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Retaliationship without a sex life possible or not?


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Not sure how Thais think. Once the GF said she understands if I want to go with another woman just use condom even at phuket she drops back with a smile on her face when the massage girls approached me but got cut once when I had a hotmail friend called Noina I never even met; "A bit hurt hon". La La Land of fantasy, your values are all over the place!

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Gee Sandman, sounds like a sad story. I'm in the opposite position. Missus is sex mad and extremely liberal, so is her identical twin sister. Whenever her sister comes to stay they insist on us all sleeping together - after a week of that I have to make excuses to get out of the house. My latest excuse is "twilight golf" which she doesn't really understand but seems to believe me.

The twin is coming down this weekend and bringing a cousin. I've seen photos and she looks so much like the wife and her sister that they may as well be triplets. I'm looking forward to the first few days of their visit but it's going to be draining. I've checked on the Kamagra supply and I think I should be OK. Last time the sister was here I OD'd on the stuff and developed an involuntary erection situation for the next fortnight that was a tad discomforting. Any sort of bump or touch and whamo, up she goes. Riding the scooter became a nightmare.

But my real problem is this. I invested a considerable amount of baht in updating the Missus' breasts, to the point that they are totally exquisite. I don't mind the investment and she is totally in love with them - a bit like a new toy for us both. But of course, her twin sister has au natural breasts and therefore although they will be facially and frame size identical, their breasts will be different. I suspect this will cause some friction and competitiveness between them vis a vis me, and this may be more draining than usual. Add the cousin into the mix and it's potentially lethal.

If I stop posting by about next Friday I'd be grateful if one or two TV members could hold a requiem service for me. Nothing lavish, but make sure you play my favorite song by The Stones "I can't get no Satisfaction".

Actually, I'm wondering if I should offer to buy new (matching) bolt-ons for the sister to even things out. It'd be a relatively small investment for the potential pleasure we'd all receive. Not sure about the new cousin - I'll see after a test drive. biggrin.png

I think you have died and gone to heaven, can I come to stay ?

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Gee Sandman, sounds like a sad story. I'm in the opposite position. Missus is sex mad and extremely liberal, so is her identical twin sister. Whenever her sister comes to stay they insist on us all sleeping together - after a week of that I have to make excuses to get out of the house. My latest excuse is "twilight golf" which she doesn't really understand but seems to believe me.

The twin is coming down this weekend and bringing a cousin. I've seen photos and she looks so much like the wife and her sister that they may as well be triplets. I'm looking forward to the first few days of their visit but it's going to be draining. I've checked on the Kamagra supply and I think I should be OK. Last time the sister was here I OD'd on the stuff and developed an involuntary erection situation for the next fortnight that was a tad discomforting. Any sort of bump or touch and whamo, up she goes. Riding the scooter became a nightmare.

But my real problem is this. I invested a considerable amount of baht in updating the Missus' breasts, to the point that they are totally exquisite. I don't mind the investment and she is totally in love with them - a bit like a new toy for us both. But of course, her twin sister has au natural breasts and therefore although they will be facially and frame size identical, their breasts will be different. I suspect this will cause some friction and competitiveness between them vis a vis me, and this may be more draining than usual. Add the cousin into the mix and it's potentially lethal.

If I stop posting by about next Friday I'd be grateful if one or two TV members could hold a requiem service for me. Nothing lavish, but make sure you play my favorite song by The Stones "I can't get no Satisfaction".

Actually, I'm wondering if I should offer to buy new (matching) bolt-ons for the sister to even things out. It'd be a relatively small investment for the potential pleasure we'd all receive. Not sure about the new cousin - I'll see after a test drive. biggrin.png

You Da Man!!!
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I didn't know what Akka people were, but a bit of googling found the Akha of northern Thailand/Laos/China area.

Black-toothed women.

Good luck with that. I say go for it.

MMMmmmm !!!! ethnic Asian women with black teeth, who are sexually liberal, nice.

Hey Sandman you should forget about Thailand and go to live in Papua New Guinea.

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Sandman says "... because after 10 year here always ends in the same problems, or simular!"

So, OP, you have learned nothing obviously... and now even built the house for your wife... so sooner or later you will be superfluous and ordered to leave... time for you to start your learning curve

Hey Sandman I think Albert Einstein put it best "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

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Gee Sandman, sounds like a sad story. I'm in the opposite position. Missus is sex mad and extremely liberal, so is her identical twin sister. Whenever her sister comes to stay they insist on us all sleeping together - after a week of that I have to make excuses to get out of the house. My latest excuse is "twilight golf" which she doesn't really understand but seems to believe me.

The twin is coming down this weekend and bringing a cousin. I've seen photos and she looks so much like the wife and her sister that they may as well be triplets. I'm looking forward to the first few days of their visit but it's going to be draining. I've checked on the Kamagra supply and I think I should be OK. Last time the sister was here I OD'd on the stuff and developed an involuntary erection situation for the next fortnight that was a tad discomforting. Any sort of bump or touch and whamo, up she goes. Riding the scooter became a nightmare.

But my real problem is this. I invested a considerable amount of baht in updating the Missus' breasts, to the point that they are totally exquisite. I don't mind the investment and she is totally in love with them - a bit like a new toy for us both. But of course, her twin sister has au natural breasts and therefore although they will be facially and frame size identical, their breasts will be different. I suspect this will cause some friction and competitiveness between them vis a vis me, and this may be more draining than usual. Add the cousin into the mix and it's potentially lethal.

If I stop posting by about next Friday I'd be grateful if one or two TV members could hold a requiem service for me. Nothing lavish, but make sure you play my favorite song by The Stones "I can't get no Satisfaction".

Actually, I'm wondering if I should offer to buy new (matching) bolt-ons for the sister to even things out. It'd be a relatively small investment for the potential pleasure we'd all receive. Not sure about the new cousin - I'll see after a test drive. biggrin.png

Jeez man you must have one on you like a Jerusalem Donkey, I think ya giving us a bit of baloney there. Are you still in your teens/mid 20s, I'm 72 do not need the stuff but 1 go 3 times a week is good for me. Does not look at my hair as much now.

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Thanks for all the support!

Of friendly people here!

Massage to the black painters here,plz stop painting now , the color is running out!

I think the most problem, Thai wife's have, heard everyday bad story's of other people , what happen with Falang relation ship, just another one also here from the village

A European married a Thai wife already have 3 kids, stay 3 years together one son first year, and 2. Child just born, because she not use condom!

After she visit one time Europe, a call comes back from her husband, my parents not like you , you not cook and not clean, husband want chancel everything send only money for one child, doctor advice her not having sex 3 month after giving birth

But one month later , she travel again to Pattaya and work in soi 6

That's only one of many bad story's!

The childlike curiosity ,

Of people heremakes the situation also not better!

Of everyone in the village

, it's like a contest about cheating farang and win money!

Some Thais want help other, with advices , in relationship problems

But it's like the circle of devil

And reflect in daily contact

At the moment I think I not get cheated but ignored , this is proberbly the same!

Iam okay, I only need someone to talk, the trees not aswer me, people only smile cannot talk but want know where I come from , and how long I stay !

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I usually get Sandmans gist, but I just tried reading his post with different accents. I tried Indian, but that didn't work, next I tried reading out loud with a Russian accent. It works a charm! So well, that I might hazard a guess that he is indeed Russian....but that is just a wild guess.

Try a country bumpkin Norwegian accent see how that works for ya

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Thanks for all the support!

Of friendly people here!

Massage to the black painters here,plz stop painting now , the color is running out!

I think the most problem, Thai wife's have, heard everyday bad story's of other people , what happen with Falang relation ship, just another one also here from the village

A European married a Thai wife already have 3 kids, stay 3 years together one son first year, and 2. Child just born, because she not use condom!

After she visit one time Europe, a call comes back from her husband, my parents not like you , you not cook and not clean, husband want chancel everything send only money for one child, doctor advice her not having sex 3 month after giving birth

But one month later , she travel again to Pattaya and work in soi 6

That's only one of many bad story's!

The childlike curiosity ,

Of people heremakes the situation also not better!

Of everyone in the village

, it's like a contest about cheating farang and win money!

Some Thais want help other, with advices , in relationship problems

But it's like the circle of devil

And reflect in daily contact

At the moment I think I not get cheated but ignored , this is proberbly the same!

Iam okay, I only need someone to talk, the trees not aswer me, people only smile cannot talk but want know where I come from , and how long I stay !

Pattaya Soi 6.....Doesn't really sound like the type of place to meet your future wife....Just My opinion.

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Three a day for three years is around 3,300 times. So what do you reckon you would have paid for each one?

At 500 a pop it would be 1.65 mill baht, at 1000 a go it would be 3.3 mil baht. You know the cost of the house , so does she still owe you or not ?

On a personal note, not to give too many details of my sex life, I've been married for a lot lot longer than 3 years and neither of us still want it 3 times a day. I think that is normal.

some of us want five times a day. unfortunately "want" is not "can" crying.gif

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I learn many thinks every day,but find out that all also not help, everybody of us must find there own way of life!

But this seems to be sometime not a easy task!

Only in a country of perfection , where mr swiss 1969 lives everything goes there right way right?

One time I read on a swiss board people in your country, are very intolerant , when someone not understand everything quickly , and need longer to consider a problem before aswer!

So please clean first in front of your house door before you point with the finger to people in the public you don't know !

Proberbly you also not like this!

Please think about it!


Does Thailand has also psychological doctors that can handle relationship problems!, I never heard read about this here on tv?

The question for me, is there away outside of the crisis!

watch porn!helps a lot and you won't be thinking about this problem.

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Both your ages are relevant. All desire and impulse born of hormones. If hormones and change of life issue, this has options. If not, realize a woman's desire is a complicated thing, most often born of emotional connection, security, and affection.

It's quite true that love must be fueled and worked on. Let's assume you both married from love and desire. You'd be exactly where most are a few years later- trying to keep the magic, feelings of unattractiveness, misplaced desire, and feeling unloved. Desire can surely be animal like, wild, impulsive, even perfunctory. But desire- love- cannot just be this. Often extended periods of proximity, touch, a warm movie, combing hair, massaging feet, reading a book, etc. this is the glue that binds love to desire.

Assuming this is not a change of life- for which help is available too- understand that the bedroom first begins in her mind. Indeed, most of it is there for her. For you it's mostly below the belt. This point is vital. You know it, roughly. But do you employ your understanding of this. Be romantic and not in pursuit of desire. Be romantic in your approach to life and romance will follow you to the bedroom.

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A relation is built aroung a sex-life although the frequecy varies over time and age. Without a somewhat sex-life I think the relation is dead unless there is an illness or a handicap that is the hinder.

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Man can't live without sex, so you have to decide weather you can manage with DIY or you realise she wanted you only for the house and get away from the relationship. I myself am in the position that you were 3 years ago but only once or twice a day and I have promised to build a house for my girlfriend. That is the chance we take and if it all goes wrong (no sex) after the house is built then we have to be prepared to admit we have made a mistake. Hopefully financially you can walk away and meet someone else. I have already got a five times a day (dangerous) girl lined up if things go wrong for me but there would be no more promises of houses. Is your girlfriend financially dependant on you? My girlfriend would suffer greatly if I left her as she totally dependant on me for everything and she not alone in trying to get more money out of me but she is very crafty and she thinks I do not notice. All of a sudden her 100 baht phone top up which used to last about 7 days is now only lasting 4 days. But I did notice her family phoning her, then she hangs up and phones them back so she thinks I do not realise I am paying her families mobile phone bill but I have told her and her response was to open her phone and throw the sim card away.. It is little things like that which piss me off. Last year I took her to England for 6 weeks (sorry if I am getting off the topic) and this year I am taking her to Hua Hin and Hong Kong so you can see she would have a lot to loose if she stopped the sex as I will always get sex somewhere. In answer to your question a realationship without sex is not possible so soon after getting sex 3 times a day.

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Gee Sandman, sounds like a sad story. I'm in the opposite position. Missus is sex mad and extremely liberal, so is her identical twin sister. Whenever her sister comes to stay they insist on us all sleeping together - after a week of that I have to make excuses to get out of the house. My latest excuse is "twilight golf" which she doesn't really understand but seems to believe me.

The twin is coming down this weekend and bringing a cousin. I've seen photos and she looks so much like the wife and her sister that they may as well be triplets. I'm looking forward to the first few days of their visit but it's going to be draining. I've checked on the Kamagra supply and I think I should be OK. Last time the sister was here I OD'd on the stuff and developed an involuntary erection situation for the next fortnight that was a tad discomforting. Any sort of bump or touch and whamo, up she goes. Riding the scooter became a nightmare.

But my real problem is this. I invested a considerable amount of baht in updating the Missus' breasts, to the point that they are totally exquisite. I don't mind the investment and she is totally in love with them - a bit like a new toy for us both. But of course, her twin sister has au natural breasts and therefore although they will be facially and frame size identical, their breasts will be different. I suspect this will cause some friction and competitiveness between them vis a vis me, and this may be more draining than usual. Add the cousin into the mix and it's potentially lethal.

If I stop posting by about next Friday I'd be grateful if one or two TV members could hold a requiem service for me. Nothing lavish, but make sure you play my favorite song by The Stones "I can't get no Satisfaction".

Actually, I'm wondering if I should offer to buy new (matching) bolt-ons for the sister to even things out. It'd be a relatively small investment for the potential pleasure we'd all receive. Not sure about the new cousin - I'll see after a test drive. biggrin.png

Top Quality!

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She doesn't love you!

She shagged a house out of you.

Now the game to winkle you out begins.


Congratulations, I could actually understand your post.

And commiserations on being taken for a house.

assuming this is not a troll post then yes, she gave you what you wanted until she got what she wanted then she didnt have to do what you want any more.

at least she was smart enough to make sure the house was completed before ceasing physical activities. my mate had built 80% of the house before his lady switched off the sweetness and now he's gone and she's still only got 80% of a house.

i guess you were naive about thai's when you struck the 3 times a day deal with her, thais will invariably not keep their side of a bargain.

solution; take away something you give her, e.g. allowance, until she mends her ways or get a gik/mia noi, its what a thai guy would do and if she complains tell her its thai culture.

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