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home made "frosty paws" ice cream.

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as most dogs love an ice cream to cool them down nestle have come up with a doggie one FROSTY PAWS.

has anyone tried the home made version.

1/2 cup of peanut butter.

32oz low fat yogart.

1x large banana.

a little honey.

mash the banana till creamy,add to the p.butter,the lw.fat ygt.and honey,blend well until smooth.

put into ice cream cartons or whatever is suitable [freeze]

will be making some tomorrow,my boy will definitely love it.

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Do you share with him or just let him lick the bowl when you are finisher?

we are only giving him vanilla and some small plain cookies, but talk about licking the bowl clean which he does,the wife has to give him it on a spoon.

I love my swensons and yellow mango but I have to eat it when he is sleeping,if he's awake he got his head in my bowl.

this frosty paws is specially for dogs as not to give him the runs[sh-ts] that is.

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A great site with loads of recipes for healthy treats for dogs is Doggy Dessert Chef: http://doggydessertchef.com/

thanks ayg.ours likes his treets every night after his walkies,he loves most fruits mango and sticky rice,apple,even lychee

he do get a lot of these treets from the pets stores but you cant tell whats in them,beef jerky is a favourite but he always wants a drink after 2-3 pcs.makes me think they have a lot of salt.i did find denture sticks contained a lot so I stopped them,so I shall make some new ones from the recipes.waiting for the wf.to come back with the yogart so as to make some ice cream.

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Whisky isn't really into fruits and vegetables. Loves cheese, though - the stinkier the better. His favourite snack is probably home made ox liver jerky, which is great because it's so cheap (unlike the gorgonzola he got for his birthday last week).

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well ayg.I made the ice cream yesterday looks good and taste's good,very easy to make as I have a blender so it came out very smooth,the proof will be in the eating this evening.talk about yours liking cheese we had to stop giving ours cheese and ham sandwich it was giving him some nasty smelling wind.

so for about 50bht.i made 1/2kilo.3x140grms.meiji low fat yogart,1 banana,1/4cup of jif peanut butter and a small dash of vanilla.

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well ayg.I made the ice cream yesterday looks good and taste's good,very easy to make as I have a blender so it came out very smooth,the proof will be in the eating this evening.talk about yours liking cheese we had to stop giving ours cheese and ham sandwich it was giving him some nasty smelling wind.

so for about 50bht.i made 1/2kilo.3x140grms.meiji low fat yogart,1 banana,1/4cup of jif peanut butter and a small dash of vanilla.

this is new he said sniffing for about 20seconds till the wf.tried a spoonful,no more that's mine 10seconds later all gone and the spoon and dish cleaned.

so I have another treet to try PEANUT BUTTER PUMPKIN

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dogs love peanut butter as do a large number of animals, for whatever reason, i dont know. we have peanut butter treats for babies in israel called BAMBA and goats, rabbits, dogs, monkeys, foxes, turtles, donkeys, dogs all love it. its a fluffy fort of cheese doodle type treat so not fattening, cant get stuck in the throat, and cheap, not filling... great snack.

also, my dogs love cold cooked zuccini (from our garden, had leftovers, they gobbled it down).

cant see any reason to give dogs dairy and honey or whatever. entirely possible to make good dog oriented foods that they can enjoy while we enjoy ours, without gving them fatty sweetened foods.

the only other perseon food i discovered the dogs go really crazy for is granola cookies made with brown sugar or mollasses. i dont know why they go nuts for it but they do... again it seems a majority of dogs love things with brown sugar in them. must be the stronger smell and the sweetness together... also bananas. why not just freeze a banana and let them play with it outdoors?

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dogs love peanut butter as do a large number of animals, for whatever reason, i dont know. we have peanut butter treats for babies in israel called BAMBA and goats, rabbits, dogs, monkeys, foxes, turtles, donkeys, dogs all love it. its a fluffy fort of cheese doodle type treat so not fattening, cant get stuck in the throat, and cheap, not filling... great snack.

also, my dogs love cold cooked zuccini (from our garden, had leftovers, they gobbled it down).

cant see any reason to give dogs dairy and honey or whatever. entirely possible to make good dog oriented foods that they can enjoy while we enjoy ours, without gving them fatty sweetened foods.

the only other perseon food i discovered the dogs go really crazy for is granola cookies made with brown sugar or mollasses. i dont know why they go nuts for it but they do... again it seems a majority of dogs love things with brown sugar in them. must be the stronger smell and the sweetness together... also bananas. why not just freeze a banana and let them play with it outdoors?

having had greyhounds for 20yrs.and they loved their treets but this was the first time I had heard that they love peanut butter,as for a frozen banana I am sure he would hide it in our[his] bed,there are 2bones,2balls,and his soft toy in the bed now plus half a ton of hair,but we can put up with that as long as he is happy.

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peanutbutter has alwasy been the vet's secret to getting many animals to swallow pills. horses dont seem to like it. but trust me, all the petting zoos know that mammals an s turtles emus chickens etc love bamba or any other variation of peanut butter. today the dogs got to share keebler's pb crackers, a rare treat as someone brought it in to our mini market and i bought up the entire stock (israelis are less keen on crackers and pb for whatever reason)..

i give them small bites of banana , not an entire one or yes, we would have buried food all over teh house also...

yesterday fooffo tried to bury a piece of food from his bowl on teh sofa using my pant leg as part of the 'materials' to cover it over. was hilarious as he grabbed the piece of pant leg and pulled over the food but the material kept springing back so he would patiently grab again and pull and cover... kept him busy for a while...

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