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dropped 300 baht in street.....


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My GF left her small purse at a small outdoor Thai restaurant with phone, 5000 baht, ATM Card, ID, Driver's License. Went back 20 minutes later and it was gone. No one else had been in this 4 table restaurant except the two workers and it was still empty when we returned. Nope, they hadn't seen it...yeah. By the end of the day we had it all straighten out with new ATM card, ID, DL, phone and money replaced (by me).

However, I left my wallet at a fruit stand a while back. One of their customers pointed it out to the fruit stand owner. Later that night, still unaware I had lost it, I got a phone call from the owner telling me. She had called Bangkok Pattaya hospital to get my number. I had the hospital card in my wallet. Now that was going above and beyond.

Good and bad.

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Why do people feel the need to be aggressive when a simple question is asked?

Why do people feel the need to ask questions when someone simply shows aggression ?

Re-phrasing the same question as its author isn't a mark of enhanced cognitive thinking, but a 5 years old kid could do the same, just like people who have no argumentation to keep a mature discussion.

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I am always seeing examples of honesty with the Thais.

BTW See how you were mercilessly attacked in the first two posts!

As nice as this is, I've also seen many examples of honesty with Thais, but they tend to be drowned out by the dodgy deeds. Btw, I like your definition of 'attacked', it's amusing.

Yes, on reflection, mercilessly attacked was a tad strong. Perhaps I am commenting on the coming posts!!!!

Coming posts, you can be assured the loser OP won't be among them..

Heavydrinker, maybe if you cut down on your drinking it might improve your miserable attitude.

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Heavydrinker, maybe if you cut down on your drinking it might improve your miserable attitude.

Miserable attitude ? Miserable to you perhaps, gold to others!

I'm sure HD will be absolutely chuffed at reading your words of wisdom.

Perhaps you should run along to your next doo gooders meeting or church group ;)

Edited by neverdie
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The Thais have always been honest with me, and I am always surprised. Why? I am not sure that in the states that the locals would have been so honest. The Thai bashers have to make their point, although they can never back it up with examples. Nice post. Thank you.

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Why do people feel the need to be aggressive when a simple question is asked?

Why do people feel the need to ask questions when someone simply shows aggression ?

Re-phrasing the same question as its author isn't a mark of enhanced cognitive thinking, but a 5 years old kid could do the same, just like people who have no argumentation to keep a mature discussion.

Agreed so stop being so bloody childish then, your not in class today dear boy, save your "lecturing" for your students

Or douchebags Anonymous meeting ;)

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Why do people feel the need to be aggressive when a simple question is asked?

Why do people feel the need to ask questions when someone simply shows aggression ?

Re-phrasing the same question as its author isn't a mark of enhanced cognitive thinking, but a 5 years old kid could do the same, just like people who have no argumentation to keep a mature discussion.

Agreed so stop being so bloody childish then, your not in class today dear boy, save your "lecturing" for your students

I would allow myself to provide anybody with free lectures. Actually, back home, even the best MBA students are less condescending. But, it is amusing to observe how much people can get offended. I'd really recommend reading Bazerman & Chugh (2001) about implicit ethical biases, which give a good idea on how psychological ethics are founded by subjective judgments.

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How people dress is a classifier - same as how people write - hence you being a nobhead

Relax, as your emotions got carried away. Note that the OP didn't talk about the way she dressed.

Well, I doubt he asked her; so how else did he know she was a Muslim?

Of course she may well have said "Worry not young man, I'm a Muslim, and I'll take care of this here cell phone." I don't think so though.

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Not happen to me but recently a lady returned a bag that belongs to an American with passport, credit cards and over 200 000 in cash to the owner. He gave her 10 000 Baht rewards. Not all Thai are bad, unfortunately in places like Pattaya and some other tourist area they have learned how to protect themselves against us and sometimes they go to far.

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I don't drop stuff.

Amazing to see all these superior folks on here who never drop anything or forget things in a restaurant.

Now back to the real world -- folks often forget stuff here and there -- that's real life. Certainly, nothing to be

ashamed of. I have left things in various places on a number of occasions. Maybe I live under a lucky star.

One day, on the way to the computer shop I stopped in the bank to make a transaction. Then I walked out

and left my Mac mini computer in its original box sitting on the counter. When I got near the computer shop

two floors up, I realized I didn't have my computer.

Walked back down to the bank, as soon as I walked in one of the staff came and handed me my computer.

This kind of experience I've had numerous time and always some kind, honest Thai saves the day for me.

Of course, I don't live in one of the notorious areas, so your mileage may vary, depends on your environs.

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Have a care Brad and Will or I'll send Big Fat Dave round to fart through your letterbox until you locate the humour centres in your brains.He was on the broccoli last night too so be warned.

Will, you got all hysterical and aggressive over the correct use of the word 'Muslim' as an adjective in the first place. Just because you have since been made to look a knob, don't get too upset.

I would have believed you if I didn't see some of your posts before, which perfectly picture your log-in name.

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I dropped 1500 baht in Soi Cowboy...buying drinks for ladies...that I did not order...

I was relieved of my smartphone...when I left it on the table of a crowded restaurant...to go to the toilet...

So...I know what you are talking about...it's all good...

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I would allow myself to provide anybody with free lectures. Actually, back home, even the best MBA students are less condescending. But, it is amusing to observe how much people can get offended. I'd really recommend reading Bazerman & Chugh (2001) about implicit ethical biases, which give a good idea on how psychological ethics are founded by subjective judgments.

What a load of feaces.

But who am I for stopping you and little Will from getting off, surely you've already climaxed and are now looking for the keyboard wipes again.

Edited by neverdie
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This Forum Sucks!

Every time the OPs get abused for nothing, no wonder no one posts anything descent on here. Most of the guy's on here have mental problem's I guess. I think its time I log out again for a couple more month's, this forum would wreck your head... The moderator heads must be seriously wrecked by this stage.

Losers get a life!

If it is that bad, why did you manage 143 posts? Wait till you need some help, ie banks, cars, computer, hospital, insurance etc etc etc. I bet you won't say this forum sucks then.

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But, it is amusing to observe how much people can get offended. I'd really recommend reading Bazerman & Chugh (2001) about implicit ethical biases, which give a good idea on how psychological ethics are founded by subjective judgments.

Oh no! A bar Stool psychologist analysing the ethics of posting on an anonymous forum. I bet Will sets parties on fire....

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Insulting people is not the best way to argue. Articulated argumentations with valid examples have been proven to be effective.

To sum up: I asked the OP why he used the term "muslim". He responded to me. Some others really got defensive (who knows why?).

Back to the topic.

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I left my phone at my arse while sitting on a busy street in Chiang Mai, only realised about 3 hours later, so I walked back to where I last remembered having it and a lady comes running out of a shop from across the street calling me over, she'd seen me sitting there, then seen the phone after I'd gone and took it and kept and eye out to see if I came back.

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this has nothing to do with being thai or not..it has to do with people being decent and honest regaurdless of where theyre from.. this happens to me often no matter where i am in the world good people being good.

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I asked the OP why he used the term "muslim". He responded to me. Some others really got defensive (who knows why?).

Erm...because she was Muslim? Why did you feel the need to get all uppity should be the question you are asking yourself surely Dr Crane?

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But, it is amusing to observe how much people can get offended. I'd really recommend reading Bazerman & Chugh (2001) about implicit ethical biases, which give a good idea on how psychological ethics are founded by subjective judgments.

Oh no! A bar Stool psychologist analysing the ethics of posting on an anonymous forum. I bet Will sets parties on fire....

Only at his all male felching parties.

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