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Becoming less social as I get older


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Asked a friend of my own age, 65, via e-mail 'How are you getting along in your new home in cambodia ? Can you mail some fotos of your new environment ?'

Reply: Look in facebook. Three words only.

Isn't that nice ? You show interest in a person's well being, try to keep an old friendship going on over the distance, then receive such an aswer.

I'm not on facebook and will never join it.

Well, guys, matter of fact communicating with people of my age isn't easy as I don't like to listen to their endless monologues, nor to their health/partnership problems,

neither to their completely ignorant political statements.

Younger ones are annoying me as they too often are absolutely attached to their smart phones (often smarter then their user), more interested in television, facebook,

online games, taking selfies, chatting and whatever.

Yes, indeed, under those circumstances I am getting somewhat asocial.

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Great replies, thanks to all. I'm sure others found some nice comments as well. It is simply my life's progression, I imagine. First, i am the sponge....take in all knowledge from others. Then I realize everyone, including myself, is a complete moron and I try to find the answers another way. less movies, more reading. less linear thinking, more abstract. more existentialist development, while making sure this is all not some "absurd" (camus) reality. It is true, I am sick of the farang with girl, money, and health problems. I have heard it 1 zillion times. I am tired of the college-age girl who quotes hello kitty, if hello kitty does indeed speak. I am sick of the clown who says life can be solved by meditation and not working, then asks me for money. But, together, i am not sick of any of them. I am indeed in transition, and I feel i'm about 5-6 years late to the party. However, that is fine. Everyday I have something to look forward to. I do enjoy "retreating into my thoughts," but I certainly don't need to do that 24 hours a day. For me, I like to get out about 4 hours a day, and socialize for a few hours as well (before, during, or after I'm out). It is amazing to talk to some 25-year old kids and think, "wow, i hope i wasn't like that'. yes i was.

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post-209788-0-30302900-1402598038_thumb.post-209788-0-36060100-1402598060_thumb.post-209788-0-97844800-1402598112_thumb.post-209788-0-61485400-1402598143_thumb.post-209788-0-68635100-1402598187_thumb. I am not Anti social and I have 3 friends to prove that, unfortunately one is in the hospital

getting a new mechanical heart, the other is recovering from major surgery and the third

spends half of the year living in Thailand. I have to either save enuff money up to visit the one friend in Thailand or go see the others in the hospital, and I hate hospitals.

So I spend some of my time at McDonalds, or Tim Hortons or A and W, speaking with other seniors,

or I go stargazing if the weather is clear, and I have energy to set up my scope. I used

to collect pictures of beautify women, now I have pictures of telescopes! 555. Get a Hobby!, Find a Hobby, or go volunteering, there are many ways to interact with others

if you chose to do so. Just don't text and drive or you too may end up under a big rig

with just your tail lights surviving the crash!


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This is exactly the reason alcohol and other mind/mood altering substances were invented. I prescribe 12 bottles of Chang and six tequila shots. You'll soon be talking to everyone.

Language will no longer become a barrier and fashion will seem a distant memory.

Edited by ATF
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being at the border of the point of no return do I want to be social? yes after 8 cans of john kepplers I will talk to my wife,my dog and all the empty cans,not necessary in that order.biggrin.png

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You're born alone and you die alone.

Utter bullshit.

100% of babies are born with at least their mother present.

And a large percentage die with friends and family around them.

The journey you make into or out of this life is your journey alone no matter who is with you. The man on the gallows drops alone with a thousand onlookers

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I am pleased this topic came up.

It has sort of made me realise I am not so unusual. I simply cannot be bothered with the boring chit-chat, the bar conversations, having loads of so-called "friends" who generally turn out to be dysfunctional idiots.

I was beginning to think that my life was somehow abnormal and I should head off to a shrink. I get up, do stuff I want to do, avoid conversing with people I meet because it is such a LOAD of bullshit that most people come out with.

But NO!!!!

There are others like me.

Maybe we should all get together for a chat??????

Or maybe not..................


And if you think they are dysfunctional idiots already what a waste of time it is to talk to them in a bar which makes even less functionalrolleyes.gif

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When I first moved full time to Asia in my early 40's a guy that later became a best friend and my 'Asia guru' told me that 'you're on your own over here' and truer words have never been spoken. I was quite social then and had a lot of bar buddies that I drifted away from when I realized that they all said the same [negative] things, but with different accents and I quickly became bored with that.

Now, I'm in my late 60's and find myself comfortable at home with my younger family and have little need for interaction with others as it's too much work dealing with locals and aggravating dealing with expats.

My social circle has shrunk to a handful of people that I trust and can carry on a conversation with for more than 10 minutes and I've come to the realization that I AM ON MY OWN!! as my old Asia guru said 25 years ago.

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