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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford to return to office after rehab


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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford to return to office after rehab

TORONTO: -- Embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford intends to return to work on 30 June after a two-month stay in rehab for treatment of substance abuse.

Mr Ford notified the city clerk of his plans in a letter released on Tuesday, Canadian media report.

The Toronto politician has been stripped of many of his powers after admitting using and purchasing illegal drugs while mayor.

He is currently seeking re-election to the office on 27 October.

"Kindly be advised that I will be returning to work at City Hall on Monday, June 30th, 2014, in the later portion of the afternoon," Mr Ford wrote in a letter to Ulli Watkiss, according to Canadian media.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-27890111

-- BBC 2014-06-18

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To err is human, to forgive is divine.

OK ... one more time

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

OK ... one more time

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

OK ... one more time

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Mayor Ford says ... Thank you in advance for

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

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Oh yes, brilliant. Alcoholic, drug user, crack cocaine blacks and Hells Angels friend and drunk party goer (also in City Hall), you get what you see type, all excellent qualifications to be in charge of the most important city in Canada. Bravo, Bravissimo! Maybe he should be on a ballot for Prime Minister job?

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norvid what is wrong with blacks?????

It is not his friends that people care about it is his results.

take a look at some of the presidents they have had in the US.

Take a look at WC in Britain. Old drank like a fish, smoked cigars cantankerous did not get along with anyone.

The bottom line when you are a taxpayer is not what he is doing in his private time but more importantly what is he doing when he is working.

I would rather have an addict that hung around with the people be the not so clean people that did what he said he would do when he ran than a guy that hangs around with the in crowd looks pretty says all the right things but does nothing.

That is what people see in him.

The trick for him is to get clean stay clean and prove that he can do the job when he is sober.

The US had a mayor that they thought was the greatest thing since sliced bread until he got so high he could not do the job and still he got lot's of votes.

Can you say marion barry

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You can not make this stuff up...what does it say about the people who vote for someone like Rob to represent them...do you want a drunk...crack-head...making economic and security decisions for your city...I hope not...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He should have resigned long ago...has already been stripped of key responsibilities. Anyone could beat this clown at the polls

Don't be so sure.................burp.gif

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Oh yes, brilliant. Alcoholic, drug user, crack cocaine blacks and Hells Angels friend and drunk party goer (also in City Hall), you get what you see type, all excellent qualifications to be in charge of the most important city in Canada. Bravo, Bravissimo! Maybe he should be on a ballot for Prime Minister job?

I'd rather have him as PM than a racist prick.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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You can not make this stuff up...what does it say about the people who vote for someone like Rob to represent them...do you want a drunk...crack-head...making economic and security decisions for your city...I hope not...

Hey if he is making the right decisions why not?

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“I’ll make sure that &lt;deleted&gt;’s dead. I need fuckin’ 10 minutes to make sure he’s dead. I’m a sick &lt;deleted&gt;, dude.”

-Rob Ford (talking gibberish while intoxicated).

He'll never be accused of being too dull, so there's that in his favor.


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Was he actually doing a poor job as Mayor? Are all of the posters so far from Toronto?

Drug/alcohol dependence is considered a medical condition in the US and if he has gone through a treatment program and he was a good mayor before his illness, then why should he not be allowed to continue?

If nothing else, its refreshing to see a politician as honest as Ford.

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I believe I read only yesterday that the city will have a higher than expected surplus. I knew that his forte was fiscal responsibility and he has stayed the course. Source from the metro daily free publication.

Now, we're (ppl of Toronto) probably are going to get Chow as the mayor. Great, spend and raise taxes...

In reality, he should bail, as Tory, 2nd place in the polls, would get his supporters.

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He should have resigned long ago...has already been stripped of key responsibilities. Anyone could beat this clown at the polls

Do not say that too LOUD. And if we were not in Thailand I would be willing to place a wager with you on it.

Rob Ford ran on the promise that he would cut out the crap. Get spending down taxes in control and make Toronto a better city.

The interesting point is that he did everything he said he would.

There are a lot of people that are willing to forgive him his faults as long as he cleans up his act.

When they opposition has nothing to go against him with other than the booze and crack because his record as a mayor is solid then it becomes a new game if he is clean and sober.

Toronto has had some very different Mayors. Do not count him out. Especially with the number of people running that will split the vote into about 10 pieces.

A lot of pundits think he might win.

I kind of hoped so but it will not as Chow has massive roots and support in the city while riding on her deceased husband's (Jack Layton) tail strings. We saw how the province just voted, so I expect the same. I know they're from different party's but it's the same message, "keep the PC's out".

Also, it's better for Chow if there are more ppl running as she would be in trouble if Ford backed out.

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Was he actually doing a poor job as Mayor? Are all of the posters so far from Toronto?

Drug/alcohol dependence is considered a medical condition in the US and if he has gone through a treatment program and he was a good mayor before his illness, then why should he not be allowed to continue?

If nothing else, its refreshing to see a politician as honest as Ford.

Sorry to hijack the thread but I'm from Toronto.

Like one has said, he has done everything he has said he would do when originally campaigning for his first term.

Certain groups were salivating when this happened, as they never liked him and just went on and on about it.

Yes, his personal life is high maintenance but he did his job and has been consistent.

Ppl voted for him because he represented the "average guy". Maybe the average working man doesn't smoke crack, but he's overweight, balding, drinks and a little rough around the edges but his answers are not scripted.

To answer your question, he's not being prevented to run but rather certain groups would rather he not so it can go back to the way it was "social safety net BS"

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