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Spray foam requested to clean oil-stained beach in Rayong


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Spray foam requested to clean oil-stained beach in Rayong

RAYONG, 13 June 2014, (NNT) - Officials in Rayong Province have requested spray foam from Chonburi administration office to eliminate oil slick on Maerampueng Beach, expecting to reopen the site to tourists this weekend.

As the cleaning operation entered its third day on Thursday, Rayong Governor Tanee Samartkij and the head of Tapong local administration visited the site to inspect the clean-up operation. The Governor said the oil slick was still clearly visible on the beach.

The Rayong Governor said that he would contact the Chonburi Provincial Administration for supplies of oil cleaning foam. Chonburi, which has in the past faced a similar incident at its famous Bang San Beach, still has a stockpile of foam used to clean up oil slick.

According to Mr. Tanee, if the cleaning process goes smoothly as planned, the beach should be re-opened for business this weekend.

Governor Tanee said officials are checking the wind direction and boat traveling routes as well as trying to confirm the type of oil the slick came from, in order to find out where it originated.

-- NNT 2014-06-13 footer_n.gif

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Who in their right mind would travel to Thailand for beach time with this kind of reported Thai action and response? Local Thai "officials" are 'requesting' spray foam from regional "officials." Why wouldn't there be more decisive action and resourcing in Thailand? Are they just doing something as little as possible to cover that they are at least doing something? It seems like merely motion exercise in Thailand, not real remedial action.

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Spray foam, oil-spill dispersant, does not remove oil or clean up a slick and it is frequently causes skin reactions to those exposed to it. Ideally, it is applied to the oilspill while still offshore with the hopes of expediting its natural breakdown prior to it reaching the beach.

These Thai politicians talk about oil spills like they are scrubbing some grease off a dinner plate AND its amazing how many Thai people fall for it. Within a week of the big spill in Koh Samet, I had Thai people reassuring me it had all been cleaned up. They honestly believed it.

The best thing that can happen to Thailand is for tourists to learn of the environmental degradation that is so rampant in LOS and take their tourist dollars and Euros elsewhere.

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I just love the responses the Thais have for disasters. Remember the idea for using all the boat propellers to move the flood waters downstream. It would be cute if they weren't adults coming up with this stuff.

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