown" should have been a lesson.

Well, I was ready to marry you, but now no. You just showed your true colors as the song goes and it is red.

"foreigners living in Thailand would be protected, Prayuth said."


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You don't know who killed the 28 people, neither do I. Now that the RTP have been pushed into doing their job and some arrests have been made we may get to find out.

Why not wait until murderers and hopefully their paymasters have been convicted instead of making up accusations based on political bias?

not true - we all know who killed them and on whos orders - rememerb the sms messages on the killers from Trat rememebr the photo of the policeman standing next to the M79 grenade firer from central world who killed the two little children - stop hiding from your actions and renouncing them - take responsibility for your demi gods actions!!

No one has been tried and convicted based on the presentation of evidence.

You may have an opinion based on media reports, past behavior, likely prospects, etc etc. Unless you are in possession of or seen undeniable evidence then you don't know. You are speculating.

As for implying that I regard Thaksin, his clan or any of the UDD/red shirts as demi gods - to ridiculous for words. But does demonstrate a lack of thought in anxiousness to reply.

Once again, until someone is tried and convicted, we only know what the media reports. Now, you don't believe everything in the media do you?

I repeat - we know which side killed them and how it was funded - maybe you can close the red village booklet long enough to read back over th reports and see SOME have already been arrested and are being tried now Trat for instance where he admitted what hed done and who put him up to it - the reconstruction was featured yesterday - stop being a knucklehead and learn to read!!? Denial - the greatest red shirt weapon - straight from the communist 1974 handbook!!

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Amazing, isn't it? Be interesting to see how many cheerleaders remain if the Powers That Be decide it would be a good idea to start confiscating non-Thai citizen assets held in Thai banks.

... or revoke their visas and whatnot. The current powers That Be are not really interested in remaining a fruitful "friendship" with farungs, the latest "crackdown" should have been a lesson.

Well, I was ready to marry you, but now no. You just showed your true colors as the song goes and it is red.

"foreigners living in Thailand would be protected, Prayuth said."


Pretty sure you didn't have a chance, mate.

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So the military will decide arbitrarily who they feel is responsible? Looks like judge, juror and executioner all rolled up in one. Not a nice thought internally and externally.

You just dont like the fact that theyve cleared up the past Governments garbage in 1 month and have the country feeling like a more honest, on track place!! Maybe one day youll realise that the answer to Thailands problems is in Thailand NOT in Dubai!!

Love, just what has been cleared out. What the general did was to stop the PDRC and the UDD from killing each other and put an end to the 7 months of economic impasse. The party act, election act and the all the previous government projects are still on track. No one from the previous government has been convicted for corruption. You really have to stop being Dubai centric and just focus on Thailand.

You need to catch up a bit Eric. Projects have been put on hold - to be checked and evaluated by experts, rather than politicians and family members.

No one has been convicted of corruption - yet. The prospect has increased now the politically controlled Tarit has been removed, CAPO has been dissolved and can't block things anymore and 16 incompetent or "influenced" very senior policeman removed to inactive posts.

Watch this space.

PS - do you consider breaking rules and nepotism corruption or do you define it differently?

If you mean old wine in a new bottle, then it is. Not that it's unexpected that the junta will review and evaluated but still the old wine.

I will watch the space regarding conviction. If the previous government didn't stand a snowflake of chance in hell in previous courts, I tend to think kangaroo courts.

Are you still talkng about just the NSC Thawil case or there are more to conclude nepotism. In any case, I still feel that it's the prerogative of any government to select their top civil servant and moreover Priewpan was well qualified and in line for promotion.

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The control of corruption will require three strategies. First, the formal machinery for monitoring officials and politicians needs to be drastially improved. Most of the means to do this are already well-known and have been recommended by official commissions. What is lacking is the political will to impliment them.

Second, this will can only be generated by popular pressure. We cannot expect the bureaucrats and politicians who benefit from the political system to reform themselves. Thus it will be important to bring about changes in the political structure and moral environment to enable the people to exert greater pressure on those wielding power, through freedom of the press, decentralization of administrative power, greater transparency in government decision-making, and the reform of the political parties.

Third, the public must be educated to exert moral and political pressure to outlaw corruption. The mobilization of such public pressure depends on a clearer understanding of the modern concepts of 'public office' and 'public service', and a more widespread awareness of the social costs and political risks which corruption entails. We hope this book has made some contribution to raising this awareness.

Last paragraph of last chapter, 'Conclusion' of Corruption & Democracy in Thailand by Pasuk Phongpaichit Ph.D & Sungsidh Piriyarangsan Ph.D. - first published 1994 - this from second edition published 1996 when both authors were teacing at Faculty of Economics at Chulalongkorn University.

The above book is a source suggesting that the problem of corruption in Thailand is not new and (for those interested) gives tables such as, Estimated value of corruption by bureaucrats (million baht/year) from the Sarit to the Chatichi premierships - further the book explains in length the significance of the jao pho.

I conclude with the first paragraph of the preface to the second edition which analyses a quote; firstly the quote: 'The budget is like a popsicle that's past around. Everyone gets a lick at it when it comes their way, so that by the time the one at the end of the line gets it, there's little left... Most of the time corrupt politicians and officials escape unpunished. In fact, most of them continue to prosper and command respect in society.' (Nation 19/5/96) - There are two things remakable about this quotation. First, the author was not an academic researcher, nor even an opposition politician. Rather he was Boon-ua Prasertsuwan, the Speaker of the Parliament and Deputy Leader of the ruling Chart Thai Party. Second, his estimate that as much as 50 per cent of budget project funds was 'licked' away in this fashion excited almost no attention. It rated a few column inches in a couple of newspapers, and brought forth no denials, no counter-claims, no denunciations, no anger.

My points are two, one that Posters often assume the Thai political system and/or particular politicians/officials to be corrupt without offering any proof or even 'sources' suggesting same and secondly I'd like to know if any posters are aware of more recent publications on the issue.

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These 28 people were killed by both sides and not only one or have you forgotten the monk and his well trained, high on Krathom, freelancing Navy seals?

You don't know who killed the 28 people, neither do I. Now that the RTP have been pushed into doing their job and some arrests have been made we may get to find out.

Why not wait until murderers and hopefully their paymasters have been convicted instead of making up accusations based on political bias?

were all above? That thing that allowed them to kill 28 innocent people with no recourse? That allowed them to break their word to the farmers?? That law??

not true - we all know who killed them and on whos orders - rememerb the sms messages on the killers from Trat rememebr the photo of the policeman standing next to the M79 grenade firer from central world who killed the two little children - stop hiding from your actions and renouncing them - take responsibility for your demi gods actions!!

My my we have had our overdose of melodramatic soaps lately havn't we ?

i think secretly you must quite fancy Mr T , you are rather obsessed with him yknow wink.png

Very intelligent response truly you have found your posting level - did the bars in nana open early this morning ??

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all great, but only if both sides would be held accountable... which is unlikely to happen I guess.

both sides?

afaik since 2006 there was only one side in government (except about 1 year). Of course the democrats should be accountable, too. Guess who caused the bigger havoc

You don't know much about recent history do you? Abhisit was PM from 2008 to 2011 and corruption was worse than ever, especially from his pals in the Bhum Jai Thai party. You can be sure the Democrats and their allies won't be held to account though.

Another red shirt thaksinist cap doffer.

They cling on like <deleted> to an army blanket

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Amazing, isn't it? Be interesting to see how many cheerleaders remain if the Powers That Be decide it would be a good idea to start confiscating non-Thai citizen assets held in Thai banks.

... or revoke their visas and whatnot. The current powers That Be are not really interested in remaining a fruitful "friendship" with farungs, the latest "crackdown" should have been a lesson.

Well, I was ready to marry you, but now no. You just showed your true colors as the song goes and it is red.

"foreigners living in Thailand would be protected, Prayuth said."


Pretty sure you didn't have a chance, mate.

Dodged that bullet.

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